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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Jasmine takes his hand and stands up. "Thanks for paying. You're such a sweet friend with benefits. I definitely see how ladies get led on." She smirks and continues to walk with him until they reach her dorm. "I'm changing back into comfy clothes." Jaz opens the door and walks in with him after making sure there were bo teachers. She then changes into pajama pants and a tank top.


(Gotta sleep, have a big test tomorrow.)
Shane continue singing the song before he stopped. He blinked when people started clapping, which was him blush. Was he so deep in the song that he forgot he was in a public place? Yep. He again blinked when a cup with money was given to him, was the song that good? He shrugged. If they liked it, who was he to say anything? No one so he just took the money for himself and placing it on a bag he had brought with the change of clothes. He laid down and looked at the sky, kinda irritated that Mari left him alone on the beach but it was whatever. He knew things like this would happen, maybe he should just break Trent in half and make he never walked again. Again he blinked, that was a good idea but he didn't want to go that far. @McMajestic
Mari frowned, glancing at Shane. She had been so excited for the beach. She wanted to spend the day with her Prince Charming and fall asleep at night in his arms. She took a deep breath, sending Shane an apologetic look. "sure, but not for too long. Just an hour maybe. " Mari said, starting to walk away from the beach with him. Shane is going to kill me, She thought, but she didn't want to leave Ronnie forced to clean up the mess alone. @SomaFel

Brody smiled, taking off his jacket and shirt so he was left in his jeans, laying down on her bed and stretching out, glancing at the door every now and the. He finally decided to lock it after a few moments before laying back down, hoping that would keep Andrew out if he came knocking. @BasicallyMe (night)
Shane still hadn't moved from the area. He was still staring at the ocean with wonder on his eyes. He was upset that Mari had left him to go with the weakling Ron but he wasn't gonna say anything about it. The guy was too weak that if Dustin was here, even he would bully him like it was no tomorrow. @McMajestic
McMajestic said:
Mari frowned, glancing at Shane. She had been so excited for the beach. She wanted to spend the day with her Prince Charming and fall asleep at night in his arms. She took a deep breath, sending Shane an apologetic look. "sure, but not for too long. Just an hour maybe. " Mari said, starting to walk away from the beach with him. Shane is going to kill me, She thought, but she didn't want to leave Ronnie forced to clean up the mess alone. @SomaFel
Brody smiled, taking off his jacket and shirt so he was left in his jeans, laying down on her bed and stretching out, glancing at the door every now and the. He finally decided to lock it after a few moments before laying back down, hoping that would keep Andrew out if he came knocking. @BasicallyMe (night)
Ronnie wasn't too sure where to start looking for any copies of his journal and the original."where do we start..... Who could have taken it.... And why?" Ronnie had asked himself out loud.
Jasmine laid in bed next to him after finishing her night time routine. She noticed he locked the door and his glances over there, but decided not to say anything. Jaz was happy he was being this way towards her, which made her want to hold onto him all night. She inched over to him and laid her head on his chest with her arm over his stomach. "I have no idea what he's here for anyway. He's never been interested in the arts."

Mari looked over at him, curious herself. "Maybe Trent made copies? We should the boys dorms first." She decided, wanting to move as quickly as possible. She felt horrible about leaving Shane behind, but she also felt horrible about Ronnie's secrets out in the open. Mari bit her lip, starting for the dorms. @SomaFel

"Well just don't think about him. You have me and my awesome hair to think about." Brody chuckled, wrapping an arm around her and relaxing finally. "If you have any classes with him, you should let me know. I got friends who can watch out for you when I can't." He said casually. "I know it sounds extremely over-protective, but I don't really care." He added. @BasicallyMe
McMajestic said:
Mari looked over at him, curious herself. "Maybe Trent made copies? We should the boys dorms first." She decided, wanting to move as quickly as possible. She felt horrible about leaving Shane behind, but she also felt horrible about Ronnie's secrets out in the open. Mari bit her lip, starting for the dorms. @SomaFel
"Well just don't think about him. You have me and my awesome hair to think about." Brody chuckled, wrapping an arm around her and relaxing finally. "If you have any classes with him, you should let me know. I got friends who can watch out for you when I can't." He said casually. "I know it sounds extremely over-protective, but I don't really care." He added. @BasicallyMe
Ronnie moves quickly to the dorms with Mari, hoping to find the original as well as any copies. "I hope we find something, I don't need my secrets out anymore than they already are....." Ronnie says.
Jasmine smiles and nods her head up and down. "Well if it makes you feel better, you're better at sex than he was." She chuckles, "any sex is better than forced anyhow." Her red finger nail trails up and down Brody's stomach softly. "Tomorrow morning I'll take you up on your cooking offer. Betternot burn breakfast."

Crystal was in her dorm getting ready to do her regular night routine.. She went and took a shower with her new bath and body works body wash..Got dressed in her bright pink pajamas with unicorns on them.. She again stares at the picture of her grandma and tears swell up in her eyes. No Crystal Don't cry your 14 you can live without you grandmother. She wiped the tears away from her eyes and got her hair pastel blue hairbrush and started brushing out her hair. Top to bottom like Grandmother always said. She then went to the bathroom to brush her teeth like usual. But all the sudden this sadness washed over her and she started crying. She brushed her teeth then ran back to her room and cried into her pillow. She doesn't even know what's making her sad...
Brody took her hand in his, kissing her palm first, then her knuckles. "I'm just as bad." He mumbled, looking over at her. "I did take advantage of you, and that's basically forced," he whispered, realizing it himself for the first time. He didn't want to think of it like that, but the longer he had to compare, the more he decided. He was horrible too, just not quite as bad. @BasicallyMe

Mari walked into the boys' dorms, noticing a journal in a guy's hand and yanking it out of his hand. She got sight of her name on one of the pages, and dropped it, rubbing her eyes. There was no way he'd written anything about her, right? She was scared of what it said. Probably something alone of the lines of how stupid she was. @SomaFel
McMajestic said:
Brody took her hand in his, kissing her palm first, then her knuckles. "I'm just as bad." He mumbled, looking over at her. "I did take advantage of you, and that's basically forced," he whispered, realizing it himself for the first time. He didn't want to think of it like that, but the longer he had to compare, the more he decided. He was horrible too, just not quite as bad. @BasicallyMe
Mari walked into the boys' dorms, noticing a journal in a guy's hand and yanking it out of his hand. She got sight of her name on one of the pages, and dropped it, rubbing her eyes. There was no way he'd written anything about her, right? She was scared of what it said. Probably something alone of the lines of how stupid she was. @SomaFel
Ronnie picks up the journal and puts it under his arm, as if protecting it. Though the journal said nothing about Mari being stupid, in fact it said something along the lines of how nice she is, and how pretty inside and out she is and things of that nature. Ronnie says"there's one down, hope there's no more... And no this isn't the original.... This is copied..."
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I was still crying and I grabbed the picture of Grandmother and help it close to me as if it was a plush bear...I don't even know what washed over me..Could it be because of being away from grandmother..Or not having any friends to talk to....Or could it even be because of loosing my parents. I thought all these sorrows would soon fade but they seem to look at me and taunt me more and more each day. Oh I wish I was still with grandmother.. I knew it wasn't that late, but I felt worn out from this tremendous heartache and I slowly fell asleep.
"Well that's two copies. There's probably a few more, but there can't be a lot." Mari decided, walking towards the common room where many people sat around one person, laughing obnoxiously. Mari took another journal out of the center of attention's hands. Everyone went quiet. "You know, I'm pretty disappointed in you boys," she growled. One of the guys wrapped an arm around her shoulders, taking the journal with his free hand and flipping open to a page.

"But look, he's got a crush on you." Mari saw her name again, and everything that came with it. Oh no. She bit her lip, snatching the journal away.

"That's none of your business," she snapped, practically shaking. God, where's Prince Charming when you need him?

McMajestic said:
"Well that's two copies. There's probably a few more, but there can't be a lot." Mari decided, walking towards the common room where many people sat around one person, laughing obnoxiously. Mari took another journal out of the center of attention's hands. Everyone went quiet. "You know, I'm pretty disappointed in you boys," she growled. One of the guys wrapped an arm around her shoulders, taking the journal with his free hand and flipping open to a page.
"But look, he's got a crush on you." Mari saw her name again, and everything that came with it. Oh no. She bit her lip, snatching the journal away.

"That's none of your business," she snapped, practically shaking. God, where's Prince Charming when you need him?

Ronnie of course followed her to the common area and when they flipped to the page Ronnie was thinking -please, tell her, please keep your mouths shut!- then they showed her the page... When it was just announced to everybody in the room that Ronnie has a crush on Mari, he just stood there, face turning bright red, both out of anger but mostly out of embarrassment. Ronnie didn't know what to do now, he stood there trying to speak but all he could do was stutter, "I....I...i...."
Mari bit her lip, handing Ronnie the journal. "There shouldn't be too many more," she said, trying to ignore everything she'd just seen. "Come on, let's just get out of her." She grabbed his hand, pulling him along. You're an idiot, she thought, but it was too late to let go at that point. Plus she was moving fast, and she didn't want to leave Ronnie behind. @SomaFel
McMajestic said:
Mari bit her lip, handing Ronnie the journal. "There shouldn't be too many more," she said, trying to ignore everything she'd just seen. "Come on, let's just get out of her." She grabbed his hand, pulling him along. You're an idiot, she thought, but it was too late to let go at that point. Plus she was moving fast, and she didn't want to leave Ronnie behind. @SomaFel
Ronnie follows Mari, and is praying to God that there is no more journals. Like Ronnie said earlier, his past is dark and does not want people to know about it at all! For example, in his journal it talks about attempted suicide in the past and cutting himself and getting counseling for that. Ronnie doesn't say anything, he just keeps following her.
Jasmine shook her head. "Stop it. It's not near as bad as what happened that night. You're so much better." She emphasizes the 'so' and grips his hand in hers. "I promise you." Jaz clicks the tv on and sets the remote back down with her free hand. "Look, if you need to get this off your mind we can go lay down in the grass somewhere and stare at the stars until we fall asleep." She winks.


Andrew walks through the halls without failing to stop and tell more of Ronnie's secrets. He was so proud of his self for coming to Bouvardia with a good start. About halfway through the hall he stops and opens his ears to a sound of a female crying. His straight face turns into a grin and he follows the sound. "Hey. What's wrong?" A.J. sits next to the girl and stares at her with concern.

Mari thought for a moment. "If Trent doesn't have the original I don't know who does." She finally said. "I really need to get back to Shane, but are you okay?" She asked, turning to him and resting her hands on his shoulders. @SomaFel

"I'd rather stare at you," Brody chuckled, wrapping both arms around her waist and pulling her on top of him. kissed Jasmine sweetly, before looking towards the the Television. "I vote Disney movie." He added, reaching for the remote and beginning to scroll through the channels. "Those are normally blood free." He scrunched up his nose at the thought, before pausing, turning back to Jaz. "Hey, didn't you have a secret I needed to find out?" @BasicallyMe
McMajestic said:
Mari thought for a moment. "If Trent doesn't have the original I don't know who does." She finally said. "I really need to get back to Shane, but are you okay?" She asked, turning to him and resting her hands on his shoulders. @SomaFel
"I'd rather stare at you," Brody chuckled, wrapping both arms around her waist and pulling her on top of him. kissed Jasmine sweetly, before looking towards the the Television. "I vote Disney movie." He added, reaching for the remote and beginning to scroll through the channels. "Those are normally blood free." He scrunched up his nose at the thought, before pausing, turning back to Jaz. "Hey, didn't you have a secret I needed to find out?" @BasicallyMe
Ronnie says." I think I'll be fine... Hopefully, the original shows up. Thanks for your help....i guess you should get back to shane.... Thanks again....I'm just gunna go and go to my dorm now...." Though Ronnie didn't look alright, he looked as though he might be sick.
Jasmine kisses him back smiling and then turns her head to watch him scroll through channels, "Disney movie sounds amazing." Jaz chuckles at the thought of Brody and his fear of blood then her eyes widen when he interrupts her good moment with his question. "Uhm, no? I don't remember you trying to figure out a secret?" She tries to make her voice sound as convincing as possible.

Brody rose an eyebrow. "Oh come on. What could be so bad you don't wanna tell me?" He asked quietly, running his fingers through her hair. He wondered what she could be keeping her from telling him. "How about you ask me anything and I have to answer it, and then you tell me your secret. Trade off, you know?" He suggested. @BasicallyMe

Mari bit her lip, pausing for a moment. She could tell something was wrong. "Maybe I could stay just a little longer. We could get a snack or something?" She offered, not wanting to leave him alone. She was worried, honestly, thinking back to his near panic attack on the beach. @SomaFel
McMajestic said:
Brody rose an eyebrow. "Oh come on. What could be so bad you don't wanna tell me?" He asked quietly, running his fingers through her hair. He wondered what she could be keeping her from telling him. "How about you ask me anything and I have to answer it, and then you tell me your secret. Trade off, you know?" He suggested. @BasicallyMe
Mari bit her lip, pausing for a moment. She could tell something was wrong. "Maybe I could stay just a little longer. We could get a snack or something?" She offered, not wanting to leave him alone. She was worried, honestly, thinking back to his near panic attack on the beach. @SomaFel
Ronnie looked up at her, smiling but he still didn't look so good. "...sure.... That sounds nice......but you shouldn't keep Shane waiting because of me..." Ronnie sounded sincere. He didn't want to keep Shane waiting because of him, he wanted her to go have a good time with Shane back at the beach.
Mari shook her head. "He's a big boy, and I'm worth the wait." She winked, ruffling Ronnie's hair. "Take me to your dorm so I can eat all your food." She joked, starting back inside the building. @SomaFel
Jasmine took a deep breath and blew it out making her hair fly. "Ok." Her eyes closed in thought and then opened again. "Have you ever come close to having sex with one of your other girls? Why haven't you?" She looks at him with a serious look. Jaz had been wondering the whole day on how someone like him was still a virgin- well not anymore. "It's confusing."


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