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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Brody thought for a moment. "Some of them were crazy, some of them were using me to make their boyfriends jealous. There were a couple girls I got really far with, but something always went wrong. A phone rang, a door opened. I got pretty close with my last girlfriend, but then she stopped when I told her I didn't have any..." Brody's voice trailed off slowly, and his eyes widened. He sat up fast, careful not to slam his forehead against Jaz's. "Oh my fucking God! Protection! We forgot protection!" He practically yelled, his voice cracking weakly. @BasicallyMe
Shane passed a hand through his hair as he walked toward his dorm. He was disappointed that she just left him there but he shouldn't say anything. He narrowed his eyes when he saw one guy with the same journal that Ronnie said that was his. He held out his hand expecting him to hand it, but when he didn't, he just kicked him on the face before taking the journal for him. "He should had handed it over when I told him to." Shane said as he walked toward his dorm, not bothering to look inside. When he got there, he just threw the journal by his table. He laid down on his bed and looked up at the ceiling.
Jasmine sits up quickly and looks to him with wide eyes. "What!? Are you kidding me?" She looks around frantically as if she were going to see the words 'it's ok' in big letters. "W-why would you not use protection?" Her feet swing off the bed. "Are you sure you weren't drunk? Maybe you were and you did use one but you don't remember." Jaz walks quickly over to her miniature trash can and dumps it out finding no trace. "Oh my God." Her fingers run through her hair. "Did- did you at least pull out?" Her voice trails off after the last word.

Brody stuttered. "I was a virgin! How do you expect me to have a strong pull out game if I've never done this before? Shit!" Brody collapsed on the bed, burying his face in a pillow and groaning. "What the hell? What the hell did I do? God, I'm such a bitch," he muttered, sitting up and running his hands down his face, trying to think clearly. He couldn't. "Oh my God. I'm sorry. I'm such an idiot. This is what I get. This is my fucking punishment." @BasicallyMe
Ronnie smiled, "alright, follow me im sure i have plenty of sweets in there!" Ronnie says. Gesturing for her to follow as he starts walking to his dorm

Jasmine's face falls when he practically says no to pulling out. She drops the trash can and rubs her forehead. "What happens if I get pregnant- oh my God I'm too young to be a mom. And- and Andrew will freak out on me and probably punch me in the stomach or something." She sits on the edge of the bed, staring at the trash's condiments on the floor. "It's both of our punishment. Mine is for getting plastered."

Brody sighed deeply, crawling over the bed and sitting next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and holding her for a moment. He turned and kissed her cheek, trying to stay calm. "I won't let that bastard ever touch you again. Baby or not." He whispered, squeezing her shoulder gently. He didn't know what else he could say, or how else he could comfort her. He wanted to make everything okay, but after his extreme screw-up he doubted he could. @BasicallyMe

Mari followed, and when they got to his dorm she sat on his bed, looking around and taking in the new environment. She took her phone out of her pocket, scrolling to Shane's number. I'm sorry. I'll promise I'll make it up to you later. Bad girl's honor. She texted, hoping he wouldn't completely hate her. She set her phone down, turning to Ronnie. "So, what's even in your journal?"

McMajestic said:
Brody sighed deeply, crawling over the bed and sitting next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and holding her for a moment. He turned and kissed her cheek, trying to stay calm. "I won't let that bastard ever touch you again. Baby or not." He whispered, squeezing her shoulder gently. He didn't know what else he could say, or how else he could comfort her. He wanted to make everything okay, but after his extreme screw-up he doubted he could. @BasicallyMe
Mari followed, and when they got to his dorm she sat on his bed, looking around and taking in the new environment. She took her phone out of her pocket, scrolling to Shane's number. I'm sorry. I'll promise I'll make it up to you later. Bad girl's honor. She texted, hoping he wouldn't completely hate her. She set her phone down, turning to Ronnie. "So, what's even in your journal?"

In Ronnie's dorm, orange seems to be a theme, orange blanket,pillows, rug and even a pumpkin on the counter. Ronnie goes through his fridge and pulls out a pumpkin pie, he sets it down on the table just as she asked the question. "uh....not much....my thoughts, feelings about my day, the fact today Is the 4th year after my mother died and it's my fault, and I hated my self ever since because of it..... You know... The usual..."Ronnie said casually as possible while cutting the pumpkin pie, not looking Mari in the eye the entire time.
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"Well we have to get a pregnancy test soon. In a few days." She lays her head on his shoulder hesitantly and stares at the still playing Disney movie. "We've just met today and already things are so complicated." She grabs his hand like she had done a few minutes ago and squeezes. Just then, the door swings open and a teacher walks in.

"What is he doing in here? On your bed?" The female teacher walks over to Brody and grabs his ear.

"Wait! We weren't doing anything! It's not even curfew!" Jasmine stands up and watches her drag him to the door.

"Well a little birdie told me you too were doing some inappropriate things." She pushes Brody out and shuts the door after she is fully out as well.

Jasmine stands there staring at the door and kicks a piece of trash. Andrew.

"Hell no," Brody snarled, yanking himself away from the teacher. "Look Mrs. Whatever, we're having a fucking crisis, so leave us alone."

"Brody Wilson, I presume? The whole dorm talks about you. You're getting suspended."

"Screw you," Brody growled He wondered where all his charisma had gone. He used to charm teachers, not cuss at them. He headed back towards the dorm, even managing to get the door open before he was yanked backwards.

"Absolutely not. I will have you expelled if you don't calm down this instant." The teacher snapped. Brody huffed, looking in at Jaz and deciding it was worth it. But the scream stopped him.

"That's him!" A girl shrieked, sobbing violently. Brody looked over, highly confused.

"This is the young man that assaulted you?" The teacher asked. Brody cussed again. If he thought he was having a bad day, it was getting worse. The girl nodded and the teacher started dragging him off. He glared at the girl, who smirked when the teacher wasn't looking. Something was definitely going on. @BasicallyMe
Mari frowned. "What?" She couldn't believe what she had just heard. "Ronnie, leave the food alone." She muttered, walking over to him and taking his hands in hers. "How could your mom dying be your fault?" She asked quietly, unsure of what else to say at the moment. @SomaFel
McMajestic said:
Mari frowned. "What?" She couldn't believe what she had just heard. "Ronnie, leave the food alone." She muttered, walking over to him and taking his hands in hers. "How could your mom dying be your fault?" She asked quietly, unsure of what else to say at the moment. @SomaFel
Ronnie looked at her, at says "its quiet simple really, I spill a drink in the kitchen, I go to get a towel to clean it up, my mom walks past me into the kitchen, I said nothing to her, just kept walking to get the towel." Ronnie started to cry a little at this point " I then hear a crash as soon as pick up the towel, I race back to the kitchen and my mother is lying face down in the drink I spilled, head bleeding like crazy,.." Ronnie really crying by now"by the time the ambulance gets there its too late......she's dead....."
Jasmine runs to the door and looks out. She watches as Brody goes down the hall and her head switches toward the girl. Her eyes squint and her fist curls up. As each second passes by, she contemplates the decision on if she should knock the hell out of her. Stay calm, just stay cal- nope. "Hey, who do you think you are?" Jasmine goes towards the girl and stops inches in front of her. "You're such a lying slut, Brody would never assault someone! You're just mad because he probably left you for something better."

Mari pulled him into a hug. "Oh Ronnie," she whispered, running her fingers through his hair. "Sweetie, it's not your fault. Sometimes things just happen. You shouldn't blame yourself. You didn't know." Mari held him tight, unsure if she could keep herself from crying. It must have been heartbreaking to lose his mom, but she'd deliberately killed someone before. She knew what it was like for it to be someone's fault, and that most definitely was not Ronnie's. @SomaFel

The girl only laughed. "I don't see why you're so mad. You can't possible like him, can you? He sleeps with every girl on campus, and he lies to get you to stay with him." She paused, "I'm guessing you heard the whole 'virgin' bit, too, huh? He usually opens with that." She snorted. "I couldn't believe I believed it, to be a honest. A guy like that... there's no way. And I wasn't lying. He did assault me, when we were dating anyways." She shrugged.

Brody sat in an office, still shirtless. He was tapping his foot against the floor at rapid speed when the vice principal walked in. "Brody Wilson? I've got quite a folder for you." Brody chuckled.

"Yeah, right. I'm an honors student, I have two jobs, and I've never missed more than four days of class. Total." Brody defended easily.

"You also have a tendency to molest girls. I say that pushed the whole 'honors student' thing away, don't you think?" Brody's eyes widened at the accusation. @BasicallyMe
McMajestic said:
Mari pulled him into a hug. "Oh Ronnie," she whispered, running her fingers through his hair. "Sweetie, it's not your fault. Sometimes things just happen. You shouldn't blame yourself. You didn't know." Mari held him tight, unsure if she could keep herself from crying. It must have been heartbreaking to lose his mom, but she'd deliberately killed someone before. She knew what it was like for it to be someone's fault, and that most definitely was not Ronnie's. @SomaFel
The girl only laughed. "I don't see why you're so mad. You can't possible like him, can you? He sleeps with every girl on campus, and he lies to get you to stay with him." She paused, "I'm guessing you heard the whole 'virgin' bit, too, huh? He usually opens with that." She snorted. "I couldn't believe I believed it, to be a honest. A guy like that... there's no way. And I wasn't lying. He did assault me, when we were dating anyways." She shrugged.

Brody sat in an office, still shirtless. He was tapping his foot against the floor at rapid speed when the vice principal walked in. "Brody Wilson? I've got quite a folder for you." Brody chuckled.

"Yeah, right. I'm an honors student, I have two jobs, and I've never missed more than four days of class. Total." Brody defended easily.

"You also have a tendency to molest girls. I say that pushed the whole 'honors student' thing away, don't you think?" Brody's eyes widened at the accusation. @BasicallyMe
Ronnie was calmer now that he was in a hug, he seemed to relax quite a bit and stop crying after a few minutes. "though that's not the biggest deal in terms of what's in that journal...."Ronnie says"there are things worse in that journal nobody needs to know about.... Almost wished I didn't write it down...."
Jasmine looks down at the floor beginning to get sucked into what she has no clue is lies or not. "He's a friend, and I stand up for my friends." She starts to play with her fingers out of anxiety. "So, you are accusing him of lying about being a virgin? Tell me, have you ever actually had sex with him, or are you just lying to spread rumors and make him look bad?" Jaz continues to listen to her accusations and decides to ask more, "How'd he assault you? Because from his stories he makes you seem like a crazy bitch." She decides to leave out the rest of the woman, in fact, Jasmine had no idea which one this girl is.

"Of course I've had sex with him. Dozens of times. All over my freaking dorm. He got rid of me when I got a roommate and went after her instead." The girl snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. "And how'd he assault me? It was easy. I said no, and he got me drunk so I'd say yes. My roommate stopped him thankfully. He was with her at the time so she dumped him. But if you don't believe me, you could ask Cindy Lawson. Fourth floor. She was with him too, until she got pregnant and he made her get rid of it. There's a lot of horror stories about Brody. I'm surprised you haven't heard any of them yet." The girl shrugged. "I'm only helping him get what he deserves." She started back for her dorm.

Brody couldn't believe the amount of reports the vice principal had gotten a hold of. Ten alone. He groaned as he waited in the hall, wondering what punishment would await him. He could already hear his parents screaming at him through the phone, feel his mother slap him for all the supposed bad things he'd done. He bit his lip, suddenly terrified. What if Jaz was pregnant? He couldn't leave her. Not with Andrew around. He'd have to fight to stay.


"Hey, it's okay. I promise, it's all going to be okay," Mari said, rubbing circles on his back like she did for her little brothers whenever they came to her crying about something or other. "This school isn't normally like this. I promise it won't be like this much longer." She spoke gently. @SomaFel
McMajestic said:
"Of course I've had sex with him. Dozens of times. All over my freaking dorm. He got rid of me when I got a roommate and went after her instead." The girl snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. "And how'd he assault me? It was easy. I said no, and he got me drunk so I'd say yes. My roommate stopped him thankfully. He was with her at the time so she dumped him. But if you don't believe me, you could ask Cindy Lawson. Fourth floor. She was with him too, until she got pregnant and he made her get rid of it. There's a lot of horror stories about Brody. I'm surprised you haven't heard any of them yet." The girl shrugged. "I'm only helping him get what he deserves." She started back for her dorm.
Brody couldn't believe the amount of reports the vice principal had gotten a hold of. Ten alone. He groaned as he waited in the hall, wondering what punishment would await him. He could already hear his parents screaming at him through the phone, feel his mother slap him for all the supposed bad things he'd done. He bit his lip, suddenly terrified. What if Jaz was pregnant? He couldn't leave her. Not with Andrew around. He'd have to fight to stay.


"Hey, it's okay. I promise, it's all going to be okay," Mari said, rubbing circles on his back like she did for her little brothers whenever they came to her crying about something or other. "This school isn't normally like this. I promise it won't be like this much longer." She spoke gently. @SomaFel
Ronnie seemed to relax and calm, after a moment he said softly...."I don't know about you but I really want that pumpkin pie now...."
Jasmine watched as the girl turned and walked towards her dorm. Thoughts were spinning through her head and fear was the biggest emotion she felt right now, nothing else. Given her past boyfriend, Jasmine was having a hard time not believing what this girl said- in fact she believed it. Once the fear was gone, anger took over and she stormed down the hall, past the dorms, and stopped in her tracks as she ran into Andrew. He was leaning against the wall talking to some girl crying, but his eyes left the girl and came up to her.

"Hold on just a sec." Andrew stands and walks over to Jasmine, "Where's your new boy toy?" He grins.

"He's busy." She puts all her weight on one foot and crosses her arms.

"Oh, don't lie I watched that old lady drag him down the hall. Andrew snickers and sticks his hands in his pockets. "I miss you, Jazzie."

Brody huffed. "I didn't do any of that." He snapped. The principal had just called him back in.

"I might believe you if there wasn't ten different counts." The principal said, patting the folders. "And we have a zero tolerance policy for this. Lucky for you, you're a minor, or we'd be in trial right now. The on-campus officer is coming to escort you back to the dorm. You're suspended for the rest of the year, and if these girls press charges you will be expelled. We can't have kids with records at this school."

"I didn't do it though!" Brody groaned, slouching in his chair.

"Get an attorney, Wilson. It's the best advice I can give you." The principal said.

"I'm innocent!" Brody demanded, but he wasn't heard. The On-campus officer came to escort him, and he sighed, going without any argument. When they got to his dorm, the officer said he'd wait outside, and Brody closed his door, beginning to pack when an idea came to mind. He quickly shoved open his window. He was on the third floor, but there was a tree he could slide down if he just made the jump. Brody climbed up on the ledge. The tree was about ten feet away. "Jesus if you're out there, help me out." He murmured, before pouncing. The first sign that he was still alive was when he hit the ground. The second being the blood pouring out of his hand from the tree bark scratching them as he slide down it. He took in a sharp breath before heading back to the girl's dorm. He wasn't going down without a fight. @BasicallyMe

Mari laughed, relaxing as he said. "That sounds great," She said, walking over and eagerly cutting them both a slice. "Here ya go, Cutie," She said, giving him his piece and kissing him on the cheek before taking a bite. "Yum." @SomaFel
Jasil pulled up to the school and walked towards the administration office. "Hello?! Is anyone here? I'm a transfer and I just need my information and dorm!"
"I don't miss you." She turns back around to go back to her dorm, but a thought filled her head. What if he could give you company? What is he's changed? Jasmine tries to shake the thoughts, so she turns around and stares him in the eyes. The eyes that she used to be in love with until they turned cruel, but they were so familiar. "Why are you here?"

"I'm interested in music now. If you wouldn't have left me, you would know that." He grabs Jasmine's hand. "It's been so hard since then."

Jasmine pulls her hand back and steps away. "I can't say the same."

McMajestic said:
Brody huffed. "I didn't do any of that." He snapped. The principal had just called him back in.
"I might believe you if there wasn't ten different counts." The principal said, patting the folders. "And we have a zero tolerance policy for this. Lucky for you, you're a minor, or we'd be in trial right now. The on-campus officer is coming to escort you back to the dorm. You're suspended for the rest of the year, and if these girls press charges you will be expelled. We can't have kids with records at this school."

"I didn't do it though!" Brody groaned, slouching in his chair.

"Get an attorney, Wilson. It's the best advice I can give you." The principal said.

"I'm innocent!" Brody demanded, but he wasn't heard. The On-campus officer came to escort him, and he sighed, going without any argument. When they got to his dorm, the officer said he'd wait outside, and Brody closed his door, beginning to pack when an idea came to mind. He quickly shoved open his window. He was on the third floor, but there was a tree he could slide down if he just made the jump. Brody climbed up on the ledge. The tree was about ten feet away. "Jesus if you're out there, help me out." He murmured, before pouncing. The first sign that he was still alive was when he hit the ground. The second being the blood pouring out of his hand from the tree bark scratching them as he slide down it. He took in a sharp breath before heading back to the girl's dorm. He wasn't going down without a fight. @BasicallyMe

Mari laughed, relaxing as he said. "That sounds great," She said, walking over and eagerly cutting them both a slice. "Here ya go, Cutie," She said, giving him his piece and kissing him on the cheek before taking a bite. "Yum." @SomaFel
Ronnie blushes when she kisses him, he then goes and sits on his bed, gesturing for her to come sit with him. Ronnie thought to himself -maybe this day can get better...- Ronnie then says "ya know, I think I figured out why people make fun of people for having an awesome singing voice like mine...their just jealous!"
Brody jogged over to the girl's dorm, stepping inside and hissing in pain as he grabbed the knob, not even thinking about it. "Ow," he grumbled, looking down at his hands. He suddenly felt woozy, and looked away, starting to walk down the hall. He'd just caught sight of Jasmine when the smell hit him. He looked down again, and felt himself swaying back and forth, his stomach tying in knots. "Uh-oh," he grumbled, his legs giving out. He collapsed, passing out from the sight of all the blood. @BasicallyMe

Mari grinned. "Well I'm glad you think that way. Even I'm jealous of your voice." She laughed, finishing off her pie and stretching out on his bed, laying back and looking up at the ceiling. I need to get back to Shane. She looked over at Ronnie, keeping the smile on her face. "So, you're feeling better?" She asked for assurance. @SomaFel
Luna headed to the girls dorm in silence, she could hear voices but paid no attention, she was too exhausted.

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