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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

(simply waiting for the next class to start... So Ronnie can interact with the story better...)
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Magattahana said:
Abigayle discreetly dismissed herself and left Zane alone with Kaya. This was another one of her little plots to get her brother a girlfriend, mostly because she needed someone to make fun of him with. Another part of it, though, was because she was worried about him. He seemed very lonely sometimes.
She wandered up and down the halls, whistling a little tune she had produced on the computer a few days ago, her hands laced behind her back as she skipped along. Her blue eyes wandered over every detail of the school's interior.

Trent, who looks like a complete douchebag, walks up to her and says " hey pretty lady! That's a nice tune your whistling there!" When I say Trent looks like a douchebag, I mean the whole nine yards, backwards hat, sunglasses......
Abs stops in her tracks and looks over the guy in front of her. "Erm, thanks..." she mumbled in her British accent.
Magattahana said:
Abs stops in her tracks and looks over the guy in front of her. "Erm, thanks..." she mumbled in her British accent.
Trent says,"the names Trent, but my friends call me T-rex. Might I ask what your name is?" Trent seems nice enough but she doesn't know what happened earlier today.
"Erm, my name is Abigayle." She held her hand out to shake his. "It's nice to meet you." Usually Abs was the center of attention, but this guy gave off a weird sort of vibe. She was the kind of person to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, unlike her brother, who nearly always went with his gut.
Magattahana said:
"Erm, my name is Abigayle." She held her hand out to shake his. "It's nice to meet you." Usually Abs was the center of attention, but this guy gave off a weird sort of vibe. She was the kind of person to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, unlike her brother, who nearly always went with his gut.
Trent reaches out and shakes her hand. Trent says "you are one pretty lady" this was one of trents ways of flirting.
Abs' freckled face turned a bit pink. "Oh, thank you! So, erm, what's your art?"
Magattahana said:
Abs' freckled face turned a bit pink. "Oh, thank you! So, erm, what's your art?"
Trent says "I'm in a drawing class, I think I might be one of the best in my class!"
"You'll have to show me your artwork sometime," she gave a small smile. "I make music." She looked around at the lockers lining the halls, up at the cameras dotting the ceiling, and down at the tile covering the floors.
Kaya, who’d responded to Abigayle’s comment of treating her equipment like gold, said her goodbyes and told her it was nice meeting her, and hopefully that they would have some classes together. As the girl left, Kaya nodded at Zane’s comment. “I like losing myself. Maybe I should’ve taken an acting class this year. Too late now, I guess. But I took what I needed to get into college, so I get a free period here and there. I don’t have anything for the next two periods, so I usually dump my backpack at my dorm, but my daily routine was quite interrupted, wasn’t it?” Kaya asked good-naturedly, obviously not minding that they had started talking to her.



Shane smirked at Mari comment. "It's both way evil maiden." He said to her while giving her another kiss. He pulled back looking at her with a smile before giving her another one. "For luck." He said to her. @McMajestic
Mari grabbed his shirt collar, yanking him forward into a deep kiss, holding him there for a minute before pushing him back. "For extra luck," she chuckled, flipping to an empty page in her sketchbook. She began sketching a bird from memory. A dove. She did it quickly. "I want us to go to an art gallery together. I want that to be our first date. We can go to a karaoke bar too. I don't know, something fun," she thought out loud. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Magattahana said:
"You'll have to show me your artwork sometime," she gave a small smile. "I make music." She looked around at the lockers lining the halls, up at the cameras dotting the ceiling, and down at the tile covering the floors.
"well...i will show you my art, if you show me your music, sound like a deal?"Trent said to her.
Zane wasn't actually sure how to respond to what Kaya had just said. He wasn't the conversationalist--that was more his sister's role.

Abigayle smiled at Trent, "Deal!"

@redwood @SomaFel
Kaya frowned slightly, realizing Zane wasn’t a talker. Or, maybe, he didn’t want to talk to her. Which would be embarrassing. “I’m pretty quiet too. Though I guess I don’t seen like it right now.” She shifted her books in her arms. She had her backpack on the ground by her feet but she hadn’t put anything away, but opted to hold them. “Well, I was going to run to my dorm and then I was possibly going to get something to eat. I don’t know how much you’ve seen of campus yet, but I can show you around, if you want?” Kaya offered, unsure if Zane would accept it. She looked down at her feet, a somewhat meek gesture from her.

Zane let out a very small sigh of relief and smiled at her, "I'd like that. Do you want help carrying your things?" he gestured to her backpack on the ground. It helped knowing that this girl was the quiet type, too. There'd be less pressure this way.

Kaya shook her head, waving his offer off. “I’m good. But thank you,” she ducked down, grabbing her bag. It was unzipped so she was easily able to stuff her belongings into it and shoulder it. After a brief check to make sure her phone was in her pocket, she began walking, gesturing Zane to follow her. “I hope you don’t mind, but I just need to run to my dorm. But it’s a block away from the beach, and I’m gonna show you that first.” Kaya said this with a cheerful manner. She didn’t expect Zane to conversationalize with her about that, but felt comfortable to talk easily with him.



Shane looked at her when she said that. That was first, a gallery? That sounded okay, he guessed. He smiled at her and nodded. "Sounds like a plan." He told her while keeping his smile. @McMajestic
"And we also should get some fake IDs. I know a guy who can make them for us. Don't even have to pay with money. Then we can get into a club by the beach. It'll be awesome." Mari grinned just at the thought of music that was way too loud, and dancing in a dress that was way too short. She hadn't had a good time like that in awhile. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
He made a broad, almost comical gesture with his arm, keeping the other hand in his pocket. "Sure, lead the way." Zane was actually kind of glad Abs had run off somewhere. Otherwise, every time Kaya mentioned her dorm, Abigayle would nudge her brother like a twelve-year-old boy in a sex ed class. He didn't want to deal with that right now. @redwood
Kaya maintained an easy, comfortable silence with him as she walked beside him. “I guess you saw some of the campus when walking to school. The boys’ dorms are pretty much in the heart of everything, the shops and cafes, that kinda stuff.” Kaya stopped momentarily at a crosswalk; the next block was where she lived, and pointed at it. The road, at the end of the block, started to curve. “We follow that curve, and there’s the beach. It’s nothing like the ones we’re used to, but, hey, it gives you something to do on the weekends.”


Shane looked at her. Why go to a club? They could just swim at the beach instead. What alarmed him inside his mind was when she said that they didn't have to pay, now that sounded suspicious. He could had glared at her but he didn't want to make anything awkward. "Well I know some family that would have a party soon." Ah, yes Dixie sweet 16, place was horrondous buy they knew how to pick music. "We could go there." He said to her.

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"Guess I'll just have to get used to it. I'm not even sure if I packed trunks when I moved here." He inhaled the sea breeze as they neared the beach. Prying his brain to make conversation, he finally managed to spit something out: "So, er, what do you like to do with your spare time? I mean, besides drawing?" there was a nearly imperceptible nervous quiver in his voice.

"A family party? Doesn't sound like the best place to play beer pong and dance on tables." Mari muttered, closing her sketchbook. "I guess you play buy the rules, huh? All the time? Doesn't surprise me really, but if we're going to do this whole 'couple' thing you should know I don't. And if you don't wanna be part of me that's fine. Just let me know sooner rather than later. I'd hate to start loving you and have you break my heart." Mari shrugged, as if her words were no big deal, and sat up, looking up at Shane. She had a feeling she had pissed him off, and was only making things worse, but she also knew it would always be like this if he stayed. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

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