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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Jasmine's eyes lit up at the site of extras being pushed her way. She immediately stuffed herself with it then leaned back and looked up to Brody. "All of the above?" She smiles and shakes her head no, "I'm fine, the aches and pains aren't here yet. I'll save that for when I am close to 200 pounds." She stands and stretches, "Want to do something today?"

Shane shrugged at her, she could his hoodie, he had tones of them on the closet. "Sure." He went to the tv and started searching for the movie on nexflix using his phone, smiling when he finally found it. He pressed so it could show on the tv before he laid next to her but not before taking his shirt off, standing barechest around her. He liked to be without a shirt, so sue him. @McMajestic


(Good job)
"Well, I mean I'm sure you have classes to go to," He made himself a plate, setting it down and wrapping his arms around her waist. "And I'm still stuck in purgatory till the principal makes a decision. So I guess the real question is do you wanna be a bad girl and skip class?" He asked, kissing the tip of her nose and smiling deviously at her. @BasicallyMe

Mari smirked, pressing herself against him and giving him a quick kiss. "So, how scared am I going to be?" She asked, resting her head on his chest and looking towards the television, watching as the movie began. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine bites her lip again, which seems to be a new habit and shakes her head. "No, no. I need to go to class. I can't not have an education. I want to be able to teach little one." She kisses his cheek back then goes into her closet. "I'm going to get dressed and leave. If you wouldn't have reminded me, I would have forgot." Jaz digs until she pulls out skinny jeans and a t-shirt from some Hawaiin gift shop, even though she's lived here her whole life. "Soon these jeans won't even fit me." She smiles to herself wanting to know that feeling.

Brody grinned, pulling her back towards him before she left and pressing his lips against hers, lingering there for a moment. "That, I'm not sorry for." He smiled. "Now go get an education, Love." He smoothed her hair down a bit. "And I'll clean up my mess." He sat down at the table, taking the first bite of his french toast and moaning obnoxiously, more to make Jasmine laugh. "Mmm, so good. I should be paid just to turn on a stove." @BasicallyMe
"That's not the only thing you turn on." She winks and with that, Jaz opens the door and leaves. Her stomach did hurt, but it wasn't anything compared to what she'll be going through during her second and third trimester. As Jasmine is walking to class, she realizes something: what if people start to judge her? Quickly she pushes the thought out, trying hard not to ruin something that is supposed to be such good news. Once Jaz reaches class, she sits in her desk and relaxes. English was Jasmine's best subject and she loved doing it.

"Hey Mrs. what's your face! I'm new so, give me a spot and I'll probably pick- the one next to that beautiful black haired beauty."

Jasmine's breathing came to a halt and she rolled her eyes. Andrew.

Brody finished off his breakfast, cleaning up the dishes he had used and putting everything back in its place. He wasn't quite sure what to do without Jasmine around. He felt odd, with nothing to do, and picked up the camera he had brought with him over to her place. He cleaned up her dorm a bit, deciding he needed to do something for her. He wondered what would be big enough to make her forget about the french toast. Brody thought for a bit, walking back over to his dorm since he had time to kill. He had just arrived when the officer walked up.

"Well, after a thorough discussion with all the girls, we found that what they wrote in their statement and what they were saying wasn't matching up. Everyone confessed except one girl, who still insists you assaulted her. So Wilson, Instead of being suspended from school for a year, you're gonna be on-campus, suspended from classes for a month. No school, but you will have to get a full time job for that month, and provide proof. If all goes well then you should be back in class come November."

"Better, but not exactly what I wanted. Thanks, Sir." Brody muttered, and waited till he was gone before going back to the girls' dorm. He knew it had to be Clara who wouldn't budge. He needed to talk to her. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine closes her eyes to inhale a deep breath, but when she opens them back up, Andrew was staring at her with the same puppy dog looking face.

"Can you please stop staring? You're distracting me from enjoying what I love."

"Well I thought I was what you loved?" Andrew winks and leans back in his seat.

"No, not anymore you're not." She looks back to the front of the room, her eyes glued to the lesson. Without thinking, she rubs her stomach for reassurance which catches Andrew's attention. His eyes grow wide and all he can do is tap his foot 200 miles per hour without exploding.

"Are you pregnant?" Andrew leans over and whisper-yells into her ear.

Jasmine flinches and looks over, "Please stop asking me invalid questions, this is English."

"Excuse me Jasmine and Andrew, but would you like to share something with the class?"

"Oh, no we're fi-," Jasmine was cut off by Andrew's annoying voice.

"Yeah, she just wanted advice on which brand of diapers to buy."

The whole class turns to Jasmine, obviously intrigued by this new found information.

Brody shoved open the door to Clara's dorm, fully prepared to yell at her and demand she admit that he had never hurt her in any way. "Clara, you better-" He was cut off by her tongue being shoved down his throat. He went rigid at the sound of a camera flash. What's going on? He shoved her away. The camera flashed again. "What the hell?" He looked up and noticed one of Clara's friends. He turned to Clara. "What are you doing?" he growled.

"I'm proving to you that we're meant to be." She grabbed his shirt collar, yanking him into another kiss. Click. Flash. He pushed her back again.

"No you're not, you psycho bitch. What are you actually doing?" He snarled, wiping his mouth off.

"I'm collecting evidence that you're cheating on your new toy, so she'll leave you alone. If I'm going to be miserable so are you." Clara yanked her shirt off and stepped forward, but Brody was ready that time. He blocked her attack. Click. Flash. He knew how scary things could look from the wrong angle.

"Give me the camera."

"I got a text from one of my friends in English. Is she really pregnant?" Brody went quiet. "Wow, you screwed her but not me? Why?" Clara demanded. Brody huffed.

"Tell them I never assaulted you, or next time you see me I'll bring my own camera." He snarled, before storming out. @BasicallyMe
"Don't forget to meet in the auditorium later!" The teacher yelled out as she was leaving.

Class let out and Jasmine stood up, full of rage. "What is wrong with you? Are you that stupid?" The class was now clear of anyone else and she shoves him backwards. "You're never going to be in my life again and you're definitely never going to hurt me again. So back off Andrew! Please!" She goes to walk out, but Andrew grabs her by the hair and pulls her back, close to his mouth.

"Don't underestimate me, Jazzie." He lets her go, causing Jasmine to run off and into the hall. She was full of emotions and now that the whole class- maybe school by now- knew she was pregnant made it even worse. Jaz just continued on her way back to her dorm uninterested in everyone's stares.

Shane shrugged. He had seen the movies many times even when he was little yet he never got frightened. "I never been afraid of horror movies, so I wouldn't know." He responded. He just liked the way the movie was made. "But you know, I'm actually stopping myself from jumping you." That may have sounded perverted, but he knew he was holding himself back. @McMajestic
I slowly walked to class and heard everyone whispering about something down the hallway. At first, I thought they were talking about me, but then a girl came up to me saying "There's a girl in our schools that's pregnant. I watched the stranger trot down the hallway telling almost everyone she saw. I thought..The poor girl...Having these secrets being told to everyone. All I know is I am not spreading nor am I getting involved. I just wish I would've gotten a name of who it was. But with the way it seems won't be long to the whole state knows.... I really want to help this girl it's my nature or instinct to help a person in need...I think well if it's all gonna work out and I get to help this girl I'll be glad.

Jasmine goes down the hall staring at the ground. Her face was red with anger, even the tips of her ears were turning color. Her shoulder slams into another person to which she falls and looks up, "I'm so sorry!" Jaz stands and brushes herself off.

Looks at the person. Oh it's fine no harm done.. I laugh..I'm Crystal..Crystal Malby. Im pretty new here...

{sorry it's like a one liner I couldn't find anything else to say xD }

@BasicallyMe @savannah98

It was a matter of timing for the English teacher to have seen the commotion in the hallway. What time was it anyway? The situation seemed to resolve itself in a matter of milliseconds, yet the circumstances perpetuated something more serious. He wasn't the best with students, as there were so many now, yet he knew his way around with a few. "What is the meaning of this? Is there something I should know about?" the professor asked as he crossed his arms. The one student looked especially rattled, her face comparable to a fire hydrant in its rougeness."Are you ok?" Brooks asked the new student. Surely this was an accident, but there seemed to be more going on. Nobody turns this red with embarrassment, he thought to himself as he inspected the other girl. Truly this was the look of rage.
Jasmine looks up to the teacher and nods her head, "Yes, I'm fine. I was just having a bad day then accidentally slammed into her, so I felt the need to apologize." She nods reassuringly to both the teacher and the girl her age. "Nothing bad going on here." But really Jasmine would love to get her hands around the neck of Andrew James.



(It's ok lol)
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I am still blushing.Thinks I hate being so shy..I say sorry to both of them and walk fast away from them both..I go into class and sit down...No friends except that one guy but I never see are him anymore..

@BasicallyMe @JokerValentine
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"You don't have to hold yourself back, you know." Mari whispered. "I'd be okay with whatever you do to me," she smiled, kissing him quickly. "How could I say no to you?" Mari tangled her fingers in his hair, pressing her forehead against his. How could I say no to anyone with everything I've done? She thought. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

With the other girl slipping out of view, Mr. Brooks was not convinced to let "Jasmine" go. "My office is just outside room 21, third floor. You are certainly bothered by something, and if you want to talk in private we can do so there. I will be in there for most likely the rest of the day. Just, next time, don't take out your frustrations on others. Bouvardia is a family," Brooks said, turning away from her and departing.
Jasmine watches as Crystal takes off. She frows knowing that Crystal probably knows about her pregnancy, so she continues her way to the dorm. Jaz wondered if Brody knows that everyone else knows. She takes out her cell phone and pulls up his contact then sends him a text, "Hey, Andrew did a dick move, now evryone knows."

@savannah98 @McMajestic
After class I go back to the dorms...All alone no room mates even tho there is 3 beds in here..Thinks to self I wonder who that girl was...? Oh well I get out my homework and start working on it slowly. I see the same girl walking down the dorm hallway and I yell well my yelling is more like a mouse squeaking. I get he attention and ask her about who she is..Thinks I can tell something is wrong maybe she's the girl that one stranger was talking about.

Brody checked his messages as he walked towards Jasmine's dorm, wanting to get there before her and surprise her with lunch maybe. He paused once he read the text, glaring at it. I'm going to beat the shit out of that bastard he sent back, his blood boiling at the mere thought of it. Andrew obviously didn't know his boundaries, so Brody was going to set them. Nobody was going to hurt his girl, or his child. He blinked at the sudden thought. Is she really my girl? He decided they'd have to talk about that later. @BasicallyMe
Shane looked at her before kissing her. "I know but we still haven't had our first date, so anything besides kissing will have to wait."He knew that was pathetin but he just wanted their relationship to go slow. "It's not about saying no, we still need to wait for it." He explained. @McMajestic
(Jaz told Crystal her name(: but I'll go with it and edit my last post!) @savannah98

Jasmine's phone went off and and she quickly texted back, "Don't do anything stupid, please. I'll be to my dorm in a second." After slipping it back in her pocket, Jaz's attention was taken by the same girl from earlier. She walks over to her and smiles slightly, "My name is Jasmine. Where's your dorm at?" Her eyes scan the area as if there would be an answer. "Mine is actually right here." Jasmine points to the door and unlocks it. "Come in." She figured inviting her in would help make them friends.


Mari nodded. "Okay, well I think I like this slow thing. It's new, and kinda fun." She grinned, turning back to the movie. "But don't go too slow. We need to have that first date soon. Don't make it boring." She added, putting all the pressure on him to plan it. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Brody huffed. He knew he wouldn't make it to her dorm before, so he thought he'd just go straight for Andrew. That guy was going to learn a lesson. Brody cracked his knuckles, No promises he sent to Jasmine, before heading towards campus in hopes of finding Andrew. @BasicallyMe

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