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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Shane closed his eyes before opening them and giving her a kiss. He smirked after that before standing up and going to grab some Swimming shorts and sleeves shirt. "Let's go I guess." He told her before he grabbed the bag where his change of clothes was at. @McMajestic
Brody looked over at Callie, biting his lip. "No, we're already lacking space. I'll move our stuff over to the left part of the dresser so you can have the right." He said simply, walking over and kneeling down to move the contents of the drawers around. "Trust me, the more space we have the better," he muttered, the perfume practically surrounding him. He sneezed, banging his head against the dresser from the force. "Ow, Jesus Christ," he groaned, holding his face in his hands. @BasicallyMe

Mari laughed and jumped up. "Yes! I win, ha!" She headed into his bathroom to change into her swimsuit since it was still over there, before layering her clothes on top and coming out, opening the door to his dorm to head out. "Let's go!" She called, not waiting up as she walked out of his dorm. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Callie frowned. "The closet? The closet has plenty of room I'm sure." She follows Brody over to the dresser and shrugs, "Ok, good enough for me." Cal stands beside Brody as he kneels down and watches. When Brody's head hits the dresser she busts out laughing so hard that bending over was the only option for easy breathing. "You really-" Callie breathes in hard, "You really made yourself look so stupid!"

Brody groaned, laying down on the floor on his back and looking up at her with a weak smile. "But I make up for it by being hopelessly cute, right?" He joked, rubbing his forehead at the pain and wishing it would go away. He hadn't meant to make a total fool of himself in front of Jaz's sister on day one, and he only hoped that his charisma would help her forget he was actually an idiot. @BasicallyMe
Shane shook his head before he followed behind her. He wrapped one hand around her waist while they walked. "Let's hope there's no interruption." He said to her while giving her a kiss. @McMajestic

(Crane will appear not Dustin
xD )
Callie looks down on him at the floor and rolls her eyes. "Yeah, ok." She kicks his legs out the way and puts her shirts on the right side of Jasmine's drawer. "You're so different from what Clara said-" Callie immediently shuts her mouth and grabs out her shorts. She makes her way back to the drawer and shoves her shorts on the opposite side of Jaz's shorts. "So a baby, huh? What gender?" Cal walks over to the crib and looks in. "I'm guessing a girl from the pink sheets."

Brody sat up quickly at the mention of Clara, glaring at Callie as he got to his feet. "What the fuck did you just say? You talked to Clara." He scoffed, leaning against the wall. "You shouldn't let that fucking bitch get anywhere near you. She's psychotic. She's trying to ruin my life," he growled, some of his anger seeping through despite his desire to hold it back. He couldn't explain it, but the thought of Clara talking about him to other girls sent a rage through him. @BasicallyMe

(The excitement is real xD )

"I won't let anything pull me away from you," Mari smiled, resting against his side as they walked towards the beach. Once they were outside of the dorms and in the sunlight Mari grabbed Shane's hands spinning them both around before kissing him quickly. "I'll race ya, if you're up for losing," she winked before taking off, not waiting for a response. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane sighed before racing after her. It didn't even take him seconds to pass her, he was someone that liked to run a lot even, dancing included when it came to running. He saw that he was far ahead before slowing down. @McMajestic
Callie's eyes got wide and she steps farther away from him, "Ok, woah, chill. If I was scared of you I wouldn't be staying in this freakin dorm. Calm down Hercules I won't talk to her anymore." Cal knew this wasn't true though because Clara seemed like she could be a potential friend. She was new and didn't want to be sitting alone during lunch time looking vulnerable.

Mari huffed, speeding up and beginning to catch up to him even before he slowed down. She smirked, an idea forming in her mind as he slowed, and she pounced on him, jumping onto his back and holding on for dear life in hopes he wouldn't fall backwards against her weight. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

"Good," he snapped, before looking down at the crib and trying to calm down. He took a deep breath, nodding to himself. "Yeah, it's a girl. We haven't thought of a name yet, but I was thinking Rose. It might be too common of a name but I think it's pretty," he added, smiling softly at the thought. It almost alarmed him when he realized how quickly his mood changed. Just the thought of Jaz or his baby could calm him down. @BasicallyMe
Callie nodded and finished unpacking. "Ok, well. Uhm, I guess I'm going to go eat a big fat greasy burger, wanna join?" Cal throws on a jacket and slides on some sparkly sandals. "I've been dying for food since I got here. If you're coming then I'll be on my way." She opens the door and exits their dorm. She scanned the commons as she passed curious on the type of girls they had here. Were they all so- weird and unwelcoming? Cal made her way out of the dormitory and looked around for a sign of some restaraunts that sold burgers.

Shane stopped once he saw someones Car that looked like a car he remembered stop close by. He was confused on who was in the car before his eyes widened. The plague said Arizona and the numbers matched someone's car and he wondered who it was. @McMajestic
Brody would have followed, but he had a job to get to, and he changed into nicer clothes before heading out, going to the Chinese restaurant where he could start his service. he had just fallen into the routine when he noticed one of Clara's friends, and groaned inwardly as he walked up to their table. "How may I help you?" He asked through strained words.

"You haven't broken up with Jaz," he gulped, knowing the conversation that would be coming next. @BasicallyMe

(Did you miss the part where Mari jumped on him? lol) @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
(Oh okay,)

Mari wrapped her legs around Shane's waist, feeling him tense up beneath her. "What's wrong?" She asked, looking towards the car he was staring at. "Shane, you just said no interruptions, right?" Mari asked hopefully, not budging off his back. She didn't want to let him go and then have him leave. She knew it was a bit of a double standard, but they were finally going to have some beach fun and she didn't want it ruined by some... car? @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine opens the door to her dorm and closes her eyes for a deep breath. She felt somewhat relieved that no one was here. All she wanted was some quiet time to rest and take stress off of her baby. Jaz opens the drawer to her clothes and notices it split between what must be Callie's. This kind of aggravated her, but she dug out some pajamas anyway and changed into them. Her first instinct was to lay on the couch and close her eyes without turning any of the lights on; they would be too bright for her liking.

Jasmine's eyes scan the room tiredly, soon drifting into a sleep.

BAM! Jaz jumps up from her laying position on the couch and looks around frantically. Cold sweats were dripping down her forehead. "Hello?"

Shane eyes were wide. Why the hell was he here? It was bad enough that Dustin was here and now him, out of all the people, it was him. "Look at where the plate comes from." He whispered to her, showing her were it shows the Arizona on top of the numbers and letters. @McMajestic

A shadow could be seen looking through the mirrors of the car. It was hidden but you could make out his blue eyes, his face being covered. He honked the horn once, signifying 1pm which made Shane go wide eye again and nod before they headed toward the beach.
Brody continued serving his customers, coming back to Clara's friend after a moment and pretending to take her order. "You won't break us up. She loves me," he said simply.

"But will she when she finds out everything?" The girl asked, snickering.

"She already knows." Brody shrugged.

"Everything? " The girl asked, and Brody felt slightly nervous by the way she said it, but didn't back down. He had no secrets to hide anymore, he had told her everything, or at least everything he could remember.

"Yes. Everything," He responded in a mocking tone.

"How about your real parents, the ones you've been in contact with for six months?" She asked and Brody froze.

"That's a load of bullshit. I have not," he snapped.

"I have evidence," the girl chuckled. @BasicallyMe

"I don't get it," Mari asked, content with the piggyback ride but worried about Shane. "Is he one of your gang members or something?" She asked jokingly, though her laughter came out nervous and she squeezed her arms around his neck a little tighter. "Please tell me he's not one of your gang friends," she added in a weak voice. Mari didn't want to have to deal with Shane's drama, not when she had enough for the both of them. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane didn't respond at all. He was asking himself why the hell Crane was here? Why did he decide to show up now instead of earlier when they could had sent Dustin to prison instead. He growled quietly but stopped when they arrived at the beach. "He will come here at 1pm." That was what he said to her before kissing her. @McMajestic
Mari leaned against Shane heavily, shaking her head. "No, I don't want him to. I don't want to ruin this," she said, crossing her arms over her chest and looking up at Shane sternly. She'd love to think she had control of the situation, that she could boss him around, but she knew it was truly the other way around. Whatever he said went, and she would go along willingly. It frustrated her, but she couldn't make herself walk away. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Another sound echoed through her vacant dorm. Even though Jasmine couldn't see anything, she was terrified. Someone was in the apartment with her, and they were close. She felt the sofa sink down close to where her feet were, and deep breathing noises could be heard only a few inches away. "Leave me alone!" Jasmine stood up and tripped over the blankets until she made it into the bathroom. Her hand patted the wall until she flicked on the light. Her breathing was heavy and uneven. Jaz could see a shadow that soon disappeared with the sound of her dorm door opening and slamming shut. She sat in the bath tub and watched the door closely.

Brody had grown pale, his summer tan worthless against the fears he held as he waited tables, weary of the girl who kept ordering food but wouldn't leave. She was waiting for his shift to end, for curfew to come and go, for her chance to corner him. He was afraid, despite the fact he could probably break her neck with a punch, because he knew Clara had friends in low places. His fear grew more when a guy came and sat across from the girl. Oh no. Oh hell no. He thought smiling at a group from the football team who walked in, talking and laughing of the win they were going to pull out this week. "Hey, Brody! Get us all some drinks! We're hard working men," A guy brody knew as Roy called. He was a friend, and Brody smiled, nodding as he went to get drinks for the group. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine threw her huge, hard, squared brush at the intruder opening the bathroom door.

"OW what the hell!" Callie stumbled back and touched her finger to her eyebrows bone, which was now sliced open. "Can you not? I just got my eyebrows done before I got here!" Cal ran up to the mirror and wiped away the small amounts of blood coming from the new wound. "What is wrong with you? Are you crazy?"

Jasmine covered her mouth in shock and stood up. "I'm sorry!"

(Drama queen much? lol)

Brody didn't take a lunch break. Especially not after the third guy showed up. If they're trying to scare me, it's working. He thought, continuing with his work until everything was finished. Once three AM rolled around Brody sighed in relief to notice they were all gone. He walked out, locking the place up since he was the last employee on cleanup duty. He had just started walking home when two hands wrapped around his throat. His instincts acted, and his elbow slammed into the guy's ribs, breaking one as he jumped forward, swinging his leg behind him and kicking the guy in the face. "What the-" He was cut off by two more grabbing him and holding him down as he struggled. "Clara wanted us to send a little message," the girl's voice said, and she looked down at Brody. "And since her fucking you didn't do it then she thought a little violence might." The girl laughed and walked off, leaving the three guys to beat the shit out of Brody.

Jasmine left the bathroom a little sorry for what she had done, but it felt good to see her angry since she took over half of Jasmine's closet/dresser space. It was a little past three a.m. and Brody should have been making it home by now. She texts his phone, but decides to go out and see if she would meet him on the way here.

Callie watched as Jasmine left again and rolled her eyes. "Pregnant woman."


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