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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Once Kaya was done paying - her money had been stuffed into her sneaker, her usual wallet when she didn’t have hers with her - her eyes followed Dustin’s finger. She’d never eaten there before; typically her eating-out was takeout Chinese in the passenger seat of her roommate’s car. She nodded, wrapping her hands around the cup. “Sounds good. I’ll give you my cell number so if we split up later we can figure out times,” Kaya suggested. She rather liked Dustin’s company - something about it felt nice, but she couldn’t put a finger on it.

"Well I didn't pass out," Brody spoke jokingly, although his heart wasn't in it. The fact that Rose had been born prematurely scared him, but he tried to smile for Jaz, brushing her sweaty hair away from her face and kissing her forward, his knees weak where he stood. He sat on the bed in the empty space next to Jaz, holding her hand in his still. "How are you?" He asked, hoping she'd feel a little better at this point, meanwhile Brody was panicking. There was still so much they needed to have, to get, to prepare. @BasicallyMe

Mari rolled her eyes. "Most guys would be turned on at this point," she told him, splashing at him lightly. She didn't get why Shane was so... serious, but she hoped he'd lighten up. What she had done wasn't that bad. Sure, there were people around, but certainly not enough to be worried. But then the thought of her impulsive actions irritating him made her worried, and she bit her lip, snatching her top back. "I thought you'd at least smile or something," she grumbled. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine let Brody kiss her, and she stared at the wall for a few seconds before answering him, "I've been better."

A nurse walks in with a turkey sandwich and water. "Here you go, this will make you feel stronger. She smiled at Jaz and sets the food down in front of her.

Jasmine looks at it, but pushes it away not satisfied.

Brody frowned, taking the plate and setting it in his lap. "You need to eat something, Love," he said, trying to be commanding and gentle at the same time. "I know it's scary, but you still need some nutrition." He split the sandwich in half, "Just half for now," He held the plate out to her again, hoping she'd eat it. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine looked over to the half sandwich he was offering, and caved. She took it gently out of his hands and began to pull away small bites. Jaz didn't have an apetite after seeing Rose in the position she was. In fact, Jasmine felt empty. She had carried a baby for a while, and now her belly was vacant and the baby isn't even here. After a few small bites, Jasmine set the small piece of sandwich down and shook her head. "I'm not hungry, I feel sick."

Brody sighed, setting the plate down. "She'll be okay, Jasmine. Rose is tough, I can tell, cause she's got a tough mom." Brody grinned, wanting to cheer Jaz up but unsure how to. He had hardly caught a glimpse of his own daughter before she was gone, and he was nervous himself, but he knew he had to be strong for Jaz and Rose. @BasicallyMe
"I know, but I'm not hungry. I already feel strong enough." Jasmine reaches over to the water bottle and grabs it. She takes long gulps of it then leans her head back feeling refreshed. "I'll see Rose tonight, I already know it because I'm fine." Jasmine decides to sit up and prove herself. She had managed to be successful at this, but when she tried to stand, Jaz immediately gave up. "I'll work on that. Did she look beautiful? Did you look?"

Brody gulped. "She was kind of covered in blood so I was too busy holding back my puke to really notice, but I'm sure she is," he said, hoping she wouldn't be mad at him for that. Brody was excited for his daughter, just not for the messy parts of it. He sighed, tapping his fingers against his jeans, when he suddenly remembered something. "I better cancel my appointment." He said, reaching for his phone before remembering he didn't have it and scowling. "Fucking Clara still has my phone," he huffed, looking back to Jaz. "But that's not important right now. You should pick Rose's middle name," he said, not wanting to deal with the other subjects. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine nods to him reassuringly. "It's ok, I agree. I'm sure she is." She smiles slightly to Brody and hands him her phone. "Make it for tomorrow, I'll be out by then." Jaz rubs his arm and becomes upset again knowing she'd be leaving the hospital without her baby. "I'll think about it. I want a pretty name; something that flows with Rose." She closes her eyes trying to imagine what Rose looks like.

((Sorry if this is short, I'm on my phone for now until a little later.))
(It's cool xD )

Brody stepped out for a moment to make a new appointment before going back inside, sitting down in a chair and taking a breath. "I wonder who she'll look like more," Brody said, thinking to himself and picturing a child that would be a mix of them, what traits she'd get. "I hope she's photogenic," he joked. @BasicallyMe
Well Shane couldn't come up with an answer right there because he just didn't want anyone to see her without her top on or for him to be moody. "And here I though I would be the only one to see you like that." He commented to her. @McMajestic

Dustin nodded whole taking his phone out, which was an android galaxy s6, which was given to him by his father. "Sure, just give me your number so that we can hang out or just chat." He said to her grabbing his coffee, before handing hers her own. "Not really a guy who can deal with sugar on the morning." He told her while smiling at her which was barely seen but it could be seen closely. @redwood
Mari looked around pointedly after putting her top back on, gesturing towards the five people all the way back in the ankle-deep water. "It's not like they can make out anything, and there's only like twenty people max," she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist anyways, since she was weightless in the water and didn't want to have to struggle to keep herself up. "Besides, doing risky things is fun. It gives me a thrill," she smiled, kissing him before looking out at the waves, watching as they came crashing down, spilling white foam everywhere. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
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Rolling his yes, Shane kissing her after the wave passed. "My eyes only evil queen, I don't want my girl to be hit on." He told her while kissing her neck and groping her behind. "Mine only." He said to her again. @McMajestic
Mari smirked. "Well I hate to break it to you, Babe, but even with my top on I'm still hot as hell." She chuckled, kissing his neck. "But since I'm yours as you have so-eagerly claimed, I wouldn't respond to them anyways," she grinned, tasting salt water on her lips as she licked them. Her fingers rang through his wet hair, tangling in it and tugging on it softly. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine shrugged. "I hope she is too, I guess." She touched her toes on the cold floor, wanting to run away and find Rose.

The nurse walked in with a walker type of item, "Ms. Rose is ready to see you. We brought this walker because you're going to need it."

Jasmine's eyes light up and she jumps out of bed faster than she should have.

"Woah, slow down. You can't jump like that." The nurse smiles to Jasmine reassuringly then hands her the walker.

(You're fine, I am too. xD @redwood )

Riley looked up from her phone, hearing a knock on her door and glanced through the entrance. A boy was here? Riley creased her eyebrows in confusions and stood up from her bed, walking over to the boy, "Can I help you?" she asked with eyebrows raised in curiosity. There wasn't attitude or any fuss that he disrupted her, just polite. She was never really one to convert herself towards a conversation... And especially not on her first day. She stared up at the boy who held a few folders and books, a bit on the feminist side noting the bright colors and interesting designs on them. She got the just of why he was here.

Riley wasn't very tall. She was 5'4"... And the boy was much taller. She looked up at him, drinking in his features before acknowledging his question.
Brody rested his hand on her shoulder. "Slow down, Love. I don't want you hurting yourself. We'll get there," he whispered, kissing her cheek, not wanting her to over exert herself. Brody walked with her and the nurse down to where Rose would be. When he sees the little pink bundle through the glass he knows. Even before the nurse points Rose out in the midst of all the other babies he's already locked eyes on her. He smiles widely, pressing his hands against the glass as he looks in. "Look! Look! We made that!" He cheered like a triumphant kid who had just scored the winning point. @BasicallyMe

(Oh my Gosh I'm sooo sorry I took so long to reply. I didn't realize I hadn't)
((It's ok xD ))

Jasmine walks into the NICU. She was embarrassed on how helpless she looked, but right when her eyes met Rose, it all went away. Jaz walked over there as fast as she could, and smiled brightly.

"You won't be able to hold her today, but there is a little door right here to stick your hands in and touch her." The nurse opens the two holes and steps aside.

Jasmine reaches her hand into the bed and touches Rose's hair. It was brown with noticeable black streaks in it.(If that's ok? lol) She then brought her pointer finger down to Rose's hand and wiggled it around, receiving movement of a tiny finger back.

(Yeah xD )

Brody all but sprinted in, his hands squeezing the side of the crib she was in, but he didn't dare reach down and farther to touch his beautiful girl, fearful of hurting her. "God, she's beautiful," he whispered, feeling tears in his eyes as he smiled at his child. His beautiful baby girl who was completely and utterly his own. He had helped make this amazing little girl. "She's got your eyes(?)," he whispered as the baby squinted them opening, looking up at them. He wanted to reach out, to touch her, to hold her, but he was still afraid. He was always afraid. What if he couldn't be the dad Rose needed? @BasicallyMe
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Jasmine took her hand out of the bed and grabbed Brody's, slowly moving it inside of the bed and onto Rose's soft hair. "Don't worry, she needs to feel your touch." She then took her hand back and left Brody to have his own space. It made her happy to see this picture: father and daughter. Jasmine's only worry right now was that Rose made it out of that bed. "I love her so much."

Now this made Shane smirk at her before throwing her into the water but picking her up again before she could say something. "Well babe, I always like I see but I won't be to blame if I punch one of them guys." He warned with a small evil smirk. "Lovable, am I not?" He said to her. @McMajestic
Brody smiled, tears falling out of his eyes. He couldn't help it. "Me too," he breathed out, lost for words as his hand trailed down his baby girl's arm, pressing his index finger into her hand as she squeezed it with her tiny little fingers. He looked up at Jaz in excitement, pointing with his free hand as she squeezed his finger. "She likes me!" He whisper-yelled, a watery smile forming on his face as he looked back down at Rose. "Baby girl, I'm going to protect you and love you for the rest of your life," he promised, leaning down and kissing Rose's forehead in the same affectionate way he did with Jaz. @BasicallyMe
Mari squealed when he tossed her, wrapping herself tighter around him once he grabbed her again. "Well of course, Prince Charming," she kissed him deeply, lost in his taste for the longest time. "God, I love you," she breathed out, wondering if he could hear the slight desperation in her tone as she spoke, hoping he wouldn't think less of her for the way she clung to him, completely and utterly entranced by Shane. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Kaya took Dustin’s phone, and punched in her number, setting her name simply as Kaya Z. When he handed her her cup, she lifted hers in a way of a mock toast. “Sugar isn’t everyone’s thing in the morning. I always take sugar, though, so coffee doesn’t taste right without it. And when I order, sugar just pops out.” Kaya noticed Dustin’s facial features change ever so slightly; she could think he was smiling, but she couldn’t be sure. Nonetheless, she returned it with a slight smile, an upturn of the lips.

@J I N X
Jasmine smiled at Brody who had become more comfortable with her within the past few seconds already. She sits in a nearby chair, taking pressure off of her weak legs. "I can't wait until she gets better." Jaz smiles until Rose's monitor starts beeping. The nurse makes her way over to the bed and starts patting Rose, trying to stimulate her breathing.

"She's experiencing some apnea. It's often in preemies. It's when they stop breathing for a total of fifteen seconds. She won't be able to leave until the episodes have stopped."

Jasmine stands up, worried and listens to everything the nurse is saying. She began to feel upset once again for the millionth time today.


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