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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Shane closed his eyes thinking on what he could tell her. The horn meant 1pm but it didn't say the date, it was how everyone communicated back on Arizona. It wasnt until he heard the horn from where he was that he smiled. "Looks like it's for tomorrow." He told her. @McMajestic
Jasmine shook her head. "Don't be sorry." She sips down at her coffee again and stands. "The doctor should be coming in to tell you if you can go home today or not. I'd feel bad leaving you in the hospital alone, but I do have class." Jasmine throws the empty cup away and locks eyes with Brody. She feels a slight pain in her belly and begins to rub it. Jasmine began to get used to them now since it would only get worse from here.

Brody nodded. "I'll be okay," he lied, not wanting her to feel obligated to him. "Pay attention in class," he added jokingly, before coughing weakly, looking up at the ceiling and squeezing his eyes shut, hoping he could get his mind off the environment he was stuck in. The doctor came in at that moment, and walked over to Brody.

"Well, if you think you can move around okay I'll let you head home, but you need to be on strict bed-rest for the next two days." He explained, and Brody groaned, knowing there was no way he could follow those orders.

"I'll try," he muttered, and the doctor nodded, looking towards Jaz.

"He's going to need someone to take care of-"

"I'll be fine," Brody cut the doctor off, and he shook his head.

"That's what most of them say before they end up back here. Just stay off your feet, Kid, and let someone help you out," the doctor added, before leaving. Brody sat up weakly, noticing his bloodied clothes sitting folded on a chair. He sighed to himself, unsure of if he even had the strength to dress himself.

"Good," Mari smiled and kissed him softly. She still felt wary, mostly because he had avoided her other questions, but tried not to push it. "So what should we do first? Let you fail at surfing, or swim around a bit?" She asked, looking up at the sun and taking a deep breath, trying to shake off her bad feeling. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane gave her a frown as she said that. "Don't push it Mari." He said to her while passing a hand through his hair. "Just because I don't know how to surf, that doesn't mean you can make fun of it." He told her before pulling her close. @McMajestic
"But I love pushing it," she smirked, grabbing sections of Shane's shirt and squeezing the fabric in her small fists, looking up at him with a challenging look in her eye. She wasn't sure how she felt, never able to tell if he was edging towards actual anger or not, but she tried to stay relaxed and keep to her usual self, not wanting him to think anything was wrong. She'd hate to have to tell Shane she was eternally afraid of him. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Hugging her tightly so that her head was under his chin, Shane sighing thinking on how he had scare her. He knew that he should had kept his anger under control but he just couldn't forgive that guy at all. He had already formed up so many plans on how to humilate him and he knew this was just the beginning. "I love you Mari." He whispered to her. @McMajestic
"I love you too, Prince Charming," she smiled, relaxing against him, closing her eyes and breathing in his scent, thinking about she could have just stood there all the day with the slight breeze of the beach, pressed against Shane as the day dragged on, but she also wanted to have fun with him. She'd hate to bore him. "Why don't I go get us some drinks and then we can start your surfing lesson?" She suggested. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine nodded to the doctor and then watched as Brody sat on the edge of his bed unmotivated to get dressed. "Here." She grabs his pants and cringes at the shirt. "Just wear pants for now, the shirt is super nasty." Jasmine hands Brody his pants and waits for him to sleep them on. "Do you need help? Or are you fine? I'll walk home with you, obviously."

"No, I'm okay," Brody tried to shoo her off, pulling his jeans on ever-so slowly. He stood to his full height, buttoning them up and even managing to take a couple steps forward before he stumbled, yelping in pain at the weight on his sprained ankle. He bit his lip, leaning against the wall to keep from falling over completely. Everything hurt. "I can do it," he said weakly, his voice portraying his own disbelief. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine rolled her eyes. "Come on Brody. Shut up and let me take you to your dorm. I'll be out of your hair in a little bit." She grabs his arm and swings it around her for support. Jasmine knew they probably looked like a mess right now. Some broken guy being carried by a pained pregnant teenage girl. She walks him to the elevators and then out of the hospital once they reach floor one.

Brody shook his head, leaning heavily against her as she helped him out. When they were in the elevator he tried to lean his weight off her, but the elevator stopped too soon and suddenly he needed her help again. Brody sighed, looking away from Jasmine. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he kept muttering over and over again, unsure on whether to extend on just what he was sorry for or not. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine finally reached the campus. She was out of breath, but tried not to struggle too much. This pregnancy thing is getting harder. She drags Brody up to his dorm and sets him on the bed. "Ok. Anything you need before I go, or?" Jasmine waddles over to the kitchen sink with sweat on her forehead. She grabs a glass and fills it to the brim with cold water and starts drinking. The water felt so good as he trailed down her throat, leaving an ice cold feel behind it.

Brody shook his head, not wanting her to have to wait on him. "Go, before you're late. I'll be fine." He laid down, closing his eyes in hopes of getting a couple hours of sleep. "Unless you wanna help me take a shower," he added jokingly, smirking at her for a moment before remembering he shouldn't be making comments like that. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine finishes the last gulp of her water and sets the glass down whilst Brody makes his suggestive comment. "Hmm, not a good idea right now." She sets the empty cup in his sink and heads for the door. "You have my number so just call me or text me if you need me. Don't be stubborn." Jaz opens his dorm door and walks out into the hallway, soon making it towards the boy's commons. Her eyes lock with Andrew's, which seems to make him think it was a cue to talk to her.

"Hey, Jazzy. You look upset, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just heading to class," Jasmine mumbles and continues walking.

"Same. Let me walk with you."

Jasmine thinks for a second and shrugs. Not like it could hurt anything. "Ok, whatever."

Brody rolled around mindlessly, groaning in agony for a few minutes before deciding a little TV would calm him down. He reached for his remote, which was normally sitting on his nightstand, and felt a whimper escape his throat when he realized it was in the kitchen. "You can do this," he told him, sitting up weakly. "You are a man. It's not difficult." He stood up, walking towards the kitchen area before crumpling to the floor in pain. The fall landed him on his hurt ribs, and he bit his lip to keep from crying out. @BasicallyMe
“Arizona, huh? I always wanted to go there. You gotta tell me what it’s like one day,” Kaya told him; she had grown up in cities on the east coast, and due to that, she had a mindset that made Arizona look like a desert with a ton of tumbleweeds. “Starbucks. It’s right around the corner, and I think I deserve a good coffee to get me through the day.”


Jasmine stood up and started packing her bags as the class was dismissed. Like always, the teacher had already packed and left the class, which left her and Andrew.

"Ok Jazzy, I'm being serious what's wrong? Something's wrong. Remember how good I was at knowing when you were sad or happy? And right now my detectors are blinking red."

Jasmine did remember the time Andrew knew when she was blue. That was one good thing about him other than the times he totally spiraled out of control himself. "Nothing, just-," She hesitated on if she should actually tell him, then gave up and spilled, "Just Brody problems. We're on a- break."

Andrew's expression turned from concerned to reassuring, "That's tough, maybe we should hang out in the girl's commons? Too bad you're pregnant we could've had a few beers like old times."

Jasmine immediately became disappointed that she couldn't have a good time and frowned. Sometimes being pregnant made her feel sad, but she eventually got over it. "Ok, well let's go to the girl's commons then. I'll just drink water."

Brody had hardly managed to sit up, and once he had he leaned heavily against his bedpost, desperate for Jaz but knowing he couldn't call her for help. It wouldn't be right. Now after what had happened. He did need to talk to Clara though, and to end this mess once and for all. He grabbed his phone, tapping her number and debating whether or not to send the message. He was pretty weak, but he needed to set her straight. Come over to my dorm. We need to talk. Now. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine followed Andrew to the commons and sat down on the sofa. There were two look outs by the entrance to the girl's dorm watching to make sure no teachers came in for a surprise inspection. Everyone had a red solo cup in their hands and smiles on their already drunken saggy faces. Jasmine began to feel envious of them and wished she could do it also. It's been a while since she's been able to let loose and get drunk, of course the last time that she let that happen, she ended up pregnant.

Andrew came and plopped down next to her with two solo cups. One for him filled with fizzy beer and the other filled with water. Jaz smelled it to be sure before taking a sip.

Clara walked past the girl's common room, noticing all the drinks. She looked for Jaz, finding her next to a guy and caught eyes with her, winking at Jaz before walking out. She headed out of the girl's dorm, and to the boy's, locking the door behind her once she slid into Brody's room. A shocked expression fell over her face when she noticed him sitting on the floor, bandaged up. "You look like shit," she told him quietly.

"Thanks. Means a lot coming from the person who did this to me," he snarled. Clara shook her head, walking over and sitting on the floor across from him.

"Brody, why would I hurt you? I wanna be with you and our baby," she said quietly. Brody scoffed.

"Your henchman ratted you out. I know you sent them on me." He growled, and Clara raised an eyebrow at him in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"Oh don't play dumb, crazy bitch." He snarled. Tears welled up in Clara's eyes, one of Brody's weaknesses, and she struggled to hold her tears back.

"I didn't... I'm sorry, but I didn't do this." She spoke, her voice trembling wildly. Brody's glare softened, and he looked up at the ceiling so he wouldn't have to see her tears. @BasicallyMe
After a few beers, Andrew had been hammered and he was speaking nonsense words to Jasmine. She could only make out some things that he brought up about their relationship.

"I can't believe- I can't believe you are having Brody's baby, but you didn't have mine." Andrew looked to Jasmine with sad eyes and leaned his head on her. His breath almost knocking her out from a strong smell of alcohol.

"Let's not bring this up, Andrew." Jasmine scoots away from him a little more beginning to feel weirded out and a little worried since he was now drunk.

"You never loved me!"

"Andrew! I miscarried you idiot." She pushes his head off of her shoulder and takes a huge gulp of her water as if it were beer. "I lied to you. I wanted you to feel pain. I miscarried, I didn't have an abortion." Her voice lowered for the sentence.

"What? You liar!" Andrew's words were badly slurred and she could hardly understand the sentence, but Jasmine made it out well enough ti know he was upset.

"I don't believe you," he finally said, looking back over at her. Tears fell out of Clara's eyes, and she stood up. "

"I know I basically threatened to cut you, but I'd never do this, Brody. I swear I wouldn't." She whispered, looking down at him. Brody tried to stand up, but found himself stumbling. Clara quickly reached to help him, and as much as Brody wanted to push her away, he knew he'd collapse without her help.

"I broke up with Jaz," he whispered, looking down at the floor. Clara's eyes lit up at that, though Brody couldn't see it, and she ran her fingers through his hair slowly, knowing how much he liked it.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I got beat up. I thought you were going to hurt Jaz too," he mumbled, and Clara frowned suddenly.

"Oh, I thought-"

"We'll never be together, Clara. I don't love you," he said simply, and Clara stepped away from him, letting him collapse in a coughing fit. She gasped suddenly, as if it was an accident, and kneeled down next to him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," she whispered, over and over as he groaned in agony. @BasicallyMe
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Jasmine stood up and sipped some more water. "I am going to bed. You're drunk, and I'm not having this kind of conversation with you while you're like this." She goes towards her dorm and enters, Andrew following right behind her.

"I'm sorry Jazzy! Don't go away. I need you." He closes the door behind them and stumbles towards the sofa. Before Andrew could make it, he dropped the half a cup of beer on her floor and collapsed. His face became green, fortunately he was smart enough to make it to the bathroom and began puking.

"Ugh, Andrew!" Jasmine runs to the beer spill and begins dabbing it with a wet cloth. "Geeze you better spray the bathroom after you're finished. I can't keep bending over to clean after you!" She goes back to dabbing, but it only did so much. The stain stayed there and the smell would take a while to go away.

Clara helped Brody onto his bed, walking into his bathroom quickly and wetting a cloth before going back and resting it on his forehead. She sat on the edge of the bed next to him, running her fingers through his hair. "Clara, stop," he mumbled. "Don't take care of me. It's not your job,"

"It's not Jaz's either, but isn't she your alternative?" Clara asked, trying to keep her voice as far from snide as she could. Brody went quiet for a moment, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Why can't I be happy?" He asked, more to himself than Clara.

"I'd make you happy," Clara answered. "Be with me, Brody, and I'll do anything for you," Clara grabbed his hand, resting it against her heart so he could feel it's beat. "You used to love to hear my heartbeat, how it sped up-"

"Stop!" Brody yanked away from her. "You didn't hire those guys to beat me up. That's all I needed to know. Leave," Brody snapped, and Clara stood up.

"Alright, I'll see you later," she whispered, and walked out, heading back towards her dorm. Brody sighed deeply, unsure of what to do with himself or the Clara situation. He wasn't in his right mind. He shouldn't have called her over. There was something almost... comforting about her touch, but he didn't want to be around it anymore. @BasicallyMe

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