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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Mari nodded, kissing him for a moment. "Okay. Then tomorrow I'll take you on the best date of your life," she smiled at him, resting her head on his chest, "and for now we can sleep," she added, closing her eyes and beginning to drift off against him. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine wakes up early in the morning and grabs the cold chinese sitting next to her. She glanced over at a sleeping Brody while slurping on a noodle and smiles slightly. She was happy he was back, but still pondered what to do about Clara. The girl wasn't going to ruin everything for her.

Jasmine then reaches for some chocolate and looks to the door as her doctor comes in.

"Good morning Jasmine. I see you dod good over night." He reviews her chart then looks back up to her, "Today looks like a good day to go home."

Brody slowly woke up to the doctor's word, sitting up weakly and nuzzling Jasmine's neck. "Home sounds nice," he whispered, once the doctor left. "But I'm already here with you, and you're home enough." He grinned, kissing her shoulder, lost in the moment, before his phone buzzed and he pulled it out of his pocket 46 missed calls. 22 New Messages. 13 Voice mails. He felt his entire body go rigid. "Oh no," he mumbled, realizing who had been calling him the whole time. His parents. @BasicallyMe
The doctor hands Jasmine the discharge papers and leaves. "Hopefully we won't see you again until you're in labor. Goodluck Ms. Jasmine." He disappears and Jasmine smiles as Brody kisses her. His 'oh no' made her worried, so she looked to him. "What's wrong?" Jaz stands and takes off her hospital gown ready to get dressed.

Brody hesitated. It wasn't that he wasn't going to tell her, but he wasn't sure what to say himself for a moment. "My parents. They've called a lot. I wonder if something's...." his voice trailed off, and suddenly he remembered his punishment. "It's about my suspension. I don't want to talk to them," he huffed, pushing his phone in his pocket. @BasicallyMe
Shane laughed as she fell asleep. He was tire as hell also but he kept on staring at the wall. He knew it would come time before his other secrets were revealed and he didn't want her to hate him at all, yet he didn't have the strength to tell her. As time passed, he slowly star te d to fall asleep, taking Morpheus call. @McMajestic
Mari woke up the next morning, curling into Shane and groaning weakly as sunlight crept through the window. "Make it go away," she whined, burying her face in his chest and wishing she could fall back asleep, but she knew that once she woke up there was no point in trying to go back to sleep. She never could. She smiled to herself though, glad she was still with Shane. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
"Brody, you need to call them." She dresses herself and goes to the door. "Let's go back to the school and get some breakfast, ok? You should call them then." Jasmine waits until Brody catches up to her before she grabs his hand and continues walking.

The two walk inside the first good on-campus breakfast spot they see and sit at a booth. "I think the baby wants everything on the menu." Jasmine smiles playfully.

"I'll buy it all if that's what it takes," Brody laughs, checking the menu himself. He decided on an omelet before setting his menu on the table, looking over at Jaz. "I'd hate to ruin this wonderful thing that's magically healed between us, but I do have a question for you, Jasmine. Why were you thinking about not doing the surgery? Was it me?" He asked, taking a short breath. Brody had a horrible feeling he was about to destroy the fragile happiness they had, but it bothered him to think Jaz had almost not saved their baby. @BasicallyMe
Shane was still sleeping, dreaming about him and Mari in the future. He smiled while dreaming about it, before the sunlight hit his eyes. He groaned awake before opening his eyes. He yawned before looking at Mari who was burying her face on his chest. "Morning." He said to her. @McMajestic
Mari sat up weakly, smiling at him. "Morning, Prince Charming," she wrapped the blanket around herself, pulling it awake from Shane completely and smirking at him as she got to her feet. She still felt exhausted, but she really wanted to take a shower. She started for the bathroom, the blanket flowing behind her like a cape. She snickered at the thought. Evil maiden? More like Evil Queen. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine smiles softly and stops her eyes on a plate with grits, eggs, hashbrowns, and pancakes. "Ooh I want this plate!" She leans over the table and points to it. Once she was sure Brody seen it, Jaz sat back in her seat and listened to what he asked. Her face turned to a frown feeling so stupid for putting her own life before her baby's. "I don't know. I guess. I didn't want a kid if I couldn't get rid of the drama and I was angry at you. I didn't want someone's kid that I was angry with." Saying it out loud made her sound even more selfish. "I was going to make a selfish choice."

Brody shook his head. "It's not selfish. I get it." He nodded. "One person raising a kid with a psycho down their throat? Doesn't sound too intriguing." He sighed, looking through the menu again, trying to occupy himself. He did get it, to a point. But then there was another part of him that grew wary crossing the street because he had been abandoned and left on the side of a road to be hit by a car. Abandoning a child? He supposed there were times when it needed to be done. "Well unfortunately for you," he began lightheartedly, hoping to make her feel better. "My parents breathe drama." @BasicallyMe
Jasmine listens and stays silent intil her drink comes. After she takes a cold sip of iced water, Jaz decides to comment, "Yeah, well you should call them. They're still your parents." Jasmine orders her food and watches the waitress walk away after taking Brody's. Behind him she could see Andrew sitting in a booth with a girl. She was laughing and talking to him, a bruise on her arm. How pathetic. Andrew was doing the same. He was smiling brightly and booping his finger on her nose.

Brody noticed the way Jaz looked past him, and glanced over his shoulder before rolling his eyes. "Can we not enjoy anything together? Am I fucking cursed or something?" he muttered, taking a drink from his coffee before looking over at Jaz, trying to ignore the laughter that had grown overly obnoxious. "Yeah, I guess." He pulled out his phone, reading the messages. Why won't you answer? What are you doing? We heard about your suspension! Answer the damn phone, Brody. We're coming up there! What the hell kind of rumors are we hearing? We thought that school was pretentious, not a whore house. Brody cringed at the last message. "I'm not calling them." He muttered. "Maybe they'll think I'm dead and they'll leave me alone," @BasicallyMe
Jasmine's attention snapped back to Brody. "What do you mean by that? We've enjoyed alot together." She drinks at her water and sighs, "Ok, I'm not pressuring you. Also don't ise the words dead and yourself in a sentence it's not something we should speak about; not something I want in my head." Jasmine shrugs down in her seat and looks down to her belly bump.

"Right, sorry," he mumbled. "I don't mean we haven't enjoyed things together," he reached across the table, taking her hand in his. "It's just... hard, I guess. I mean the psychotic rapist has been trying to break us up since day one, and I'm just stressed. Sorry," He apologized again, resting his head on the table and closing his eyes. "And I know it's nothing compared to your stress, and I shouldn't even be complaining, I'm sorry." Brody didn't mean to apologize so much, he just needed her to know that he was, not just for complaining or saying the wrong thing, but for every event he had caused from the moment they had met that had hurt her. Only, he didn't know how to say sorry for all that, so instead he kept to the small things. @BasicallyMe
"Our stress is the same, I'm just trying to keep you on your feet." Jasmine squeezes his hand when he grabs hers. She couldn't help but wonder what his psychotic rapist was doing right now. Brewing potions? Stealing souls? Eating cockroaches for breakfast? Jaz definitely knew what her psychotic ex was doing right now, and that was charming woman into his abusive little fingers. "People are going to try and break us up- that's what teenagers do. They see what they want and take it for themselves." The food was set in front of her, causing Jaz to salivate. It looked delicious and she was definitely hungry. Teenage hormonal drama can really work up an appetite.

Brody nodded, taking a bite out of his omelet and sighing. "This is fucking delicious," he said, eating about half of it before Jaz could even get two bites in. "Nothing's going to break us up, right?" He asked meekly, afraid of the answer. He knew he had skeletons in his closet, and to be honest he probably had a few more that he wasn't even thinking about, but he'd hate for something to boil up and burn their relationship to ashes or- The orphanage. That was a skeleton. An extremely sadistic, manipulative skeleton, but he was twelve when it happened. It was so long ago. That was nothing to worry about. @BasicallyMe
((ANOTHER SKELETON? I wanna know! Lol))

Jasmine smiles and begins eating her food. She loved it. The pancakes were super syrup-y and her hashbrowns made it all the more better with some grits. "I know, it's amazing. I needed this so bad." Jasmine shoves her mouth with the last bit of grits and nods honestly. "There are things out there that could, but it's decisions that you decide to make on your own. That's all I'm going to say because you should know a girl's boundaries of forgiveness. Well- my boundaries." She takes a bite of her huge pancake and chews for a few seconds before swallowing. "Just put your clothes back in my dorm, ok?" Jasmine smiles and scoots her food away after finishing.

Brody smiles, but it falters. He didn't want to keep secrets, or lie. "Jazz, there's one more thing I should probably tell you. It happened when I was like twelve, but it was a pretty big incident." He said, wanting to be completely honest with her. "It's on my record though so you should probably know." @BasicallyMe
Jasmine nods to Brody ready to listen. It made her a little nervous to know what he was about to tell her, but hardly anything could be as bad as the news that he is Clara's baby daddy. Usually Jasmine gets choked up and anxious on conversations that start like this. She takes another big cold gulp of her water and fiddles with her fingers. "I'm glad you're telling me now."

"When I was twelve I still lived in an orphanage." Brody thought back to those memories, all the wide-smiles and extra-cleaning, and nice clothes, only for another round of parents to reject him. "When couples came in looking for kids to adopt they generally wanted younger ones, so they always said hi, but they never even thought of adopting me. I guess I was having a particularly bad day. Another kid gone, two more parents that didn't want me, it was my week for chores. I was just mad. And the more I thought about it all, I got angrier, and angrier, and then before I knew it the stove was lit and I was pouring oil onto the flame. I was alone in the kitchen, until a kid that smelled smoke came down. By then it was too late. The damage was done." Brody took in a breath, glancing up at Jasmine.

He was afraid. The more he thought about it the more he realized how important this was. He still had that temper. He had always had it. "Nobody got hurt, except me. I stayed back even after the kid told me to run. I wanted to get burns. I thought a couple would take pity on me. They did. My parents now. They heard I was hospitalized orphan and they jumped on it. I blamed the kid who was in the kitchen with me, and they bought it. I didn't tell anyone the truth until after I was adopted, after they couldn't take me back, and by then I had two loving parents to bail me out." He sighed quietly, taking another bite of his omelet. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine listens to his story. She couldn't help but get thoughts in her head such as things he'd do if he got mad at her. Could she make him angry enough to pull an Andrew? She clears her head somewhat, but not completely and grabs his hand. "You were a kid going through all kind of crap. Sure it's a little over board, but if a kid wants attention they'll get it."

Brody grinned, feeling relieved that she hadn't reacted badly. "And how did I meet such a beautiful, amazing, intelligent gal like you?" He asked, feeling like a love-struck kid, which he arguably was, but the difference in that was that this was real. Everything in front of him was really there, and it would continue to really be there. "Oh, got any secrets I should know about, Love?" He asked jokingly, not expecting her to have any. @BasicallyMe

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