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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Danni tapped her pencil against her desk, making a point of not looking at Mr. Brooks, instead she focused on what she was writing. It was a new song, but she supposed without the cords written down it could pass as poetry. She'd never thought about her music as something poetic before. She re-read the lines, intent on ignoring the lesson Brooks was teaching. She had been avoiding school in general but too many options would lead to a phone call to her parents, and she didn't want that. She began writing again, tapping at the general rhythm every now and then when she stopped to think. @JokerValentine

"Sure, anything for you," he checked the price after he said that, practically celebrating in his head. I'm not going to be poor! he thought, running his hand along the smooth wood. "I like it too," he looked towards the checkout, before pausing. "Is there anything else you wanna get now?" @BasicallyMe
Shane gave her a raised eyebrow at her. He laughed because of what she said not anything else. 'You can say that If you want." He started by bringing out a pan and turning the oven on. He started making the pancakes once everything was ready, including the chocolate being poured some chocolate in it too. "2-3 no more than that cause then I won't be eating." He explained to her. @McMajestic

Dustin actually raised an eyebrow when he saw someone tying their shoes and taking her phone out. He smirked, maybe he could do something mean or not to her, he was bore, so that meant he should use her for entertainment. @redwood
Jasmine nodded. "We need to get bottles and a few other things. Get the box of the right crib and we'll meet at checkout 5." Jaz smiles and goes down different isles picking up diapers, bottles with cute pink designs on them, and other items such as binkies, wipes, ect. She meets up with Brody at checkout 5 and lays her head on his shoulder. "Can we set it up when we get home? I want to see it there every time I am in my dorm."

When Kaya straightened, tucking her phone back into the waistband of her yoga pants, tapping her foot along to her running music as she brought her arms up to fix her ponytail and catch her breath. She noticed a guy that was roughly her age - give or take a year. Kaya eyed him warily. She was always sort of meek with strangers, especially when she saw a faint smirk on his face.

"But I'm hungry!" Mari whined, wrapping him arms around his waist from behind and resting her forehead against his back. "Please? I mean I basically rocked your world yesterday so I think that's worth five pancakes," she pleaded, hoping she could convince him. She nuzzled up against his back, hugging him tighter. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Brody snickered, kissing the top of her head. "I hate to subdue your excitement but does your dorm really have space for this? And we're jut going to have to take it apart again when we move into our house," he added, forgetting that that was supposed to be one of the surprise purchases for her. He looked forward, pretending to be interested in what other people got from the checkout line. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine shrugs. "I can get rid of my side dresser by my bed. We'll set her there." She becomes quiet at the mention of a house and becomes nervous. "I don't know if I'm ready for a house yet." They were next in line, so she put all the stuff on the conveyer belt and watched as the lady scanned them, then the crib. "I really appreciate you trying to do all this, but right now I think we should stay here. Just for a while."

"Well we have nine months, right? We don't wanna raise the baby in a dorm. That'd be stupid." He said with a shrug. "Sure, the campus is nice, but there are psychopaths around every corner apparently, and besides, there's no space. We need an actual home to raise her." Brody insisted. "I mean, maybe an apartment, I guess. But whatever it is, we'll have to have it before she's born," he explained simply, pulling out his wallet as the cashier began scanning everything.

"Aren't you a little young to be parents?" She asked.

"Aren't you a little old to be working minimum wage?" Brody snapped back. The girl shut up and just scanned everything quickly. @BasicallyMe
Shane continue cooking, before he sighed. It was gonna take a while before he could finish it. "True but I don't really want to be hungry when in class." He told her. He knew he could make more, but he just wanted to play with her some more. @McMajestic

Dustin gave her a wave before walking toward her. His smirk dropped, because really, he didn't want to give off a bad vibe. "Yo." He getted her casually. He eyes stayed staring at her eyes but they already roamed her body and he had to say, she was pretty. @redwood
"Oh come on," Mari persisted, slipping in between him and the pancake mix, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'll do anything," she said suggestively, smirking at him. She wasn't sure if it would work, but she hoped she had enough sex appeal that would at least make him stop messing with her so she could get the breakfast she deserved. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
((technically 7 months I'm speeding up xD ))

Jasmine looks at him and grabs the bags to walk out. "It's actually 7 months. And I know Brody, but not yet. I don't want to move until a little after the baby is born." She walks out of the store and down the sidewalks to the school. They finally reach the campus and the girl's dormitory. "Ok, now let's set it up. And if you refuse to then I'll figure it out myself." Jasmine opens the door to her dorm and is relieved to see everything normal. She sets the bags on her bed and points to where the dresser is on side of her bed. "Lets give that to someone I don't want it."

“Hi,” the girl finally said after a moment after briefly considering her two options of Run! or Stay!. Kaya obviously picked the latter of the two. She hadn’t missed his eyes on her body, but she didn’t react or show it, but let herself study his face. Kaya knew his face from around campus, but she always had her nose stuck in her sketchbook, she couldn’t place a name to the face. “Sorry, can I help you?” She finally asked, cocking her head ever so slightly, not used to holding someone’s attention longer than for a quick “hello” on the street.

Brody nodded. "You get your stuff out of it," he told her, opening the box to the crib and grimacing at all the different parts. He knew his way around screwdrivers and construction, but it was still a tasking thing to deal with. he pulled out all the big pieces first, looking over at the dresser, "then I'll call a couple buddies of move it out. I'm sure one of the poor guy's would love to have some furniture," he chuckled, grabbing the instruction manual. He didn't agree with Jaz on waiting until after the baby was born, but he ignored it for now. he felt like they were still fragile, and he didn't want to fight so early after they got back together... but then he guessed they never really were apart. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine opens the drawers and takes out a few things like pictures, pieces of paper, and other stuff. She sets it all in the kitchen cupboard for safe keeping. Some of the things in there were important to her. "I'll set it out of my dorm for anyone who wants to take it." Jaz walks over to the small dresser and begins pulling it towards her door. She wasn't used to taking it easy.

Brody practically sprinted in front of her, leaning heavily on the dresser as he separated her from it. "No." He said simply. "You just had surgery. Go lay down," he demanded, pointing towards her bed. He wasn't going to argue with her on this, not now when they had already had one problem too many, and Jaz must have been sore still. @BasicallyMe
Shane really wanted to bang his head on the wall, but he held his urges and pushed her to the side so that he could flip the pancake. "Such as?" He questioned. He knew he had enough for 5 each but being an asshole sometime was fun. @McMajestic

Dustin nodded at her. "Yes I would like some help, if you would help me." He said that with a smile but inside his head, he was gritting his teeth. He hated being nice and talking like that was problemsome. "But why don't I accompany with the run, I myself was getting ready to exercise one or another, I mean if it wouldn't be a trouble." He was slapping himself in his head, good thing he was good at acting or else he would had just banged his head against the wall. @redwood

@BasicallyMe won't Jaz, Andrew and Dustin be on the same class? Because he is also into acting or will it be a different one?)
Mari frowned as he pushed her away, but smirked at his question. "Whatever you desire, preferably a sexual desire. Those I handle pretty well," she winked at him, taking some chocolate chips and popping them into her mouth, savoring the flavor. She loved chocolate. It was one of her sweet addictions. She took another handful, munching on them quietly. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine jumps back and groans. "I don't want to be bored!" She walks over to the bed and lays down acting dramatic. "This sucks dude." Jaz turns onto her side so she can watch when Brody begins to put the crib together. "After the crib is up lets go get lunch and come back. The baby is hungry and so is mama!" She throws herself onto her back and stares at the ceiling. "Are you sure you don't need help?"



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Brody shook his head. "No, but if you get too bored and you want me to stop I don't mind entertaining you," he smirked at her before getting to work on setting it up. It wasn't a particularly long project, but he made sure to read the directions. He wanted to get everything right on his first try, but then a frustrating thought hit him. What if Jaz's stalker takes a baseball bat to this? Brody continued screwing the sides together. Then I'll take a baseball bat to his head, he thought to himself, connecting it all together. When he was finished he sat back to admire his handiwork. @BasicallyMe
Kaya studied him for a heartbeat longer before finally saying: “Sure, you’re more than welcome to come along.” She nodded her head down the street, motioning the path she intended to keep on. Inside her head, however, she was trying to figure out his name. Damien? Daniel? “I’m Kaya,” she added almost as an afterthought. “Did your running partner bail on you?”

Jasmine looks over at the crib and stands up. "It's pretty. Thanks Brody." She smiles and grabs his waist from behind while kissing his neck. "You can entertain me now." Jasmine grins and pulls him backwards onto the bed. Her lips lock onto his and she rubs her hands down his back.

Brody smirks into the kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist gently before kissing her neck. He reached clumsily towards the hem of her shirt, so caught up in the moment he was hardly paying attention to what he was doing. Fades to Black(?) @BasicallyMe
Wow, Shane really wanted to bang his head on the counter. Out all of the answer, she had to say the one thing he really wanted to forget, but he kept a straight face looking at her with a raised eyebrow. "I don't know, I don't really know if I can cook 5." He told her while hiding a smirk tugging his face. It disappeared before Mari could see it, something that he was happy to do or else she would know he was playing with her. @McMajestic

Dustin shook his head. "Negative, I was away from school last week and I couldn't run so when I saw you getting ready to run I though why not accompany you." Okay that was the biggest lie he had ever said but at least it sounded truthful when he said, he had practiced many times in order to make his lies sound truthful, that even his drama teacher became a victim. "I'm Dustin, pleasure to meet you." He introduced himself to her. @redwood
1 hour later

Jasmine lays on her bed and pushes Brody in his ribs. "Let's go eat now! I'm hungry." She stands and gets dressed quickly. Food always made her do things extra fast. "Chinese. Let's use your discount." Jasmine opens the door to her dorm and steps out before Brody. She looked over to the couch where Liam was and walks over there. "Hey. Thanks for bringing me to the hospital. Sorry I never got a chance to say thanks."

"No problem. I wouldn't leave you laying on the ground like that." He smiles and continues to watch tv. "Maybe we can hang out sometimes?"

Jasmine thinks about it then nods, "Sure. Maybe one day when I'm not too busy." She smiles then waves to him before going back over to the dorm door to wait.

"I will do it right now if it'll convince you," she said, "In your kitchen. While you make them," she added, getting down on her knees and looking up at him with her doe eyes. Mari was dead serious about her pancakes. She bit her lip, waiting for a response. The tile floor was cold and she wanted him to give in already so she wouldn't have to keep begging like a fool. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Brody followed after her, eyeing the guy but keeping a general distance. As they walked out of the dorm he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, wondering who he was. "So," Brody began, since he hadn't heard the few words they shared with one another. "Who was that?" he asked, holding the door open for her as they walked in. The manager smiled at him, leading them to a table without them having to wait. Brody grinned to himself, glad he got perks for working there. @BasicallyMe

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