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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

The therapist looked at Brody for a moment, slightly weary of his tone. "Your parents are Sara and Kyle Malcom." Brody blinked. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"The two serial killers on trial?" He asked in utter disbelief, a laugh falling from his throat. "Well, I can see I'm not the one who needs a shrink, here." He stood up, walking towards the door.

"Brody, we need to talk about-"

"Talk about what? Please for the love of fucking God give me one good reason I should listen to your bullshit." Brody yelled, his face contorting in outrage as he spun on his heel, glaring furiously at the woman.

"Rose." Brody felt himself grow angrier at the answer.

"Does use my fucking family against me you delusional bitch," he snarled. "Those are not my birth parents." He stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him and walking into the waiting room. Quite a few people gave him odd looks, and he took a breath, trying to calm down despite that fact they probably all heard his parting words. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine stood up quickly after hearing Brody's obvious departure from the therapist's office. By the sound of his tone, Jaz was a little scared to ask him how it went; since obviously it didn't go well. She smiled softly and waited for him to reach her until they started walking, "So, did you have a good session?" After contemplating it, Jasmine knew the right thing would be to ask him about it, not leave it in the dark.

"That woman is insane. And I thought I belonged in an asylum," Brody snorted, holding the door open for Jaz as they left, waiting for them to get outside where there was less of a chance of them being overheard before continuing. "She thinks my birth parents are those two psychos on trial for killing like a hundred people together." He growled, rolling his eyes even as he said it. That made absolutely no sense... or did it? The more he thought about it, the more afraid he got. He supposed the were a close enough age they would have had him when they were about twenty, and even parents who abandoned their kids usually didn't leave them on the side of the road- no. He wouldn't let himself think like that. It wasn't possible. @BasicallyMe
"What's family for, then, if they're not going to be intolerable and so like family?" Kaya mused, almost as stone-faced as Dustin when he said how his family tried to control his doings. "You remind me of my sister. Strong willed." With that, she shook her head. "I grew up on the poorer side, always. You grow up differently, I guess. My parents were always controlling asses, tried to control what my sister and I did. I just don't think that's right - I don't think family should control your every movement."

Shane started getting frustrated and worried when she didn't come back so he went looming for her. He first went to where he though she would be but he didn't see her so then he went to where the girl who gave them the beer was at. He started heading to where a commotion was coming from, his heart aching as he got closer. @McMajestic

Dustin crossed his hands and rested his chin on the hand. "My family may be rich but they didn't raise me, the streets was where I was raised at." He admitted. "I don't dress like a wealthy person, I look more like a hooligan or a delinquent." 'Which is true.' He told her while thinking the la st tying in his head. "They cN try to control me but they will never be able to do it, I know who I am and what I am." He told her. @redwood
The guy who had knocked Mari out kicked her lightly, looking around for witnesses as she groaned weakly, still obviously out of it. He snapped his fingers in front of her face, but she didn't even twitch. "Fuck," he grumbled, looking around quickly before sprinting off, not wanting to get caught and suspended. Meanwhile, Mari was fading in and out of consciousness, unable to make out anything in front of her except the light of the sun, before blacking out again, and then having light sting her eyes in a pattern she couldn't seem to escape. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine rubs his back comfortingly and sighs, "Just look into it, ok? Try to get more information, but you really need to have another appointment just because." She continues her way down the street until reaching their school campus. "I just want you to be ok, and to figure everything out so we can be there for Rose."

"Look into it?" Brody shook his head. "Why should I? It's bullshit," he snarled, crossing his arms over his chest, trying to calm down as they walked towards the dorms. "And I'm going to find someone different to figure out what the hell is wrong with me because that lady doesn't know what she's talking about," he persisted, turning towards the boys dorm. He paused, looking over at Jaz, his tone shifting to something calmer. "You don't believe that, right?" @BasicallyMe
"Believe what? That your parents might possibly murderers? I don't know, but if they are it doesn't reflect on you. No reason to be upset." Jasmine stops in the middle of the courtyard and begins messing with her hair anxiously hoping he wouldn't get angry at her. "Make an appointment with someone else then if that's what you want."

Kaya nodded, understanding; or, as much as she could in her own situation. Every time this guy opened his mouth, Kaya find herself liking him more and more. "My sister raised me, for the most part, until she died. She was five years older than me, and I thought she was God reborn - I mean, I was ten, living under the roof with an alcoholic as a dad and a mom who was a shell. Elira really took care of me, taught me who I wanted to be in the world, and who I am." Kaya smiled sadly; she didn't tell her story often, but something about their conversation made it seem right to tell it. "When she died, I almost turned to the streets, but it all worked out in the end, I guess." She offered a slightly brighter smile; at seventeen, Kaya had had almost seven years to cope with everything that had happened to her. Elaborating on the fact that he had admitted growing up on the streets, and dressing like a delinquent, Kaya muttered, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?"

Brody noticed the nervous tick, and felt any sign of his anger dissipate. He took a breath, taking Jazz's hand and squeezing it gently. "I don't want you to ever be afraid of me, Jaz. I'll never hurt you, okay? I promise." He kissed her softly. "I'd die before I'd hurt you." He looked down at her with sincerity in his eyes. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine nodded and felt better as his hand squeezed hers. "I know," Jaz smiles reassuringly, but really she'd felt afraid a few times out of habit. "I trust you, now lets get back into the dorm, I need slme rest. Everything below my waist is aching." Jasmine continues walking towards the girl's dormitory and once there she opens the door to walk in. It seemed as if everyone was getting ready to throw another party, and that made Jasmine excited. The last party she went to, all she got to do was watch others enjoy their high. This time Jaz wanted a turn; she needed it.

Brody followed her inside, smirking at the party being set up. He laid on Jaz's bed, pulling her down on top of him. "I think tonight we should both get dangerously drunk," he kissed her, wrapping his arms around her waist to hold her in place. "And we should also be the hottest couple on the dance floor." He added, forgetting he had ever asked for them to take a break in the first place. He didn't even want to think about that with so many other things worrying him. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine listens to Brody and nods. "Of course I want to get dangerously drunk. That was my first thought when I walked into the building." She kisses him back and then stands. "I need to dress sexy if we're going to be the hottest couple." Her hands reach for the closet door excitedly. When Jaz opens it, her eyes land on a cute button up shirt that shows plenty of cleavage. She grabs a pair of her tight skinny jeans to match afterwards and then changes. "But, no sex. I'm not getting fat again."

Brody pinned Jasmine to the wall playfully, kissing her neck and licking her cheek. "We'll see," he laughed, wrapping his arms around her waist. "How am I supposed to resist you when you're dressed like that?" Brody nuzzled Jaz's neck, resting his hand on her cheek. He smiled softly, glad he had her in his life. If nothing else she made everything worth it- all the shit he was going through seemed easy with her, or maybe just easier to get through. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine arched her neck up when he pinned her against the wall, laughing along with him. "No not 'we'll see' it's 'no'." She brings his head back up to her face and kisses his lips. "Ok, now move. I need some cheep beer in a red solo cup." Jaz pushes Brody off playfully then heads for the door. She made it there in less than just a few seconds, displaying her excitement for this party. The door opens and Jasmine disappears into the crowd of people already socializing. Obviously she headed for the drinks first.

Brody followed after her, determined to get a nice buzz to get rid of the irritation the day had brought. He went for the strongest alcohol he could find, filling a red cup to the top before taking a refreshing drink. He smiled at Jaz, glad she could finally do something she wanted to, and scouted the room. There were a lot of people around who gave him strange looks, and he frowned suddenly, unable to forget the biggest irritation in his mind. He could already hear whispers about him from some of the girls close enough to know his face, and if that wasn't bad enough Clara chose that time to step in, a widening grin on her face as she walked up to Brody and Jaz. "You should know Brody's a horny drunk, so I'd keep him away from those other girls. Drink up, babe," Clara laughed, filling Brody's cup up before walking away. He bit his lip, thinking about leaving. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine filled her cup to the top, foamy beer over flowing the rim. Her taste buds began tingling and she could feel the saliva building up; she was craving. As Jaz went to take her first sip, she watched Clara walk up to them and begin to make stupid comments, which this time didn't faze her- too much. Her eyes roll around dramatically and she watches Clara take off after filling Brody's cup more. "She's idiotic." Jasmine finally gulps down her first few sips and walks into the crowd, looking for anyone to possibly communicate with. She came to this party for no drama, but that's not how it's going to work out apparently.

Brody followed after her, grabbing her hand and spinning her around. "Hey, you can't escape that easily," he smiled, trying to ignore some of the looks he was getting. He just wanted to enjoy the party, even with Clara always so close, and the possibility of some idiot like Andrew showing up. He had left his alcohol behind, deciding one of them needed to be responsible, and pulled Jaz deeper into the crowd of people dancing, smirking at her. "Remember how we danced our first night together?"

Jasmine's eyes widened as he turned her around. She took a sip of her sour beer and grinned before looking down shyly. "Yes, I do." Jaz begins to dance and wraps her arms around his neck, kissing it a few times priar to locking her eyes on Clara, then Andrew who'd just shown up. She was worried about more drama, but didn't have high expectations for it not to happen tonight. Jasmine was so tired, but all she wanted to do was have fun before Rose came home and deprived her of teenage duties.

Brody grinded against Jaz, poking her gently. "Hey, I'm the hottest thing in the room, so what are you looking at?" He asked jokingly, glancing behind himself and noticing Clara and Andrew. Brody shook his head, kissing Jaz sweetly. "Me and you, okay? Don't worry about them," he said, although he could feel his system moving into hyper-drive. His heart rate sped up, but not from dancing, and he wished all their problems would just disappear. But since they wouldn't, he tried to diverge Jaz's attention from all of it for now. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine grabbed his waist and joined him. She sighed and nodded before sipping her beverage again, "Ok, just us." Jaz continued to dance, but noticed Andrew stealing glances at them every now and then. She wished things could be sweet and simple. "I think I'm the hottest thing in the room, actually. I'm sorry, but I'm definitely a step above you." Jaz winks, letting go of the dirty blonde problem behind them.

Brody shook his head, picking her up and spinning her around quickly, pretending to drop her although he knew he'd never do such a thing. "Admit it. I'm hotter, or I'll really drop you," he joked, kissing her sweetly as he smiled down at her. He was already forgetting everything that was bugging him still. Jaz had a terrifying grip on his emotions. One he didn't even understand. @BasicallyMe
((Ooooh she has a grip. Guess it's time to go cheat. lol jk))

Jasmine giggles and catches her balance before getting away from Brody. "I can't admit something that's not true!" Her hands wrap around Brody's body again, dancing with him in a fast motion- care free. "I can't wait until our little Rosie comes home. She'll be our happiness." Jaz smiles whilst dancing and images of Rose float through her head.

Callie sits on the couch, watching Brody and Jasmine dance. She remembered a few days ago when he straddled her waist, making her blush slightly. He was cute, and Cal wished she could get a turn with him- maybe she would.

(My heart dropped for a moment lol)

Brody pulled Jaz flush against him, kissing her forehead gently. "You're my happiness," he told her, loud enough to be heard of the bass of the music, but quiet enough that only she could hear it. "You and Rose, but it was you before her," he said, hoping it hadn't come out wrong. He wanted Jaz to know how much he truly loved her, not just her and the baby, although he did love Rose very much. He just loved them separately. And not in some conjoined obligatory way.


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