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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Mari chuckled, waving to the boy before walking off towards her second period. She paused, however, when she remembered it was her AP painting studies class. She could afford to miss a day in there. She smirked to herself, heading to pre-cal. She remembered taking that last year. It had been killer to spend hours on one subject. She peeked into the classroom and found Shane in it. She smirked, sitting down at the teacher's desk, and leaning back in her chair. The teacher merely glanced at her. Most of them left seniors alone. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Shane Emil:

Shane was working on the test the teacher had given them when he had entered the class. The test was hard but for him it was easy. He stood up and gave the test to the teacher. He gave a raised eyebrow when he saw Mari sitting on the teachers desk. He shook his head before excusing himself and leaving the class. The teacher always let the student do whatever they did when they finished the test. @McMajestic
Mari quickly followed after him. "So, where are we off to?" She asked, intertwining their fingers together as she walked along side him diligently. She leaned into his side with ease, completely comfortable around him. "I'll let you decide this time only, and then I call the shots." She added, nudging him playfully. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Shane Emil:

Shane looked at her before shrugging. "I was gonna go to the vending machine to find something to eat before lunch starts." He responded. It was something he has always done. He liked eating candy or chips before lunch started, it was more like a tradition if he had to come up with a word for it. @McMajestic
"Oh, an appetizer, huh? Sounds good," Mari smiled to herself. "So, what do you think of the freshmen?" She asked, genuinely curious. That was the first one she'd met that she hadn't immediately hated. It might be fun to have a little freshmen friend, or at least, she thought that. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
In Ronnie's algebra class, he wasn't having so good a time, he couldn't follow any of the math, and when he asked questions the kids would laugh and snicker, others calling him stupid for not knowing basic algebra.

Shane Emil:

Shane laughed at the question. "A wimp but at the same time a good kid." He responded. He wasn't one to ever call somebody that, but the Ron kid seemed one like it. He pulled her close and wrapped his arm around her waist as they walked. "But I can't really say a lot of it." He added at the end. @McMajestic
"Because you're a wimp too?" Mari joked, stepping over to the vending machine and pulling a couple ones out of her pocket, trying to decide what she wanted to get. One good thing about Bouvardia was they always had a wide variety of snacks. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Shane Emil:

Shane looked at her with one raised eyebrow. "If I was a wimp, I wouldn't be here now." He told her. He knew how to defend himself and no one has ever beat him after learning a certain fighting style. "I know how to fight and how to defend myself." He added at the end. He wasn't gonna tell her what fighting style he knew, why? Because he wanted to keep a secret. @McMajestic
(great logic, lol)

Mari looked him up and down. "You, a fighter? I guess that would explain the chiseled features," she chuckled, settling on a bag of chips and a candy bar. "But I bet I could take you," she added, popping a chip in her mouth, and smiling up at him deviously. She was only joking of course, but she played dirty when she got in a fight, so she probably would win. She'd fought bigger guys before. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Ronnie was getting more and more frustrated, and flustered by the other kids in class teasing and messing with him. Eventually he says in the middle of class "Forget this and screw you all!" Referring to the kids who were messing with him. Ronnie grabs his stuff and walks out, @McMajestic

Shane Emil:

Shane passed a hand through his hair before picking a candy bar and the purple dorito. He would had laughed when she said that but stayed quiet about it. "Well that remains to be seen." He told her before sitting down on a chair that was out. He opened the dorito chips and placed one on his mouth. @McMajestic
Mari sat in his lap, munching on her chips. "I think we should schedule an official duel." She told him. "We can listen to fighting music that you can write, and we'll three rounds. Winner take all." She said, opening her candy bar. "I probably won't be able to eat this if I gotta get in shape to beat you." She added, before taking a bite anyways. Mari just happened to glance down the hall and noticed Ronnie. She rose an eyebrow at the kid, wondering what he was doing out of class. @SomaFel @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
McMajestic said:
Mari sat in his lap, munching on her chips. "I think we should schedule an official duel." She told him. "We can listen to fighting music that you can write, and we'll three rounds. Winner take all." She said, opening her candy bar. "I probably won't be able to eat this if I gotta get in shape to beat you." She added, before taking a bite anyways. Mari just happened to glance down the hall and noticed Ronnie. She rose an eyebrow at the kid, wondering what he was doing out of class. @SomaFel @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
As Ronnie was walking down the hall, his facial expression tells you he is pissed, his fists are clenched, and he's walking toward Mari but not really noticing she's there,

Shane Emil:

Shane looked at her before sighing. "Maybe but when exactly?" He asked her. He didn't feel like fighting anyone but he guessed a spar could do. He just hoped he could find a fighting style that was unlike his. @McMajestic
"Whenever you want," Mari kissed him before turning back towards Ronnie. She noticed he was angry, and that he didn't seem to notice her. "Hey, Ronald, where you headed?" She called, watching him warily. Guys who looked ready to hit something weren't her style. She wondered who could have made him that angry in thirty minutes. @SomaFel @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
McMajestic said:
"Whenever you want," Mari kissed him before turning back towards Ronnie. She noticed he was angry, and that he didn't seem to notice her. "Hey, Ronald, where you headed?" She called, watching him warily. Guys who looked ready to hit something weren't her style. She wondered who could have made him that angry in thirty minutes. @SomaFel @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
"away"Ronnie says"I'm going to go find a school that's not full of total assholes! Sure I may not know math, sure I may be small, sure I'm not the sharpest knife in the kitchen, but that doesn't mean people need to mess with me!!! I'm not going through what I did last year! Not again!" Though Ronnie looked angry and pissed,he also looked like he wanted to cry.
Mari blinked. He was in a freshmen class, and it wasn't like freshmen to pick on other freshmen. "Hold on," she snapped, grabbing his wrist and holding him in place. "You are not walking out of this school. And if you think you are, you're crazy. This is one of the best places in the world to be. And you most definitely are not leaving because some idiots called you an idiot. Aren't you better than that?" She demanded, looking down at him. She felt like she was scolding one of her little brothers for being provoked into a fight. It was nostalgic in a way. @SomaFel
McMajestic said:
Mari blinked. He was in a freshmen class, and it wasn't like freshmen to pick on other freshmen. "Hold on," she snapped, grabbing his wrist and holding him in place. "You are not walking out of this school. And if you think you are, you're crazy. This is one of the best places in the world to be. And you most definitely are not leaving because some idiots called you an idiot. Aren't you better than that?" She demanded, looking down at him. She felt like she was scolding one of her little brothers for being provoked into a fight. It was nostalgic in a way. @SomaFel
"that's not the worst of it....."Ronnie says looks down at the ground"Trent's back, he's a bully from my old school....i can't face him! When he's around my life is a living hell..."
She'd never been in his position, so she guessed she couldn't judge, but Mari couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You wanna know something, Ronnie? You can totally face this kid. Check this out," Mari lifted her shirt up, showing off the nasty scar on her stomach. "This doofus I worked for stabbed me. I couldn't quit either. I endured him and his stupid knifeplay for three years. If I can do that, you can get past this 'Trent' guy. Just stand up to him. If you think my scar's bad, you should have seen my boss's." Mari added, letting her shirt fall back in its place. She glanced at Shane, wondering what he would think of that, but turned back to Ronnie, hoping she had helped him some. @SomaFel
McMajestic said:
She'd never been in his position, so she guessed she couldn't judge, but Mari couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You wanna know something, Ronnie? You can totally face this kid. Check this out," Mari lifted her shirt up, showing off the nasty scar on her stomach. "This doofus I worked for stabbed me. I couldn't quit either. I endured him and his stupid knifeplay for three years. If I can do that, you can get past this 'Trent' guy. Just stand up to him. If you think my scar's bad, you should have seen my boss's." Mari added, letting her shirt fall back in its place. She glanced at Shane, wondering what he would think of that, but turned back to Ronnie, hoping she had helped him some. @SomaFel
Ronnie was shocked seeing her scar, then said "well....if you could handle that I guess I could take on Trent, if he tries anything..."

Then, unlucky for Ronnie, Trent came out of the men's restroom over yonder. Ronnie walked up to him started to talk to him, then that's when it went down hill....Trent starts to push Ronnie around, Ronnie swings at him, but misses, Trent swiftly moves behind Ronnie and gives him a wedgie! Ronnie is shocked and embarrassed....
Mari huffed, walking over to the scene. "Hey punk, are you still stuck in the third grade or something?" She growled at Trent, cracking her knuckles. She was fully prepared to pound his face in if he took even a step towards her. She wasn't about to let some lowlife come in and wreak havoc. @SomaFel
McMajestic said:
Mari huffed, walking over to the scene. "Hey punk, are you still stuck in the third grade or something?" She growled at Trent, cracking her knuckles. She was fully prepared to pound his face in if he took even a step towards her. She wasn't about to let some lowlife come in and wreak havoc. @SomaFel
Trent looked at her, he smiled"well hello pretty lady! Please don't tell me your defending this weakling! Who cares what happens to him! Why do you care? This world has no place for wimps!"

Ronnie just looked straight up embarrassed. Face was red, his emotions were mixed between angry, humiliation,and sadness.

Ronnie still couldn't move because Trent still had him in a wedgie.
Mari sighed. "Alright, guess I'm gonna have to get physical." Mari grabbed Trent's arm, twisting it behind his back and pushing up. "If you move around too much I could dislocate your shoulder," she whispered in his ear. "So I expect you to leave Ronnie alone from now on, and also give me twenty bucks." She added, pushing up a little higher to make sure he was in pain. She grabbed onto his opposite shoulder with her free hand so he couldn't escape. @SomaFel
McMajestic said:
Mari sighed. "Alright, guess I'm gonna have to get physical." Mari grabbed Trent's arm, twisting it behind his back and pushing up. "If you move around too much I could dislocate your shoulder," she whispered in his ear. "So I expect you to leave Ronnie alone from now on, and also give me twenty bucks." She added, pushing up a little higher to make sure he was in pain. She grabbed onto his opposite shoulder with her free hand so he couldn't escape. @SomaFel
Trent knew his situation was bad, so he let Ronnie go, (for now), with his free hand he reached into his pocket and pulled out a 20 dollor bill, and hands it to Mari.

When freed Ronnie walks away, embarrassed about the whole situation.

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