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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Brody found himself staring at a plastic phone connected to the wall ten minutes later. "One phone call, choose wisely." An officer said, and Brody glanced back to his holding cell. He desperately needed someone who would answer, and as much as he trusted his parents to, he hated to leave Jaz without any explanation. With shaking hands he picked up the phone, dialing her phone number against the metallic buttons, praying she would answer, that she would let him beg for forgiveness as he tended to do these days. @BasicallyMe
Her attention was abruptly ripped away from Andrew as her pocket began to vibrate endlessly. Jasmine reached down to pull out her phone and arched a puzzled eyebrow at the call number. It was from a nearby station, which made her even more anxious and displeased. Her finger slams against the green answer button, and she pushes the phone against her cheek in a harsh manner, "Who is this?" Jaz's voice was filled with curiosity and even a taste of hope to the heavenly father that it wasn't Brody.

Brody sighed in relief when she answered. "Jaz, it's Brody. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I wished I could have seen Rose but... but well, I guess you saw the ID," he mumbled, looking down at the concrete floor in shame. "God, I'm sorry. Clara's pressing charges and the whole trafficking photos thing is coming back to haunt me and I don't know what to do and I just wanted to call you so you knew I didn't abandon you," he spoke, his words colliding and slowing in different beats as he tried to tell her what was going on and apologize at the same time. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine sat there for a few seconds whilst listening to Brody's pleading voice over the phone. She mumbled something under her breath and sighed, "It's fine," In all reality, Jaz couldn't be angry at him for this, partly because it's her fault that the trafficking photo incident leaked. "Give me your parents and I'll call them. There has to be a way they can get you out because I can't do all of this by myself." She heaves a sigh of exhaustion and glances back over to the dirty blonde boy sitting next to her, oddly with a smug grin on his face.

"Jazzie," he whispers; although loud enough to be heard over the phone, "I will be here for you."

Jasmine rolls her eyes slightly and decides to just focus straight ahead. Truthfully, if Brody was to be locked away in jail, she'd probably end up leaning on Andrew for help. Only because she'd be desperate.

Brody hesitated, recognizing Andrew's voice immediately. He felt the need to reach through the phone and punch the guy in the face, before pausing in his own angry thoughts. What was she doing with him? Why was she with him. He took a breath, trying to compose himself. He had cheated on her, after all, so who was he to stop her if she wished to hang out with Andrew? He'd been quiet for far too long. He needed to say something before she thought he had hung up. He quickly gave her his dad's number, knowing he'd pick up on the first ring. "There's a line, I have to go." He muttered, forgetting the I love you, before he hung up the phone. Brody was lead back to his holding cell, and he sat on a cold, metal bench, holding his head in his hands. He just wanted their relationship to be okay for longer than an hour. Was that too much to ask?

Jasmine jotted down the number as quick as he spit it out and hung up right after him. She then dialed the number into her phone quickly and called Brody's dad, explaining every thing and that he needs to help him. Hopefully Brody's dad would come to par and decide to get Brody out of jail. Jaz's eyes made their way back to Andrew after a few minutes, a smile still on his face as is Brody being in jail was the best news delivered today. Of course it was. Atleast for him.

"Can you stop smiling? I'm not in a good mood and your smile is annoying." She rolls her eyes before leaning back on the sofa and heaving a quiet sigh. Brody always seemed to be in trouble.

Brody sat in the holding cell, staring up at the police officer's miserably as they walked around, free from chains and metal bars, snickering at his hopeless expression. "Is anybody here for me?" He called, his voice weak as he watched a cop walk by. The man stopped and turned to him, raising an eyebrow.

"Nobody's ever there for a criminal." He said, before walking off. Brody sighed deeply, feeling pathetic as hours went by. Sometimes he'd sit on the metal slab he was provided, other times he'd lay and try to count indentions in the ceiling. He was somewhere in the thousands before the cell door sprang open.

"Alright, kid, you're out on bail. Don't leave the city and we'll send you your court date." An officer growled, and Brody practically jumped out of the small holding cell before he almost reversed back in at the sight of his parents. They both looked obviously angry.

"Come on, Brody. We'll take you home," his father said, and he followed with his head hung in shame, praying there wasn't a fight to come out of this.

Jasmine stood up after saying good bye to Andrew, and entered her dorm room. She found herself suddenly facing Callie, who was laying back on her own bed fiddling fingers around nervously. Cal obviously had a secret or was nervous about something, which led Jaz to immediently become interested in her problems. She figured it could be a distraction from her own.

"Callie is something wrong?" Jasmine parades over to her own bed and lays back, waiting to listen.

"Uhm, well," Callie chews at her nails anxiously, heart hammering through her chest now, "Yeah, something happened last night."

Brody sat in the car, watching as the scenery passed by. "Are you mad at me?" He asked quietly.

"Well of fucking course we are. Brody, if you were that desperate for money you should have called." His father snapped.

"I thought you hated me," he said quietly, and his father scoffed while his mother let out a faint cry.

"Of course not. Never. We love you, Brody, and I honestly don't know how we're going to work around that issue but we have a great lawyer, he should be able to prove Clara's lying," she said, as supportive as ever. His father nodded in agreement, though didn't vocalize that he could help.

"We'll take you back to Bouvardia, but we have to talk about all this. Tomorrow though. You've had a long day, I'm sure." He said simply, and Brody sighed in relief, glad they were taking him back to campus. Once there they said their goodbyes, and he headed straight for Jaz's dorm.

Tia quietly moved towards the entrance of the girls dorm after taking a long walk, She often did this to settle down any nerves, when she happened to spot a boy walking towards it. Boys? At this hour? He was probably looking for someone and wouldn't mind if she asked who. She waited for him to pass and followed silently behind. She was curious as to why he looked so mad, eyes full of something that reminded her of an enraged animal seeking food
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Brody paused when he felt a presence behind him, turning with squinted eyes to see a rather short girl. "Are you following me?" he demanded, the tension from the day building up against him as he struggled to keep his cool. He just wanted to see Jaz, to hold her and beg her to support him because he needed it more than anything in that moment, but instead he was being stalled by these simple distractions. He supposed he could have ignored the girl, but that wasn't really his style. @Mai Akiyama
She simply looked up at him. "Don't you know that your headed towards the girls dorms? Or are you some kind of pervert?" She laughed but noticed him flinch a bit. "Easy now, I'm sorry but are you looking for someone? It's late out and curfew was hours ago," Tia said.

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Brody raised an eyebrow at the girl. She obviously didn't know who she was looking at. "I'm Brody. Wilson." He supplied. "You've probably heard about all the bad shit I've done. Sure you wanna talk to me in the dark like this?" He asked, ignoring her questions. It wasn't her information to know in the first place, and normally he didn't mind when people questioned him, but he wasn't in the mood at the moment, so he thought he might be able to scare her off. @Mai Akiyama
"Nope, never heard of you," Tia replied back."I'm Tia. Dawkins." She mimicked his serious voice and stared at him. "You're not gonna hurt little old me, are you?" She sat on the ground and pretended to sniffle "boohoo , some strange man is gonna take advantage of my tiny defenseless body..." She stared up at him, waiting for a response. "Dude, I'm kidding," she got up. "Since we're going to the same place, I'll follow you."
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Brody shook his head at her helpless act, turning away from her and walking towards the girls' dorm. "Okay, I guess. Just don't ever do what you just did again. Ever." Brody emphasized, "because there are a lot of bastards on this campus who will most definitely not give you the chance to say you were joking." He held the door to the dorm open for her, waiting with a slight impatient tap of his foot for her to enter. @Mai Akiyama
"I was joking, you coming or not?" Tia stepped into the girl's dorm. "no one would ever touch me, I look like a grade schooler." She sighed and waited for Brody to walk in front of her. "Is this school that dangerous?" Tia asked brody.

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Jasmine squinted her eyes at Callie and shrugged it off with a simple wave of her hand, "I don't want to know. Just clean up the rest of the dorm and whatever." She sighs and checks her phone in case of a text from Brody. Hopefully his parents had the sense to get him out of jail without killing him in the car.

"A pretty grade schooler, though," he told her, ignoring her second question as he followed after her, pausing just outside of Jaz's dorm. He glanced back at the girl. He wasn't sure if he should say goodbye or not, if he should say anything. Finally, he looked away from her, tapping his knuckles against the door. Any other time he would have strode right in, but for some reason he felt like he suddenly had restrictions. Like he couldn't just barge in.


@Mai Akiyama
Tia blushed a bit. "A pretty grade schooler?" She whispered his words to herself. She decided to stay behind Brody and see who he was looking for. He probably thought she was a pest but she didn't mind, he didn't seem like a bad person in the first place, so who he was searching for couldn't be that bad.
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The door swings open, Jasmine staring straight back at Brody and some random girl. Her eyebrow arches slightly and her gaze settles on Tia. "Hello?" Her eyes then go back to Brody. "Glad to see your parents got you out. I went and seen Rose today. She's doing ok." Jaz steps aside for the two to come in, guessing Tia must be a friend. "And what's your name?"

@Mai Akiyama @McMajestic

((i'm about to be on my computer lol.))
"The name's Tia Dawkins, pleasure to meet you," Tia said cheerfully. "So this is who Mr. Brody was so desperate to see, you're very pretty ; might I get your name, I have to get going." @BasicallyMe
"It's Jasmine. Bye now," Brody said quickly to Tia, stepping into the dorm and closing the door behind him. He looked at Jaz then, taking her in, sighing deeply before wrapping her in a hug. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I wanted to be there, to see Rose. I screwed up. So bad. But I just need you right now, Jaz, so please forgive me," he begged, kissing her shoulder and holding her closer. @BasicallyMe @Mai Akiyama
After a second, Tia shrugged it off and headed towards her dorm. Once at her destination, she closed the door behind her before sighing and opening a dresser drawer to grab the medicine she usually required to fall asleep. She downed one of the white numbered pills, eventually falling into a dreamless slumber filled with pink and blue faceless figures that danced around her like the embers of a fire.
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Jasmine watched curiously as Tia left and then changed her attention to Brody. She heaved a sigh and wrapped her arms around him hesitantly. "I'm not mad," This was true, Jaz wasn't mad. She didn't really know what she was. Though she was supposed to be happy. "It's not your fault you were brought down, I'm just stressed." Jasmine releases him from her grasp and glances over to Callie for a second before returning her eyes back to Brody. "We'll go visit Rose tomorrow when the NICU is open." She smiles reassuringly and sits onto her bed comfortably. "So who was that? Was she like a jail cell buddy?"

Brody breathed out a laugh, shaking his head as he laid down on the bed, glancing at Callie, slightly weary. He wondered if she would tell Jaz. "No, I just ran into her on the way here is all." He looked back at Jaz, resting his head in her lap and smiling at her. He knew he should have told her, that they were supposed to talk about it, but he needed Jaz, and if she left him at that moment then he didn't know what he'd do. @BasicallyMe

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