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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Jasmine listens in on the conversation and then looks over to Brody. "Well it doesn't matter if I can or not, I'm going anyway." She smiles to him and flips on the tv. Her phone vibrated, so she grabbed it gently from Brody and looked at the text. It was from Andrew. Hey, can we talk about the kiss? And that night? Jasmine made no effort to hide it from Brody. She didn't want anything else weighing her down right now.

Brody saw the texts, his curiosity getting the best of him. he frowned slightly. "Jaz, be honest with me okay, but... do you still have feelings for Andrew?" Brody asked, feeling slightly worried. He knew there was a big possibility she did and maybe if Andrew wasn't so abusive he'd even let her go if she did, but he was and so Brody tried to toughen up. He was a man after all, not the pitiful child he was acting like. @BasicallyMe
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Jasmine locks her eyes on Brody and shakes her head. "No. I don't have feelings for Andrew. The night that we.. kissed.. he threw me on the floor and hit me." She lays the phone on Brody's stomach and rubs her temples. "It's just one big mess, but no, I don't want him." Jaz knew that she had been having thoughts on her and Andrew's past, comparing the bad to an alternate world where he was loving and comforting, but she wouldn't admit that to Brody since he might take it the wrong way.

Brody's eyes widened. "He hit you? Why are you letting me go on about my stupid problems?" He demanded, grabbing Jasmine's shoulders harshly, not in a mean way but in a panicked way, looking her over, searching for a bruise he wouldn't find because he hadn't already seen it. He sighed, kissing her gently. "God, you scare the hell out of me," he mumbled. @BasicallyMe
"I would've told you if I was hurt Brody." She grabbed his wrist in a comforting way when he grabbed her shoulders. "It's not really a problem. It's kind of nothing. It's your turn to get help and paid attention to." Jaz caresses his cheek and shakes her head. "I don't scare you, your own self does." She rubs her aching belly and looks to the clock noticing it was lunch time. "Are you hungry? I'll go pick up some burgers." Jaz sits up and her phone buzzes again. Jazzy please?

"Burgers would be nice, Love." Brody said, realizing in the midst of his anger issues he had missed breakfast. Brody glanced down at her phone when it buzzed, not sure what to do. He wanted to take the phone, to answer for himself, to tell Andrew to get the hell out of Jaz's life, but he also knew that it was truly her decision to make. "If I were you, I'd cut him out, but I'm not, so if you need to call him you might as well do it now," Brody said. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine stood up and straightened out her floral tank top. "Just answer it for me." Jaz slides her leather jacket back on and heads towards the door, leaving her phone with Brody. "I'll be back in a few minutes." She smiles to him and disappears into the hallway, noticing Andrew a few feet away discussing man talk with a few guys. Jasmine quickly tries to dodge him, but he catches up and grabs her wrist.

"You're back with him now? What about the other night?" Andrew looks around at the other guys and leans in to Jasmine closer, "I know you felt something, Jazzy. You kissed me back, and you cleaned me up that night. If you didn't like me, that wouldn't have happened. I know you."

Brody took the phone, wondering how to respond. He knew whatever he said wasn't going to work anyways. Andrew, you need to back off. If You actually care about Jaz at all you'll want her to be happy. And she's not with you. He sent it, hoping he could appeal to the fact in some sick, twisted way Andrew must have loved Jaz. He wouldn't bug her so much if he didn't. Brody hoped Andrew would at least think about his text, but after everything he's heard and recent encounters with him, Brody figured it was a waste of data. @BasicallyMe
Andrew grips her wrist tighter, causing Jasmine to tense up and buckle down to the floor. Her voice goes down into a whisper not wanting others to hear, "Andrew, let go." She yanks her hand back and stands up relieved from the pain.

He watches as Jasmine stands back up, "I'm sorry," Andrew pulls her into him. "I'll always be here." His attention was broken by the buzzing of his phone, noticing Brody texted him. "So Mr. Big Shot has your phone?" He laughs then begins to type back. Brb Jaz and I are having a conversation.

Jasmine pushes off of him and gives him an angry look, "What did you just tell him? Leave me alone." She grabs Andrew's phone and slams it to the ground. A pain shoots through her belly and she crouches over. "Oh God." Jasmine's eyes squeeze shut and after a few moments she gathers herself back together.

(The one time Brody isn't trying to kill him it gets ruined lol)

Brody got the text, and felt raw anger tear through him. He stood up, walking towards the door, ready to kill Andrew, but then paused. Did Jaz know he was out there? He didn't know whether he should go or stay. He wasn't in any position to fight someone. But this is about Jaz, he insisted, before heading out the door, walking down the hall until he saw them and leaning against the wall, slightly out of the situation but able to jump in if need be. @BasicallyMe
((He's just in love(:'() lol))

Jasmine hadn't noticed Brody down the hall. She turned to walk away, but Andrew grabbed her wrist again. "What is wrong with you? Do the things I say go in one ear and out the other?" Jaz yanks more, but was unsuccessful.

"Don't talk to me like I'm the idiot." He steps closer and throws her wrist down. "You're denying feelings."

"You're denying that you're crazy." Jasmine lifts up her wrist and pulls the jacket sleeve up slightly, noticing the spot he had continuously grabbed was starting to bruise.

Andrew stared at her with now cold and angry eyes, but closed them to regain his normal self. "I could help you raise the kid." His hand reaches down to her belly and he touches it; he pushed his hand down so hard that Jasmine fell back against the wall.

Brody would have ran if he could. "Okay, that's e-fucking-nough," he snarled, stepping in between Jaz and Andrew. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Did you miss the "Never hit a girl" lesson? Were you too busy smoking in third grade to hear that?" Brody growled, crossing his arms over his chest. He didn't care how beat up he was. He'd take the punches all over again to protect Jasmine. @BasicallyMe
Andrew steps back and smirks, taking a cigarette out of his back pocket. "I was, still do. Want one?" He sticks the cig in Brody's pocket and holds his hands up. "Ok, ok. I surrender." Andrew's eyes trail to Jasmine, "Tell me when you go in labor, I'll be there like always." He gives Brody one last glance before turning around to walk off.

Jasmine hid behind Brody feeling helpless. If she weren't pregnant, she would've stood up for herself better. The aches in her stomach felt escalated now. All she could do is listen to Brody's defensiveness and Andrew's cockiness.

Brody huffed, turning back to Jasmine. "I wasn't going to get involved but then he pushed you and I got scared," Brody admitted, hugging her close to him despite the dull ache that came with any physical contact. "Are you okay?" He asked, glancing down at her wrist and noticing the bruise that was beginning to form. He couldn't believe Andrew was okay with hitting girls. Sure Brody had yelled, but actually hitting a girl- even Clara- seemed impossible to him. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine nods, "Let's just eat in the dorm. That's a better decision." She hugs Brody and laughs off what just happened. Jasmine reaches for the cigarette in his pocket and throws it in the trash. "Let's not keep that." She takes his hand and leads him into the dorm. "I'll make you a delicious sandwich, how about that?" Her stomach sends out a pain that travels to her back, causing her to bend over. "Ow, ow, ow. This really hurts." Jaz straightens back up and opens the fridge, getting out all the condiments. She began to feel sick and confused on what was happening.

A few minutes later, Jasmine began to walk a finished sandwich over to Brody, but crippled in pain, dropping the sandwich as well. "Why does it hurt so bad? It's too early for labor! She can't do that now!"

Brody felt concerned, and quickly moved to hold Jasmine, squeezing her hand gently. "Come on, you need to go to the hospital," Brody said, picking her up gently. Even with one arm in a cast he managed, although he couldn't exactly sprint with her in his arms. "And don't argue with me, because this is Rose we're talking about," he added, walking towards the door. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine laid her head back uninterested in answering. It felt like contractions every few minutes, and she was getting more terrified each time it happened. "But it's too early." She whines and wipes her forehead from sweat. Jasmine's temperature had gone up within the last hour or so, but she hadn't really noticed until now.

Andrew's attention turns towards Brody and Jasmine exiting the building. He decided to stay back, but began to feel worried about her. A.J. decided that he'd find a way to figure out what was happening.

((And now I sleep (</3)))

Brody took Jaz to the hospital, setting her down gently in a waiting chair before talking to the desk and telling her what was going on. It took longer than he was comfortable with for them to finally see a doctor, and he held Jaz's hand, squeezing it every now and then, unable to speak. He was so afraid. His heart rate was maxing out and it roared in his ears. He just prayed that whatever was going on Jaz and Rose would be okay. When the doctor finally took them back Brody sighed relief, glad that Jaz was going to get some attention.


(Same lol. I stay up way too late on this website xD )
Jasmine was laid in the hospital bed gently, the nurses helping her into a hospital gown.

"Ok Ms. Jasmine, I'm going to have to check you. Just a little pressure." The doctor sits at the end of the bed and does his thing. "I think your baby has decided to come a bit early." He stands and looks to the nurses, mumbling words between them.

Jasmine shakes her head, "No!" She squeezes her eyes shut during another contraction and begins to push on her own.

The doctor breaks his conversation with the nurses and looks to Jaz, "Jasmine you can't push yet, you're going to hurt the baby." He squeezes her hand, "It's going to be ok." The doctor lets go and slaps on some rubber gloves as do all the other nurses.

Brody began hyperventilating. "What?" He practically shrieked, standing next to her and squeezing her hand. "You- we can't do this! Were not ready! I'm not ready! " He cried out, trying and failing miserably to breathe. @BasicallyMe
The doctor sits in his stool and looks to Brody, "I know, but it's time to grt ready. I will tell you honestly that you'll have a while to get more prepared, the baby is going to be in the NICU for a while." He inspects Jasmine and motions for the nurses to get in position. "Ok she's ready. On the count of three you're going to push, and we're going to count down from ten."

Jasmine's eyes widen and she squeezes Brody's hand, practically breaking it.

Brody groaned quietly, trying to keep himself in check. He smoothed Jaz's have back from her face, trying to calm her down. "Okay, it's okay. Just breathe Babe. Just breathe, okay? You can do this," he spoke in a wild voice, trying to reassure himself more than her. He suddenly felt faint, and leaned against the wall by the bed still holding her hand. "Oh my God, oh my God." @BasicallyMe
When Dustin turned to her, asking what to order, she shrugged. “Anything, price doesn’t matter. I still have some of my birthday money lying around.” Truth be told, her birthday had come and gone four months ago, but Kaya had learned when she was young to be good with money and to barely ever spend it if it wasn’t a essential. She made it sound like it happened only last week. “For me, I usually get black coffee with a ton of sugar,” she shrugged; she rarely met people who liked black coffee as well, so she didn’t expect him to order the same thing.

@J I N X (sorry that this is kind of long and a lil bit awkward I'm not the best at starters)
After twenty minutes of pushing, sweating, and groaning, a faint cry sounded out in the room. Jasmine felt a huge surge of relief from the pain she'd been experiencing. She looked up to see the nurses wiping down a baby a little longer than the size of Jaz's hand. Jasmine wanted to hold her, but before she could ask the baby had been whisked out of their room to be stabalized.

"Once you're ok to walk, you'll be able to come inside the NICU and see her. I can't promise holding, though. I know this is hard, but we'll make sure she makes it out a healthy little girl." The doctor shakes Brody's hand and exits the room.

Shane frowned when she threw the bikini top at her and gave her a simple dull look. Why the hell did she did that when there's people around? Didn't she feel embarrassed at all or was she those people who liked to be without clothes. His look didn't change as he grabbed it and walked/swam toward her. @McMajestic

Well that was new and Dustin was actually surprised for a second before ordering Black coffee without any sugar in it. "Not really a person who likes sugar on my coffee." He told her while looking at her with a grin. "Well we can go to wherever during lunch, how about we go to that restaurant?" He asked her while pointing at a restaurant across the streets. He didn't really care about money, he always got sent some from his stupid rich parents. Kinda odd being rich yet not acting like one. @redwood

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