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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Dante shuddered slightly as she readjusted the stack of sketchbooks in her arms, sharpened nails clicking softly against the metal spiral bind out of nervous habit. First day and she had already missed the first two periods. She hated running late but sometimes she just couldn't help it. The woes of poor time management. She pursed her lips as she checked the map she'd received from the front office to make sure she was headed the right way, her beat up red converse squeaking in a way that make her clench her teeth as she turned a corner. God! These maps were poorly drawn for an art school.

A frustrated sigh escaped the young woman, finally spotting the door to the digital art room with the comforting glow of computer screens spilling from the little window on the door. It seemed like it would be a comfortable room so far; no bright lights to irritate her eyes and they'd probably would let her listen to music after instructions were given.

Shane nodded at what Mari said. He himself had to go to the third for one of his class but he kinda forgot what it was. "So I guess I will follow, I gotta go up there too, third floor class." He said to them with a small smile. He nodded when Abs comoliemented his hair, it wasn't everyday someone did it. "Thanks." He said to her.

@McMajestic @Magattahana
"Let's go then, shall we?" Mari grabbed Shane's hand, pulling him to his feet and starting towards the stairs. She was upset in a way, that she didn't get to spend more time with her Prince Charming, but then she was glad about that because she hated how dependent she already felt around him. This wasn't like her. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Shane nodded at her. He followed after her, with a small smile. He passed a hand through his hair, grabbing her hand. Maybe he should write a song about hope or not, he just wasn't sure. "I really like days like this." He told her.

"Like what?" Mari asked, squeezing his hand a little. She looked towards the floor, smiling as they walked down the hall. This is insane. Boys don't make you smile. She shook herself out of it, trying to keep herself from getting high off her boyfriend. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Shane shrugged at the question. He just liked how the day was going. It just started but at least he was next to the girl he liked. "Well it just seem like a hopeful day." He told her while smiling. He was still kinda upset about getting mad at her but at least he didn't continue to be mad. He was real short tempered but he became all smiles quickly.

"You know, it does. Hopefully you'll carry me up the stairs." Mari joked once they reached the main staircase. She glanced up at the large amount of steps they had to climb. It was her least favorite part of the day. Mostly because she was always late. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Shane looked at her with narrowed eyes. "What do I get in return?" Hey, he didn't do everything free. He crossed his arms as he waited for her to answer while keeping a smirk from appearing on his face. He placed his face close to her face, waiting for the answer.

"Whatever you want." Mari kissed him deeply. She'd heard herself give that offer before. Normally when she gave it, she knew what she was getting into, however Shane was a wild card, so this was going to be interesting. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Shane smirked at that. What should he ask from her? That was something he wasn't sure off. "Maybe a make our session." He said that as a joke but his tone sounded serious. He wasn't sure how she was gonna react to that request but he just shrugged and picked her up. He went up the stairs while holding her bridal style.

Mari smirked. "I've had to do worse," she chuckled, wrapping her arms around his neck, ignoring the looks some of the people they passed by gave her. She could practically hear the taunting words. No one spoke out loud, but she could tell. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Shane chuckled back, but inside he was infuriated. He was sure if she was proud of that or not, but it greatly bothered him. "So is it a deal?" He asked again joking but sounding serious. Shane was what people called the perfect liar when it came to things and no would could ever tell if he was being serious or not, not even the best detectives.

"We'll see," Mari grinned mockingly, slipping out of his arms once they reached the top, walking off towards her class without looking back. She expected him to follow, though in reality she had no idea if he actually would or not. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Shane shook his head before following her. He stood next to her as they walked before healed forward and whispered to her ears. "I was just joking." He smirked after saying continuing to walk. He wanted to see what her reaction would be but he knew that he may had taken things too far or not.

"Oh I don't care. I'm still making out with you." Mari shrugged, her words effortless. "And just for future reference, I've slept with every guy in this school so if you wanna make a move I'm not gonna protest." It wasn't until after she had spoken that she realized the error. "Uh... sorry. I shouldn't have said it like that." She mumbled, looking away from him. Her class was at the end of the hall, too far away for her to hide in. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Shane stopped on his track when she said that. So because she slept with every guy on the school, she was gonna show off about it? He turned to look at her but his face was down not showing. "So that means you can just speak freely about it around me?" He asked bitterly. He had told her he didn't care about what she did before but she kept on bringing it on and on over and over again.

"It's not something I'm ashamed of." Mari looked up at him. "I'm sorry, okay? I'll try and keep myself in check. This is just how I talk. I'm going to have to get used to this whole boyfriend-jealousy thing, but wouldn't you rather know anyways? That's like question number one in all the movies 'how many people have you hooked up with' right? Now you know." Mari took a deep breath. Great job, you are successfully scaring him off. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Shane still wouldn't look at her. Was that her reason? Did he had to repeat himself? Did she just ignore him when he said he didn't care how many guys she slept with? Or that she did it before. He walked toward her and when he was close, he just grabbed her hand but still wouldn't look at her. "Why would I ask that? That would scare me off more than you sleeping for money." He said to her. "I told you I didn't care about what you done before, I care about the Mari I see right here right now." He told her.

Mari blinked. "What? No. You don't get to do that. You just got mad because I made a comment about sleeping with the school, and now you're trying to tell me 'I only care about right now'? Do you hear yourself? Shane, if you're mad at me for saying that, be mad. Yell, I don't care. Don't act like you weren't just being bitter about it." She stepped back from him, crossing her arms over her chest, wondering what was up with the sudden switch. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Shane bursted out laughing while looking at her. So she wanted him to get mad huh? "If I got mad now, I would probably do something I might regret." He told her. He himself had anger issues but sometimes those issues led himdo things he shouldn't do. "If I showed that I was made, I would find one of the guy who you slept with and made sure that he never walked again and that he couldn't reproduce ever again." Yes he was saying something crazy but why shouldn't he? He needed to calm his anger down before he did something he would regret later on.

Mari huffed. "It pisses me off when you laugh like that." She looked around. She wanted to make him mad. She was mad. "This is why I don't do boyfriends. They're irritating as hell." She stormed off towards the end of the hall, wanting nothing more than to hide in her classroom and draw pictures of people killing other people. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Shane didn't even let her take any more steps as he blocked her path. "You want me mad? I'm fucking mad, I'm so fucking that I want to beat up any guy that shows his face while we argue." He growled. He gave a glare to the teacher and students who wanted to see what was going on. "Wanna know why I am mad? You tell me that you slept with all the guys in the school right? Do you fucking consider what you say? Do you think I smile In the inside? No I don't, I just want to show them that you are mine but I don't want to be seen like that type of guy who just take someone as his property." No he wasn't gonna go that far, she had her freedom but she had gone too far. "I don't tell anyone or you how many girls I slept with because they aren't the ones I wanted, you are." He pointed at her chest while holding a glare. "Wanna know why I give a fucking second chance or third chance? Because I was fucking given a second chance after being backstabbed by my best friend and now here I am, having this fucking stupid argument with you because you want to see me mad and wanna know why that makes me laugh? Because I'm here alive and with you." He told her as his voice became quiet. "I may seem like I'm happy, but I'm not, I'm just someone who has done wrong more wrongs than you think you have done." What had he done? That was for another time to be told.

Mari felt tears in her eyes. She didn't understand it. Every time she got close to someone she ruined it. What the hell does he mean? What could be worse than me? She bit her lip, looking down at the floor. She didn't want to cry. She wasn't going to cry. A sob fell out of her mouth. She was crying. "Goddammit," she muttered, trying to wipe away the tears, to hide them. People were crowding, were watching, were trying to hear everything without seeming too obvious. "You picked the wrong girl to want." She whispered, not daring to move. She didn't know what to do. "You deserve a lot better than me, I promise. No matter what you've done, it can't be worse than my record. Extortion, Arsen, Murder, and that's just the stuff I haven't gotten caught for." She mumbled. "I'm sorry, I really am, cause I'm so good at hurting people I love, and you're one of the unlucky ones." She didn't know what she was saying anymore, or why. She just wanted to go home, to sleep, to wake up and find out this had all been a dream. Where had those words come from? She didn't mean to, but she fell against him, crying hard into his chest as she wrapped her arms around his waist, praying he wouldn't reject her. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Shane wrapped his arm around her, passing one hand through her hair, trying to comfort her. He didn't like it anyone cry and seeing her cry, kinda broke hum there but he stopped crying. He just placed his head on her forehead while whispering. "I'm still here for you, as I said, I only care about the Mari I met yesterday and the one I'm seeing today not the one before that." He gave her a kiss on her forehead. He saw everyone staring before he sighed and picked her up, he guessed that they could skip a few class. He picked her up and started walking downstairs. "You need some fresh air." He told her.

Mari nodded weakly, holding him tighter. "I'm sorry I caused a scene," she whispered, trying to calm down but finding it difficult to. She was overloaded. Maybe she was ashamed. Of everything. She just wanted to be normal and okay. Shane liked who he met yesterday, and that's what she wanted to always be. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

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