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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Jasmine's feelings were a little hurt at the sound of his parents calling her a whore. She began to eat her food and stayed quiet while listening, but it became even worse when they said Clara was a nice girl. Jaz cringed at the thought that his parents would grandmother and father Clara' baby, but not hers. What was she thinking thag night? This baby is going to have it rough, and that's not what Jasmine imagined.

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"I'm sorry," Brody told her, noticing the way she cringed. "I know once they meet you they'll take it back. They're just worried, I guess." He smiled weakly, holding her hand across the table. "It'll be okay, I promise." Brody went back to his food, watching Jasmine warily. He'd been called quite a few colorful words in his life, and he knew how bad it could hurt. Sure, he'd never show it, but he could see it in the way Jasmine looked. @BasicallyMe
She smiles slightly and nods. "It's fine. They're just overwhelmed with everything, I understand. I was overwhelmed also." Jasmine finishes up her food and leans back while rubbing her stuffed belly. "Man that was so good." She takes a deep breath then looks back to Brody. "Were they coming tonight? I need to get back to the dorm and start cleaning early. Are you even gonna go in to work?"

Brody thought for a moment. "I already missed last night, and I'm a new guy so I don't exactly have lots of vacation time. I have to go in, but they'll be staying in a hotel or something. Oh, maybe you can bring them to the Chinese place for dinner and they can get to know you while I serve you guys," he suggested, taking a bite out of a spring roll and frowning slightly. "Oh, never mind, I don't want you to have to eat it twice in one day." He finished off his food, looking up at her. "They'll probably get her early enough though that they can yell at me for a bit before I go to work." @BasicallyMe
Jasmine shakes her head, "No, I'd love to take them out to eat. If anything I will bring them here because you'd be here." She smiles and stands up. "Let's get back to the dorm. I want to clean for when they show up. They'll see our crib set up next to the bed and maybe that'll show them we're preparing and being responsible." Jasmine sets a tip down on the table and holds out her hand for Brody to grab. "I want to try."

"Okay," Brody smiles, squeezing her hand as they walk back to her dorm. He sits on the bed, getting a text message from his dead. We'll be there in two hours. He bit his lip, trying to figure out what to do. Did he meet them at his dorm first? Or tell them to come straight to Jasmine's.

I'll be in my girlfriend's dorm. He sent back, not wanting to delay the confrontation that was bound to happen anyways. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine smiles and walks into her dorm. Everything looked normal, which settled her nerves. "Can you start sweeping around the dorm? I bought the baby some blankets, so I'm going to make her crib and make it look neat." She grabs the bags off of her bed and takes out a pink sheet set. Jaz walks over to the bed and immediately became stiff. There was a note taped to the mattress.

"I don't think he would have appreciated pink."

Shane smiled before poking her nose before poking her forehead and leaning his forehead toward hers. "Don't think too much, let the wind take us wherever we go." He told her. He hated planning things so he just let things flow. @McMajestic
Mari smiled, "Alright, as long as I'm with you I don't mind." She kissed him softly, wrapping her arms around his neck, tilting her head slightly. "But I still wanna start with the beach. We should surf. I love surfing," she kissed him again, already debating with herself if maybe they should just stay in and enjoy each other's company, but that wouldn't be as fun as the beach. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Brody noticed the way Jaz tensed up, and walked over, glancing down at the note. "Jesus Christ, that guy is getting fucking scary. Has he been stalking you all day?" Brody asked, grabbing for the note. "I bet the forensics club can analyze this and figure out who it is by the handwriting. I'm calling the police." He added, pulling his phone out of his pocket. @BasicallyMe
"No stop!" Jasmine smacks the phone out of Brody's hand causing it to slide across the floor. "Sorry." She immediately regretted it but snatched the note back from him. "I don't want anyone to see this! They'll ask what it means and try to understand what he's doing all this for and I don't want them in my business." Jasmine rereads over the note and shoves it in her pocket.

Brody hadn't meant to get angry, but he felt himself losing control of his temper as he looked at her. "Would you rather this creep be in your business? What if he hurts you? What if he kills you? Jesus Christ, Jasmine, he's a fucking lunatic! Why won't you let me do anything?" He demanded, his voice raising to a yell. @BasicallyMe
"Because I will handle it!" She finishes putting the pink sheets in the bed and then takes out a white and pink polka dot blanket for the top. "I know I keep saying that, but I will. It's better just this crazy person knowing than anyone else knowing. I'd rather not exploit my son to the public." This time Jasmine turns around and faces Brody.

"Well you're not handling it very well so obviously you need help!" Brody snarled, turning away from her so he wouldn't be tempted to throw something at her. "You're being stupid, Jaz. You're playing with your own life, here!" Brody spun on his heel, stepping towards her, trying to lower his voice so he wasn't yelling anymore. It hardly worked. "What's more important to you? Not being "exploited" or our baby, which you put in danger the longer you let this go on." @BasicallyMe
"What's important is that I don't keep getting stressed. Right now our baby is residing in my body, recieving all the emotions and unhealthy things that I'm feeling, and if I can, I'd like to stay away from people knowing I was pregnant once already." Jasmine crosses her arms and leans on one side. "Hell, I'm surprised Andrew hasn't advertised it. I just want to leave it alone. I'm not showing this kid any interest in their shenanigans, they'll stop." Jasmine was telling the truth; she hadn't gotten any messages from this guy or girl and didn't plan on answering them back anymore. "It's obviously a kid who knows some secrets just like your psychotic ex. You could have put her in jail or at least tried but you didn't. She's still sitting in her room creating satan's spawn."

"It's not fair for you to sit there and try to justify not getting help. You're just making up excuses. You don't want people to know you're pregnant? Well what are you going to do when you have the baby? Lock her in a room and pray nobody notices you buying baby clothes?" He huffed, looking towards the door. Part of him wanted to storm out. To run away and cool off, but he wasn't finished. "And you want me to try filing charges against Clara? Even though there is physical evidence of me going along with what she did to me? Even though her parents practically paid for this fucking school? I wouldn't win. I know I wouldn't win, but whoever's after you, well we can get them." He reasoned. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine raised her voice still not feeling understood, "I have a son, Brody. I was pregnant before I came to this damn school! What are you not understanding?" She swallowed hard and rolled her eyes, "evidence of you going along with it? I though you were out like a light, huh?" Jaz snatched the empty grocery bags off of her bed and slammed them into her trash. "This is so ridiculous!"

Brody froze. His entire demeanor changed. "You... you have a son?" He asked quietly. He must have been too angry. He wasn't focusing. He hadn't heard her. "With Andrew?" he guessed, feeling something inside him break. He ignored her comment about thinking he was asleep. That was something he could easily clear up later. He bit his lip, sitting down on her bed. "You didn't think it'd be important to tell me this?" He paused for a minute, then laughed. "You're such a fucking hypocrite, you know that? You're so freaked out about Clara having a baby too and me having to split time and yet you have a fucking son already?" He stood up, storming towards the door. "Fuck this," he growled, reaching for the handle. @BasicallyMe
"I'm not a hypocrite. He's not even.. here. I had a miscarriage. Also it's not like I got pregnant with him while we were together; which is what I'm angry about with you and Clara. God Brody. Just get out of my dorm and go meet up with your idiot parents. On the way to your dorm you can stop and get Clara since they like her so much. If you want one of these bottles you can have one. She'll need one to mix her potions in when it's time to feed." Jasmine picks up a bottle and chucks it at the door. "Now leave." She turns her back and scrunches her eyebrows together feeling sore. Anger had taken over at this point.

Brody glanced over at her. He felt bad, he wanted to clear things up, to fix everything he'd ruined so quickly. "Clara drugged me. I told you that. I didn't mean it like I went along with it, I mean like I'm not fighting back." He said. "And you know what?" He turned, facing her. Not leaving yet. He didn't want to. He was starting to get angry again. Even worse than before. "You get all pissed at me for not telling you shit and you do the same thing. Well all my secrets are out, and I'm not leaving until you tell me everything else I should fucking know." @BasicallyMe
"I told you I had secrets! You told me I could tell you when I was comfortable! What the hell! It just so happens that someone else beat me to it." Jasmine sits on the side of her bed and looks the other way with her chin up. "I'm not telling you anything else." She studies the crib and the pink blankets wishing this never happened. "No I'll tell you, actually," Jaz stands up and now faces him, "Andrew raped me, I got pregnant with a baby that took me forever to decide to keep. When I decided to keep it, I had a miscarriage, so that's when I broke up with Andrew. A few weeks later I enrolled here which was one of the biggest mistakes!" Jasmine stops talking and takes a breath feeling another small pain. "That's that story. The next one is about how I had a make out session with some random kid here. I don't know his name, but it never really matters am I right? Just needed something to calm my anxiety. Want to hear the details? It happened the day before I met you. He still hits me up sometimes and I thought about going back after your secrets were unleashed, but who wants a knocked up whore?"


(Intense stuff, man.)
Brody leaned heavily against the door, sighing deeply. Don't break. You're allowed to be mad at her too. "Jaz," You're breaking! He sighed, sliding down until he was sitting on the floor, resting his head in his hands. "I ruined this, didn't I?" You've broke. Completely and utterly. He took a shaky breath, trying to figure out what he could do. He didn't want to fight like this, to get so angry, to make an asshole of himself. "I'm sorry. I didn't meant to push you like this, I just, I'm stressed. I overreacted." He looked up at her. "And you're not a whore. Don't call yourself that. It bothers me," he mumbled. "Please tell me I haven't just ruined everything," @BasicallyMe
Jasmine watches as he slides down the door, but stays standing in her spot. "No. It's not ruined." She glances around the apartment instead of focusing on Brody. She knew it was wrong of her to belittle him, but his secrets made her so angry, Clara made her angry. Jasmine realized at this point that she was taking out her anger for Clara on Brody, but was scared to admit it out loud. She was so used to shielding herself from past events that it became hard to put the protection down. "I should have been there for you these past days." Jasmine finally admits it quietly unable to speak it louder.

Brody sat in complete shock for a moment. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. He wondered if he had even heard her right for a moment. Silence passed between them before he shook his head. "No. I need to be here for you, not the other way around." He stood up, walking over to her and sitting next to her, leaving some space in between them, not sure if it was okay to fill it yet. "There's a creep stalking you and all I'm doing is yelling at you. That's not right. I haven't been doing everything I can to find this guy and to keep you safe. I'm going to get better at this, though. I won't let him hurt you." Brody said, though in reality he was extremely stressed about the Clara situation, and he knew he was reaching a breaking point in regards to that.
"Don't say that anymore. Stop making it ok for me to talk down to you. Clara.. raped you, but I was worried about her." Her fingers begin to massage the sides of her head, and she looks up. "Pick up that bottle, she's not getting that one it's the cute one." Jasmine points to the baby bottle she had thrown at the door and walks into the kitchen. She immediately begins to organize more knowing that they had wasted time fighting instead of preparing for his judgmental parents. Somtimes Jaz couldn't help but wonder if this was healthy between them; she knew it wasn't for the baby.


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