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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

((Actually Brody wasn't supposed to see him xD Let's pretend like he didn't get a good look at him lol.))

Jasmine looks to him and shrugs. "His name is Liam. He took me to the hospital when he found me on Clara's floor passing by." She sits at the table and orders a Dr. Pepper. "He's pretty nice, so I went and thanked him for what he did." Jaz smiles and flips through the dessert menu just for fun. She already decided what she wanted to order.

Shane gave her a small glare before sighing but grinning at the same time. "Bathroom after eating." He said to her. He knew she would take that seriously but he wanted to be with her, even if it meant taking offers that he shouldn't accept. "But this gotta be on your free not because you just want the pancakes." He told her. @McMajestic
(Oh sorry, yeah we'll go with that.)

Brody grew tense. "I'm glad he was there for you," he whispered, although in reality he was too busy hating himself for not being there to be thankful. He should have known Jaz would go to Clara. He should have stayed, or... done something. What would have happened if Liam hadn't shown up? He tried not to think about it, clenching his fists as he glared down at his menu, not wanting her to see him so upset but knowing she would. He wanted to apologize a thousand times over for everything, but he knew she'd just be annoyed with him. @BasicallyMe

"Can it be a little of both?" Mari stood back up, smiling at Shane and kissing his cheek. "I'm kidding, by the way." She added, not wanting him to take that the wrong way. "Making you happy makes me happy. I'd do anything for you." Mari shrugged as if it was that simple. If he wanted her to jump off a cliff she'd probably do it. It was extremely unhealthy on her part, probably leaning more towards obsession than love, but she couldn't help it. She was overcompensating for something she'd never had. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

(Alright, I'm going to bed, Night xD )
Jasmine grabbed his hand across the table and sighed. "Stop tensing. Everything's ok now." She lets go and continues to look at the desserts until the waitress comes to take their order. Jasmine orders chicken lo mein and then lets Brody order. She looks down at her small belly and smiles happily. Looking at her every now and then made Jasmine feel comforted.


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“Dustin!” Kaya exclaimed, snapping her fingers. “I was having a sort of mental crisis trying to figure out your name. I’m shit at pairing names to faces.” That, and the fact they never really spoke much even though they were in the same grade; she figured it was because they were both in different classes. “Well, I have five more blocks, so we may as well get started.”

Shane looked at her happily before patting her head. "I actually could had done 5 pancakes for each from the start, but I wanted to mess with ya." He said the last word in this weird Italian accent that he liked to used. He had been able to copy accents because he usually liked to hang around people from other countries. @McMajestic

Dustin nodded at that as he got ready to run. Even if he was wearing clothes that weren't for running, he always liked to run in it and he hadn't had amy trouble running at all. "I know, I could had remembered your name but I had a mental block." He explained. It was true, he could had remembered who she was bit he didn't try at all. "Lead the way then." @redwood
The minute Kaya thought Dustin looked ready, she set off. Normally, she would run at a faster speed, but she had noticed that he wasn’t dressed for the activity and that their conversation might carry on. “You could’ve called me Anabel and I probably would have answered, anyway. No one outside of my friend group really has any need to talk to me.” Kaya tended to be quiet and hang to her own friends, and never really cared that she wasn’t bothered by others.

Brody smiled, trying to relax in his seat. "Yeah, okay. " He took a breath and squeezed her hand. He tried to convince himself that she was right, and that everything really was fine, but he knew that couldn't be true. Not with Clara being pregnant and her stalker still roaming around. Brody's phone rang and he glanced down at it, sighing to himself as he ended the call. "I wish they would stop calling." He muttered, before a text came through. We'll be there tonight. @BasicallyMe

Mari rolled her eyes, huffing as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Why would you make me beg? " She demanded. "You're a loser." she said lamely, trying to make him laugh at the horrible attempt at an insult. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
"Well I wanted my evil queen to see that she isn't the only with jokes." He commented with a smile. He just wanted to joke, it was something he did. "You're not the only one who can play mind games." He commented as he placed 5 pancakes on two different plates. He place the syrup on the table and sat down, eating his pancakes. @McMajestic

Dustin smirked before he run pass her. He wasn't gonna let the clothes cause him trouble, he always run with them, so running was easy. "Wanna race?" He yelled toward her, who was behind. @redwood
Mari wolfed her pancakes down, hardly saving time to breathe in between each bite. "These are so good," she said, with a mouth full of pancake, before continuing to eat them. She smiled at him, taking another drink from the milk carton. "I should hire you as my personal chef," @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
When Kaya heard his challenge, she easily sped up to his speed, edging a little further in front, a clear acceptance of his challenge. Kaya’s competitive side was shown in full color, paired with a smirk on her face as she met up to him.

Jasmine leaned back and stared at him with reassuring eyes. She saw his face expression change upon looking down at his phone. "What's wrong?" Jaz sipped at her soda and smiled as the food was briught. Her stomach had been growling all day.


((Sorry I haven't been on today, but I'ma go to bed. Just wanted to get a post in.))
(It's cool (^.^))

Brody hesitated, looking over to her. "It's my parents, they're coming down here." He said, looking back down at his phone. He knew they had the ability to scare Jasmine off. They scared everybody off that he liked. Brody took a bite of his food, although he paid more attention to his phone, trying to figure out what to say. I didn't do it. He finally sent back.

We'll you're being punished for it. The principal also says you knocked some whore up. Answer your damn phone.

It rang again, Brody sighed, answering it and holding it up to his air.

"What the hell is fucking wrong with you? Are you on drugs? Listen here, Sport, your behavior is fucking unacceptable. We're taking you out of that school so fast you'll get whiplash," his father snarled, his voice booming over the phone. Brody winced, holding his phone away from his ear, still hearing each word in perfect clarity. he glanced at Jaz, knowing she could hear it too. "And you fucked some whore? Jesus Christ, Brody. We sent you to church so you'd learn not to have sex before marriage!" His father continued. "You've been there two years and you've never had a problem. What's fucking wrong? Is it Clara?"

"No!" Brody said quickly.

"You got another girl pregnant? What happened to Clara? She was nice! Oh my God, your mother is a fucking mess, Brody Caleb Wilson, and none of this goes without-" Brody hung up his phone, slamming it against the table and scowling at it. His parents were generally good people, until they got angry, and then they turned into something he didn't even recognize. @BasicallyMe
Shane really didn't know what to say on that. Seriously, to hire him as her personal chef? That would be really weird, he just liked cooking but he would never want to be a chef. "I'm not always gonna be cooking Mari." He told her. @McMajestic

Dustin smirked before he passed her again. He wasn't running at full speed, but he still wanted to race and feel the wind on his face. "Loser buys winner breakfast?" He asked her when he passed her before taking at half his speed which was fast for someone that hadn't done nothing but exercise during his time in juvie. @redwood

(Same I'm going to sleep now xD gnight)
Mari shook her head at him. "Well when we get married you're doing the cooking," she told him, before realizing what she had said and adding a nervous laugh to make it seem like a joke. She'd seen guys disappear at the mere mention of a wedding. She had suffered through many friends' tears because of it. Mari took another bite of her pancakes, finishing them off, hoping she hadn't just scared him. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

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Shane was kinda surprised when she said that because he hadn't expected for her to say it. He was lucky that he was calm on the out inside, because in his mind he felt like he was choking. "Let's speak about kids then if we talking about marriage." He said to her while taking a sip of his orange juice. @McMajestic
Mari actually did choke. She coughed in a frenzy, attempting to catch her breath. It took a moment and she knew she looked like an idiot, but she had been completely thrown off. He's just messing with me, She thought, as she calmed down. "I don't want kids. " She told him, trying to pretend she hadn't just completely lost her cool. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane calmly took a sip of his drink before looking at her. He had kept a straight when she had choked on the drink but he had wanted to laughed. "And here I wanted some kids with you." He said seriously, his voice never sounding like it was a joke. "I'm serious." He added. @McMajestic
Mari thought for a moment. She hadn't expected that answer. "I guess I said that wrong," she spoke quietly now, looking away from him. She hated to admit it out loud, to even think about it. "I mean, I can't have kids." She bit her lip, drumming her fingernails against the table, trying to occupy herself, but now that she was thinking about it she couldn't stop. She knew if she'd just been more responsible, if she hadn't always been out getting cut up and shot at she might still be able to. "I wouldn't be a good mom anyways," she added, trying to convince herself. She always tried to make it sound like it was her choice, it made it easier at least. She didn't want to cry if she thought it was her own idea not to have children instead of the surgery's. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
That completely took Shane by surprise. He hadn't expected for her to answer like that and definitely something for her to say. He sighed and rubbed his forehead, now what could he say? He blinked before grinning. "Well we could just adopt, there are many poor souls on orphanage that need parents." He told her. @McMajestic
Mari smiled weakly, nodding to herself. "Yeah, I suppose," her smile fell however, the longer she looked down at her empty plate. She had always wanted something that was entirely hers. A child that had her blood. She did want the experience of being pregnant at some point in her life, but knowing she'd never get it she had forced herself to push it all away until now. "Doesn't it bother you, though?" She asked, looking up at him. "That if you really wanna be with me you can't have any kids that are solely yours?" @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
"Hmmm, I don't really care actually" He shrugged at it. He had never though about kids until she talked about marriage, that was always the first thing that came into his head. "Adoption or a kid of my own? It's whatever, I would love the child as if it was one of my own." He responded to her as he finished his food and went to clean the dishes. "As long as you love them, that kid would be yours no matter what happens." He wasn't adopted but he knew some people who got adopted yet they still loved their parents. @McMajestic
Mari walked over to him, turning him away from the dishes and hugging him tight. She couldn't explain it, but she just wanted some sort of comfort in that moment. She rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes and relaxing against him. "I love you," she whispered, knowing she'd already said it so many times. She didn't want it to lose its meaning, but she didn't know what else to say. "Thank you," she said quietly. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

(going to see a musical so I'll be unable to respond till tonight. )
Shane smiled before hugging her back. It had been unexpected when she hugged him but he liked it when she hugged him, it felt really really good. "I love you too." He responded back to her. @McMajestic

(Cya later then
xD sorry for short response also)
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Mari just stood there for a moment, not wanting to leave from his warmth. "We should go out and do something. Maybe we could try the beach again, " Mari suggested hopefully, looking up at him with a smile. "then we can go get lunch, and tonight we can go to a club and dance the night away." She said, planning it all out. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

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