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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Mari stumbled, almost falling. She just managed to catch herself though, and turned to the boy with a glare. "Watch it," she snapped, readjusting her backpack. "I'm in the middle of the hallway, how did you not see me?" @SomaFel

Shane Emil:

Shane nodded at that and gave her a deep kiss before pulling back. "Yeah, we can hang out once lunch starts, I can cook you up something juicy." He told her with a smirk. "I gotta go down the other hall." He pointed to the opposite side, which made him frown a little bit but shrugged it off. @McMajestic (got no idea what class it is xD )
McMajestic said:
Mari stumbled, almost falling. She just managed to catch herself though, and turned to the boy with a glare. "Watch it," she snapped, readjusting her backpack. "I'm in the middle of the hallway, how did you not see me?" @SomaFel
"sorry! Are you ok?!" Ronnie asks with general concern. "so sorry! I'm just a little clumsy......" Ronnie looks down at the ground embarrassment flowing through him.
Mari took a deep breath to calm down. "I'm fine. But I'd be better if you hadn't rammed into me. Honestly, Kid, you have two eyes to see. Use them." Mari grumbled, looking at the boy. He must have been a freshmen. He must have not known who she was. Any other guy would have made some raunchy joke about her by that point. @SomaFel
"so sorry....really didn't mean to run into you like that" Ronnie says,"my name is Ronnie, what's yours". He asks hoping to change the subject and talk about something happier.
Mari sighed, running a hand down her face, before looking at him. He was genuinely sorry, all freshmen were. She wondered if he'd know her reputation once he heard her name. "It's Mari." She said. @SomaFel
McMajestic said:
Mari sighed, running a hand down her face, before looking at him. He was genuinely sorry, all freshmen were. She wondered if he'd know her reputation once he heard her name. "It's Mari." She said. @SomaFel
Ronnie said"it's a pleasure to meet you Mari! If only we met under better circumstances... Ah well... Can't change the past only the future!"
Mari rose an eyebrow at that. "I hope you don't always talk like that," she muttered, although she couldn't help but get an idea suddenly. "Hey, what's your first period?" She asked. She could only hope it was drawing, but if not she could easily work around that.
McMajestic said:
Mari rose an eyebrow at that. "I hope you don't always talk like that," she muttered, although she couldn't help but get an idea suddenly. "Hey, what's your first period?" She asked. She could only hope it was drawing, but if not she could easily work around that.
Ronnie says checking his schedule"my first class is choir"
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"Great, stay right there." Mari quickly walked off to her drawing class, letting her teacher know she was working on an independent project, and getting a pass, before hurrying back to Ronnie. "You're my new art project. I've never drawn a scared freshmen before. Let's go," she said, beginning to walk towards the choir hall. @SomaFel
McMajestic said:
"Great, stay right there." Mari quickly walked off to her drawing class, letting her teacher know she was working on an independent project, and getting a pass, before hurrying back to Ronnie. "You're my new art project. I've never drawn a scared freshmen before. Let's go," she said, beginning to walk towards the choir hall. @SomaFel
All Ronnie could say was "uh ok..." He seemed cool with the idea.
Once they got to choir, Mari sat down next to him. A couple of the juniors in the class smirked. "A new toy, Mari? Weren't you just walking in with one?" One boy called. She rolled her eyes, looking to Ronnie.

"I'm going to stare at you a lot cause I need to in order to sketch you. You good with that?" She asked.

"Draw him like one of your french boys," Somebody else joked. Mari huffed, glaring at the stupid juniors. @SomaFel
McMajestic said:
Once they got to choir, Mari sat down next to him. A couple of the juniors in the class smirked. "A new toy, Mari? Weren't you just walking in with one?" One boy called. She rolled her eyes, looking to Ronnie.
"I'm going to stare at you a lot cause I need to in order to sketch you. You good with that?" She asked.

"Draw him like one of your french boys," Somebody else joked. Mari huffed, glaring at the stupid juniors. @SomaFel
"that's fine"Ronnie says "do whatever you need to do"
Mari walked over by the teacher's desk and sat down at it. Mr. Ray glanced at her, but otherwise let her be. They'd known each other for a bit since she took choir junior year. She propped her feet up on the desk, and rested her sketchbook in her lap, beginning to draw Ronnie. She was relatively close to him, so she thought it'd be easy to have a conversation. "So, is singing like your thing?" She asked.
"it is... My choir teacher last year tested me and I guess I have a 4 octive vocal range... apparently that's fairly rare..."
"Four octaves, huh?" Mari scribbled that out next to her outline. "Pretty impressive. You're right up there with Christina Aguilera." Mari grinned to herself, labeling colors out as she looked at him, before getting to work on more in-depth details. @SomaFel
McMajestic said:
"Four octaves, huh?" Mari scribbled that out next to her outline. "Pretty impressive. You're right up there with Christina Aguilera." Mari grinned to herself, labeling colors out as she looked at him, before getting to work on more in-depth details. @SomaFel
"If you want I can demonstrate" Ronnie says... Though already regretting saying that hoping nobody else says anything.
"Take it away, Kiddo." Mari joked, pausing in her sketches to watch him, intrigued by what she was about to hear. She hadn't hear a four octave voice range in awhile, and wondered how it would sound. @SomaFel
Mari grinned. She was a sucker for a guy who could sing good. "Wow, pretty awesome. Girls love a guy who can sing like that." She winked at him, taking note of how passionate he seemed about what he did. @SomaFel
Ronnie says to Mari "when I sing, whatever I sing I have to put passion into it. There's no point to singing if you don't put passion into it! That's what I believe anyway."
"Yeah, it's kinda like me with my art. If I'm not feeling it, it sucks," she agreed. Mr. Ray cleared his throat, gaining the class's attention. Mari shut up and stopped paying attention after that, listening to him talk about the competition they were going to soon. Everyone had to sign up and audition for a solo. Mari turned to Ronnie. "You should sign up for that," she whispered, nudging him to get his attention. @SomaFel
Ronnie heard mari and she was right he should sign up for it. Ronnie was confident in his abilities and he signed up for the competition.

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