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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Brody shook his head. "No! You're lying." He snarled, his voice vicious. He didn't know what had come over him, but he didn't care to find out. Brody grabbed her shoulders, yanking her into a rough, desperate kiss, his body pressing against hers, begging for relief, but he quickly shoved her back, getting up on his feet before he could even grasp the entire situation. "No. I love her. I'm not doing this." He growled, walking over to the kitchen and grabbing a water bottle. He needed to sober up quick. @BasicallyMe
Callie's eyes widened and her eyes closed out of instinct when he kissed her. "You just did do it though. You kissed me." Cal immediately felt super guilty about this and now she had no idea what to think. She was a bit afraid of Brody at the moment, but sat up and slid her shirt back on before repeating what she said, "I'm not lying. Her mom walked outside during a summer night when they were getting freaky in the hot tub. She was home early or something."

"Shut up! " Brody yelled, turning on Callie with more anger than he was used to. "I didn't cheat on her and she didn't lie to me. That's the end of this. Get. Out." He growled, his voice deadly calm compared to his yelling. On the inside he was crying, knowing he had just ruined everything. "Are you trying to ruin my relationship?" He asked, before shaking his head. "No. Forget it. I'm good at doing that all by myself. It was me." Brody sighed, sitting down and resting his face in his hands. For a moment he thought he'd cry for real. He couldn't believe he had let some stupid animal instinct get the best of his love for Jaz. "Well that's it. I'm done. I'm well passed three strikes." He walked over towards his stuff, grabbing his backpack to start packing. He could only imagine how much Jaz would hate him when she found out. @BasicallyMe
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Callie held up her hands and shook her head, still drunk and not totally aware of what she just did. "She doesn't need to know, I won't say anything." Cal hiccups and then closes her eyes, halfway falling a sleep. She had now reached her shutting down stage, so instead of trying to drunkenly flirt, she decided to lay down and watch Brody begin packing. "Why are you packing? Stop packing idiot" Callie looks at him dumbfounded and rubs her temples as a migraine sets in. "I'm sorry," Her words slurred.

Jasmine walks into the room, rubbing her eyes tiredly. She could smell the alcohol and noticed two beer cups laying around as well a Callie. "Get off my bed, I'm tired." Jaz trudges over to Callie and pushes her off, jumping into her own bed as Callie's body booms against the floor. "What are you doing, babe?" Her eyes were halfway closed and she wasn't really paying attention.

Brody tensed, stopping what he was doing so he could beg forgiveness, but upon noticing how tired Jaz was, he decided to let it wait for the morning. "Just organizing a bit, " he lied, walking over to the bed and laying down next to Jaz, hoping Callie's lip gloss wasn't on him as he kissed Jazz's forehead. "I love you." He brushed her hair out of her face, running his fingers through the soft locks, looking down at her tired figure. "God, I love you, " he mumbled to himself instead of her, resting his face in the crook of her neck, kissing her shoulder gently as he closed his eyes, drifting off next to her, comforted that at least they'd have one more night okay. But he'd have to tell her tomorrow, if he didn't the guilt would eat him alive. @BasicallyMe
((Poor poor Brody))

The next morning

Jasmine woke up feeling refreshed and better than she had last night. The skits they had been practicing for hours were pretty tiring and she couldn't stay awake any longer than thirty minutes when she busted into the room. On top of all of that, she missed Rose and wanted to hold her in her arms.

She got up, fixed a bowl of cereal, and dressed herself in leggings and a hoodie; too lazy to actually put anything decent on. Her eyes scan Brody and Callie for a few moments before going back to munching on her Special K.

Callie woke up on the floor. A crook was in her neck and to go along with that she had a hang over migraine that was practically killing her slowly. "What the hell?" She wiped away drool from the right side of her face and looked around slightly confused. She didn't remember kissing Brody last night, but she did remember some of the extreme flirting.

Jaz raised an eyebrow and set her bowl in the sink, "Looks like you two brought the party to my dorm." She sat on the edge of her bed and glanced over to Brody.

Brody opened his eyes, watching Jaz move around without moving himself. He felt something dark fall over him as the memories of last night came rushing back, and he glanced at Callie. Brody wished he would have been drunk enough to forget. He looked back at Jaz, unable to smile though he tried. How could say anything other than the truth? He already felt so guilty. "Well, just the beer, really," he said with a small grin that didn't last very long. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine glanced down to her watch and looked around the dorm. She had been totally unaware of the situation and Brody's plaguing guilt. "We're going to need to go visit Rosie today. I have to breast feed her at 12 since they only have enough for breakfast." She runs her now pink fingernails through her hair and lays back, unsure what to do until then. "Hopefully they'll have good news. The sooner she gets out, the better."

(I don't know if she should tell him or not lol)

Brody sat up, walking into the kitchen and getting a bottle of water. He started to say those dreaded words that always worked to end everything he had ever worked for. "We need-" but he cut himself off, unsure of where to go after that. Hadn't Jaz, in a sense, wronged him? Hadn't there been at least one time she had done something wrong, something he could use against her when she threatened to leave him, when she begged him to get out? "to go to the store," he finished, coming up empty handed. Of course Jaz had nothing wrong. She was perfect. She was his beautiful, amazing, perfect girlfriend, and he loved her so much, so he couldn't lie to her, but wouldn't the truth hurt her even worse than a little lie? @BasicallyMe
((lol decisions, decisions. I'm going to say that I had a very very evil plan that would make Jasmine look like the biggest hypocrite of all time, but I decided not to use it lol))

Jasmine listened to Brody then raised an eyebrow, slightly suspicious now that she's noticing his skittish behavior. "Ok? Well, go to the store. I don't exactly want to go out until we have to go visit Rose, so I'm going to stay home and gawk over her beautiful pictures in my phone gallery." Jaz smiles and slips the cellular device out of her back pocket, getting a text from Andrew at perfect timing, but decided not to say anything.

(Do it. Make Brody look less like a horrible human being lol)

"Callie, if you're gone when I get back, that'd be nice," Brody said simply, patting her head as he walked past her before heading straight for the door, deciding to go pick up some things. They needed some more food and a few more baby supplies anyways. It took him about thirty minutes to get everything he needed, and then he stood in line with a cart, waiting to pay behind a couple slow people. @BasicallyMe
Callie's face turns into a puzzled expression at Brody's command to kick her out. She straightens her hair back up, but refuses to leave, and instead she puts on a tight shirt, tight jeans, and jumps onto Jaz's bed getting comfortable. Her bed would be coming in soon, which excited her. She could tell Jasmine hated it when she lounged around on her bed.

With that said, Callie's bed arrived a few minutes later and the men who brought it set it up perfectly. She bounced off of Jasmine's over to her own a few feet apart.

Jasmine watches Brody leave and smiles. The pictures on her phone were what kept her sane right now, otherwise she'd be going crazy without being able to see the eyes of her baby girl.


((Jump in lol))

@Mai Akiyama
Tia Dawkins was sitting on her bed watching the time go by. After deciding to do something with her day, she got dressed and started walking towards a park near her home.
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Brody was on his way back to Jaz's dorm when a couple school officers walked up to him. He paused in his steps, confused by their harsh looks. "Are you Brody Wilson?" One of them asked, and he nodded slowly, looking in between them.

"Yes Sir, is everything okay?" He asked. The second officer took Brody's bags from him, and he let him. Brody had always been taught to respect the officials, and hope they respected him back.

"I'm afraid not. You're under arrest. Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law-"

"Wait, what's going?" Brody asked, not daring to resist. He knew that was a charge all it's own. They bag leading him towards the front office. "Wait, why are you doing this?" He pleaded, looking between both of them. The officer only read him his rights, not bothering to answer. He bit his lip, looking back towards the girls' dorm, praying Jaz wouldn't see him being hauled off. @BasicallyMe
Andrew left the boy's dormitory, bored out of his mind and aggravated that Jasmine still hadn't answered him back. His dirty blonde hair had been done into his signature perfect swoop up and the past few weeks he had been working out, gaining extra muscle in hopes that Jasmine would notice, or maybe any girl. At this point, Andrew didn't really care, he just wanted to get laid and break some more hearts- not focus too much on Jasmine.

@Mai Akiyama

After a long while, it'd been close to 12 and Brody still hadn't showed up. Jasmine began to worry that maybe he'd be the type of father that blows off things like this, but she tried to erase those unwanted thoughts in fear that they were true. "Uhm, if Brody comes back, tell him I went to feed Rose." She grabs her purse slightly annoyed and exits the campus, heading towards the hospital with no Brody in sight.

"Oh Jesus Christ! Get those cuffs off him. He's a good kid," The principal snapped, and the officer's worked in a flustered mess to follow orders.

"What's going on?" Brody asked, and the principal's eyes widened.

"Do you not know? There's all kinds of stuff circulating about you- some of it more illegal than is allowed." A police officer snorted at the comment, and Brody frowned. He knew he had done a lot of wrong things but he didn't necessarily believe any of them to be illegal, were they?

"He's an accessory to a crime, Sir. It's perfectly illegal." The officer spoke.

"What crime?" Brody demanded, utterly confused, but then he remembered. The trafficking photos.

Andrew noticed Tia a few feet away, and marched up to her feeling confident. "Hey beautiful, what's your name?" A grin spreads across his face, revealing a pearly white smile. His arm reaches around behind his head to rub it, causing his newly built muscles to flex and show. "I seen you swinging alone, and thought I could make you some good company." A.J. sits on the swing next to her and begisn to sway back and forth.

((Do you mind giving me a little more to work with, like atleast two-three lines?(: ))

@Mai Akiyama

Jasmine reaches the hospital faster than usual. She'd been ready to feed her since last night. Rose looked a little bigger already, which made Jaz feel like a proud mom. She couldn't wait until her baby girl was at least 7 pounds and chubby enough to lay without wires and needles pocking at her every few minutes.

After Jasmine finished feeding, which ended up harder than she thought and saddening, she dug out her cell phone and dialed Brody's number ready to ask him where he was.

Tia looked from where she was sitting to notice him. She thought at first glance he was handsome. "My name's Tia Dawkins, what's yours"? She smiled at him, wondering if he was a nice person. She continued to swing slowly back and forth

Brody's phone rang in his back pocket, and he reached for it, but an officer quickly swiped it out of his hand. "Hey! That's my girlfriend. I'm sure she's worried-"

"You'll get your phone call, Wilson, just sit down." The officer snapped, and Brody sighed, sitting at one of the chairs by the desk.

"Now Brody," the principal began. "After last month's incident we have reason to believe these are false claims against you, and so we'd like to hear your side of things." Dr. Pholder said.

"I did it," Brody said simply. The principal looked at him, baffled.

"Are you aware of all the crimes against you?" He asked, sending Brody a pointed look.

"Accessory to a crime. That's the only thing I did wrong. I was an accessory." He said simply.

"No Brody, Clara pressed charges against you, remember?" Brody's heart sunk. She had raped him and yet he was being charged with sexual assault. The irony almost made him laugh. @BasicallyMe
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((Thanks. Going to bed.))

Andrew kicks up a small amount of dirt with his shoes and puts on a fascinated face, "That's a pretty name, 'Tia'" He listens to her questions, then decides to answer back, "My name is Andrew, but A.J. is my nickname, so either one is ok with me." He smirks at her, then holds out his phone. "You should give me your number so we don't lose touch. Is there a school you go to around here?" His eyes scan the park area of other people whilst waiting for her to reply.

@Mai Akiyama

Jasmine listened to his voicemail and huffed, annoyed. He really just declined her call. She shook her head and looked into Rose's bed, sticking her finger into hers and thinks for a long few minutes. She'd hope Brody would step up to the plate and make it to things on time before Rose gets out of the hospital.

Tia's cheeks turned a light pink when he mentioned her name. "I'll call you Andy. I'm attending bouvardia academy. Which school do you attend?" She pulled out her phone to show him her number. "Here you go," she smiled at him and waited for him to get her number, then noticed he looked around. "Something the matter?" She asked

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Brody looked around at the situation at hand, unsure of what to do. "What exactly are the charges against me?" He asked, leaning forward and resting his arms on the desk as he looked over at the principal. He knew the situation would come back to haunt him, but he hadn't thought it'd come down to cuffs and sirens.

"Sexual assault. Granted, everybody else dropped their charges so it's mildly suspicious, but Clara insists you did it, and I'm inclined to believe her. Besides, even if she didn't, you're still considered an accessory. You could be facing a few years in the slammer." Brody shook his head.

"This is unbelievable. I was a stupid kid, I didn't know what the pictures were for until I'd already started, and I never touched Clara in some weird rapist way." He snapped. "I have people who need me. I can't exactly waste time in jail for crimes I didn't really commit," he growled.

"Well Wilson, you're options are to plead guilty and get a lighter sentence, or plead not guilty and get a heavy one." The principal explained, and Brody rolled his eyes.

"You guys aren't taking me away now, are you?" He asked, turning to the police.

"It's our job, Kid. We'll keep the cuffs loose if you don't struggle." One officer said, and Brody groaned.

"This is the worst fucking day of my life," he muttered.

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A while later, somehow, Jasmine found herself standing in the girl's dormitory, specifically the common' room, having conversation with Andrew. She never knew why she kept coming back to speak to him even after the abusive things he'd do. Supposedly right now all Jaz needs was a familiar face to vent too since Brody had magically disappeared into thin air. Really she shouldn't seem to surprised. This morning both him and Callie were acting suspicious which led her to be curious. Instead, she sat here on the sofa next to Andrew talking about Rose and showing him pictures. He didn't really seem to care, but it still made her happy that he sat here and stuck through it all.


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