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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Jasmine stood and assorted through his movies. She was a little upset that he wouldn't watch horror movies, but decided on a comedy she came across. "Let's watch this. I need something to laugh at." Jaz pops it in the player and sits back on the bed by Brody. "Hold on a sec." She laid back and opened up google unable to wait for what she was supposed to see.

Andrew rests his hands on her waists then picks her up and sets her on the sofa. "Uhm, no. First off," He says mocking her, "Give me my beer before I have to take you out." Andrew snatches his beer back and takes a sip. "I'm sorry that you weren't awake to experience this hot piece of ass, but I'm not giving you anything until you deserve it."

"What? Is something wrong?" He asked, worried he'd already managed to screw up and maybe she was searching for the Taxi number to take her off to someone better. He stood up to play the movie, nervous for her response.

Clara sighed, shaking her head at him. "Well that's boring. I didn't realize you'd play so hard to get," she said honestly, thinking that with him being in a semi-drunk state it'd take no time at all. She looked over at the alcohol on the table, wishing she could have some but knowing she was already pushing out. She laid back on the couch, resting her head against the armrest. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine looked over to Brody not wanting to bring up anything bad while they were supposed to be on a date. "Uhm.. well.." she changes her mind and scrolls through a few things. Jasmine immediately realizes that this was her fault and sets her phone down. She didn't know if she should admit that she caused this. "It's nothing." Jasmine smiles smiles and grabs his hand; hers was a little sweaty.

Andrew rolls his eyes. "I'm not boring. Atleast an hour ago I wasn't." He winks to Clara and lays his head back, finishing up the beer. "I don't play hard to get darling, I just don't give myself up that easy." Unless it's Jasmine. He pats her leg and stands up no longer interested in her boring conversation.

Brody smiled, laying next to her as the movie began. He could feel her sweaty palm, but he ignored it for the time being, not wanting to ask questions. He had a feeling something was wrong, but he didn't want to ruin their little date. There was a knock on the door, and Brody got up quickly to answer it, smiling when he realized it was John with the food. "Hey-" Brody was immediately cut off.

"You're fired. I can't have someone with your reputation working at my business. I'll pay you for the week though," he added, shoving the food in Brody's arms. "Don't bother paying. It's on me," John snarled, before walking off. Brody sighed weakly, looking back at Jasmine with a broken smile.

"Food's here," he said, closing the door behind him, trying to keep the grin on his face even though all he wanted to do was scream.

Jasmine watched as John walked away and her heart sank. She became extremely nervous and felt like maybe their relationship could fall apart and evaporate after this. "Uhm, Brody?" Jaz sits up and scratches the back of her head. "I think I caused all this," She left it at there for now unable to explain everything that's happened since last night. She kissed Andrew, started war with Clara and is using Andrew as bait, and practically exploited Brody. "I have something to tell you though also. I think Clara's faking it."

Brody bit his lip. He felt like he could burst into tears like a child at any moment. "I just... I just wanted you to be happy. I just wanted to make you happy tonight. Do we have to talk about this?" he whispered, trying to ignore everything she was saying. Until she mentioned Clara might be faking her pregnancy. Brody sighed deeply, walking over and sitting down next to Jaz. "Tell me why, and then we're getting back to our date and I'm going to make you smile if it's the last fucking thing I do," he added, keeping his voice calm, hoping she couldn't hear how it trembled from emotional exhaustion. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine's eyes widened slightly and she felt bad for even mentioning it, but the guilt ate away ate her. "She was drinking in the girl's commons." Jasmine looked towards the movie and just kept her eyes on it, a little scared to say anything else. She definitely wasn't going to mention anything she'd been doing to Clara or anything Clara's been doing to her; it wasn't the right time. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up." Jasmine keeps her eyes on the movie.

"No, no. Don't be sorry," he muttered. "You can talk to me. About anything. I just, I really want you to be happy tonight. I know how stressed you've been and I just want make it up to you is all," Brody said, brushing her hair behind her ear, hoping she didn't mind the contact. For all he knew he was pushing her away, and that's why she brought it up. The thought made him hesitate, and he let his hand drop back to his side. "I'll ask Clara about it when I'm feeling better, but please, if you've already done something, or if you were going to, don't do anything more, alright? She's really screwed up, and if something happened to you or Rose I'd-" Brody lost his breath, looking away from Jaz. Emotional exhaustion was definitely the word for it. He stared down at the bedsheets, trying to hold himself together. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine sucked in her bottom lip knowing good and well she already had things in motion. "Brody, I am happy right now ok? I've missed you." She decides to just keep quiet and wraps him in a hug. "I'm sorry, and I'm not going to tell you details, but this whole thing about your privacy is my fault. I didn't think about it. Now let's do like you said and watch the movie and talk about something else, ok?"

"Tell me tomorrow, because I do want to know." He hugged her back, needing that more than she could ever possibly know. He held on longer than he should have, resting his chin on her shoulder, kissing her neck sweetly, before letting out a heavy breath. He dragged a smile on his face and leaned back, grabbing the food. "Okay, let's talk about how amazing Chinese food is," he decided, using chopsticks to grab some noodles and slurping them up in his mouth. "It's better than sex," he joked, going in for a second bite. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine smiles and grabs her Chinese. She decides to use chopsticks as well, but sucked at it. "I hate chopsticks, they're so hard to use." Jaz stick them in her noodles and pulls one out. She slurps it up and nods. "Rose can agree to that." Jaz wasn't feeling totally back to her normal self, but she was able to forget about the plotting against Clara and everything else going on. "When are you going to be better? It's boring when you're in your dorm all day." Jasmine eats another noodle and watches the movie.

Brody shrugged. "Maybe I just need some... motivation." He winked at her, laughing at her pitiful attempt at using chopsticks while he continued sucking noodles up like a pro, flicking one at her and watching as it stuck to her face, chuckling to himself. He felt normal for the first time in days, genuinely happy. Jaz just had a way of doing that to him, of giving him all his energy back and making him forget why he'd lost it in the first place.

(I gotta go to bed, night.)
Jasmine smiled and peeled the noodle off of her face. She stuck it in her mouth then reclined back a little more on his bed. "I don't think that kind of motivation is a good idea right now." Jasmine looks over to Brody while shoving another noodle in her mouth and gives him sorry eyes. "You know?" She didn't want Brody to end up getting bored with her, but at the same time she didn't feel like getting affectionate. Jasmine grabbed a flower petal off of the bed and flicked it at him.


((Ok. night.))
Now that made Shane give her a questionable look that kinda was kinda difficult to decipher. Why did she want to know his secrets? Not like they were important or troublesome. "Sounds like an idea." Eh, he didn't really mind getting drunk, just that he hated the taste and after taste when it comes to drinking. @McMajestic
Kaya had an easy expression on her face before he bowed. With that, she emitted a laugh. “C’mon. Like I said, it’s around the corner, block down. Pretty sure you probably already knew that.” To fill the silence, she brought up her home state, New York. “If you ever need useless information about New York, just ask. Or if you ever need the quickest exit off Long Island.”

Dustin hummed to himself as he nodded to her. "Well as I said, lead the way, like people say ladies first." He told her while chuckling to himself. "New York? Was there on Hempstead in Nassau County when I was little." He had always traveled with his mother when he was small when there was wasn't any school for him to attend. @redwood
Brody grabbed a handful of petals, tossing them in her direction so they fell down on her like rain. "I was only joking," he lied easily, grabbing for some of the sesame chicken. He continued to use his chopsticks as he ate, thinking to himself. "You know, it really is a crime that you can't use them correctly," he told her, clapping them together in her face playfully before taking another bite of the chicken. @BasicallyMe

Mari rolled off him, laying down on the sand and looking up as she finished her beer off. It took a lot to get her drunk. She doubted Shane would like her that way. Mari was even sluttier with alcohol clouding her judgement. She turned to rest her head on his stomach, looking up at the sky. "We'll have to rent a couple boards to surf," she told him, taking his beer since hers was empty and starting on it. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine grinned to him and shook her head. "You should teach me then." She was trying to avoid the fact that she really did want affection from him, but she didn't know if it was a good idea. Her eyes stayed looking down to her Chinese food for a few quiet seconds, then finally Jaz gave up and she threw herself onto Brody. "I miss you." Jasmine frowns and lays her head on him. She had been wanting to do this forever, but now she has a secret weighing on her chest with Andrew.

Brody almost dropped his chicken. He grunted in pain, setting his food down slowly, trying to keep himself from crying out at the way her body weight pressed against his ribs. He wrapped his arms around her though, not wanting her to leave him. He didn't mind the pain so long as it was Jaz causing it. "I guess this 'breaking up' thing isn't really working out, huh?" He laughed quietly, kissing her forehead. "That's okay. I need you anyways," he said, resting his forehead against hers. @BasicallyMe
(Hold on fam, my New Yorker is comin’ on out)

Kaya started the way, before brightly going, “I was born in the teaching hospital up at Stony Brook. I jumped around a lot - I lived in Farmingdale and Mineola with my family, but when I was adopted I became a full-blown Sag Harbor girl.” She said it casually, about her adoption that happened when she was in her young teen years. Quietely, she was thrilled to meet someone who knew how to pronounce Nassau County correctly. If she heard someone say it like NASA one more time, she’d cry. “There’s the Starbucks,” she announced brightly. “I’m thrilled that you said coffee, because not sure how I’d get through my day without it.”

Jasmine had forgotten about Brody's pain and eased up. "Sorry," She closes her eyes and relaxes, "Not really. We can be 'broken up' and just cuddle in your dorm? Then we can be strangers in the hall." Jaz trails her fingers down his stomach and takes another bite of noodle. "So I think Rose is growing a lot faster, she's stretching my stomach I can feel it." Jaz turns on her back and lifts up the hoodie revealing her small belly. "It's still small, but it hurts." She pats her belly and then moves her hands behind her head.

Brody smiled. He knew he wanted kids but he'd never thought he'd be so enthused to have one at seventeen- well, eighteen. He'd be eighteen when she came along. "Well, I'm glad everything's okay now," he pulled Jaz closer to him, not wanting her to back off. He rested his hand on her stomach. "I can't wait to feel her kick." He said, childlike excitement in his eyes. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine smiled at Brody and kissed his lips. She missed the feel of them. "I can't wait to feel her kick either." Jasmine looks over to Brody then decides to lean in and kiss his neck. It was warm and familiar, something else she'd been missing the past couple of days. The fact that they were a little ok now made her even more anxious on him finding out about Andrew. She knew he'd freak out and for once she couldn't blame anything on him, she could only own up to it.

Shane groaned at that. He felt more like drinking than anything but nodded. "Let's get drunk at night okay?" He said to her while kissing her neck. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into another hug before finishing the drink and throwing the bottle into the trash bin, which actually made it. @McMajestic

(I'm from Nassau County actually xD )

Dustin nodded at what she said before saying his own thing. "I was born on Tucson, Arizona a city in the Sonoran Desert that is surrounded by multiple mountain range." He said to her while opening the door, so that she would go inside. "Coffee is the best in the morning." @redwood

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