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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Jasmine rolled her eyes still angry. "Well someone texted me off of your number that you wanted to break up permanently, so if it wasn't you then find out who it was." Jasmine opens the door and pushes Callie out forcefully before shutting the door again. She noticed how he was obviously in pain and let out a breath, "Are you ok?" In all reality Jasmine wasn't interested at this point, she was upset and on the verge of quitting for real.

"Do you actually care? Because it doesn't seem like it," Brody snapped, not daring to look at her. "Look, Jaz, I get that I'm the fuck-up of the century and I've screwed up more times than I can make up for already, but I also care about you. A lot. Too much. And I'm not going to let you use that against me. So if you want to stop this right now, then say it, and if you don't then I need you to consider, for a moment, that you shouldn't still be acting mad at me for shit I didn't do." He added, unable to let go of the tone in her voice. He knew she didn't actually care when she asked him, and that hurt him more than the broken bones ever could, but he didn't want her to know that. Not when he could feel the tension between them, something that hadn't been there a few days ago. And he let his words hang in the air for a moment, before realizing what he said. What if I'm pushing her too much? "I'm sorry," he added quickly. "I... I shouldn't talk to you like that. You're probably really stressed right now. I'm sorry." @BasicallyMe
Jasmine looks up to the ceiling to avoid crying. After it felt like the tears were somewhat gone for the moment she looked back at him. "I want to be with you, but this is way too hard. It's hard even when we're not dating and I'm going to snap. Actually I think I already have, so do not get angry with me." She folds her arms and continues, "I feel so ridiculous right now. I look like an idiot and that just makes me even more angry because I'm tired of looking like an idiot. Andrew makes me look like an idiot, Clara makes me look like an idiot, and people stare at me in public now because I'm obviously one of those practical teen moms." Jasmine bit the inside of her cheek so hard that the metallic taste of blood filled her mouth.

Brody felt helpless. He wanted Jasmine to be happy more than anything, but it seemed he had done a pretty good job of making that impossible. He stood up slowly, limping forward so he stood directly in front of her, caressing her cheek with his good hand. "No one could ever make you look like an idiot, Jaz," he whispered, kissing her forehead. "You're so smart, and strong." He looked down at her, just wanting to make her smile, to make her tears go away. "I'd do anything for you, you know that, right? Anything." He emphasized, letting his hand slide down her arm until he was intertwining their fingers together. An idea came to mind suddenly. Something so insane he figured if nothing else it'd make her laugh. "Let's elope."


(And with that, I must go to bed)
Jasmine shakes her head not wanting to hug him or be touched. He intertwines their fingers and she doesn't reject, but stands still. "I know you would, but I don't know what to do." She crinkles her eyebrows together at the idea of eloping and gives Brody a smile, although not genuine. "Now's not a good time.." Jasmine takes back her hand and steps back. "I'm going to go I guess. I can't stay in your dorm and hang out. It's just not making sense. I've actually got something to do, so." Jasmine had planned to go to Clara's dorm after this. If Clara wanted to play games, Jasmine could too.


((Ok night!))
"Okay I get it, but why don't you come over tomorrow night for dinner? Please?" Brody pleaded, frowning slightly as she moved away from him. He just wanted her to stay but all she wanted to do was leave. Brody didn't want to force Jaz to come around if she didn't want to, but he didn't want to be left alone either. "We can have Chinese food and watch a movie?" He offered, hoping she wouldn't reject him, but knowing the possibility was high.
Jasmine listened to Brody's offer and thought about it for a second. "Ok. I will." She smiles slightly even though she didn't feel like smiling and backs up to the door. "Bye, see you tomorrow." Jasmine opened the door to the dorm and glanced back once more to Brody before totally disappearing.

Clara sat in her dorm, her pencil tapping against her notebook as she worked on a song she had to write for her Music Theory class. As she worked, her roommate walked in carrying a six pack of beer. "Look what I got, " she laughed, and Clara smirked as a bottle was tossed to her, opening it and tapping the cap off. Clara took a long swig, holding the beer in her lap. "Thanks I need it, " she said. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine made her way to her dorm and ripped out a piece of paper from her notebook. She was going to rip out Clara's heart with anything she could think of. Jaz knew it would take more than just one thing to hurt her, but this would be fun. She grabbed a pencil and started scribbling words. "Meet me in the girl's commons tonight after curfew. I think I miss you."

Jasmine sealed it up and made her way to the door. She made sure the note was written like Brody's handwriting and opened the door. Jaz went up to Clara's dorm and slid the note under her door. She knocked rather loudly then left back to her dorm hoping Clara would take the bait.

Clara glanced up from her work, walking over and reading the note. She smirked, taking another swig of her beer. "Everything's going according to plan. " She sat back on her bed, anxious for night to come so she could see Brody. @BasicallyMe
((Skip to night?))

Jasmine grinned while she eyed a black hoodie in her closet. She slipped it on over some jeans and threw her hair up in a messy bun. Tonight she had plans to anger Clara, just fire her up a smidge more after killing the joy she's been feeling all day. This was only stage one of a thousand more to come. Jasmine decided when she got to this school that she would grow up, but now she's changing her mind- she won't take shit. The clock landed on the curfew mark and Jaz knew it was time. She gathered her cell phone and sat on the common's couch with her hood on, facing away from Clara's line of sight.

Clara walked out to the dorms after curfew, noticing someone sitting on the couch, she walked towards who she assumed was Brody, smiling to herself. "Hey Babe," she leaned over the couch, looking towards the back of the hood. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine turned towards Clara and grinned, "Hey, babe." She lets down the hood and kicks up her feet while munching on some trail mix Callie had in the dorm. "I miss you," Jaz mocks from the note and shakes her head side to side while snickering to herself. "You're such an idiot. Where's Brody's phone? Because earlier I went over there and he had no idea about our break up. So guess what we did?" Jasmine takes a little pause to see if Clara would answer, but decides to keep talking instead of giving her a chance, "We had make up sex. It was amazing too." Jaz locked her eyes on Clara's. She knew that this story was a lie, but it was believable.

Clara looked at Jaz, her jaw dropping in shock. She backed away quickly, stuttering for something to say. "I uh... You're lying! he's beat up. He can't fuck you, " Clara snapped, though it was obvious she believed Jaz and was scared. She didn't want to have to resort to anything worse than beating Brody up. She sighed, beginning to regain her composure. "No matter, " she took a deep breath. "I know about you and Andrew. He'll leave you once he knows. " she decided, smirking brightly. @BasicallyMe
((Jaz just started a ton of crap lol))

Jasmine grinned, "Oh yes, yes he can. He can do it more than once too, according to earlier." She stands and winks while stepping closer to Clara. When she mentioned the Andrew situation, Jaz immediately knew what she was talking about and shrugged. "We'll just have more make up sex after he gets over it, you know?" Although Jasmine was a little worried about what Brody would do, but at this point she just sent the thoughts to the back of her mind. Jasmine had completely lost it for the moment. She empties the trail mix all over Clara's shoes and stares her in the eyes. "I'm not worried about you, Clar. Two can play your games, and you've just found the second player."

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Clara smirked, stepping towards Jaz, shaking her head as a laugh escaped her mouth. "You've forgotten something, Bitch," Clara snarled, shoving Jaz to the floor. "It's my fucking game, which means I can't lose," Clara took a pocket knife out of her pocket, pressing it against Jaz's stomach, so one movement could send it stabbing into her skin. "And the people who try to play me, always get hurt," she added with a hiss. @BasicallyMe
JasmiNe immediately began to freak out, but kept cool so Clara wouldn't know. She slowly sat up and pushed the knife away before brushing herself off. "We'll see about that, clar." Jasmine smirks to her and walks to her dorm. She knew as soon as she got in there tears would come out. She'd just started war with a crazy bitch, but Jasmine was going to end this. She opened her door and Callie stood there wide eyed.

"Who the hell? What the hell?!" She points to the door as if pointing to Clara.

Jasmine holds up her hands in a calming gesture. "It's ok. Shut up. And if you tell Brody, I'll come for you next."

Callie keeps her eyes on Jasmine without blinking. "You people are insane!"

Clara smirked as Jasmine walked away, before heading back to her dorm, pocketing the knife. She knew it'd be good to carry that around. When she got into her dorm, an idea came to mind, and she looked towards her roommate, grabbing for a second bottle of beer. "Our little friend, Jaz, has proclaimed war," she said, and her roommate, Kendra, laughed.

"Does she know who she's messing with?"

"Obviously not, but that's okay, because I have a plan," Clara chuckled, getting on her laptop.

"And what would that be?" Kendra asked.

"Well first, I'm going to get all these files on Brody out into the world, and then, I'm going to kill that beast in her stomach," Clara began searching for the files on her laptop.

"Don't you think you're going a little overboard? Didn't they break up?"

"They're back together, unless of course, I can ruin them forever," Clara smirked, hitting the send button that would immediately begin to spread Brody's privacy to the world.

((Woops sorry Brody, wanna skip to morning? Lol if not i'll change the post.))

Jasmine wakes up late. She was still in her black hoodie and decided to slip on leggings instead of wearing jeans. Last night was hectic, but Jaz was not going to make a fool of herself and back down. She knew she was already making a fool of herself by some degree since she booted herself down to Clara's level, but she had enough. Jaz cleaned up her slept in messy bun a little more before heading into the commons. She was totally unaware of crazy Clara's information leak last night since she hadn't been on social media today yet.

(No, it's good.)

Brody woke up from a restless sleep, groaning weakly as he forced himself to sit up, his phone still missing. He sighed, getting his laptop out and trying to ignore the wreckage of the room. It was a reminder of everything he needed to fix, and everything he couldn't. Brody bit his lip, going to check his email. He was surprised to see he had hundreds. What the- but after he opened the first one his heart stopped.

Hey Babe, it's Clara, just thought I'd send you a link to all the bad things you've done- oh, it seems I've tagged the entire school! Ouch. Oh well, XOXO - Clara.

Brody immediately shut his laptop, feeling something dark fall over him. His life was over. It had to be. He couldn't show his face in public. Not anymore. @BasicallyMe
"Hey, Jazzy. Uhm about last night.."

"You remember?" Jasmine groans not wanting this to start again.

Andrew nods. "Yeah, I remember our kiss." He rubs the back of his head and locks his eyes onto hers. "I liked it. I know you did too." He looks her up and down suddenly noticing the all black attire and even some black eye shadow on. "Uhm, did I miss something? Are you a gothic now, orr?"

Jasmine rolls her eyes, "Of course you would remember that." She pauses and listens to Andrew's comment on her wardrobe and shrugs. "I think I look sexy, so leave me alone. I've got some plotting to do." She pushes past Andrew, but stops. "Actually I could use you." Jaz grins and pulls him into her dorm.

Brody slowly began cleaning up his room, wanting it to be spotless for tonight. He threw broken glass and splintered wood away, and swept the tile before borrowing a vacuum to vacuum the carpet. He couldn't deny the fiery pain inside of him, but he did his best to push past it as he limped around, cleaning the place he up. He thought about going out, but after the exhaustion from cleaning decided against it, laying back down and getting back on his laptop, emailing one of his friends and asking them if they could bring him some stuff. he got a response back in minutes.

You're not my friend anymore, Dick. Brody groaned. He had almost forgotten about his public humiliation. He turned on his side, staring at the wall. It seemed he'd have to go out and face the world. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine and Andrew come out of her dorm around twenty minutes later and she walks the opposite way. "I'll see you later then." She grins to Andrew before walking off. Jaz knew that the kid could come in handy some day. On the way to the courtyard, she realized that last night she had skipped dinner and this morning she was starving. Jasmine tried not to do this often because she knew the baby could get hurt.

"Hey, where ya heading too?" Liam began to walk next to Jasmine, his hands in his pockets.

"Oh, just going to eat. I'm starving." She looks to Liam and smiles. He'd always been innocent and sweet to her.

"Mind if I join? I'm pretty hungry myself."

Jasmine thinks for a moment then nods, "Sure why not."

Brody pulled a hoodie on, flipping the hood up as he limped out of his dorm, trying to take slow, calculated steps. He pushed his sunglasses up against his nose and could already hear the whispers. I"m going to kill her, he thought, glaring behind his shades. He called a taxi, not wanting to walk around too much, and went to the nearest off-campus store, buying a bunch of flowers and smiling to himself. Tonight would be dedicated to helping Jaz relax. He figured she'd appreciate them at least. He got some chocolate too, before heading back to his dorm to set everything up. He had just set everything down and was getting some coffee from the common room since he was out, when someone shoved him to the ground. Brody groaned weakly, and the guy snickered, letting the steaming hot coffee pout against Brody's skin. He whimpered in pain , scrambling to his feet only to collapse once he put too much weight on his foot. A group of guys began to laugh at him. "That's what you get for being a bitch to society."


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