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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Jasmine bent back down by the spill and sprayed it with something that could hopefully make it smell better. She was humming to herself quietly to ease her thoughts when it was cut off. She fell backwards onto her butt and grabbed onto Andrew's rough hands around her neck. "What are you doing!" Jasmine struggles for a breath.

"You killed him. You killed our son and then you come and get knocked up again? What is wrong with you?" Andrew begins to breath heavier and tears form in his eyes.

"Andrew I told you I lied! I didn't abort him!" Her back hits the floor and she immediately feels a sharp pain through her spine. "Please don't drink anymore. Please don't touch me." Jasmine covers her face with her hands and pulls up her knees as high as she can.

Andrew turns away from Jasmine and kicks the coffee table. "I'm sorry." His words were still slurred.

Brody fell asleep, his soul seemingly ripped away from his body and thrown into a vast pit of nightmares. He cried out in his sleep, his fingers tangling in the sheets as he tossed and turned, waking up multiple times from the sudden pains that would rip through his body once he hit a broken bone or a bruise on his skin. He took a slow breath as his eyes opened for the umpteenth time, checking the clock. He debated calling Jaz. As much as he didn't want to make it harder on either of them, he was already missing her voice.

Clara held Brody's phone in her hand, smirking as she flipped through his contacts, falling on Jasmine's. She laid down in her bed, glancing up to make sure her dorm was locked. I know I said we needed a break, but I'm starting to think that maybe we need to be more than that. I'm sorry, Jaz, but maybe we should just end this entirely. She sent the message, knowing she had Brody's sincerity down. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine's phone vibrated, but she had been too scared to reach for it. Andrew might take it as if she were calling the police again, and it wouldn't go over well.

"I'm sorry Jazzy, I still love you. I'm sorry." He sits on the couch and lays his head in his hands.

Jasmine sits up slowly and pulls out her phone while Andrew was having a pity party. She read the text from Brody and texted back, "Whatever asshole. Great way to break up over a text." She tosses her phone onto the sofa next to Andrew and stared at him for a second. Was this the best she could do? What is she going to do with the baby? Jaz wasn't ready to be a single teen mom. Maybe adoption could be an option- maybe. "Uhm.." Jasmine walks over to Andrew slowly and sits next to him just not caring anymore. "It's ok, it's ok." For a split second, she realizes she's in the same situation that she would've been in a few months ago.

(Literally they were so happy two pages ago, what happened? *Cries*)

Clara smirked at the response, setting the phone in her dresser and closing the door, laying down in her bed feeling satisfied. She glanced down at her stomach, and a thought occurred to her. I should be getting a bump soon. Clara stepped off her bed, sitting down on the floor and pulling a box out from under her bed, one she had ordered after she fucked Brody. She smirked, tracing her fingers of the letters of it. Everything's going according to plan.


(Oh. Clara happened.)
((lol she's a jerk))

Andrew looked into Jasmine's eyes and caressed her cheek. He pulled her in and kissed her softly. His lips trailed to the corner of her mouth and then her cheek. Jasmine began to feel guilty even though she was so angry at Brody, but instead she kissed him back and put her fingers through his hair like she would Brody. Within the next few minutes Jasmine finally realized this was wrong. "Andrew I can't."

(This is an emotional rollercoaster. I don't know if I can handle it.)

Brody laid in bed, his face buried in his pillow. He couldn't fall asleep or nightmares would plague him, yet staying awake left him to feel every ounce of pain that strummed through him. He sighed into the soft cotton, feeling a strong gust of emotions overtake him as he laid there, and with nobody around, he let it. Tears fell from his eyes, soaked up by the pillow, dried in minutes. All evidence of his breakdown disappearing as quick as it came. But then all his hurt, all his sadness morphed into a horrible anger, and he hadn't even remembered standing up. He blacked out until he shattered the lamp on the ground, and realized he was standing and bleeding, his dorm a mess of ripped clothes and broken furniture. Brody's eyes widened, and his first instinct was to run, but the pain he felt far outmatched what it had been when he was initially being beat up, and he fell weakly back onto his bed, the covers thrown away and the pillows scattered about the room, their cotton ripped out of them. A weak sob racked his body, and he closed his eyes, yet he couldn't sleep. @BasicallyMe
((So horrible lol))

Jasmine closed her eyes and sighed. She didn't know what she felt for anyone anymore. She was confused. Kissing Andrew brought back memories from the past, good ones where they had fun times even though she'll never be able to forget his abusive patterns. "I'm sorry, it's just too much." Jaz stands.

"Please, you and Brody aren't even dating right now. You guys are on a break Jazzy. I just want to hold you and feel your lips before it all ends with us again." Andrew grabs her wrist tightly and pulls her back down. "You know I don't mean to hurt you."

Jasmine looks into his eyes and sits there silently. The text from Brody played back in her head, immediately making her angry. Her lips slam against his and she pulls back, slapping him straight across the face with full force; causing Andrew's eyes to widen. "You do mean to hurt me, you always do!" Her voice raises and she stands up. "God Andrew I'm terrified of you, but you keep coming around trying to mack all over me! And then I get those stupid memories of a few months ago and it makes me feel hurt. I'm hurt and every time I might get better you or this crazy bitch Clara gets in the way! I bet that's why Brody broke up with me. He's more interested in the type of girl that'll practically cut off her own ear just to prove her 'never dying love'. I'm so done!"

Brody sat up after hours of mind-numbing pain, reaching for his phone to give up and text Jaz. He needed her now. He was so worried about her and yet he needed someone to hold just as much as she did. For once selfish moment he wanted to beg her to come back, to forget everything he said. He wanted them to work through it all together, not apart. But then the phone he reached for wasn't there, and he lost the ambition to make everything worse. Or maybe he had already made everything worse. Where the hell is my phone? He sat up, looking around through the mess he had created, sighing when he couldn't find it and grabbing for a camera instead. The one with all the happy memories of him and Jaz was still at her dorm. This was an older camera, one he had kept from the orphanage. He began clicking pictures of his room, as... evidence. Evidence of the chaos he had created. He'd look at them next time he felt an urge to go back to Jaz when his problems were continually unsolved, something to remind him he couldn't go back to her yet. @BasicallyMe
Callie stopped outside of the dorm and listened in on the conversation Jasmine was having. The guy had been talking back, but it wasn't Brody. She goes to reach for the knob, but stops feeling scared to go in there. Cal turns around and asks a nearby girl where Brody's dorm was, too which the girl answers and Callie starts on her way to Brody's dorm. Once there, she knocks and decides to speak so he'd know it was her. "Brody?"

Brody heard Callie's voice called out to him, looked around at the carnage of his room, at the fresh cuts on his own body, and sighed deeply. "You can come in," he called, with no energy to clean up and no energy to deny her for fear he'd have to argue. Instead he sat, leaning heavily against the wall his bed was pushed up against, smiling weakly when Callie entered. @BasicallyMe
Callie's eyes widened and she looked around. Obviously Jasmine and Brody were both having problems, so she decided to come interrogate Brody instead of a screaming Jasmine. "Uhm, is everything ok?" Callie notices the cuts on his body and all the damage that had been done to him last night. She decides on whether she would mention Jasmine and some guy having a brawl in her dorm. "I'm a little confused, I would have talked to Jasmine but she was in the dorm yelling at someone. What's going on dude?"

Brody blinked, doing the magical thing he could where he forgot about his own needs. "Who's with Jasmine?" Brody demanded, getting to his feet to sprint to the girl's dorm, before stumbling to his knees as he yelped in pain, cradling his casted arm so he didn't use it as a crutch. He squeezed his eyes shut, sucking in a deep breath, trying to regain his vision. @BasicallyMe
"Some guy. They were both having it out. Well Jasmine was the one I could hear more. I heard a few things in her angry rant about you, but like I said, I'm confused." Callie quickly jumps over to Brody and picks him up. "Bro, you can't do that. What the hell got into you anyway? You look like you got hit by a bus, literally." She sits Brody on the bed and looks to him with confused eyes. "I almost walked in, but I was a little scared to be honest."

"No, no, no. I need to make sure she's safe." He said, dropping his head in his hands. "I'm fine, I'm fine. I just, I need to make sure she's okay," Brody insisted. "Let me see your phone. Now." He demanded, knowing there was no way he could make it to the girl's dorms. @BasicallyMe
Callie quickly fumbled and got out her phone for him. She thought about if maybe this was a bad idea to jump in the middle of. "Ok here. She's actually on my contact list I seen her number on some papers in the dorm and I saved it for any emergency reasons. Guess that was a good choice?"

Jasmine grabbed her head like she was going to explode. "You're such an idiot! I'm an idiot! What the hell was I thinking? I'm never going to find anyone that's above you and Brody's level. You are both pieces of trash! The good guys don't want to come near me because I'm so screwed up from you and now I'm going to pop a baby out which no guy wants!"

Andrew stands and pushes Jasmine backwards. "Shut your damn mouth! If you didn't love me you wouldn't have stayed with me little miss priss. Or was the sex just that good?" Andrew smirks knowing she never consented to the activity when they were together.

Jasmine's angry face turns into a shocked expression. A million memories flew through her head, immediately making her scared of him again.

Brody snatched the phone out of her hands, calling Jaz even though he knew he shouldn't have. He panicked, accidentally hanging up halfway through the ring, before calling again. "Come on, pick up, pick up, pick up," he begged, hoping he was wrong and some psycho wasn't around her. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine dug into her pocket and backed away from Andrew farther. She looked down to see an unknown number calling and decided to answer it in hopes that Andrew wouldn't touch her. "Hello?" Her voice was harsh, her eyes staring dead at Andrew who looked pissed. "Who is this?"

Andrew grew angrier at the fact that she answered the phone, but decided to stay quiet instead of giving away his voice to someone who could report him for violence. All he had to do was give Jasmine the eyes he aways gave her when he wanted her to stop doing something.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be calling you, but I freaked out when Callie said you were yelling at someone because I thought it was the stalker guy and- and are you okay?" Brody asked frantically, his voice moving a mile a minute. He doubted she could understand anything other than his last question. He began coughing weakly, having not taken in enough breath, but he forced himself to stay quiet, wanting to hear Jaz's answer. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine closed her eyes hopeful to not throw the phone. "I swear to God, where is Callie? Is she still there? Why would she come to you for anything about me? Is she serious?" Jaz's voice continues to get higher. "It's not the stalker, it's Andrew and I'm perfectly fine without your help. Actually we're finishing up here and I'm going to bring you your clothes, and get Callie out of your dorm." Jasmine hangs up and digs through the dresser making sure each and every piece of Brody's clothing was gone. She pushes past an angry Andrew who decides to follow her into the hallway, but stops when Jasmine disappears outside. Jaz walks into the guy's dormitories and busts open Brody's door.

Brody's eyes widened. His dorm was still trashed and he was still bleeding from various places. He narrowed his eyes however, to examine her, making sure she was okay. "Are you mad at me?" He asked quietly, noticing she definitely didn't seem happy. He knew the fact that he wanted to take a break was hard on them, but it was only temporary. He didn't think she'd be this angry. He noticed his stuff in her arms, and frowned sightly. He didn't like the thought of having all his stuff back. It made their break fill more real. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine's eyes narrowed on him, acting all innocent. "No, I'm not ok." She examines the room and then Brody who had fresh cuts. "Well, whatever happened here I don't want to know. Just, here's your shit." After dropping his clothes on the ground, her eyes shoot to Callie like dagger. "And you. Who do you think you are coming to Brody and getting all up in my business you moron? You are not my sister. You're just some kid that came out of my non existing dad's girlfriend. So stop trying to act all worried." Jaz walks up to her and grabs her shirt collar.

"Whoa, Jaz!" Brody pushed her back gently, despite the pain that rocketed through his side, and he rested his hand on her shoulder, looking down at her quizzically. "Sweetheart, why are you so hostile?" He asked. "I thought you were okay with us taking a little break," he said, obviously confused. @BasicallyMe
"A little break? You quit on me over text an hour ago. What kind of immaturity is that?" She grabs Callie's wrist tightly and yanks her towards the dorm door. "You're bed still isn't here, so tonight you'll be sleeping on the floor."

"There's a couch th-"

"You're not sleeping on my couch. Want a couch you mine as well go sleep in the commons." Jasmine turns her attention back to Brody.

Callie's face turns sour and she crosses her arms whilst looking around the room and listening to their conversation.

"What the hell are you talking about? I love you, Jasmine. Do you not understand that? The only reason I even suggested the break in the first place was so Clara didn't beat the shit out of you, too!" Brody snapped, taking a deep breath to calm down. "Besides, I haven't even looked at my phone in two hours. I don't know where it is." He added, huffing quietly as he sat back down on his bed, suddenly feeling woozy. Brody stared down at the floor, taking weak breaths.

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