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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Jasmine smiled and kissed his cheek. Her phone buzzed, causing her to frown and pull Brody over to the side. "I have a meeting tonight with my class. We all have to meet up at the auditorium and do some improve and what not." She grabs Brody's hand and squeezes it before kissing his cheek and stepping back. "The alcohol is so obvious on my breath, I hope no one smells it or notices, but I can't skip because I need the grade." Jasmine kisses Brody's lips and grins, "Go in my dorm and wait. I'll be back later."

Brody sighed mockingly. "Fine, fine. Leave this hot piece of ass all alone," he cried over-dramatically, before kissing her goodbye. "Have fun, Love," he smiled, heading back to her dorm and collapsing on her bed, laying on his back as he closed his eyes to rest up and hopefully gain some energy for the rest of the party. @BasicallyMe
Callie walked over to the drinks table and re-filled her cup as well as an extra cup. She hadn't noticed Brody go into her and Jasmine's dorm alone, and the beer was originally for her. Cal walked in and a puzzled look formed on her face as she looked at a resting Brody on the bed. "Uhm? Where's Jasmine?" Callie kicked the door shut behind her and made her way to the bed. "I brought myself two beers for the night, but I suppose you can have one." She hands it out to him and smiles.

"Thanks," Brody drank about half of it, before answering her initial question. "Jaz had a class thing she had to get to, but she'll be back in a few hours," he answered simply, sitting up and smiling at Callie. "And why is a beautiful girl such as yourself not out on the dance floor making guys melt?" He asked. @BasicallyMe
Callie began to blush at his compliment, but quickly looked over to the television for cover. Once she felt the burning desire go away, her eyes locked on his and Cal shrugged. "Same reason such as a handsome guy like you is in here. Just because Jasmine had to leave the party early doesn't mean you should." She grins and sits next to Brody, sipping down her beer and closing her eyes as it fizzes down her throat. "I can refill our drinks in a minute if you want? You can't just lay here and be a lame."

Brody snorted. "Haven't you heard? I'm a criminal. I'm sure nobody wants to be around me except Jaz." He looked down at the floor, feeling upset about the entire situation even though he knew it wasn't Jaz's fault. He wished she would have left Clara alone like he had asked her to so many times before. Maybe if she had listened- no. It was his fault, of course. He shouldn't have done those things in the first place. But maybe if Jaz hadn't irritated Clara they wouldn't be all over the school. He sighed, nodding. "Yeah, another drink would be nice." He decided, handing her his empty cup. @BasicallyMe
Callie listens to him sympathetically before disappearing back into the common's for a few minutes then back into the dorm with two cups full of beer. "I don't think you're a criminal. I mean, I've seen all the things floating around campus, but I don't really care. You're like what, 18? You're practically just a kid with some bad experiences and other people choose to see it differently." Cal hands him the beer and sits close to him again, sipping down more. "And then again there's that cute face. I'd still smash you if you were a cold blooded murderer." She lets out a small, reassuring laugh at her own joke.

Ring, Ring, This is your alarm. Wake up! Brody's internal alarm system went off at her comment, and although Callie laughed it off as if it was nothing, Brody suddenly felt uneasy. he was worried he was leading her on. "Ya know Cal," he began, taking some alcohol with his words. "I really love Jaz," he began, hoping he could set her off any of those jokes. "In fact, I was thinking about asking her to marry me. Have you two talked? Do you know maybe what she likes?" He asked, deciding if nothing else the talk of marriage would get her to keep those jokes off the table. @BasicallyMe
((Darnn xD ))

Callie looked over to him noticing that he changed the subject after her joke. "Oh God, I really don't mean that like that." She scrunched her eyebrows together concerned and chugged at her beer. "No, we haven't talked, but yes I do know you love her." Callie felt slightly disappointed and ashamed in herself for what she was doing, but Brody was cute and it's not like she had a relationship with her newly found half sister. She just wished it was easier to get more out of him- maybe she'll have to take it more slowly.

((I mean he might loosen up with a few more drinks. Clara was right about what kind of drunk he is ;) ))

Brody shook his head quickly at how flustered she got. "No, no it's fine. I'm sorry I took it that way. I just... I'm a little scared to be honest. Clara's been trying to break us up for quite a while and I just... I'm paranoid." He ruffled Callie's hair in a brotherly way, grinning at her. "You two should talk, you know. Not just for my sake but because family is important." He added, getting to his feet. "If you'd rather be in here maybe we should get to know each other." He turned on her suddenly, smirking at the thought. "A little twenty questions, maybe? So I can learn all your deep, dark secrets?" He laughed, grabbing a snack from the fridge before hopping back on the bed. @BasicallyMe
((Uh-oh, twenty questions is always a bad thing. Learned that in junior high xD ))

Callie shrugs and looks to her fingers as if she were thinking. "Yeah, maybe I'll talk to her sometime." Cal new this wasn't likely, but decided to give Brody the satisfaction anyway. She grins when he suggests twenty questions and nods. "Alright, only if you promise to tell me your dirty little secrets." Callie grabs his cup and looks into it. "Think of your question while I go fill our cups. We have to have a full tank before we get started."

Callie comes into the room a minute later and hands him the cup, "Figure out your question?"

(It's great for character development though xD )

Brody took his drink back, finishing off the cup, a slight buzz beginning to form, but nothing compared to the real thing, before asking his question. "What's the craziest thing you've ever done?" He asked, nudging her shoulder with his own and taking her cup away from her to drink some, smirking as he did so. @BasicallyMe
A grin spread across Callie's lips, and she looked up to the ceiling while thinking. Her grin fades when he takes her cup and she begins to pout, already feeling a little goofy from all her beers. "Well," her word was a little slurred, "I went parasailing and whilst I was in the air, I had a full bladder, soo I had to let it go." Cal raises an eyebrow and begins to feel a laugh coming on. "It's probably more gross than crazy, but a girl's gotta go when a girl's gotta go. I feel bad for anything that had passed under me. Anyway, what's the most sexual thing you've done with another girl- other than Jasmine?"

Brody laughed at her little story, unable to contain it. He shook his head, trying to calm himself down. Everything was funnier when he was buzzed. The question she asked made him pause, though, and he sobered up a bit as he thought. "I've felt a girl up before while we were making out, but then she got scared because she didn't want her roommate to walk in so I shut it down real quick." He said simply, leaning back against the headboard and looking over at Callie, sizing her up for a moment. "What's the most sexual thing you've done?" He asked, extremely curious. @BasicallyMe
Callie listens to his conversation and feels the beer beginning to hit harder. She thought for a moment before grinning. "Ever done a threesome?" Cal falls backwards and giggles like a little school girl, "That's mine. They're really fun too." Her words were slurred more now, and she continued to lay on her back mostly because she would probably have a hard time getting back up. Callie's hand reaches up and to her own hair, fluffing it and thinking back to that exotic memory. "Have you and Jaz done anything.. kinky?" Cal's eyes strain to see over her chest, but it just so happens that she can only see half of Brody's face in that position.

Brody was definitely not expecting any of that, especially considering Callie was younger than Jaz, even if it was only be a year. "Um... no." He said. "I don't think 'kinky' is really our thing." Brody finished off Callie's drink for her. "Unless I'm drunk. Which I totally am." He added, his vision struggling to focus on any one thing in front of him. @BasicallyMe
Callie frowns at his answer and squints her eyes. "Not being rude, but that's kinda lame." She sits up and locks eyes, laughing at Brody in his drunken state even though she was also. "I am too," Callie looks him up and down before biting her lip and smirking. "What amazing things beer can do, huh?" She closes her eyes and stitches her eyebrows together. "It's hot as hell in here." Without thinking, Cal lifts off her shirt and throws it onto the floor desperately for cool air. Her blonde hair fell back perfectly onto the pink bra she had been wearing.

Brody's eyes widened slightly at the sight of her. He bit his lip, knowing something was wrong, but with his clouded thoughts he didn't know how to handle it. She has Jaz's body- but she's not Jaz. He stared down at his lap. "I uh- yeah, you're right," he forgot why he was looking down in the first place, tossing his jacket off, looking at a blurred version of Callie and smiling widely. "You're pretty. Like extremely pretty." He told her, nodding once as if to confirm what he had said. He was horrible at flirting when he was drunk, the main reason he didn't get laid under the influence. Plus there was normally someone around to keep him sober. @BasicallyMe
Callie watched as he threw off his jacket and nodded. "Thanks." The grin across her face began to stretch even farther, a small blush appearing. "If you want, I can show you something better than boring." Callie was obviously fully drunk, and if she was sober, Cal might've been scared to even pull through with flirting on Brody. After all Jasmine scared her a little bit. "I promise it won't take long, they're usually all done in 15 minutes." Her fingers trail on his thigh lightly and slowly. "You can trust me."

Brody shook his head, or he thought he did anyways. Maybe he nodded it, but he couldn't be sure. "But Jazz, " he whined quietly, looking towards the dresser. One of those drawers were solely dedicated to him. Brody felt a sobering aspect fall over him, and he brushed Callie's hand away. "You're hot, and I'm sure you'd be fun, but I don't necessarily need fun, do I? " he asked out loud without meaning to. Brody was watching and unable to control his speech, but he kept himself in check with the thought of Jaz coming home to him cheating on her. That wouldn't be a pretty sight, and so he'd have to keep himself calm. @BasicallyMe
Callie flung herself back on the bed and closed her eyes, trying to focus but it wasn't working. "Well, fun is important, but if you are scared then it's fine." She was now laying on her back, staring at the ceiling with a disappointed face. They had gotten so close, but somehow he decided to dodge her each time. "Sorry, it's just that you're.. hot. After a few seconds of laying on the bed, she sat up and took a sip out of her beer, heading down a darker path of being drunk. "Well, I suggest you ask Jasmine to show you a fun time. I'm positive she can give you her all." Cal smirks, knowing a few things about Jaz and Andrew's relationship.

Brody rose an eyebrow at that, slightly confused by her words. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, pushing her back onto her back and crawling over her and looking down at her, pouting adorably though he didn't know he was doing it. "What do you know about Jazzie that I don't?" He demanded, resting his hands against her wrists to pin her down. He straddled her waist again, just like he had the first day they met, although there was something more intense about this time. @BasicallyMe
Callie shook her head no. She wasn't going to give it away without a payment. "I don't know.." A drunken giggle escapes her mouth, but quickly fades when he straddles her. "Uhm, Brody?" She began to feel excited and adrenaline to his actions. The fact that he was on top of her made this whole resisting thing worse. "All I can say is that she can give you exotic sex, but probably chooses not too. She's given it to Andrew." Callie takes her hand and rubs the back of Brody's head softly.

Brody scowled at the mention of Andrew, his anger coming in heavy. He glared at a spot just next to Callie. "What the fuck do you mean? " He snarled, his grip tightening on her wrists, unknowingly leaving bruises behind. He pressed more of his weight against her, groaning quietly. He was definitely finding resistance difficult, but he needed an answer before he forgot the question. Then maybe he'd give in to her needs. @BasicallyMe
Callie's expression turned into fear when he grabbed her wrist tight, making her wince in pain. "I mean exactly what I said! She's given Andrew crazy sex before." Cal rubs her wrist and looks at the already forming bruises. Instead of taking it negatively, she grins. "So you're a rough one?" She winks at him whilst still massaging her aching wrists. Callie wraps her legs around his waist and pulls him down closer to her, unable to care about what he wants or not. Brody was practically laying on top of her and she was drunk enough to not be anxious.


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