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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Brody pushed her back playfully, getting to his feet and putting his clothes back on. "Alright fine, but since you pushed me I'm going to embarrass you gravely." Brody picked Jasmine up bridal style and began carrying her out of the dorm, smirking to himself. This wasn't even the embarrassing thing. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine laughs as he carries her down the hallway, a disapproving look coming from one of the janitors who seemed like he'd snitch to a teacher. She cleared her mind of his disappointed face and wraps her arms behind Brody's neck for support; she didn't feel like falling from at least 3-4 feet high. "You embarrass me and you buy the food." She looks behind her at the girls wishing they were in her situation, which made her feel superior.

Brody chuckled. "I was gonna do that anyways, Babe." He kissed her forehead, which surprised him. He hadn't meant to be affectionate. That definitely was not his goal, but at the same time he felt a desire to be. even If he she wasn't exclusive to him he still wanted to treat her right. He stayed quiet for the rest of the walk, diligently carrying her across campus. @BasicallyMe
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Jasmine blushes at his affection and looks away not wanting Brody to notice. Once they reach the Chinese restaurant she hops down from his hold and makes her way to the waitress in less than seconds. They are immediately sat down and she orders a water excitedly, her stomach growling a few times. "Finally! I love love Chinese." Her eyes make their way down the menu, analyzing all the noodles and chicken choices possible. She finally realizes what she wants and looks up waiting for Brody to do the same, but her attention is caught somewhere else and immediately she feels like throwing up.

Andrew grins at two girls associating with him about something he'd spread around school. "So ladies, you know that kid Ronnie? He likes Mari who ever the Hell that is." His eyes charming them both.

The girls giggle and nod their heads,"We know who both of them are."

"That's good. I found his man diary or something." Andrew pulls the journal out of his leather jacket and flashes it around. "Make sure to spread the details so the loser can find his diary. Don't tell him I have it though, I like playing games."

@McMajestic @SomaFel
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BasicallyMe said:
Jasmine blushes at his affection and looks away not wanting Brody to notice. Once they reach the Chinese restaurant she hops down from his hold and makes her way to the waitress in less than seconds. They are immediately sat down and she orders a water excitedly, her stomach growling a few times. "Finally! I love love Chinese." Her eyes make their way down the menu, analyzing all the noodles and chicken choices possible. She finally realizes what she wants and looks up waiting for Brody to do the same, but her attention is caught somewhere else and immediately she feels like throwing up.
Andrew grins at two girls associating with him about something he'd spread around school. "So ladies, you know that kid Trent? He likes Mari who ever the Hell that is." His eyes charming them both.

The girls giggle and nod their heads,"We know who both of them are."

"That's good. I found his man diary or something." Andrew pulls the journal out of his leather jacket and flashes it around. "Make sure to spread the details so the loser can find his diary. Don't tell him I have it though, I like playing games."

@McMajestic @SomaFel
(Trent you mean Ronnie? Trent evil, Ronnie loser....)
Brody noticed the look on her face and glanced towards where she was looking. All he saw were customers. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary to him. He turned back to her, grabbing her hand across the table. "Hey, are you okay? You got kinda pale. " He asked, slightly worried. "Maybe we should have slept instead, " he joked weakly. He wanted to make her smile again but he wasn't completely sure how to. @BasicallyMe
"This can't be happening. He's over there. Why is he over there?" She begins to panic as flashbacks pour into her head. Before she knew it her breathing had stopped and she was just still. Jasmine subtly points to a guy in a leather jacket and skinny jeans talking to two other girls. "That's him, that's my ex." She takes a deep breath that was very much needed and looks away. Her eyes adverted to the wall next to her.

Brody noticed the guy and scowled, quickly moving to the empty space next to Jasmine instead of across from her. He hesitated before wrapping an arm around her shoulders, holding her close. "It's okay. I'm here, and I'm not gonna leave you alone with that douchebag in the same place. He won't hurt you again, alright? " Brody ran his fingers through her hair, hoping it would help calm her down like it did for him. "If he even looks at you wrong I'll break his neck. " Brody wasn't sure if those were the right words to say, but he hated seeing friends of his feel like Jasmine was in that moment. "Let's just order some food, alright? Don't look over there." Brody kissed her cheek, lingering for a moment and nuzzling her neck before looking back at the menu. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine nods and smiles warmly at the feeling of his touch. "I already know what I want." The waitress made her way over to the table and took their orders. Jasmine ordered Lo mein and an egg roll while Brody ordered his demands from earlier. She couldn't help herself by glancing subtly over there out of habit. Jaz always felt better and safer if she knew what he was doing.

Around the fourth time of stealing a look, she noticed him get up and head towards her. Jasmine's heart immediately started beating out of anxiety and the dirty blonde boy stopped right next to them.

"Well hello Jazzie." He flashes a dreamy smile and sits in the spot that Brody had transferred from. "I have been wondering how you're doing? I just transferred here from our old high school. Great, huh?" Andrew grabs a toothpick from the holder in front of him and picks at his teeth, only just now taking interest to Brody. "Hey, I'm Andrew, or A.J.- whichever you prefer." He smiles to Brody, "And you are?"


(You can see his character sheet I hurried up and put together under Jasmine's if you want.)
"Hey boyfriend, and were on a date so you can fuck off." Brody snarled, squeezing her shoulders. He was almost more scared than Jasmine. Girls fell hard for the type of guy Andrew was, and he hoped Jaz would never find a reason to go back to him. He realized what he said a bit too late, but didn't care at that point. He figured claiming dominance would get the guy to back off. Brody continued to glare, his body entirely tensed. He didn't want to fight but he wasn't afraid to knock this guy's teeth out if he tried anything. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine's eyes stay on Andrew's facial expressions the whole time, to which they were bland. She was fascinated by Brody's masculinity and confidence to tell A.J. off. She remained quiet, however, because there was nothing she wanted to say. There was nothing she didn't say the last night before she left him.

Andrew's eyes widen as if impressed and he stands. "Alrighty. I see I'm not welcome here." His eye twitches at the word date, but Andrew plays it off as if he could care less. "I'll talk to you later Jazzie, some other time when big dog here isn't practically peeing all over you." He lays the toothpick on their table and walks off after patting Brody's shoulder.

Ronnie was still looking for his journal, having no luck finding it, he checks outside, maybe just maybe he thought he left it outside. Though Ronnie was getting worried somebody already found it.
Brody brushed his shoulder off, scowling at Andrew as he walked off. "what a fucking sleaze bag." he growled, taking a second to calm down. He hadn't expected to get so angry so fast, but he hated that guy's tone. "Sorry if I overstepped my boundaries, I just don't want that tool around you." he muttered, moving his arm back to his side and starting to slide back over to his side of the table. @BasicallyMe
Andrew made his way outside the vicinity and stops to gossip with a group nearby Ronnie. He opens up the journal and tells the group about how Ronnie likes Mari and all the past depression/suicide struggles he went through. "I know right the kid is so weird." He laughs with a few guys and girls about it, earning playground points with his new peers.


Jasmine shakes her head, "You didn't overstep. I found it hot." She winks at him then practically drools when the food is set in front of them. "This is going to make everything better." She reaches for her fork and quickly swipes a piece of Brody's chicken. "Mmm yummy. I've never had this before." After she finishes chewing and swallowing, she takes a bite of her on food which calmed her heart rate down dramatically.

Ronnie not hearing the other group near him, decides to go for a walk on the beach. When he does he spots Mari. "hey Mari! Wassup! Have you seen a leatherbound journal any where?"

Brody grinned. "You should try a spring roll. They're awesome." He split one in half and offered it to her. He was surprised at her reaction to his apology. "And seriously? Most girls freak out when I defend them. I'm glad you're an exception. I'd hate to have a dumb argument about wanting to protect you like I did with crazy chick number twelve. Not that I would ever compare you to any of those other girls, " he added quickly, afraid he had triggered something. "You're definitely different from all of them. " @BasicallyMe
She took the half of his spring roll since she never likes to turn down an offer of food. Jasmine takes a bite out of it and nods. "Pretty good." She continues to eat it up then takes a sip of her drink while listening to his conversation. "Well I haven't had any guy defend me." She looks to him, "It was a good feeling." Jaz takes another bite of her food and swallows after a minute of chewing. "I'm just glad he doesn't know my dorm room number."

Brody went tense again. That wasn't something that was difficult to find in a place like this. He didn't want her to be alone if Andrew decided to go looking for her dorm number because chances are he'd find it in minutes. "Do you mind if I spend the night at your dorm?" He asked casually, not wanting to let her know how easy such a thing was. The last thing he wanted to do was make Jasmine paranoid, especially if it could be for no reason. He'd let himself worry enough for the both of them. "You know, so we could go a couple more rounds," he winked at her playfully, before taking another bite of his food. @BasicallyMe
Ronnie not hearing the other group near him, decides to go for a walk on the beach. When he does he spots Mari. "hey Mari! Wassup! Have you seen a leatherbound journal any where?" @McMajestic

(take 2....)
(oh sorry. I think I missed it)

Mari looked up at Ronnie and smiled. "No, sorry, but there's this one Trent had. " she held it up for him to see. "This yours by any chance? " She asked, walking over and holding it out to him. @SomaFel
McMajestic said:
(oh sorry. I think I missed it)
Mari looked up at Ronnie and smiled. "No, sorry, but there's this one Trent had. " she held it up for him to see. "This yours by any chance? " She asked, walking over and holding it out to him. @SomaFel
Ronnie takes it and looks it over..."this can't be..this is a copy of mine! Meaning there could be many of these journals with other people.... And people are reading my past and that's bad and... And.... And...." Ronnie looked like he was about to have a panic attack or faint.
Jasmine nods to his request. "Sure, you can. But I don't want to get caught by any teachers because if they call my mom then I'm out of here." She eats more of her food for the next few minutes leaving less than half on her plate. "Chinese makes good leftovers." Jasmine grabs a small to go box out of the stack next to them and fills it with her noodles. "Oh, and if you keep trying to get this many rounds in every day I might disintegrate.

Shane looked kinda hurt that she just pushed him off the Trent guy but decided not to show it. He just sat a few feet away, looking at the waves splashing the people. He smiled a little bit and remembered how his sister could barely leave home, having been home schooled most of the time. He closed his eyes and started singing a song that he sang whenever he though about his sister and if something happened to her. It was a sad song but he still liked to sing it. @McMajestic


Brody had already finished his. He nodded. "Yeah, my parents are kinda angry with me right now so I'm sure they'd pull the plug on this first chance they get, so I'll make sure to stay stealthy. " he said, calling over a waiter for their tab and paying in cash. "And I can't help it that I'm good." He chuckled, getting to his feet and holding his hand out for her to take. @BasicallyMe

"Hey, look at me," Mari tilted his chin towards her. "I promise nothing in this journal is going to end you. Everybody has feelings and thoughts, and nobody should penalize you for that. It's alright. You're allowed to feel whatever without worrying about what others think, okay? You're okay." Mari said, her voice low so only he could hear her. @SomaFel
Shane looked kinda hurt that she just pushed him off the Trent guy but decided not to show it. He just sat a few feet away, looking at the waves splashing the people. He smiled a little bit and remembered how his sister could barely leave home, having been home schooled most of the time. He closed his eyes and started singing a song that he sang whenever he though about his sister and if something happened to her. It was a sad song but he still liked to sing it. @McMajestic

McMajestic said:
Brody had already finished his. He nodded. "Yeah, my parents are kinda angry with me right now so I'm sure they'd pull the plug on this first chance they get, so I'll make sure to stay stealthy. " he said, calling over a waiter for their tab and paying in cash. "And I can't help it that I'm good." He chuckled, getting to his feet and holding his hand out for her to take. @BasicallyMe
"Hey, look at me," Mari tilted his chin towards her. "I promise nothing in this journal is going to end you. Everybody has feelings and thoughts, and nobody should penalize you for that. It's alright. You're allowed to feel whatever without worrying about what others think, okay? You're okay." Mari said, her voice low so only he could hear her. @SomaFel
"i need your help to find any of the other copies and the original journal.... My past is a little dark, i don't wanna bring it back up.... People don't need to know what i been through...."Ronnie said, though he seemed sad when he said his past was a little dark, which it was, very dark.
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