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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Jasmine looked over at Brody who was now lying on the floor. "Oh God." She runs over without hesitation and picks his head up. "Brody! Open your eyes!" She grabs his wrist and sees the cut.

"I got it." Andrew walks over and takes his shirt off, tying the shirt around his bloody hand. His eyes make their way to Jasmine's. "Like what you see?"

Jasmine immediately looks away and taps Brody's cheek. "Hey, it's just blood." She sits him up and stares at her hand instead of him. "Do I need to take you to a nurse? What happened?"

Brody blinked weakly, looking up at Jasmine. "I'm... okay," he mumbled, sitting up slowly. "Me and blood don't mix well," he leaned against her, trying to get his vision back to normal. Once he could safely look forward without seeing four of everything he dragged himself to his feet. "See? I'm all..." he noticed Andrew. "Good." He spat out. "And what the fuck do you think you're doing?" He snarled, noticing he was shirtless. He grabbed Jasmine's hand, pulling her closer to him. "Did he do something to you? Are you okay?" He asked her, obviously concerned. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine stepped away from Brody and stood in the middle of them both. "I'm fine. Don't worry." She smiles slightly then looks towards her dorm. She was wanting to be cuddled in bed without a worry like the last two weeks, but now she has to worry about a pregnancy test, her ex, and some guy she just met this morning who is possibly just as bad as her ex.

Andrew shrugged. "I was saving your life since you sissied out from a little blood." He laughs and walks back over to the girl he was talking to on the wall.

"So did they call your parents?" Jasmine now looks at Brody with a straight face. If what that girl said was true, she was hoping they did.
"Oh they did a fucking lot." He grumbled, holding her hand. It made him feel better at least. "I'm suspended for the year, and if they press charges I'm expelled. There's a cop outside my dorm right now, thinking I'm packing my bags. They called my parents, so I left my phone in the room. Didn't want to risk it." @BasicallyMe
McMajestic said:
Brody jogged over to the girl's dorm, stepping inside and hissing in pain as he grabbed the knob, not even thinking about it. "Ow," he grumbled, looking down at his hands. He suddenly felt woozy, and looked away, starting to walk down the hall. He'd just caught sight of Jasmine when the smell hit him. He looked down again, and felt himself swaying back and forth, his stomach tying in knots. "Uh-oh," he grumbled, his legs giving out. He collapsed, passing out from the sight of all the blood. @BasicallyMe
Mari grinned. "Well I'm glad you think that way. Even I'm jealous of your voice." She laughed, finishing off her pie and stretching out on his bed, laying back and looking up at the ceiling. I need to get back to Shane. She looked over at Ronnie, keeping the smile on her face. "So, you're feeling better?" She asked for assurance. @SomaFel
Ronnie smiled at Mari. "thanks to you im feeling much better!" Ronnie said joyfully. He did seem a lot happier than the did earlier.
"Oh." Was all she had to say. Jasmine lets go of his hand and looks behind her once again, where her dorm was. "I uhm, I'm pretty tired." She starts walking backwards and points to her room. "I was actually probably going to go some where tonight. I kind of don't want to be locked in my dorm any longer." In Jaz's head, she was planning on the beach. After all it was her thinking place.

Andrew watches from afar at the two. A satisfied grin stretches across his face while watching Jasmine back away from him. Maybe she'd come crawling back to him. She was his life.

Shane was still on his dorm, ignoring the text from Mari. He was staring up at the ceiling and being here without her kinda seemed weird, he didn't have his computer to work on anything since it was still at her dorm. He turned his head and stare at the journal, he was tempted to read but he knew that he shouldn't, he wasn't gonna let temptation win. He just stood up and changed back into the clothes he wore before heading to the beach and headed outside the dorms, toward the school while placing his phone on his pockets.
"Whoa," Brody, grabbed both of her wrists gently, holding her in place. "Is something wrong, Babe?" He asked quietly, and then it dawned on him. He'd never actually denounced the rumors out loud. "I promise I never assaulted anyone." He told her, feeling helpless. He had snuck out for Jasmine. He didn't want to have to go back, to have to leave the school. Not yet. But if she asked him to, he would. He didn't wanna stay where he wasn't wanted. @BasicallyMe

"Well I'm going to go now then, okay? I have a lot of time to make up with Shane." Mari said, getting to her feet. She could hear the fight they were going to have, that she didn't want to have. @SomaFel
McMajestic said:
"Whoa," Brody, grabbed both of her wrists gently, holding her in place. "Is something wrong, Babe?" He asked quietly, and then it dawned on him. He'd never actually denounced the rumors out loud. "I promise I never assaulted anyone." He told her, feeling helpless. He had snuck out for Jasmine. He didn't want to have to go back, to have to leave the school. Not yet. But if she asked him to, he would. He didn't wanna stay where he wasn't wanted. @BasicallyMe
"Well I'm going to go now then, okay? I have a lot of time to make up with Shane." Mari said, getting to her feet. She could hear the fight they were going to have, that she didn't want to have. @SomaFel
"okiedokie then!" Ronnie says, glad he got to send some time with her, knowing he kinda took her away from Shane. He also gets the door for her like a gentleman.
"Thanks, Hon," Mari ruffled his hair before dashing off, rushing to find Shane. She passed his dorm and checked inside, nothing. So then she headed to the beach. her bag was still there, but no Shane. She groaned quietly, sitting in the sand and hanging her head low. She felt horrible. Mari had one last idea, though, to hopefully make Shane respond. She built the campfire they had planned, and snapped a picture of it, sending it to him. I still have enough s'mores for two if you're interested. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine looks down instead of to his face. "You told me you were a virgin." She sucked her bottom lip in then let it out while waiting for an answer. She was confused and felt like he shouldn't even be calling her 'babe' right now. Jaz knows they're not exclusive, but she can't stand to be lied to again. She can't stand that she got drunk and had sex that wasn't even protected. "I just don't know.. I'm confused and we just met and I-." She cuts herself off instead of going further.

"Jasmine," Brody took a step back, seeing clearly his affection wasn't helping. "I wasn't lying. I'd never lie about something so serious." He took a deep breath, unsure of what to do. "I get it, okay? It's too fast. You don't want this. That's okay. I'm fine with taking a few steps back, but can I at least be your friend?" He asked quietly, afraid she would say no. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine inhaled a big breath and her eyebrows stitched together showing she was puzzled. "Yes, I want to be friends. I also want to believe you, but it's hard too when girls are telling me about how they banged you all over their dorm and giving me sources to go ask." She closes her eyes trying to hold back frustrated tears. Once they go away she opens them again. "Friends. No more sex right now, ok?" She gives him a somewhat reassuring smile and glances over at Andrew who was staring at them.

Shane was staring at the sky with glazed eyes. He was hypnotized sometimes by the beauty of it and he really loved the way it looked sometimes. He took out his phone and saw the text Mari sent him. He smiled a little bit at that before sighing and heading toward the direction of the beach. See you there in a bit. That was the reply he sent back. He took off his shoes and socks off once he got there and rolled up his pants sleeves so that they were up to his knees. He started walking toward the way he saw the fire at, but he walked slowly. @McMajestic
Brody took a deep breath, trying not to get angry. "I'm seriously fucking insulted right now, but I'm going to let it go since that scrub has probably managed to get in your head in the thirty minutes I've been gone." He growled, gesturing towards Andrew. Brody felt his blood boiling, just at the comment. Its hard to. To what? Believe him over some crazy girl? He opened his mouth to yell anyways, but then closed it, glancing over at Andrew himself. If that bastard is the reason behind this I'll give them a real reason to suspend me. @BasicallyMe
When Mari saw Shane, she stood up, walking over to him. "Hey Prince Charming," she said, holding a smile on her face and grabbing his hand. "We have a lot of time to make up for so let's get these s'mores roasting." She chuckled, pulling him along. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine squints her eyes at him and begins to talk back, "You're insulted? I've forgiven you for two major things already. In one day." Her voice goes down to a whisper. "The part where you had sex with me while I was drunk and then didn't even used a condom. Do not tell me you are insulted. And don't talk to me like I'm an idiot." She looks around her at other girls to make sure they weren't staring. "What am I supposed to believe? After all you are pretty famous around here."

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"You're sitting there calling me a liar based off some bitch's comment. Hell yeah I'm insulted." He sucked in a breath, shaking his head. "Okay, look, I'm sorry. I don't wanna fight with you, okay? Yes, I've screwed up, yes, I feel horrible about it, but I promise you I'm not a liar, and I don't want you to think of me even worse than you probably already do." He spoke softer, worried for just their friendship. He'd never fought with someone so early in a friendship before. @BasicallyMe
"Ok. Well, you can promise me but it doesn't mean I need to trust that promise." Jasmine is now looking at him, still with cold eyes. She hated when people were angry at her, but at the same time she had a short temper. "I'm going to the store to pick up a pregnancy test for when I can use it." Her shoulder brushed past his as she walked down the hallway towards the exit. Her mind was exploding with a thousand questions and accusations.

Andrew listened in to Brody and Jasmine's fight. His cheeks burning with anger when he heard the part about a pregnancy test. It quickly cooled down as he watched Jasmine walk away and wished he would've followed her. Maybe there was some way he could convince her to not have it, if she actually was.

Brody desperately wanted to follow after her, to hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay, but he didn't. "Okay. I'll just... Be here." He called, looking towards her dorm. There was nothing stopping him from going in, but he felt compelled to stay out without her around, and so he instead went and sat in the common room. A group of girls all sat around a table, he took a seat at a stool against a counter, staring at the coffee machine, sighing to himself. "The only thing you're good at is taking pictures, " he mumbled, when an idea suddenly came to mind. He went into her dorm, grabbing his camera before coming out. Pictures were something he could do well. Anything to get her to smile at him again @BasicallyMe
Jasmine walked into the store and looked around for a few minutes. She wasn't in a big hurry to get back and shopping always made her feel good. Once she was done browsing, she made her way over to the isle with condoms and pregnancy tests, so she grabbed both. Her cheeks turned red while she was walking towards the cash registers because the two items in her hand were some of the most embarrassing to buy. Jaz set them down on the conveyer belt and stood across from her cashier. The lady gave her a funny look and Jasmine rolled her eyes, "Yeah, too late, whatever." She snatched the bag after paying and started off back to her dorm. The whole time she was mumbling to herself angrily. What the Hell am I doing?

"Pregnancy test? Really?" Andrew stopped her from walking and grabbed her chin. "What have you gotten yourself into Jazzie?"

Jasmine flinches at his touch and tries to pull away, but can't.

"I know you're not pregnant, you can't be." His grip was tightening and he looked down for a second.

"Let go of me, you're going to break my jaw!" Jasmine broke away from his grasp and rubbed her chin. "You're insane. Stay away from me." She pushed past A.J. and ran inside of the girl's dorm hall.

Brody tacked up another picture of the beach he had taken. One with Jasmine in the picture. He smiled, sitting on her bed as he looked at the abundance of beach photos. Some were taken in bright daylight, others during beautiful sunsets, and some at night. Some of them were photos from his first day at Bouvardia, some from this morning with Jasmine. "She'll like this, " he told himself, making sure all the pictures were straight. "I hope she'll like this. " He muttered. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine walked down the hall and then into her dorm. At first she didn't notice and her back was turned to the wall as she shut it and locked it. When she turned around she first noticed Brody, then the beach pictures, and then the rest. A small smile formed on her face, but she didn't want to act too happy since she was still angry. "That's.. beautiful." She walks over to the bed with her eyes still on the paintings. She drops the bag on her bed and takes out a pack of condoms. Jaz chucks them at Brody's chest then takes out her pregnancy test that she goes and sticks in the bathroom. "I hope you like your present I got you." She walks back into the bed area and examines more of the pictures quietly.

Brody chuckled, tossing them on the couch. "I thought you'd like them. I just wanted to make you smile." He said, patting the empty space next to him. "Come on, aren't I still allowed to put my arm around you? " He asked jokingly. He didn't know why, but he felt compelled to hold her. He didn't want a relationship any time soon though, or at least he didn't think he did. @BasicallyMe
"I do like them, but I'm being stubborn." She rocks back and forth on her feet until Brody invites her next to him. She already misses his arms, which is a bad thing. She wasn't supposed to get attached. "Maybe." She sits on the bed next to him and lays her hand on his leg. A part of her hoped that the condom box would still have 20 in it next time she allowed him to have sex with her. "I just want things to be easy and I don't want you to pack. Why are you packing?" Her heart begins to beat harder in her chest when she remembered about the part of him telling her he was packing.


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