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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Ronnie had decided to walk off the pumpkin pie he had eaten with Mari, he leaves his dorm and walks around the school to get some exercise and maybe make a new friend,

Jasmine stands there staring at the girl wide eyed and dumbfounded. "You really filed a complaint against him because you couldn't get in his pants?" She busts out laughing and bends over for easy breathing. "That proves right there, that you're a slut.. and that Brody didn't even touch you. More like you were trying to touch him." Jasmine backs up from the girl and shakes her head. "You made my day though, so thank you. And thank you for your confession." Jaz turns and opens the door, walking out.

Shane smiled at that before sitting down next to her. "So do you see yourself with me in your future?" He knew that was a dumb question to ask but it was the best he could up with. "I see in mines." He clarify before giving her a kiss not caring if the mess went to his face. @McMajestic
Mari smiled, "Everyday," she grinned. "I see you and me, and a house and a car, and we're both pretty rich cause we have awesome jobs," She moved into his lap, kissing him back before relaxing against him, resting her head on his chest. "So you're not mad?" She asked after a long pause, curling her fingers into the fabric of his shirt. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Kylie stammered, rushing after Jasmine. "I have a friend who's going to back me up. It's your word against mine. You'll lose." She called desperately.

Brody had been arguing for Clara for twenty minutes. It was a constant back and forth. "You deserve it." She had said.

"You broke up with me," Brody reminded.

"Because you flirt with everything in a skirt."

"No, they flirt with me."
He wasn't getting anywhere. "Look, you're choosing to ruin my life because we had a falling out. Doesn't that seem a little screwy?"

"Well, you ruined mine."

"How is that even possible?" He grumbled, disbelieving. Nothing good was coming out of this conversation. @BasicallyMe
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Jasmine turns her head behind her back to Kylie and grins, "Not when I have your word." She continues walking without anymore conversation and heads straight to get Brody. "Brody?" She walks down the hall and calls his name hoping he'd come out of a dorm. "Brody I have what we need let's go!" Jaz calls out to him one more time.

Brody poked his head out of the door to Clara's room. "Well, I gotta go. Life's to ruin and all," he added jokingly. Clara blinked.

"What? You can't possibly have gotten a confession already!"

"Oh I didn't. My new friend did." He slammed the door and jogged over to Jasmine. "What'd you get?" He asked quickly, extremely curious as to how she could have gotten anything to help him so fast. She must have went to a stupid girl's dorm first.
Ronnie walked around the school, still looking for something to do, he was a little bored and needed something to do or someone to talk to. @anyone.
Jasmine slides her phone out the left side of her bra and waves it around. She opens it up and presses play on a recent video, which had Kylie's whole confession. She grinned and grabbed his hand. "Let's go!" Jaz takes off running towards the boy's dorm hall. Once she gets there, she stops in front of Brody's room with Brody right next to her and plays the video for the man. "This is Kyle's confession."

The officer listened to it, and nodded once. "I'll go talk to the principal, but you, Wilson, should have stayed in your room. You'll be punished for that." The officer walked away.

"It's still not all of them confessing though," Brody mumbled, opening the door to his dorm. "So don't hold your breath." He walked in, looking around. It was covered in photographs he'd taken. There was a bed and a dresser but not much else. He wasn't big on furniture, especially when it took up wall space.
"Yeah, but I wanted to get one first and show it to the principal. If they need more, we'll get them." She walks in with him and looks around. There were pictures everywhere which caught her attention. "This is nice." Jaz sits down on his bed and sighs. "I hope he comes back soon with the conclusion because this is insane. Everyone here is insane." She blows out a big huff of air and stares at the ceiling.

Shane actually started thinking about that before nodding slowly. "I'm bad but I rather be your prince charming than your evil prince." He said to her while joking at the last part. "Do you seriously want me to get mad?" He asked her before kissing her again. @McMajestic
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Mari smiled before it faltered. "No, I don't. But if you are mad I don't want you to hide it either. I want you to be honest with me, and if I hurt your feelings or something I wanna know. I've never really done this relationship stuff before. You gotta tell me when I do things wrong." She whispered. The sun was setting at that point, and a slight breeze flickered the flames. She pressed herself against Shane for warmth. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

"You have to give things like that time," Brody collapsed on his bed, looking at a few pictures he pasted on the ceiling. Most of them were of stars or the moon. He smiled, glancing at the wall that had all the kids from his foster home. He had taken a picture with all of them before he left, and kept in touch with all of them in a group chat. Some were doing worse than others. @BasicallyMe
"I know, but it shouldn't take forever it's a damn video. Plus he took my phone." She frowns while staring at the ceiling and rubs her stomach. Her mind was fighting against what emotion she should have about this. What if she's touching the start of a new life? What if it's there, in her, right now growing away? She sits up and looks around. "I don't want to stay on the subject too much, but if it is positive, what would you want the gender to be?" Jaz turns her attention to him with a serious face.

Brody sat up as well, thinking for a moment. "I've always dreamed of having a baby girl one day, but as long as its healthy I don't care." He said, intertwining their fingers together. "And we can talk about it as much as you want. Don't worry about freaking me out. The only thing that scares me is blood apparently," He grinned, kissing her cheek. @BasicallyMe
Shane looked up at the sky and started humming to himself a small tune before he decided to respond. "Well it was a little upsetting when you pushed me away from the guy Trent when I wanted to crush his knees, while also leaving me behind on our date I guess to help out Ron." He didn't show any emotion at all when he said both names. "I already shown you that I was upset by not answering your text, so it's whatever now." He said with a shrug. @McMajestic
Mari sighed, closing her eyes, wishing she could fall asleep out there on the beach without worrying about a teacher kicking sand and a detention at her. "I am really sorry. You know I just wanted to spend time with you, right? That's all I wanted to do. It's just hard to sit there and watch someone hurting so bad. And I didn't want you to actually hurt Trent because you could have been suspended." She added. "And I can't let you get away from me too easily." She smiled. holding his hand, studying how small hers was compared to his. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine smiles, "Two great minds think alike!" She lets him kiss her on the cheek and decides to lay back down. "Well, I need to get some sleep for the big reveal tomorrow." She wraps her arms around him and closes her eyes, not taking her too long to fall asleep peacefully. She was happy to be in the arms of Brody tonight.

Brody held her close, kicking his shoes off and gingerly puling his shirt back off before pulling some of the covers over the both of them. He watched her fall asleep, his fingers tangled in her hair. He smiled once he felt her steady breath on his neck and closed his eyes too. "I think I really like you," he whispered. "Maybe I didn't like dating before but that's because I've never met a girl like you." he mumbled, figuring since she was asleep it was okay to speak out loud. He rested his forehead against her, drifting off into a relatively peaceful sleep. @BasicallyMe

Jasmine sat up feeling rather nauseous. She held her head tight trying to make the sick feeling go away, but she couldn't. Deep in her mind she was worried it was morning sickness, but decided to go with other options instead like food poisoning. She sets her feet firmly on the ground and waits a few seconds before actually standing up, but when she does she goes towards the door and contemplates whether to wake Brody. After a good few minutes, she walks back over and shakes him. "Let's go to my dorm."

Brody groaned, pulling her back down in bed with him and rolling on top of her. "Let's stay here and sleep," he mumbled, burying his face in the crook of her neck. "I'm too tired to move," he whined quietly, adjusting himself against her before pretending to fall back asleep. A small smile crept on his face though. He was glad she had woken him up instead of just leaving. He figured she'd want payback and be out of there by the time he got up. @BasicallyMe
Shane rolled his eyes but nodded. He guessed that he could had gotten suspended but he wasn't really thinking about the consequences just like he didn't think about kicking the guy who wouldn't give him Ron Diary or whatever he called it. "Fine fine you got me there." He said to her. @McMajestic
"D-don't grab me. I think I'm going to blow." She covers her mouth, face practically turning green. After a few seconds she was fine. "I think we had bad Chinese." She stands up from the bed and pulls him up also. "Hurry up and let's go to my dorm where the test is." Jasmine walks over to the door, still feeling a bit like she might puke. Maybe it was her nerves?

Ronnie awoke in his dorm, hoping that the thing with his journal was just a bad dream, then realizing, it wasn't. Ronnie got dressed quickly and walked out of his dorm, hoping nobody says anything about his journal.
Mari laughed quietly, relaxing completely against Shane. "I'm pretty tired," she whispered, as the darkness became apparent against the flames. She yawned, beginning to drift off. "Let's sleep here, under the stars," she mumbled, feeling sleep pull her in. She was out before she even heard an answer. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

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