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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Brandon Blacksaint was waiting by his locker for his friends, the usual scowl plastered on his face as he watched some lingering students in the halls. As a senior, he had a number of free periods, and he and his friends would usually get lunches off campus for after school when they were stuck for sports. His attention was redirected to his phone. He was leaning against his locker, blissfully unaware, and uncaring, if he was covering anyone else’s. After all, to his left, there was a freshman’s locker, and as a senior, he had a hard-earned right to make their lives miserable. But to his right there was a fellow senior’s.

Kaya Zachary was sitting out on the school lawn where some other students sat with free periods doing homework. She had her earbuds stuffed into her ears, doodling aimlessly on a discarded piece of math homework she, of course, had gotten an A on. Currently, she was doodling a little girl holding a sword; it was a draft for her art project which, for her course, would mean to make essentially a picture-book, for any audience. Kaya decided to mold it around a little girl fighting nightmares. She was lost in thought, enjoying the rays of sun on her skin.

Mari grinned, turning back to Shane. "So, what would you like to do with our remaining fifteen minutes of freedom?" She joked, taking both his hands in hers and looking up into his eyes. She was excited, no matter how strange that sounded, to be alone with him even if it was for a short time. She couldn't help it, she liked Shane's company. Especially since they were a couple- or, something like that, and Mari had never experienced that before. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Finally, Abs pulled her headphones off, and looked up at her brother. "How long have we been out here, Zane?"

He sighed, "Twenty minutes. I've been waiting for you to finish whatever crap you've been doing on your laptop." His voice was equal parts exhaustion and anger.

She gave this awkward little laugh. It was her trademark whenever she inadvertently held people up. She looked around rapidly, until her eyes landed on a girl on the lawn, doodling something. She rose to her feet and grinned. "Come on, Zaney! It's important that we make friends and all that!"

Zane followed his sister across the lawn without a word. Abs crouched down in front of the stranger. "'Ello there! Whatcha drawing?"

I'm so sorry I actually didn't see you posted before me!)

Kaya was briefly startled; she wasn’t used to people talking to her out of the blue. She was usually quiet, and people had started to know and remember that. She yanked her earbuds out. Since her music was playing low, almost inaudible, she was able to hear every word the girl with the British accent had said. Before she answered, Kaya made a note that there was also a boy with her. “My art project,” she said simply, not caring to elaborate unless the stranger wanted to know. “Well, a draft of it,” she added as an afterthought, thinking it necessary to add since she was drawing on a discarded piece of paper. “I’m sorry, I don’t recall seeing you around here. Kaya Zachary.” Kaya paired this with a smile. The girl was quiet, but was certainly happy at being sociable.

"Ohhh! I like it! Very adventurous!--"

Zane interrupted his sister for a moment. "We're new here, I'm Zane, and motormouth here is Abigayle." He extended his hand, "Nice to meet you." If one paid close attention, they could notice a slight hint of a New York accent in his speech.

While Zane was busy making introductions, Abigayle had continued babbling on regardless of whether anyone was listening or not.


(It's fine lol :D )
“Thank you,” Kaya beamed at the girl, but almost instantly perked up when she heard Zane’s voice. “A New Yorker, huh? I grew up in Brooklyn, but now my family’s from Long Island,” she said brightly. She was quite prideful of where she came from, but that’s all she said about it, before she could robotically spit out statistics and trivia for the Mets and the Jets and subway fare and traffic patterns on the expressways and bridges. Finding it suddenly impolite to still be sitting, Kaya closed her notebook and stood, taking Zane’s hand. “I’ve been here since I was a freshman, and I’m a senior now, so if you need any help finding anything, I can help.” Ignoring Abigayle’s babbling, she went on to ask, “You say ‘we’ like you know each other. Are you cousins?” She asked conversationally. They looked enough alike to be siblings, but factoring in the different accents, she figured they probably were just that: cousins.

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Zane laughed, which was odd because he didn't laugh often. "Glad to know you're from the Big Apple too, but, I'm not that into sports. And, er, well, Abs and I are twins."

Abigayle had somehow made a one-sided train of conversation. The train started at a station discussing the doodle of a swordswoman, and appeared to be destined for a debate about the political situation in Morocco. God knows how she managed to connect the two.

Kaya couldn’t help but laugh at herself. “Sorry. My sister used to be a bucket full of useless fun facts, and I guess it sort of rubbed off on me.” When Zane made the comment about them being twins, she immediately said, “Oh, I didn’t mean to be rude, if I sounded like I was being that. I just assumed because of your accents, but that’s your own story and I have no business in that,” she waved off her own awkwardness, her attention momentarily pulled from Zane to his sister. “Too bad we don’t offer international affairs as a class, you’d be acing the Morocco section and I’d have to ask you to tutor me.” Kaya was rather enjoying seeing how Abigayle’s conversation had managed to evolve into what it was now. Since her sister’s death, she’d grown up as an only child, but her sister has been similar to Abigayle.

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"Speaking of buckets full of useless fun facts..." he gestured to his sister with his head.

"...a 1997 decentralization law passed by the legislature 16 new regions..."

Zane nudged his sister with his elbow. "Sis, pay attention, we're talking to someone."

"Oh! Oh, I'm sorry, it all just sort of spills out sometimes." There was that awkward little laugh again.

"Try all the time," Zane chuckled.

(Not entirely sure where they should be at within the academy.)

What do you mean? As in setting or classes?)

Kaya was taking it all in, an amused expression on her face. She forgot what easy bickering was like with a sibling. “It’s fine. You remind me a lot of my sister Elira.” A flicker of sadness crossed her face at the mention of the other girl, but it was replaced quickly. “I don’t know what fun facts I can offer you if it’s not about traffic patterns, honestly,” she admitted, shaking her head at herself. “What’s your art? Mine’s drawing and graphics.”

The twins looked at each other, then back to Kaya.

"Music!" Abs chirped.

"Acting," Zane stated rather plainly.

(classes, and you're very good at writing btw)


Shane looked at her before giving her a small smirk. He pulled her forward into a kiss. He wrapped his arm around her waist as he pulled her closer so that their body was next to each other. @McMajestic
Well, I figured it was like a regular high school, with the same classes and electives but with a greater influence on the arts program, but I'm not entirely sure. And thank you!)

Kaya noted the different tones between the twins, but she felt like she was slowly starting to get a feel for their personalities. Abigayle seemed to be more bubbly and have a childlike quality about her, where Zane was more businesslike and serious. If she was right, their tones made perfect sense. “Music and acting. I’m guessing you’re a singer. You have the look of one,” Kaya told Abigayle, before turning to Zane. “Are you any good in improv?”

Mari relaxed against him, kissing him back deeply. "Wow, you're not wasting any of those minutes, are you?" She laughed, kissing him again. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't in love with the idea of being in a relationship, and this was definitely a good start. "But what else can you do in fifteen minutes?" She asked, smirking at him as she leaned back against the lockers. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Abs blushed a little and looked at the ground. "Well, er, singing's not my main talent, but I can carry a tune. What I prefer is producing music."

Zane clasped his hands behind his back. "I try my best," he gave a barely visible smirk.

Kaya nodded, genuinely interested when the girl went on about producing. “Well, I’m happy for you. That’s such a male-dominated career, and class, I always get thrilled when I hear girls doing that type of thing. How did you get interested in producing?” When Zane gave her his answer, she turned her attention to him briefly. “Well, I don’t know if you heard anything yet, but we do have an improv club. Check with the other theatre kids, I’m not sure of the exact details, but...” She trailed off, ending her statement in a shrug. “How did you get into acting, too?”

@Magattahana (fair warning that I might poof for the night soon)
Abigayle beamed. "Well, when I was around 10, I was just fooling around on Youtube, when I stumbled across some songs by several electronic producers. Daft Punk, deadmau5, Tiesto, and so on... And, well, I just sort of... fell in love with the sound. It's hard to describe really how it made me feel, but not long after I saved up my allowance for some equipment of my own." Her face lit up while she described it.

Zane smiled when it was his turn. "When I was around 6, my parents took me to see the Phantom of the Opera on Broadway. Something about it just amazed me. My folks had to explain to me that the actors on stage were just that--actors. After that, I decided I wanted to be like them." He cleared his throat when he was finished speaking.

@redwood (thanks for the warning, if you feel the need to segue out of the conversation when you go to bed, go ahead)
Kaya listened intently to both their stories. “I couldn’t imagine buying my own equipment - I’d probably break it within a day,” she made a face that totally hinted that expensive things typically broke quickly when in her possession. “And good. You have good music taste - for a moment there I thought I was going to have to turn away and never talk to you all again because of a horrible music taste.” As Zane went on, describing the play and what drew him to acting, she nodded full heartedly. “Over the summers, when I go home, I’m usually in the youth orchestra up there, and we did Phantom. The music itself is enough to get me into theatre, but drawing took my heart. My sister got me into drawing when I was five, and I think I know what you mean when you say you’re drawn to acting. While drawing, I get to zone out and create something, and my only care in the world for an hour or two is my art. And when you act, you get to forget everything and try to bring a character alive. You get to be someone else, with different memories and history.” Realizing what she had said might be taken strangely, Kaya rubbed her hands together. “At least, that’s why I draw. And maybe that’s why I’d act, too.”

@Magattahana (this is probably my last post, but I'd love to still rp with you tomorrow. I might get a post in in the morning, but I'll be back in the afternoon. I'll understand if you take Zane or Abs out somewhere else)
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Abs grinned, "I treated my equipment like gold."

Zane smiled and locked his green eyes with Kaya's. "That is exactly what it's like."

@redwood (I understand, and while I'd like to, I'm going to go to bed soon too, and, secondly, I'm not sure how to segue out of a conversation when the person controlling the other character is no longer online. Goodnight btw.)


Shane looked at her with a raised eyebrow before shrugging. "That depends, in fifteen minutes I could had shown a few moves to dancing while also working on my next song to sell." He answered her with a smirk. There were many things that they could do in fifteen minutes but not a lot of them so he wasn't completely sure right now.
Mari rolled her eyes. That was definitely not the answer she was looking for. "Let's do the song thing since you obviously don't understand sexual tension," she said jokingly, sitting back down on the row of chairs stuck together against the wall. She propped her feet up on the one to her left, pulling her sketchbook out. "Maybe I can help you write a hit," @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Ronnie was sitting in math class and was bored as hell, he couldn't follow the math, and trying to pay attention was difficult. Because the other freshmen were loud and annoying.


Shane smirked at that. He liked seeing her like that so he just played around with her. "Or maybe it's because I'm playing around with you." He told her as he took out a book when he usually wrote his songs. He held a pen in one hand while holding a pencil on the other. He quickly started writing the different ideas to use on the songs or ideas that he could from one before he smiled. Maybe he had inspiration while being close to Mari but the song was kinda weird if he though about it. @McMajestic
Abigayle discreetly dismissed herself and left Zane alone with Kaya. This was another one of her little plots to get her brother a girlfriend, mostly because she needed someone to make fun of him with. Another part of it, though, was because she was worried about him. He seemed very lonely sometimes.

She wandered up and down the halls, whistling a little tune she had produced on the computer a few days ago, her hands laced behind her back as she skipped along. Her blue eyes wandered over every detail of the school's interior.

"How dare you tease me, Prince Charming. I'm supposed to tease you!" Mari scoffed, feigning anger, although it was hard for her to hold her laughter back. She had never felt so much happiness in a single day before. Even Christmas was a disaster. In fact, she couldn't think of any one time when she had been happy for an entire twenty-four hours, but she was certainly breaking her record with Shane around.

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