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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Andrew walks out of his own dorm at the same time as Ronnie. He had no idea that it was Ronnie's journal he had, so he walked up to Ronnie and decided to spill some of the secrets from the journal. "Guess what? You know this Ronnie kid?" He starts laughing, "He likes whoever this Mari chick is! There's a lot more than just that though, this kid is hilarious."

"Alright, alright." Brody pulled on some clean clothes from his closet before following her towards her dorm. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it, pressing his lips against the back of her hand. "Just know I'm staying no matter what. You're stuck with me," he grinned, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. @BasicallyMe
BasicallyMe said:
Andrew walks out of his own dorm at the same time as Ronnie. He had no idea that it was Ronnie's journal he had, so he walked up to Ronnie and decided to spill some of the secrets from the journal. "Guess what? You know this Ronnie kid?" He starts laughing, "He likes whoever this Mari chick is! There's a lot more than just that though, this kid is hilarious."
Ronnie looks sooooo angry, "so your the one who spread my journal around school huh? What kind of asshole does that? I'm hilarious? IM F***ING DEPRESSING! In case you read the wrong thing! What's the matter with you! I know lemme guess...your a typical bully because you grew in a broken home of sorts....now to make yourself feel better you make others suffer.... Am I right?" Ronnie said looking him in the eye.
Shane laid down and looked up. He was sleepy and he really wanted to fall asleep fast. He smiled when he saw that Mari was already fast asleep. "Damn she goes to sleep fast." He whispered before Morpheus call took a hold of him and he fell to sleep. @McMajestic (Yes Morpheus xD I always say that before a character goes to sleep)
Jasmine raised an eyebrows at him. "Oh you were staying even if you chose not too." She flashes him a huge smile then continues walking until they reach the girl's dorm hall. Jaz eagerly turns her door knob, almost taking four tries before she could successfully get the key into the hole. She walks in and goes straight to the bathroom. "I have to pee so bad!" The door slams shut. Her eyes met the other pair in the mirror for a while before even making contact with the test. This is it. Jasmine tears open the seal and does what she has to do. When she is finished she sets it on the counter and opens her bathroom door. "Ok, now we wait."

After two minutes time, she checks the test. It read positive.


"Oh shut up kid, you don't know my home life and you never will. This is who I am and I embrace it. This is who you are." Andrew holds up the journal and points to a suicide note.

BasicallyMe said:
Jasmine raised an eyebrows at him. "Oh you were staying even if you chose not too." She flashes him a huge smile then continues walking until they reach the girl's dorm hall. Jaz eagerly turns her door knob, almost taking four tries before she could successfully get the key into the hole. She walks in and goes straight to the bathroom. "I have to pee so bad!" The door slams shut. Her eyes met the other pair in the mirror for a while before even making contact with the test. This is it. Jasmine tears open the seal and does what she has to do. When she is finished she sets it on the counter and opens her bathroom door. "Ok, now we wait."
After two minutes time, she checks the test. It read positive.


"Oh shut up kid, you don't know my home life and you never will. This is who I am and I embrace it. This is who you are." Andrew holds up the journal and points to a suicide note.

"your wrong, that's not me, not me any more. What you've done in the past, what you've experienced in the past does not define you, what you do now defines who you are. And right now I see an asshole who thinks he knows me by just what's in my journal, that may have been my past, but did you even ask yourself, what could have made me try something like that!? Il tell you! People like you, bullies! But know I'm stronger I know I can move on and get past this... Because I have something you can never hope to dream have having!! FRIENDS!!!!" Ronnie was practically yelling at him, almost anybody in the boys dorm could here him telling Andrew off.

@anybody in boys dorm
(when teen pregnancy is suddenly interesting)

Brody waited. Each second felt like its own minute. He groaned after about four minutes. "Jaz, Babe, keep me informed." He knocked once as a warning before barging in, noticing the test in her hands. "Lemme see!" he yelled, snatching it away from her, and noticing two lines. "What does that mean?" He grabbed the box, not waiting for an answer. He went silent for a moment, realizing it was positive. "Holy shit," he breathed out, unsure of what to do. His entire body was vibrating, but he couldn't quite find it in himself to jump up and down. Was he excited or terrified? He didn't know. @BasicallyMe

Mari woke up from a nightmare relatively early. Earlier than she wanted to wake up. She was breathing hard, holding in her scream as she turned, resting her hands on Shane's shoulders and shaking him. "Wake up," she snapped, her heart racing. Just a dream. It was just a dream. Her nightmare of Shane being killed was just that, but she still needed some sort of reassurance. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane suddenly shot his eyes open and they were wide. Was something wrong? That was the first thing that came into his head. He sighed in relief when he saw that she was fine, thank goodness. "Something wrong Evil Maiden?" He questioned her while adopting a worried look on his face. @McMajestic
( xD )

Jasmine stands there silent. She was scared as well. "What do we do?" She looks at it once more just to confirm it again. "I-I don't know what to do." Jaz sits there thinking for a moment. "What will they do if they figure out I'm pregnant? Do they let you stay here for your education, I mean, that would make sense." She begins thinking of all these possibilities good and bad. "Ok, ok. Calm down Jasmine," She mutters under her breath. "Everything's going to be ok. Ok?" Jasmine throws the box away and takes the test from Brody. "We're going to keep this just for any purposed." She grabs a Ziploc bag from the 'kitchen' area and throws it in there.


"Yeah, well I am who I am. I like who I am, and if you don't stop yelling your pruny little head off at me, I'll snap it in two." Andrew growls under his breath and steps up closer to Ronnie. He was getting heated and ready to throw a punch. "And to let you know, I made plenty of friends by telling them who you like."

Brody took both her hands in his. "Hey, look at me Sweetheart. I'll do whatever you want to do. I'll buy a house, I'll marry you, I'll get your name tattooed on me. Whatever, okay? We're in this together." He smiled at her. "But before I propose to you we need to address question number one; would you like to keep the kid? Before you freak out, I'm not suggesting anything, I'm just asking. You can just think about it for awhile. And once we know that answer then I'll go buy the ring," he chuckled and winked at her. He knew he was speaking too much at once, but he was also already forming plans in his own mind. @BasicallyMe

Mari sighed in relief, falling against him. "I just had a nightmare, I'm alright," she mumbled, kissing him softly. "If you're alright, I'm alright," she whispered, wrapping her arms around her neck and smiling at him. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
BasicallyMe said:
( xD )
Jasmine stands there silent. She was scared as well. "What do we do?" She looks at it once more just to confirm it again. "I-I don't know what to do." Jaz sits there thinking for a moment. "What will they do if they figure out I'm pregnant? Do they let you stay here for your education, I mean, that would make sense." She begins thinking of all these possibilities good and bad. "Ok, ok. Calm down Jasmine," She mutters under her breath. "Everything's going to be ok. Ok?" Jasmine throws the box away and takes the test from Brody. "We're going to keep this just for any purposed." She grabs a Ziploc bag from the 'kitchen' area and throws it in there.


"Yeah, well I am who I am. I like who I am, and if you don't stop yelling your pruny little head off at me, I'll snap it in two." Andrew growls under his breath and steps up closer to Ronnie. He was getting heated and ready to throw a punch. "And to let you know, I made plenty of friends by telling them who you like."

Ronnie was a little scared, this guy seemed tough, he was obvious much bigger than Ronnie and he seemed ready to fight. Ronnie didn't know what to do, he didn't know if he should run or Stay and take his chances.

*here's a shocker for ya*

Trent walked up in front of Andrew and says "he has a point. Being an asshole will get you nowhere in life, I learned that the hard way. So if you think about harming him your going to have to get through me. Just give me the journal and we can all walk away from this." Trent has thought about his life, he nearly died twice because of actions, he wasn't to hurt Ronnie at all, so he decided rather than to die at the hands of Shane and Mari, he was going to protect Ronnie and turn his life around.
Jasmine cringes when he mentions tattoos. "No never get a lame tattoo with my name." She winks back. After listening to his whole speil, she shakes her head. "I'm keeping the baby. I can't do that to he or she." Jasmine looks down at her flat tummy and smiles. "I want to know what the baby looks like, I want to feel their touch." Jasmine felt as if she already had a strong bond with the new life growing inside her.


Andrew waves the journal infront of Trent's face then smacks it to his chest. "Take it, I've already told half the kids in the girl's dormitory hall." He grins and turns around to walk away. "I'm not interested anymore."

Shane wrapped his hand around her waist and smiled at her. "Well I'm glad you're okay." He told her while giving her a kiss. He knew it was cold but didn't want to ruin the moment, so he just kept himself quiet. @McMajestic

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/23a441bff3855f9bd2bbf6534efe0def.jpg.3a4ba4a0c790c984c4bd241c0dc70adf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="112577" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/23a441bff3855f9bd2bbf6534efe0def.jpg.3a4ba4a0c790c984c4bd241c0dc70adf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

D, that was the name he used while around here, came up from the shadow clapping at Andrew,Trent and Ronnie. He had a smirk as he walked toward them. "Now isn't this a little shitty drama, didn't think that I would find the prince, the princess and the evil queen." He told them motioning to Ronnie first then Trent before his finger landed on Andrew. "What a pathetic excuse, everybody in the girls dorms knows, why not say it out loud on the speakers." D had wanted to appear when Shane was alone but the pathetic scene he saw when he was walking around almost made him barf. Out all of them, D was the tallest standing at 6'7. "Didn't know that Bullying had dropped." He said while keeping the smirk on his face. @BasicallyMe @SomaFel (He is a character I'm gonna bring, but you will know who he is later on xD @McMajestic knows who he is and has let me to use him for now without the cs for now)



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"Great," Brody smiles, glad he didn't have to worry about that. He was afraid she wouldn't want to have it, but hearing her words was a breath of fresh air. "Okay," It wasn't really sinking. "Okay, let's do this." He repeated, trying to hype himself up. He wasn't sure why, but he felt numb. And then it all hit him, and he practically lost his breath. "I'm gonna be a dad." He said excitedly. "I'm going to get to take pictures of a cute little baby that I created!" He hugged Jasmine, picking her up and spinning her around before setting her back on the ground. "Do you need to baby proof cameras?" He asked suddenly, glancing at the four he had dispersed about his room. @BasicallyMe
Mari nodded, running her hands down on his arm, feeling how cool his skin was. "Do you wanna go back to the dorm? It's a little early to be out on the beach," She said, hugging him close to her as the breeze blew in. She looked up at him. "We could lay in your bed and watch scary movies so I have an excuse to move closer." She grinned wickedly, kissing him again. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Andrew turns to look at a guy from behind. When he finally sees him, Andrew just stands there. The guy was a tower. "Look, buddy. You don't need to get into all of this, I said I'm not interested anymore, so the evil queen," Andrew does a pose, "will be leaving." He pushes past the mysterious guy and continues his way down the hall- mostly because the guy scared him, but Andrew wasn't going to let him know that.

@Rex Archer (I had trouble tagging your namexD)


Jasmine's heart flutters with excitement and she stops to think for a minute. "No just keep them out of the baby's reach." She gives him a stern look, already catching on to this whole mom thing. "I can't wait. The baby is going to be so beautiful." Jaz caresses Brody's cheek and touches their noses together. "This is so scary, but I love it."

Brody grinned. "I'm going to do this right. We're going to do this right. No one's getting left on the side of the road," he said, slipping up and mentioning his own past. He bit his lip, wondering how to backtrack. He couldn't. He sighed, hugging her closer. "That's what my birth parents did to me. I want to be good to this little guy or girl. I wanna make all their dreams come true. Be a good parent like they should have been." He told her, deciding it was better now than later. Besides, he wanted Jaz to know everything about him, bad and good. @BasicallyMe
Shane kissed her back before nodding. It was cold and they needed to get back to their dorms. "Well what horror movie would you to watch?" He asked her as he forced himself to stand up, making sure not drop her accidentally grabbing her by her behind. "Well..." That was all he said before becoming quiet. @McMajestic
Mari smirked, pretending to think. "I have a couple ideas in mind. Anything from before the twenty first century that's got some real scares." She decided, letting her feet land on the dirt sand. She picked up the leftover deconstructed s'mores, holding his hand as they began to walk. "I wanna have a real reason to jump on you," @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine shook her head disapprovingly. "They didn't deserve you then. We're going to do good, I promise." She embraces him one last time then backs away and rubs her stomach. "Well first things first we're hungry." She bites her bottom lip thinking of everything sweet and sugary. "Are you good at making French toast?" Jaz walks to the small stove, fridge, and cabinet. "I have stuff to make it." She bends down and grabs a pan then opens up the fridge and takes out some eggs. "The bread is in this cabinet." Her finger points towards the little cabinet/shelf against the wall by the stove.

Brody got to work, grabbing the bread and taking the eggs from her. "Not only can I make french toast," he began, "But I can also sprinkle an amazingly accurate amount of powdered sugar on it that will make it taste like heaven." He mixed everything together, getting out a pan and rubbing some butter on it, leaving the stove to heat up as he got out everything else he needed. "They're arguably better than sex." It didn't take Brody too long to make the first batch, and he started on the second after plating it along with some strawberries he found in the fridge. "Try it, Love." Brody paused for a moment, wondering if he was scaring Jasmine with his obvious affection, but let it go. They were going to have a kid together, what was more affectionate than that? @BasicallyMe
(That was fast xD a kid already on their first time sleeping together?)

Shane laughed when she said that. "Day of the living dead, the movie from 1985?" He questioned. If she said yes, than he was gonna have to search it up Netflix or whichever website that had the movie. He loved that movie and anything zombie related, it was a good movie.


(These things happen in real life, so why not? xD )

"Sounds great." Mari said, walking into his dorm and collapsing on his bed, curling up under the covers since she still wasn't wearing much besides her bikini and a pair of shorts. She reached for one of Shane's hoodies, pulling it on and breathing in his sweet scent. "I'm keeping this," she told him, zipping it up and snuggling into it and under the blankets. She felt so comfortable. All she needed was him laying beside her. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Her mouth started watering at the smell of strawberries and sweet, sweet powdered sugar. "Oh, that smells so amazing!" When the first batch was finished, Jaz jumped up and grabbed a plate. "This looks so good!" Jasmine couldn't stop expressing her excitement. The first bite was, yep- Heaven. "Brody, these are better than just life itself." She began talking with her mouth full. "I love it!" She takes another bite and soon her plate was empty. "Man that went super fast." Staring at the empty plate made her feel disappointed.


((Lol it happens.))


((psst. got it right^^)
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Brody set a full plate in front of her, having just finished the second batch. he started on a third for himself, planning on eating too, but if she was still hungry he'd give her his. He wanted to provide for her no matter what. He wanted to protect her no matter what. It was just an instinct that ran through him. "There ya go. Eat up. I'll be here all day. Do you want anything else?" He asked. "Milk, a back rub, orange juice?" @BasicallyMe

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