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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Brody tilted her chin up, kissing her sweetly at first, but somewhere in the midst of everything it become rougher, more desperate. He just wanted Jaz in that moment, and he had her. He forgot about his pain, his new status of social pariah, Clara. It all went away as he held her. He didn't think anything could ruin this. @BasicallyMe

"Good aim," Mari stood up, grabbing Shane's hand and tugging on it for him to get to his feet. "Let's go out in the water first and splash around for a bit." She winked at him, smirking ever so slightly as she pulled him up. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine noticed him becoming rougher, but didn't stop it. Her hands trailed up into his brunette hair and she smiled whilst kissing him. "I love you." The words came out of her mouth unexpectedly. She never noticed saying those to him before until now. Jaz moved the Chinese food away from them even though some had already gotten on the floor. She'd totally forgotten that it was sitting on the bed.

Hell yeah, man. My sister’s out in Miller Place and we’re out in Southampton!!)

“The desert. Ugh. That sounds like a terrifying place - but I grew up on an island, so anything that’s
not surrounded by water sounds terrifying. What if you die of dehydration?” Kaya made a face after her joke, implying that living in the desert would be a horrible fate for her. She gave a smile in thanks for him keeping the door open for her. She noticed they got some looks from older people getting their pre-work drinks. Kaya supposed that they made an odd pair, but she wasn’t quite bothered.

Brody pushed her down on the bed, laying over her, feeling something wild come over him. He was completely lost in the moment. He sat up to yank his shirt off, and whined in pain, everything coming back to him as he stretched out his side, his bandaged ribs throbbing painfully. He knew the noise that came out of him was pathetic, and his shirt fell back over him as he held his side, trying to get a grip on the pain before it consumed him. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine sat up at Brody's painful whine and laid him down instead. She took his shirt off slowly making sure not to hurt him too bad. After his shirt was off she kissed his lip and rubbed her hands on his cheek. "Just lay on your back and I'll do the work." Jaz smirked at him and kissed his chest before fading to black.

Awhile Later

Brody pressed Jaz against him, kissing her softly as he wrapped his arms round her waist. "I love you," he whispered, his words tender and sweet. "I want us to be like this. Always. Together and happy," he grinned, closing his eyes and relaxing completely, glad that they had reached a state of being okay again. @BasicallyMe
((Sorry was showering xD ))

Jasmine kissed Brody back and snuggled into his neck. "I love you too." She smiles and takes some of his hair around her finger, twirling it in soft motions. "We always will be, well, not always. Fights are going to happen, but we always get over it." Jaz closes her eyes after looking at the time. They had been on their date for around two hours now, and she was getting tired.

"Yeah, I'm just glad there's nothing to fight about now," Brody slid Jaz off him, allowing her to lay at his side. "Spend the night," he pleaded quietly, but then he thought about everything and instantly regretted making the request. "Actually, no. You'd be safer at your dorm," he kissed her quickly. "You can use my shower though if you want, or if you'd rather just go, be my guest, but you smell like my cologne now," he added with a soft chuckle. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine's stomach dropped at his comment, 'nothing to fight about now'. "I uhm," She pauses and listens to his offer. "Ok, I'll go back to my dorm. There's nothing wrong with smelling like your cologne. I think it's sexy." Jaz sits up slowly and takes a breath before standing up all the way. "I'm coming back in the morning to talk to you about the whole Clara situation, ok? I'm sorry." She kisses his cheek and leaves to her own dorm.


((Skip to next morning?))
(Yup lol, just get to the good stuff xD )

Brody was up and moving around, though he should have been resting, trying to flip an omelette with his left hand and failing tragically. He sighed, "Screw it," he mumbled, deciding to make a breakfast stir fry instead. As he did so he felt a knock on his door and moved fast, thinking it was Jaz, but was disappointed to only see a sign on his door. Douchebag Criminal. He groaned, yanking the piece of paper off and throwing it in the trash, slamming his door shut. That had been the fifth one he'd found. Everyone was labeling him. He hated being so popular in that moment. He walked back over to his breakfast, noticing he burned it, "Fuck," he snarled rather loudly, throwing the pan on the floor and biting his hand as he yelled so it would muffle the noise before beginning to clean up the mess he made. @BasicallyMe
((I'm literally scared for Brody to know Jasmine kissed Andrew xD ))

Jasmine moaned and rolled out of her bed. This morning her stomach felt extra fluid-filled. She trudged into the bathroom and lifted up the black hoodie she fell asleep in. Jaz's stomach had popped, and it was now very noticeable. She groaned once more and walked back into her bed/living area for a change of clothes which consisted of a floral tank top, black leather jacket, and leggings once again since Jasmine knew she wouldn't be fitting in her jeans any time soon. Her gaze shifted to the alarm clock on by her sofa; it was early and time to go get this talk over with.

Jasmine stood in front of Brody's dorm for a good few seconds then opened it on her own. "Morning, my stomach popped." She points to it and plops down on his bed dramatically.

(I've actually planned it out. It's rather anti-climatic)

Brody grinned, walking over to sit next to her, looking down at her stomach in slight awe. He'd never been around a pregnant person before so the entire experience was interesting to him. "That's pretty cool," he said, looking at her and pulling her so he could kiss her quick. "Morning, Love," he added, waiting for her to start the conversation he knew they needed to have. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine smiled and sat up. "So, after I received your break up message and figured out it wasn't you, I wrote a note to Clara and delivered it under her door. It said, 'meet me after curfew. I think I miss you'. I wanted to get back at her." Jasmine pulled her hair back behind her ear, "She fell for the bait and showed up at the girl's commons. I confronted her about the message and then I told her that we had tons of make up sex. She got a little scared, but then did her usual psycho crazy bitch thing and pulled a knife. She's so crazy it's not like I wasn't expecting it, so the next morning she must've taken it out on you instead of just coming back to me." She paused and took another deep breath to refrain herself from crying, "Also before I knew you hadn't sent the break up message, I spiraled a little bit and Andrew kissed me, I saw the message and got mad so I kissed him back." Jaz looks down as if she were disappointed in herself.

Brody went rigid where he sat. She kissed Andrew? He thought, completely astonished. He stood up to get away from her, terrified his anger would get the best of him as he stood their, absolutely boiling. "Are you serious?" He snarled. "Are you fucking serious? You believed a petty fucking text and kissed that son of a bitch? This is fucking insane. You fucking slut-" Brody quickly cut himself off, taking a deep breath, trying to calm down. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have said that. You thought I broke up with you right?" He took another breath, seeing block dots in his vision. "It's okay," he said calmly, not wanting them to spiral back into another argument. He knew she had only brushed the surface of what his anger had become. He wondered if he had scared her. He stayed where he stood, not wanting to get closer for fear he'd freak her out. He just hoped she wasn't mad at him now. @BasicallyMe
Shane stood up while looking at her. Should he really go swimming right now? He closed his eyes before opening them and nodding. "Yeah let's go swim." He said to her while smiling. @McMajestic

Dustin laughed at her. "It's not that bad, I been raised there since 3 years ago so the weather never bothered me." He ignored the people staring at them and just went up the counter. He looked at her with a smirk on his face. "So what would I be ordering right now?" He questioned. @redwood
Jasmine's heart dropped when he called her a slut. She just kept her head down and listened. This time she wasn't going to fight back, she was just going to take it. Jaz new she did wrong, but at the same time she also knew that she didn't do it to hurt him, she was hurt at that moment. "Well yeah I thought you broke up with me. It came from your number." She kept her head down and smoothed out the bed for something to do. Oddly enough this felt like the beginning of Andrew all over again.

Brody dropped on his knees in front of her, looking up at her and taking her hand in his, noticing her change in demeanor. He kissed the back of her hand sweetly. "I'm sorry. You're not a slut. You're my beautiful, amazing, talented, smart girlfriend and I love you so much. It was my fault. If anything you should be yelling at me," he spoke quietly, looking down at her stomach, knowing there was a baby inside who needed him. Brody had to get a grip on whatever was going on with him. He had to... fix it. The thought made him realize something he had never even dreamed of. There was something wrong with him- and it wasn't stress. It couldn't have been. Not with the way he could black out. There was something really wrong. The thought terrified him. @BasicallyMe

"Great," Mari pranced into the water, getting ankle deep and feeling the sand build up against her toes. She laughed, stomping in the water and watching as water splashed up, childlike joy taking her over as she ran deeper until she was waist deep in the waves. She looked back at Shane with a smirk. "Come get me!" She called, feeling a slight buzz from the alcohol. She moved deeper into the water, so her neck and head was the only thing that could be seen. She got an idea. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but she took off her bikini top and flung it at him so he'd know it was off, giggling profusely. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
"It's nobody's fault except Clara's, and that's why I'm going to rip that ugly little smirk off her face." Jasmine stands up ignoring Brody's apology. "Go ask to see her stomach. She has to be faking, and if she isn't then you're going to have a messed up kid. More messed up than it already would've been before she drank a cup of jack." Jaz calms herself down and looks to Brody. She knew that they shouldn't have made up last night; it all comes back to freak outs and hurt feelings.

Brody looked up at her. "It can't be all Clara. I don't act out like that because of Clara." He said quietly, not moving from his spot. He stared forward at the couch in his room, sighing as he rested his head in his hands, sitting on the floor. If Clara was faking it he'd find out, but that wasn't his biggest worry right now. He finally turned to Jaz. "Do you mean it when you say you love me? Even if I'm yelling at you like I just did?" He asked, not sure of what the answer was. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine nods, "Yeah, I mean it. I just, I don't like being yelled at. I fight back. You know everything is stressful right now." She sighs and tilts her head to Brody,"What do you mean it's not Clara?" Jasmine had a puzzled look on her face. "What's wrong?" She walks over to the couch and sits on it, looking down to Brody. "What do you think it is then? If it's not all Clara?"

Brody stared at the floor rather than Jaz. "I don't know. Remember when my room was wrecked? I did that. I just got angry and I blacked out and..." Brody stood up, laying down on his bed. "There's something wrong with me, and I want you to know now so if... I don't know, just so you know." He looked over at Jasmine. He'd never gotten this angry, not before he met her. Then again, he'd never cared about someone so strongly before either. "Maybe I need to go somewhere, and have someone fix me. Where do you go for that? An institute?" He asked, unsure himself. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine's eyes widen and she holds up her hands as if she were signaling him to stop. "Woah, woah. Let's take you to a therapist or something, not an institute." She grabs his hand and pulls him up onto the sofa. "You're going to be ok. I'm going to be here for you, and I won't let anything happen." Jaz nuzzles into his neck and kisses him. "You should call and make an appointment so we can get you checked out as soon as possible if you really feel something is wrong." She rubs her hand down his arm and intertwines their fingers.

Brody smiles at the contact, pulling her into his lip and resting his head on her shoulder, closing his eyes. "Thanks, Jaz, you always make me feel better." He squeezed her hand before laying back, pulling her with him, glancing over at his laptop. "I'm kinda scared though, to be honest. I've been denying it but... God, what if there's something really wrong with me? What if I can't... I can't be a good dad?" @BasicallyMe
Jasmine smiled and laid back with him. "That's why I'm not letting you get off this time. You're going to make an appointment." She digs into the back of her pocket, finally pulling out her phone. "Here. Look up a place and call them, please." She lays her head back down and throws her leg over his. "You're going to be a good dad. That's why we're getting to the bottom of it now."

Brody nodded weakly, using Jaz's phone to look up a person on the island before calling. He talked to the therapist for a moment, describing what had happened to him briefly, and had an appointment made for the next day. The session was a hundred and fifty dollars. He bit his lip, not wanting to have to pay for that, but knowing he needed to. He hung up after scheduling it. "Are you allowed to come with me?" He asked her, unsure himself. He didn't even know if she would want to come with him to his diagnosis. @BasicallyMe

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