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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Jasmine nods, "Ofcourse I do. Everyone has secrets." She bites the inside of her cheek feeling nervous. "I have big ones, and small ones thag probably wouldn't even be considered secret." Jaz's head was now stirring and weighing options. Since Brody brought up the secrets, she's been non stop thinking about the ones she's been harboring. "There's one only I and Andrew know. Actually there's alot that only he and I know, and I know that you don't like hearing his name, but you asked if I had secrets. Bottom line is I have plenty." She wipes a guilty tear away from eye before it could form fully and smiles.

Brody moved next to her. "Hey, you don't have to tell me anything right now, and you don't have to worry about what it is. I'm here no matter what. You could kill a guy and I'd still kiss you, " He chuckled, kissing her as if to prove his point. Brody wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her closer. "You're stuck with me." @BasicallyMe
Jasmine smiled and laid her head on his shoulder. "Let's go to the girl's dormitory. You have work tonight at seven and I will be cleaning while you're gone, so we should just hang out and maybe I can tell you some secrets." She stands and reaches out for his hand. When he grabs it, Jasmine leads Brody to the dormitory and into the commons. She opens her dorm room to find rose petals all over her bed. "Awe did you do this for me?" Jaz's eyes turn to Brody for an expression.

Brody would have loved to lie and say he did, but he felt immediate fear at the sight of them. "Did you lock the door when we left? " He asked, stepping in front of her and looking around. He didn't see anything out of the ordinary besides the petals, yet it still left him wary. How did they get in? @BasicallyMe
Jasmine shook her head. "No I was worried about getting to the hospital. I'm sorry." She goes over to the bed and picks one up, feeling it inbetween her fingers. Her phone buzzed in the back pocket of her jeans, but she ignores it in fear that it could be the number, and she hadn't told Brody about the texts yet. "It'll be ok. Let's just clean it up." Jasmine walks into the bathroom and shuts the door for privacy. Last thing she wanted was Brody to see the messages.

"If only I had though of rose petals the first time."

Jasmine's body goes cold by the thought of that night. She cringes, but puts the phone away and flushes the toilet to make it sound like she used the bathroom. "Here's a trash bag." Jaz grabs one from her cabinet and holds it open for Brody to scoop the flowers off.

Brody huffed, throwing the petals in the trash. "Your secret admirer is becoming competition, " Brody growled, trying to make a joke but it sounded too angry to be one. He scowled as he finished picking it all up. "I wish I had an idea where to find this guy. I'd put him in his fucking place, " Brody tied the trash bag up and set it by the door, walking over and laying back on the bed, taking a breath and glancing at Jazz. "Come here, " he pulled her down next to him, holding her close. He smiled as he held her. "I'm just glad you weren't here." @BasicallyMe

(Ima go to bed. Night)
Jasmine sets the bag full of petals by the door and does as instructed. "I am glad too. He's not competition. I wouldn't go for someone who is over stepping boundaries like this." She ran her fingers through her hair and yawned. Jaz was tired from last night. She hadn't gotten much sleep after the surgery since it was still a little sore. "Remember the scar on my thigh? That was where Andrew cut my leg open. I told my mom it was just an accident- that I fell while him and I were hiking. There's more to the story, but I'm not sure I want to say it out loud yet."

"Just take your time, Love, " Brody didn't want to pressure Jasmine, especially with everything she had just found out about him. He didn't really have a right to judge her either. "You can tell me when you're ready. " In reality he was desperate to know, but it just felt wrong to demand an answer. He closed his eyes, relaxing as he laid there. He was exhausted too, from hardly sleeping last night. He had woken up too often, checking on Jaz. And that hospital bed wasn't the most comfortable thing. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine smiles and nods. "Want to go pick out cribs? Lets get a white one so it matches the rest of my furniture. Is that ok?" She stands and straightens out her clothes. "By the time we get home it will be lunch and we can get that discount at the Chinese restaurant." Jasmine jumps onto Brody's lap and pokes his chest.

Brody wrapped his arms around her, smiling despite his unease. He had expected the reverse psychology to work on her. He didn't want to force out all her secrets but he thought saying he'd give her time would make her tell him. Psychology was a waste of an elective, he thought, kissing her quickly. He picked her up as he got to his feet. "Sounds great," he said. @BasicallyMe
Well shit, that was all Shane could said as Mari headed toward the bathroom in his room. He closed his eyes, staring at the ceiling, not really minding that she took the blanket. He didn't feel like taking a shower at all but put on some shorts. "Morning Evil Queen." Well he guessed he should could her that instead of maiden, kinda sounded wrong after doing the deed with her. He yawned again before laying back into the bed. @McMajestic
Mari grinned, before closing the door, taking a boiling hot shower before wrapping a towel tight around herself. She observed herself in the mirror, smiling at her own reflection. For once she wasn't rushing to leave, or rushing somebody to leave. Everything was real, and out of love instead of lust. She was so glad she found Shane, that she had him in her life. She walked out of the bathroom, going straight for his closet and pulling on an over-sized tee shirt that fell to about mid-thigh for her, sitting down on the bed. "So, what are you making us for breakfast?" She asked, looking over at him. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane stare at her as she asked him what he was gonna cook for dinner. It was a good question that he hadn't consider, he just cooked whatever he wanted, such as bacon and egg sandwich. "What exactly do you want me to cook?" He asked her. @McMajestic
Mari thought for a moment, walking over to his fridge and looking inside. "Can you make pancakes? With chocolate chips?" she asked, scanning for the right ingredients. "Do you have syrup? I love drowning pancakes in syrup." She turned to him hopefully, knowing there was a strong possibility he couldn't make them. He didn't have a lot of junk food around. She took the milk out of the fridge, drinking out of the carton since she didn't know where the cups were. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Now this was interesting, that Shane cpundlt stop himself from bursting out laughing. He just stood up and walking toward the kitchen, grabbing some flour to start making the pancakes. He guessed he could just make it, after all they only had waffles yesterday. @McMajestic
(literally you remember that? Lol)

"Why do you laugh at the most random things?" Mari asked, raising an eyebrow before taking another sip of the milk. "Am I comical to you?" She asked jokingly, taking a seat at the table, watching as he moved about the kitchen. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine grabbed her purse and headed for the door. She was excited to go get their future baby's crib. "I can't wait until we have a baby in it." Jaz grabs Brody's hand and heads out of the dormitory to the side walk. She continues down the road until reaching a baby store. "Everything looks so cute!" Jasmine opens the door and grabs the first item in front of her.

Brody laughed at her excitement, shaking his head at her. "I can't afford the whole store, babe," he kissed her cheek, walking towards the cribs. He thought it'd be simple, but he quickly realized he was wrong. There were so many different types ranging from simple to elaborate. It baffled him to think about. He looked around at all the white ones, trying to find one that he thought looked nice. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine stuck the item back on the shelf and nodded. "I know, it's fun to dream." She smiles then follows him towards the cribs. All of them were so over whelming but only wanting white narrowed it down. "Let's get one thats around the medium price range and safe. I don't want one too cheap because then I'll be worried about her safety." Jasmine walks over to one and shakes it. Too rickity. She skips to the next one and shakes it. Sturdy- too pricey.

Shane stare at her before taking the milk from her and pouring 1 1/2 of it on the flour, before cracking 3 eggs and putting it on. He went to to look for the baking powder and the butter. "Help me find the baking powder." He ordered her.

Dustin was walking out of his dorm, heading toward the cafeteria. He didn't have anything to do and in a few more hours school was gonna start. "Troublesome." That was all he said, really he just couldn't describe the beginning of the day.

@McMajestic @redwood
Kaya was up and about much earlier than usual due to her new routine of early morning runs. Since she had a few hours to spare, she’d started leaving daytime clothes at school, showering there, then carrying about her day. She had her headphones in, blissfully unaware of the day starting to show signs of life. When Kaya noticed her sneaker was untied, she cursed and knelt down to tie it before turning her attention to her phone to change the song.

(Sorry my reply was late,
Brody got on his phone, checking the few bank accounts he had open. He knew anything over a couple hundred dollars was draining him, but he wanted Jaz to get what she wanted. He didn't wanted something like money to hold them back. "Just pick one out, don't worry about prices," he told her, noticing the way she checked the paper clipped to one before walking away from it. "Money's not an issue." He walked over to the one she had walked away from. Five hundred fucking bucks? I could make one for cheaper. He kept the smile on his face, not wanting her to notice his complete shock at the price. He kept looking around. @BasicallyMe

"Answer my question," Mari huffed, feigning frustration, before breaking character and grabbing the baking soda, giving him a quick kiss. She watched as he made the pancakes, waiting for the batter to be mixed before sticking her finger in it to get some, licking it off as she looked up at him. "I want four- no, five," she corrected. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Danni walked into her first period, sighing to herself as she glanced at her teacher. She hadn't wanted to even look at him since the little incident they had, but she couldn't skip class forever. She bit her lip, looking down at an empty notebook and beginning to scribble in it, hoping he wouldn't come up to her. @JokerValentine

Against what was expected, Mr. Brooks had in fact not told the administration. His failures were reminded at 8 AM, when a face who had been absent for the longest time reappeared. When Danni flashed him the look, the teacher's heart sank. "Today," he began, his head not quite clear, "we will be doing something different. We will be reading poetry."
Jasmine shakes her head. "Stop. We're not getting a 500 dollar crib. Jasmine continues walking around until coming upon a crib that had been 250, atleast not 500. She shakes she crib and pushes on the middle of it. "I like this one. Is this ok?" She waves Brody over to the crib and points to it. "It's 250 dollars. Is that a good amount?"


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