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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Brody wrapped an arm around her shoulders, resting his head against hers as he looked at the pictures. "I'm suspended for the year. I have to go home." He told her, wishing he could find a loophole. "I didn't do any of it. I wouldn't do any of it. I love this school. I don't wanna leave, but its my word against ten others. " He bit his lip, looking down at the blankets of the bed. "I don't wanna leave you either, not with Andrew here. " @BasicallyMe
She sits there thinking for a second then a tear streams down her cheek. She wipes it away before Brody could notice and squints to hold them back. Jasmine didn't want to be here by herself in case of the chance the test was positive. "Well how long is the suspension?" Her voice begins to shake with every sentence. The tears were becoming harder to hold back, but she did. Every once in a while one would fall without control. "I'm not worried about Andrew right now. For the first time in this past year, he's not my biggest fear right now."

Brody pulled her into his lap, holding her close. "It lasts the rest of school, and maybe the first semester of next year, I won't leave, okay?" He whispered, noticing her tears. "I'll do whatever I have to to stay with you, and the baby if there is one. We'll do this together, however you want to. If you're pregnant and you wanna not keep it that's okay, or if you wanna keep it then I'll pay for everything and we could find a small place and- I'm sorry. I'm probably just freaking you out." He mumbled. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine puts her head in his neck and wraps her arms around his waist. "You're not the one being a big baby." She continues to hold him for a long time. "We'll talk to them. I'll talk to them, I'll get some of those girls to confess." Jaz closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "What dorms are they in? I'm going to talk to them." Her head comes back up from being in comfort and her eyes were now connecting with his. "They're going to confess."

Brody shook his head. "I don't want you around them. I'll talk to them all, okay? I just wanna be with you right now. You're my number one priority," he said, wiping some stray tears off her face. "The only thing I want you to do is stay right where you are, " He smiled resting his forehead against hers. "And if you wanna cry, I won't tell anyone cause secretly, I wanna cry too." He said, smiling weakly at her. @BasicallyMe

(gotta go to bed. Night)
Jasmine smiles softly and pushes him down on the bed. She lays next to him and snuggles up next to his body. "I know you want me to stay safe and in my place, but I want to talk to them, and if you want tell me where and who they are." She pokes down his chest to his belly. "I will find out." She kisses his neck and then lays her head back down. "This is going to be hard to abstain." She grunts and throws her hand on the other side of her.


(Ok, night.)
Brody grinned. "Okay, how about this, you take five and I take five. Divide and conquer. But since these girls are probably lunatics you need to be careful. You can't believe anything they say if you're going to do this. Don't let them get in your head." he explained, holding her close to him, and looking down at her. He knew they had to move fast before the officer realized he was missing, but he wanted to enjoy some of his time. "I have a friend who can hack into the school. He's gonna text me the ten girls' names." Brody added. @BasicallyMe
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Shane looked at her with one raised eyebrow. He knew he should say something but he still bothered by the way she acted when he was threatening the guy. "Hmmmm." That was all he said as he sat down. That was something he always did when he got way too much into thinking. He blinked when he received a text and decided to check it. See you soon little Emilio- From D. Shane continue to stare at the text with wide eyed. He couldn't be back, they haven't seen each others in years, why would he return now? And the number was one number he didn't recognize, it was unknown. @McMajestic
Mari noticed the look on his face and glanced at the phone. "Who's that? " She asked curiously, hoping she could continue to avoid the conversation she knew they were supposed to have. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane smiled at her nervously which was odd for him, he never got nervous. "An old old old friend." He said the last word bitterly because it was because of him that he couldn't be home. Beware The Raven- From D. Shane tried to himself his wariness but he couldn't, he was coming and that meant bad things. @McMajestic
Mari could tell something was wrong. She not her lip, leaning against him. "You make it sound like he's anything but a friend." Mari told him, looking away from the texts. "Are you okay? " She asked, not sure what else to do since she didn't understand what was wrong. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane nodded at that quickly. "He used to be a friend but certain 'circumstances' forced our friendship to end." He told her. Yes, the blaming of sleeping with D sister and girlfriend, that was what ended their relationship as best friends. He hadn't even heard from the guy that D did the same thing to. "He has been on Juvie for 2 years for a store robbery." He explained. He had quit before that but he still bore the mark of The Fliers on his back, the symbol of a Crow while D was the Raven. @McMajestic
Jasmine nodded, "I won't let them, I just got scared." She hugs him and nods. "Ten? Man you really did move fast." She laughs and kisses his ear playfully. "Just hurry so I can get my hands on some hair." Jaz stands up and fixes her hair so she can make them jealous.

"Alright, " Brody checked his texts and scribbled out five names and dorm numbers on a piece of paper, handing it to her. He grabbed his shirt off the floor and pulled it on, along with his shoes. "I probably don't have a lot of time so we should move fast." He kissed her quickly the turned to leave, before realizing what he'd just done "Oh sorry." He added. @BasicallyMe

"He doesn't sound like the best friend. I guess I can't say much though, since I haven't been the best girlfriend." Mari whispered, looking up at him and kissing his cheek. "I'm sorry." She said quietly. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane couldn't agree or disagree with that. He could be upset that she left just to help the weakling Ron or whatever he liked to be called. "Certain things happened and our friendship stopped, but I don't know how he has come back." That was the truth, he couldn't say of his location. "So how's the pup doing?" That was the best question how could ask. @McMajestic
Jasmine nods her head then walks out of the room after accepting his apology. She looks at her list and goes to the first dorm on it. She knocks on the door loud and clear hoping the girl would answer. "I swear you better open the door." Jaz whispered the sentence under her breath.

She see's him walk in and wipes my tears away. I blush a little embarrassed for someone to see me this way..I look up at him and say "I actually don't know." I can tell by the look on his face he cares which is something new since I've been here for someone to care. I say I'd rather be alone. He actually respects my answer and walks away down the hall somewhere.

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"Okay." Mari busied herself with making some s'mores. "We got a few of the journals back. I found out some pretty interesting information, too. Apparently, he likes me. I find that hilarious though since I have zero good qualities past my looks." She laughed, hoping Shane would laugh too, shoving a couple marshmallows on a stick and setting them over the fire. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Brody headed for the second floor, marching in to Clara's dorm. She was the old girlfriend. The only real one on the list. He figured if he could get her to change her mind he could get all of them to. He walked into her dorm, not bothering to knock. Clara wasn't a modest person, and he was never modest towards her. "Hey, we need to... talk." He said, glancing up only to notice she was working on a song. She was a singer.

"About?" She hardly looked up.

"You filing assault charges against me when I should be filing them against you." He snapped.

Clara looked up tiredly. "Look, Brody, you're a nice guy, but I'd rather have you be a nice guy in a different school."

"Well how about jail?" Silence. He rolled his eyes, realizing this wasn't going to go very well.


A girl opened her door. "Can I help... shit. Your Brody's new toy." She slammed the door shut in seconds, leaning heavily against it, unsure of what to do. She hadn't expected to be confronted by anyone besides Brody. @BasicallyMe
Shane didn't say anything. He was still thinking about the message that D had sent him and it was gonna be real troublesome if he came here. "I used to be in a Gang before three years ago." He admitted. "He was the leader eventhough he was a year older, why he was the leader? Because the former leader disappeared, and he was the second in command." That was all he could tell her about D. "He was my best friend but certain complications happened that made us separate." He added at the end, while looking at her with a small smile. @McMajestic
Mari went rigid. She wasn't sure if he was avoiding the conversation, or if she was. She didn't even know if there was a conversation to have anymore. This friendship thing seemed more important at the moment. She relaxed, blowing on her marshmallows and getting out some graham crackers. "A gang, huh? Sounds kinda scary. I had a friend in a gang. When he tried to get out they killed him," she whispered. "But I guess having your friend as the leader is helpful. Or used-to-be friend. What were the complications?" She asked, looking over to him. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane cringed at that question. He hated telling anyone that, it may have been a lie, but he hated telling anyone because it caused his friendship with D. "I would tell you but it's kinda of complicated and distasteful when I say it." He told her. It was true, it was distasteful when he said it to someone. "I told you about the gang but give me a week or two before I tell you it." He gave her a smile at that. @McMajestic
Jasmine knocked on the door again. "Open the door for a second." She mumbles stuff under her breath and waits for the chick to come back out. "Seriously stop avoiding your peoblems." Her eyes rolls for the thousandth time today.

Mari sighed, but nodded, fixing up two s'mores and handing him one. She took a bite out of hers, effectively getting melted chocolate and marshmallow goo all over her face. She smiled, swallowing in content. "I'm glad we have this, you know? You in my life. It makes me really happy." She told him, trying and failing to wipe away the mess she had created on her face. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

The girl (I'm naming her Kylie) opened the door with a sigh. "What do you want?" She snapped, already knowing the answer. Kylie knew Brody was going to be out for figurative blood when he found out she was on the list. She just didn't think he'd send henchmen after her. She wondered if he had grown more stupid sense she last talked to him a few months ago. @BasicallyMe
"I want you to grow up." Jasmine pushes Kylie all the way inside her dorm and follows after. She closes the door and stands stiff in front of it. "Get rid of the false harassment claim or whatever that you put on him. You should get over your petty little feelings for him or whatever he did to break your heart because it's long gone." She squints her eyes in anger and leans on one side.

"And what do you care?" Kylie snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. "It's not like your special. Whether it's true or not doesn't matter because the way he plays with girls is disgusting. He doesn't deserve to go to a school this good." She huffed, glaring at the new toy. "What kind of guy turns down every girl that likes him? He leads them on and then he says no the first time they wanna hook up. That's a douche move." She growled. @BasicallyMe

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