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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Brody picked up the bottle and set it on the coffee table for now. He walked over to Jaz, wrapping his arms around her waist, stopping her from cleaning, and resting his forehead against hers. "I love you," he whispered, kissing her gently. "And I don't want you to worry about my parents so much, okay? They're not difficult, they're just... confused. They don't know what's going on and they're still mad at me for looking for my birth parents. It's not you, and they won't take it out on you. You don't need to keep cleaning up so much. I think we both need to just lay down for a minute." @BasicallyMe
Jasmine swollowed hard and walked over to the bed. She was tired and still had adrenaline pumping through her veins from fighting. Everything was out if control and she couldn't do anything about it except ignore it, which sometimes isn't easy. Jaz pulled out a folded up piece of paper from her bra and straightened it out. It was a birth certificate to her son. "I took it out of my dresser earlier when we moved it and stuck it in my clothes instead of with the other papers. When I miscarried they gave me a birth certificate and I kept it of course." She studies the writing on it such as her name under mother and Andrew's name under father. The baby's name was blank, "They left the name blank so I could fill it in, but I never decided."

Brody laid down next to her, looking at the creases in the paper. "Well, he deserves a name," he wrapped an arm around her waist. "I know he wasn't created in the best of circumstances, but you still loved him, didn't you? You should give him one." He kissed her cheek, holding her close to him as he looked at the certificate. He could only imagine how hard that must have been, to lose a child. He never wanted to go through that. He wasn't sure if he could handle it. @BasicallyMe
"Yea I still loved him. I didn't realize it at first but I did." She folds the certificate up and nods. "I'll name him one day when I find the right name. I haven't felt like any fit him." Jaz sticks the certificate back in her bra and closes her eyes "Let's nap for an hour. I need it."


((Sorry if this is short, but i'm sleepy lol good night.)
"Me too," Brody said, pulling them both under the covers before holding her hand in his, closing his eyes and beginning to fall asleep. He felt better knowing she was next to him, feeling her hand against his own. It gave him some sort of illusion that they were okay, even though he knew they were far from it. Brody had acted stupidly, and had gotten them into this mess. He wondered if they'd even be a couple in that moment if not for the baby. He let out a breath, relaxing despite his troubling thoughts, and drifting off into a realm of nightmares. @BasicallyMe

(It's fine lol, goodnight)
Jasmine woke up an hour later feeling a little more refreshed compared to when she fell asleep. Her gaze shifted to Brody who had still been asleep. A knock on the door caught her attention, so she stood up and answered it.

"Hello Jasmine," a female teacher stopd on the other side of the door smiling, "we're happy to announce a new roommate. Her name is Callie. Your dorm is rather bigger than the others, so we'll be moving your hed over to have room for Callie's later."

Jasmine stood there not excited about someone moving in. She looks over to the edge of the doorway when a bright blonde girl walk in.

"Hey, I'm Callie." The girl smiles and looks around, first glancing at the baby crib.

The sound of voices rustled Brody's mind. For a moment, he was intent on falling back into a deep sleep, but then his thoughts found him. What if it's the guy? Still groggy, he sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes before noticing a girl and a teacher. A drop of fear hit him hard, until he remembered it wasn't past curfew and he was allowed to be there. He looked up at the new girl, watching as she stepped inside the room. "Who are you?" He asked, his voice almost hostile as he noticed she had luggage. @BasicallyMe
Callie stops in the middle of the dorm at Brody's unwelcoming tone. "I'm Callie." She frowns and sets her suitcases down on the floor. "This is my new dorm." Callie holds out her hand to shake, but immediately takes it back feeling scared of rejection.

Jasmine shuts the dorm door and walks over to them. "Brody be nice." She looks to Callie and gives her a half smile. "We're expecting a kid soon, and the kid is going to be sleeping here. Just to let you know."

Callie shrugs, "It's ok, I like babies."

"Can't you request a different dorm? " he asked, ignoring Jazz. He didn't want to be rude but with him practically living in the dorm now he didn't want to deal with a roommate too. Especially if his parents were coming. Brody looked the girl up and down. He supposed she seemed nice enough. "Unless you wanna deal with waking up at three in the morning every night. " He added. @BasicallyMe
Callie shrugged again. "I know I'll have to wake up at three. I understand what expecting a child means." She began to feel like defending herself was nessesary.

Jasmine patted her shoulder. "Ok, sorry. He's a little under stress right now. We'll figure it out." Jaz goes over to Brody and wraps her arms around him. "Babe this isn't a bad thing, ok? Maybe since she's here the threats will stop, and don't fight me on it right now."

((Bring Clara into the common's her and Callie should become friends > :) ))

(I was thinking they should lol)

Brody sighed, but nodded. "Okay, Love." He kissed her quickly before sitting back down on the bed, glancing at his watch. "My parents are going to be here soon. You should probably not be here, Callie. Trust me, it's for your own safety. They're not in the best of moods right now," he said sincerely, not wanting her to get caught in the crossfires. "Jaz is right, I'm really stressed," he added, hoping that would make up for the way he snapped at her.

Clara stretched out on the couch in the common room, flipping through a music magazine in search of a new guitar. Every now and then she would glance up at the television but nothing too interesting was on. She just so happened to glance to her left and noticed that Jaz's dorm had a new visitor. Clara snickered, sitting up and tossing the magazine on the coffee table, turning her attention to the TV. I could use this girl to my advantage. @BasicallyMe
Callie nodded and left the dorm rolm quickly. She didn't know her way around or anything to do here. Soon enough Callie made her way right there to the common's. She seated herself on the couch next to Clara and began to munch on some trail mix she had brought with her.

Jasmine smiles at Brody and closes the door behind Callie. "Thank you for being nice, now let's make the bed and wait for your parents to show up.

Brody nodded, making the bed for Jaz before sitting down on the couch, taking in a deep breath. he glanced down at his watch. They could be here at any minute now. It was terrifying. He grew tense, tapping his foot anxiously. Now that everything looked nice all that was left to do was worry.

Clara smiled as the girl sat next to her. "Hey, I'm Clara, are you new here?" She asked, already knowing the answer. She thought about easy routes to get on the conversation of Brody. The sooner she turned him into a horrible person in Callie's mind the easier it would be to manipulate her. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine smiled and sat next to him, grabbing his hand. "I'm here. If they come in mad, let them be mad." She leans her head on his shoulder then decides to go get something to snack on. "Want anything while I'm up?" Jaz grabs a piece of fruit and begins to munch on it. It was hard to eat healthy since Jasmine had such a sweet tooth, but she'd do anything for the baby.

Callie looks over to the girl sitting next to her and smiles, "Yeah. I think I just got kicked out of my own dorm though. Kind of aggravating that my own half sister would do that. Well, she doesn't know I'm her half sister yet." Callie sets down her trail mix on the coffee table and leans back.

(Oh My Gosh)

"No, I can't eat anything right now." He shook his head, trying to calm himself down. He stood up, beginning to pace, trying to get rid of all his nervous energy. A knock on the door sounded and his breath caught in his throat. "I'm gonna pass out," he mumbled, swaying slightly. He wasn't normally like this, but he was terrified his parents would go overboard.

"You mean Jaz?" Clara asked. "I saw you walk out of her dorm." Clara took a deep breath, suddenly wary. She lowered her voice. "You probably don't want to be in that dorm anyways. I hear she's dating Brody Wilson right now." Clara glanced around nervously as if he would pop up at any second. She'd always been a good actress. Manipulation was her specialty. @BasicallyMe
((Mr Henry was a busy man (; Also I did a small character sheet on Callie under Andrew.))

Jasmine nods. "Ok." She finishes up her fruit and and grabs Brody's arm. "Calm down, let's not pass out because I can't drag you to an E.R." She smiles trying to lighten the mood and points to her belly. "Just think about her. She's in there listening to your voice right now feeling safe and cozy, and when she comes out she'll be in your arms and smile because she can finally put a face on that voice."

Callie nods. "Yeah Jaz and I have the same dad. He made me come to this school so we could get to know each other since all of a sudden he has this interest in her." Cal continues to listen and shrugs, "The uptight guy? Yeah we met. He's a bit mean."

"Right, yeah." Brody smiled, walking over to the door to the dorm, biting his lip. Please don't be mean to Jaz, he thought, opening the door. His parents stood there, his father glaring furiously at Brody while his mother tried for a strained smile. "Hey, honey," she said.

"Why the fuck did we have to meet you over here? Your..." His father glanced in, noticing Jaz. "Whatever she is, doesn't need to be around for us to tell you to pack your things and come back home." Brody took a deep breath.

"Dad, calm down. I wanted you to meet Jaz since she's gonna have your grandchild-"

"God, don't say that right now, Brody. You're not responsible enough for a child." His mother said, trying to take a less hateful approach towards the situation. "Hello, Jaz, I'm Kelly, by the way. This is Rodger-"

"It doesn't matter. You're not staying here, Brody."

"Oh come on! I'm being responsible!" Brody snapped, trying to hide the fact he was shaking with anxiety.

"No. Being responsible would have been using a condom. Being responsible would have been not getting Clara to file harassment charges against you. What did you do to her?"

"Nothing!" Brody groaned, walking over to the couch and sitting down, taking a deep breath and letting it out. He needed to get a hold on the situation.

Clara bit her lip nervously. "He's more than a bit mean," she whispered, making sure no one else was in the common room before continuing. "He has a history with abusing girls. Just last week ten girls came forward with harassment charges on him, but once he found out he made them all shut up. The whole floor heard him yelling at one girl." Tears welled in Clara's eyes. "He's not... a good person." she mumbled, pulling her knees to her chest. "He even went as far as to rape one of them." She furiously wiped her tears away. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine stepped up to Brody's parents and folds her arms like she always does when she's being sassy. "You guys would be stupid to take him away from his child. You can't take him away from his child because it's not yours. Now that he's going to be a dad, he has rights, and his choice is to stay with his kid. I want to make a good impression, but I'm not going to end up being a single mom for no good reason." Jasmine taps her foot on the ground and stares at the two with cold eyes.

Callie opened her eyes a bit wider and shakes her head. "Why is he still going to this school then? I don't want to be in some room with a rapist. It's a shame though, because he was freakin cute."

Brody's eyes widened at Jasmine's demeanor. He immediately stood up, walking over and standing next to her. He didn't want her to fight his battles. His parents both stared at Jasmine for a moment, before his father started laughing. "Good job, Brody, you picked a girl tougher than you. I'm sure that will come in handy,"

"Rodger!" Brody's mom snapped.

"What? She's more intimidating than him." His father shrugged. "Unfortunately for the both you though, Brody's not a legal adult therefore we have full claim over him."

"I'll be eighteen next month. I'll just come back-"

"Not if you're in jail you won't. The school says Clara's pressing charges. We have to worry about that first."

"I have to worry about my family first." Brody argued. "Look, guys, I love you but I'm not leaving. You both need to calm down and get it through your heads. You guys aren't even-"

"Do not pull the 'we're not your real parents' card, Brody. We raised you. We took care of you." His mother said, and Brody sighed, trying to figure out what to do. He could usually guilt them away with that, but it obviously wasn't going to work this time.

"That's usually how he lures girls in." Clara nodded in agreement. "He flirts them up, uses them, and then finds a new toy. I've already seen some bruises and scars on Jaz. Poor girl." Clara muttered. "You know, I don't have a roommate currently. It'd probably be better if you get out of there. He leaves before curfew but sneaks back in after. It's really scary." @BasicallyMe
Shane closed his eyes as she hugged him. That was true, they could go surfing, it sounded fun but he didn't know how to surf. "I don't know how to surf." He admitted. He wasn't afraid to say that out loud. If he didn't know how to do something, he admitted it. @McMajestic
"I can teach you. It'll be fun to watch you wipe out a bunch of times," Mari smiled, walking over to the bed and finding her shorts on the floor, pulling them on although Shane's tee shirt made it seem like she wasn't wearing them at all. "We should leave soon," she added, pulling on her socks and shoes. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine rolled her eyes and began talking again. "You guys don't even know the half of it. You don't know what really happened to Brody, but if he tried to tell you, you guys wouldn't believe it. You'd probably just laugh it off and say Clara's the best little angel in the world." She goes up to Brody's dad and faces a few inches from his face. "Brody would've been better off with the parents that left him on the side of the street." She backed off and stared then both down knowing what she just said most likely wasn't true, but she said it anyway.

Callie sits there and thinks for a second. "I'll think about it. First I want to let Jasmine know who I am. Give me your number so when I go back to the dorm we can be in touch."

Both of Brody's parents were stuttering at that point. Brody was intent on standing his ground, but then he saw the tears in his mother's eyes and he broke. "Guys, I... Babe, maybe I should just talk to them alone for a minute," he said to Jasmine, before ushering them both out of the dorm and closing the door behind him. "Look, guys, I love you so much, but you can't barge in and act like you know what's going on. You don't." Brody said firmly.

"We know you harassed Clara and you acted irresponsibly and got a girl pregnant." His father snapped. "And I don't like that girl at all. She has no right to talk to us like that." He growled.

"No, I didn't harass Clara. She raped me. She's been trying to get me kicked out of school ever since I met Jaz because I love Jasmine, and she makes me happy, and Clara can't handle that." Brody explained. Both his parents went quiet for a moment.

"Clara... she... I knew there was something wrong with that girl!" His mother exclaimed. "Oh, darling, are you okay? Look at me," Brody's mom grabbed his shoulders, then his face, looking him over. "We're going to get her kicked out-"

"No. I'm fine." He lied, brushing his mother off. "We can't do anything to her. She knows about some of the bad stuff I've done and if I try to do anything to her she'll just use it against me." Brody took a breath. "And I know it was irresponsible of me to get Jaz pregnant, but I'm trying to take responsibility now and take care of her and my child. Can't you guys see that?" He demanded.

His father huffed, shaking his head. "You're making a big mistake, Brody."

"Well I'd rather make it and live with the consequences than leave Jaz alone." For a long time silence passed between them, before his father finally sighed, giving up. "We're staying in the hotel across campus. We have a lot to talk about. This conversation isn't over though. We just need to process." He grumbled. Brody nodded, hugging them both. At that point Brody knew he won. They both hugged him back, though his father was quick to turn away and start heading back. His mother said goodbye before following. Brody let out a breath, leaning heavily against the wall next to Jaz's door. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine watched as Brody took his parents outside of the dorm and sat on the bed. She felt bad for using that information against them, but then again she was glad they shut up. Jasmine stood up as Callie walked in to the dorm and smiled. "Hey, sorry for kicking you out earlier. Just didn't want you to see any drama on the first day."

"It's ok," Callie says stepping forward warily. She had seen Brody talking to his parents outside of the dorm and wondered what it had been about. She heard the word 'rape' and thought maybe it was him getting in trouble for those serious crimes. "The lady should be here any minute with my bed, I have to tell you something though."

Jasmine listened then nodded to Callie ready to here what she had to say, "What is it?"

"I'm your half sister. Henry is my dad."

(Oh yeah, Clara gave Callie her number. I forgot to respond to that, sorry)

Brody walked back inside the dorm not long after Callie, just in time to hear the information Callie had for Jaz. Half sister? He groaned. "Jesus Christ, are we in some fucked up soap opera or something?" He grumbled going to sit on the couch. He grabbed his own laptop, intent on listening in to whatever conversation ensued while he worked on some schoolwork that his teachers were still successfully sending him. @BasicallyMe

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