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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Callie exchanges a glance with Brody and widens her eyes in que for him to tell Jaz. She'd gotten close only a few minutes ago before he and Tia interrupted. Frankly she was scared to spill the beans in the dorm alone. No one would be here to save her ass if Jasmine went psycho.

Jasmine laughs with Brody at her joke also and kisses his lips. She'd been longing for them honestly. "Everything will be ok, Rose will be ok." Jasmine stands up and looks at the time. It was beginning to get late and she was tired. "You should be nice to Tia. We need someone to like us around here."

Brody eyed Callie, shaking his head slightly. He didn't want to tell Jaz, to ruin their extremely fragile relationship together, though he supposed if Callie said something he couldn't deny it. He sat up, watching Jaz walk around. "I will, I was just... worried and stressed." Brody muttered, adjusting himself so he was laying correctly on the bed, resting his head on a pillow. "Are you tired, Love?" he asked, glancing back towards Callie, wondering what she would do. @BasicallyMe
"Yes. It's been so exhausting lately. I think we both just need some sleep." She throws herself backwards onto the bed and pats the empty spit next to her for Brody.

When Brody glanced over, Callie was anxiously chewing her nails and looking from the two in front of her to the other items around their dorm. She was horrible at holding down secrets that guilt her, so she blurted. "We kissed."

Jasmine's eyes avert to Callie who had randomly added to the conversation. Her eyebrows raise slightly and she gives her a puzzled look. "Who? And why do I care?"

Brody felt himself panic, and got to his feet quickly, unsure of what to do for a moment. He just stood there, looking between Callie and Jaz, wondering how mad Jaz would be if he strangled her sister. Finally he turned, scowling at Callie. "Way to go, Cal. God, you're so fucking stupid. What part of me shaking my head did you not see?" He snapped, Jaz's questions not processing for a minute. When they finally did however, he gulped, slowly looking back towards his girlfriend. Oh no, he thought, realizing he just answered both of them with his outburst. @BasicallyMe
"I'm not stupid, you just gave yourself away!" Callie jumped from the bed and crossed her arms at him. Anger building up inside of her, but not near as much as Jasmine.

For a second Jasmine sat up in bed and remained quiet. She, too, was processing everything Brody just spit out. Rage filled in her gut along with hurt. She never once fully doubted Brody and his ability to be faithful, but now she felt like going to Clara's room and becoming best friends, maybe even painting each other's nails red so when they rip him to shreds his blood would match. Without saying anything, Jasmine jumped from her bed to Callie and tackled her to the floor. Callie's head slamming against her own bed before the floor. Jaz was never this violent due to her past with Andrew, but now she didn't care. She finally found someone to take out her anger on and not feel one ounce of guilt- yet.

"Jaz wait!" Brody wrapped his arms around her waist, quickly pulling her off Callie before too much scarring was done. He set her back down on her feet, resting his hands on her shoulder to make her face him before letting go, taking a deep breath. He didn't want to admit to what he was about to, but he couldn't stand there and watch Callie get mauled when really it should have been him. "Look, if you wanna hit somebody hit me, I.... it was my fault," he mumbled, quickly closing his eyes to brace for whatever she threw at him. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine stared at his face, wanting so badly to hit him. But she didn't know if she could. He was her significant other and it was too much like an Andrew-Jasmine situation. She made a pact to herself that she'd never want to do something like that to someone else- screw it. Her fist raises into the air and punches Brody across the face rather hard. Jaz then turns back to Callie and bends down, grabbing her up by her hair and pushing her against a wall.

"You think you can come waltz in here and act like you have the audacity to label me as your step-sister, then whore around and get away with it?" Jasmine takes her fist back, which was covered in a few strands of Callie's hair. "You're such a dumb ass, but thanks for showing me what Brody isn't capable of." She turns and looks to Brody once more before storming out of the dorm and into the common's. It was decided that she'd just let them stay in the dorm instead of going through the trouble to kick them out.

Andrew glances over to Jasmine, who was obviously raging and spitting fumes out of her nostrils. He took this as an opportunity to go communicate with her.

"Hey Jazzie, is everything-"

Jasmine's lips slammed against his, and she grabbed the back of his head to push him onto her. After a few good seconds, she released and wiped the spit off before walking away.

Brody stumbled back at the impact of her punch, holding his cheek with one hand as he watched her attack Callie then storm out. "Jaz, wait-" Brody began, before cutting himself off, watching as she strolled right up to Andrew and kissed him. He bit his lip, trying to keep his cool. I deserved that, he thought, before looking over at Callie. "Any chance she'd still wanna date me if she knew we were drunk?" He asked helplessly, already knowing the answer as he sat on the bed, holding his face in his hands and sighing deeply. "When it rains it fucking pours." he grumbled, knowing he had to leave, that Jaz wouldn't be there for him now that he had ruined everything. Again. He stared down at the floor, trying to figure out what to do. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine sat back onto the couch and actually thought about going to Clara's dorm. She wanted to communicate with someone who was right, but decided against it and shoved her mouth with a bag of chips that had been laying on the coffee table. They were stale, but at this point all she cared about was shoving her face. She wondered why there were no tears yet, but it would just be silly to cry about a fight with Brody when she's wasted too many tears on him already. Although she did want to scream, she wanted to scream at Callie and at Brody but that would probably give her satisfaction.

Callie listens to Brody, unable to see straight from the fall she had earlier. Her hand went to the back of her head to feel where her hair was tangled from Jasmine's brutal attack and she heaves out a hysterical laugh. "Are you kidding me? She's a bitch!" Cal whips around almost too fast for her own good and stomps out of the room, disappearing down the hall and out of the girl's dormitory.

Brody wanted to defend Jaz, but Callie was gone before he could. He stood up slowly, grabbing his backpack off the floor and putting the things he had in the drawer inside of it before slinging it over his shoulder and heading towards the dorm door. He walked passed the common's room, noticing Jaz and pausing for a moment. Would anything he said bring her back to him? Could any amount of apologies fix what he had broken? He figured it was impossible, and kept walking, leaving the girls' dorm and heading for the guys'. He didn't want to be alone, he didn't want to have to think alone, but now he had to. Without Jaz he didn't have much choice in the matter, considering she had been the only one who stuck around after everything got released. He sighed, walking into his dorm room and closing the door behind him, laying down on his bed. @BasicallyMe
2 hours later

Jasmine's eyes darted open and her body jolted forward at the cold touch of a man's hands. The chips fell off of her stomach and onto the floor, whilst a few crumbs still remained attached to her shirt. It was a middle aged guy dressed in a suit and carrying a brief case. His face plastered with a stern look.

"Are you Jasmine Parker?" He walked around the couch and sat down on the other side from her.

She scanned the area to make sure she knew where she was and noticed it was the common's room, but empty. Jasmine then looked back to the man and nodded her head with a puzzled expression.

"You're currently going under investigation with child services, ma'm. Until further notice, Rose will be placed with adoptive parents when she is released from the hospital."

Her eyes widen in shock and she grabs the couch harshly, almost ripping it's seams at the top. "Why? What do you mean?" Jaz sits up fully aware now and licks her lips for moisture. "Why am I being investigated?"

"We've been alerted about some violent tendencies and a rather rough past that could be causing it. Where is the father now?" He looks around as if he would spot Brody.

Jasmine bites her lip and sinks into the couch at the mention of Brody. He was most likely sulking somewhere after the huge argument that just happened, which looked even worse.

"That's what I though." The huge man stands up and shakes Jasmine's hand. "We'll be in touch, Ms. Parker." And with that said he disappears.

Brody had fallen asleep, but awoke to the sound of his watch beeping. He squinted at the time. It was even later. He tried to go back to bed, but found himself unable to, and sat up, checking his phone in hopes he had a text from Jaz. Nothing. He sighed, getting to his feet and walking towards his bathroom to clean up a bit. He knew he must have looked like a wreck, but after everything that had happened, he understood why, His entire life was falling to pieces. He thought about all the medicine he had in his cabinet, but quickly shook the thought away. He still had Rose, and as long as he had his baby girl there was something to keep him up and moving. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine debates on if she should text Brody the news, or if she should even bother with him. Would he even care? Jaz shrugged and texted him anyway, wanting him to know the new negative events happening in their lives at the moment. She didn't want to be the only one depressed on the situation. "You need to come to the girl's commons. Now." She clicks her phone off and slides it onto the coffee table. This was spiraling into one huge mess and she was going to take him down with her.

(Because he's not already suffering a lot? lol)

Brody got the text and didn't hesitate. He made no effort to clean himself up as he had originally intended to do, and instead headed straight over to the girls' dorm, heading inside and towards the commons room. He had to admit he was rather nervous. They hadn't officially broken up when the news was revealed and he wondered if Jaz was going to tell him she was filing a restraining order against him or something, or that she was going to try and get full custody of Rose. The thought made his heart contract, and he moved faster. She couldn't take rose away from him, even if she was taking herself. When Brody got to the commons he sat down on a chair across from Jasmine, waiting for her to say something. @BasicallyMe
((Around probably 10-11 p.m.(: you can jump in whenever. I have a male charrie open for when she's not talking to Brody.))

@Mai Akiyama

Jasmine stood up and walked over to the chair he was in. She sat onto his lap and cried despite the past events that he'd done. "Rose is going to adoptive parents because we're under investigation." She doesn't make eye contact with him, just leans her head onto him in her time of need. Jaz knew this was her fault and she had a hunch that Callie reported her after the attack, but she didn't speak these thoughts aloud. "She'll be going to them once she gets out of the hospital."

Brody held Jaz tightly, desperate for her touch. Once he heard the news though, he felt yet another piece of him chisel away, and his grip loosened. He stayed silent for a long moment, unsure of what to do, or what to say, until it finally came to mind. "This is my fault," he whispered, tears in his eyes at the thought of not getting to take Rose home. "God, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I've ruined everything. God, why am I so fucking good at screwing up?" he mumbled, running his fingers through Jaz's hair gently, knowing she needed the comfort. "Maybe if I... what if I got out of the picture? Wasn't around when she was ready to come out? Would that help? Would that change anything?" He asked quietly, hoping it would. If nothing else Brody at least wanted Rose to be with Jasmine, even if that meant he couldn't be for awhile.

Jasmine shakes her head. "You being out of the picture won't make anything better. The man asked where you were and I couldn't give him an answer, so he gave me a disappointed look and said he'd be in touch. Child protection services wants a stable home for Rose, and if we're not going to show them we can be stable then we can't get Rose back."

Jasmine breathes out a sigh of relief after explaining everything and wipes away the wet trails her previous tears left behind. She just needed to let out a minute or two of crying so she could feel better and stronger again. "Atleast we know that the family they picked for now is probably the best candidate for her."

Brody rested his head on her shoulder, closing his eyes and breathing for a moment. "We can be stable, can't we? Are we even a 'we' anymore?" He looked up at her sadly, unsure of what to make of their situation, of everything that had happened and everything that would happen. "Can I ever fix us?" He asked quietly. He knew Rose was the priority, but he needed to know this so he could figure out how to go about the Rose situation. Would they fake it until they got her? Could they really be happy together? @BasicallyMe
Jasmine sits up and stands, sitting in a different chair. "I believe we can be fixed." Her eyes avert to the arm of the chair and she sighs, "but it's going to take time. I can't just magically conjure up some forgiveness. Definitely not for Callie." Jaz leans back all the way into the cushion and runs her fingers through her hair. After everything that has happened between Brody and her, it seems like this is the worse but yet she's sitting here, talking to him like a civilized person and avoiding confrontation.

"We probably need to talk about this, then. Really talk." He stood up, walking over to the small kitchen area and fixing himself some coffee. "Do you want some, Love?" He asked quietly, trying to think of where to start. Everything had become so complicated, so wild and harsh and he had no idea what to do or where to go, but he knew they needed to talk about whatever it was that was wrong. He started making a list in his head, starting with Andrew to his surprise. It wasn't that he was mad at her for kissing him, but he could sense something, perhaps feelings that were still there, that he wanted cleared up. And then there was the matter of him cheating. How did he explain it? @BasicallyMe
Jasmine became anxious at the fact that they were going to talk. Now, they were going to talk now. Her eyes darted to the coffee machine and she nods her head yes. Nothing like caffeine to make you more anxious, right? But it's so addicting and comforting at the same time.

Jaz watches Brody brew some coffee and then glances to the clock. It was 12 a.m. and all she could hope for was no one else interrupting their therapeutic talk bearing bad news, or good for that matter- she just didn't want to be bothered. Sometimes Jaz became jealous of Patrick off of Spongebob SquarePants because he lived under a rock, and thats all she wished she could do.

Brody handed her her coffee and sat down. "So, with the abundance of topics we have, I'd prefer to start with Andrew, but I'm sure you'd prefer to start with me cheating on you, so I guess we can start there." Brody took a nice long gulp of his scorching hot coffee before looking over at Jaz. "Although I can't justify it, and I don't have any excuses if being drunk isn't one, so all I can really do is apologize. Look Jaz, I know I have more cons than pros, but you know I love you, and yeah, I screwed up and you've given me way too many chances, but at this point, I don't think I could live without you. I won't look at another girl ever again. If that's what it takes. You name it and it's done." He said simply, wanting to get them started off with the worse topic and move on from there. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine's anxiety grew even more at the mention of talking about Andrew. What could he possibly want to talk about other than the stupid kiss she gave him? She continued on listening to Brody's apology and shakes her head. "I won't keep you from friending other girls. I won't stoop back down to being an insecure girl. I am growing and my biggest obstacle yet is to not feel knocked down on your decision to cheat. So befriend other girls, I don't care. Just don't drink with them, obviously." She sips her coffee and looks around the commons awaiting his thoughts, "What about Andrew?"


((Going to bed, night.))
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(Okay, night xD )

Brody took another drink of his coffee, not eager to bring this up. "I don't want you to get defensive because I'm not mad, and I'm not trying to justify what I did by bring this up, but it's something that's been nagging at me for a long time." He took a breath, leaning forward in his seat, holding the warm coffee in his hands. "I think you still have feelings for Andrew. And I think you know this and you're trying to hide it for whatever reason, and I want you to be honest with me about this, Jaz, because I need to know." He said, looking over at her, his eyes pleading for the truth. @BasicallyMe

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