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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Shane looked at her before sitting down on the bed and staring at the ceiling. "I belonged to a gang back when I lived in Arizona, I was known as the Crow while Dustin was Raven and Edward was Crane." That was something he hated saying, he hated that name and he hated Dustin more than anything. "I was backstabbed by my own best friend, the one whom I trusted more than anything." He rubbed his forehead. "He literally left me knocked out and bleeding that I had to spend almost 2 weeks or was it 3 weeks, I don't remember, but I spent that time at the hospital." His knuckles turned white after saying that. "I have been like this since then, I just don't know why I'm like this." He breathed in and out before staring at her. "I don't want to kill myself nor am I depressed, its just different even the doctors had said so." @McMajestic
(Oops, called too soon)

Clara smirks, answering the phone. Brody twitched at the sound of his phone ringing, but other than that he hardly moved. If she didn't know any better she'd think he was dead. All that medicine in his body had put him in a deep sleep. "Why, hello Jazzie, Dearest? At the hospital, I presume?" She smirked, looking down at Brody's sleeping form.

Mari looked over at him, dropping the medication on the bed and sliding into his lap, hugging his neck and kissing him softly. "It's okay," she whispered, noticing how white his knuckles turned. She took both his hands, rubbing her thumbs over his knuckles. She didn't want to take him back to that memory, but her heart broke at the thought of someone betraying him, just like she had. "I love you, Shane. I love you more than anything in the world," she breathed out, resting her forehead against his. She sighed quietly. "I don't ever wanna hurt you, or betray you, ever." She kissed him again, wanting him to know how much she meant it. She never wanted to be the cause of him turning into something he wasn't. Not again. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine's heart sank at the sound of Clara. "Where' Brody?" She growled and looked over to Liam who was listening in. She was thankful for him being there when he was. "It's not your business where I am." Jaz could feel her blood pressure going up already. Since she wasn't there, Brody decided to move on back to Clara. This made her heart sink, but there were more important things to worry about than their failing relationship.

Clara snickered to herself. She thought about using this to her advantage, but in what way? She thought for a moment, before answering. "Why, I came to check on him of course, and imagine my surprise when I saw the empty pill bottle on his bed. He's just laying here," Clara whispered, her own voice faltering as she looked at Brody. "Not breathing," she added quietly. @BasicallyMe
Shane returned all the kisses she gave him back with all his feeling in it. He was hapy with her, happy with what she had said to him. He wrapped his arms around her waist, while looking at her eyes with his own. Shane had forgiven her not because she was crying, but because it was what his heart had told him to do, to forgive her and love her as much as he could. "I love you too." He whispered to her before kissing her again. @McMajestic
Mari didn't want to stop. She held him close, kissing him deeply, forgetting how to think properly, how to breathe. Everything in that moment was perfect for her. She savored it for as long as she could, before she couldn't stand it anymore. She lost the slow sweetness and kissed him harder, rougher, reaching for the hem of his shirt. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine shot out of her bed and ripped the tape off of her arm where an IV was. "Don't be messing with me Clara!" Jasmine stops for a second and bends over the bed as the pain comes back. She takes a deep breath and stands back up straight. "Why are you on the phone with me you idiot? Call 9-1-1!"

Jasmine began to feel as if she did this, and she didn't want to feel responsible for it.

Liam stands and blocks the door, "Jasmine you can't leave like this." He warns her and brings her back into bed.

Clara bit her lip. "It's too late, Jaz. He's gone, and just think. It's all. Your. Fault." Clara cried, letting Jasmine feel her sadness, before she hung up the phone, looking down at Brody as he breathed slow, deep breaths. She wiped her fake tears away and ran her fingers through his hair, smiling at how peaceful he looked. "Maybe," Clara whispered, "if we're lucky. She'll have a heart attack and die, or kill her precious little baby with all the stress, and then you won't want her anymore- you'll want me," Clara grinned, kissing Brody on the cheek before walking out of the boys' dorm, closing Brody's door behind her, laughing to herself. I hope I've destroyed that pesky little slut. She thought, walking back to her dorm. @BasicallyMe

(So, polling now, who's worse, Clara or Andrew?)
((Clara because she takes psycho to a whole new level on here xD ))

Jasmine throws her phone across the room, lucky enough to not break it. She stands back up from the bed while wrestling Liam for the exit. "Why won't you let me go?" Jaz brings her figer up to her eye and wipes a few tears.

Just as Liam was beginnkng to answer, the doctor walked in with a few nurses and wrestles her to the bed.

"Jasmine," the doctor spoke, "You need to calm down. We're here to take you for some tests."

Brody was asleep. Out cold. Literally not even dreaming.

Clara went back to her dorm, basking in the glory of what she had accomplished in just a day. She smiled as she stepped inside, closing the door behind her and locking it before getting on her laptop. She clicked on some pregnancy articles, reading all about everything she'd need to know. After all, she had a hard job ahead of her, and she needed to make sure everything she did was right if she planned on winning Brody over. No matter how bitter he seemed, she knew she could draw him in, and she would make him love her. @BasicallyMe
After an hour of imaging and tests later, Jasmine's doctor entered her room with a few nurses from earlier. "Ok, we found the reason for your pain and bleeding. Fortunately it's not a miscarriage, but it is an ectopic pregnancy. Your baby is growing outside of the uterus which can result in dangerous outcomes for you and/or the baby. We are going to suggest a surgery to get this taken care of. First we'll send you home to gather some belongings seeing as the condition is not quite as threatening yet." The doctor nods to her formally and hands the clipboard to a nearby nurse. "We're sorry that you have to go through this Ms. Jasmine."

Jasmine listens and absorbs all the information being thrown at her. She sits there for a minute, deciding wether to do this surgery or not, "I don't know if I am going through with this." She stands and grabs her phone from where it landed.

"Ok, but this is dangerous to you Ms. Jasmine, and if you decide not to return it will be counted as going against doctor's orders. Lawsuits will not be available." He shakes her hand and walks out of the room with all of the nurses trailing behind.

Brody would look dead to anyone on first glance. He had taken too much medicine, and his breathing was shallow. He was falling deeper and deeper into a comatose state, but he was merely sleeping at the moment.

Clara smirked, ordering a few things online to make herself seem believable. Part of her felt she was going too far, that everything she had done and was about to do could really drive Brody to his death, but when she thought about it, that would be a happier outcome than him ending up with Jasmine. It was her or nobody, and she would make sure that's how his story would end. @BasicallyMe
Liam drives Jasmine back to the dormitories where she hops out and goes straight to the boy's dorm. Liam watched her leave without a thank you and sighed knowing she was too caught up in Brody.

Jasmine busts through Brody's dorm and sees him laying on the bed. "Brody?" She runs over to him and shakes violently hoping to wale him up. "Wake up!" Her hand goes up to his face and she smacks him lightly over and over again.

Shane was literally surprised when she started kissing him harder and rougher than usual, he though it was him that did that but what surprised him even more was when she grabbed the hem of his shirt. He kept on returning the kiss with the same passion she had, but was he really ready to go all the way with her? He knew he loved her but he though she had wanted to wait, he didn't want to be one of those guys that were there just to sleep with her. He closed his eyes before bringing one hand up to her bottom, which kinda seemed weird for him when he though about it. The more they kissed, the more he lost himself into it. @McMajestic (dududu xD I'm not sure what to do after this post)
Brody groaned weakly, holding his hands up to his face. "Stop," he whined, curling in on himself, his eyes squeezed tight as he threatened to fall back into sleep. He remembered the medicine still laying all over his bathroom, and wondered if it'd be worth it to take another shot of Nyquil as his head began to pound in a steady rhythm of agonizing pain. "Please, I'm so tired," he whispered, not completely sure who was in his dorm. @BasicallyMe

Fades to black. (Best option, I think lol) @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
"Brody, What the hell!" She continues to shake him becoming angrier each second. "You were just going to leave me. Just like that?" Her voice raises and she walks into the bathroom for some ice water to hopefully help with this process, "Where's Clara at? She answered your phone earlier. You two popping pills together or something?" Jasmine drags Brody out of bed even though he was practically dead weight. She knew this was hard on herself and the baby, but decided to push these thoughts away since she hasn't even decided on the surgery.

Shane groaned as he turned to the side. He felt too tire to even wake up and that was weird for him, normally he would be fully energized. It was like he did something right but at the same time, something that was done fast. He me tally frowned when he felt cold, Why was he cold? He knew he hadn't taken his clothes? Or did he? His eyes were too heavy even to see if he had clothes on and what the weight on him was? Wait what weight? He tried to pry his eyes open but it was becoming difficult for him? Why was that? He just didn't know. @McMajestic (didn't see that coming but okay xD )
Brody groaned, peeling his eyes open, looking up at Jasmine, and suddenly, despite everything he'd heard, despite her anger, he smiled. "Jaz!" He exclaimed, his face morphing into that of an excited puppy not knowing it did something wrong. He frowned as her words processed. "What do you mean Babe- er, Jaz?" He didn't want to call her pet names if they weren't together, if she hated him, and he had a horrible feeling that's what was happening. "I love you, I'd never leave you." He took note of the medicine on his counter, and sighed deeply, pushing himself to his feet and walking in to clean up the mess. "I had a headache and I was tired. I didn't OD." And then the rest of it registered. Clara. He looked up at Jasmine, trying to keep himself calm. He'd hate to break down in front of her. "I know I hid things from you, I know I've done some horrible things," he walked up to Jasmine, reaching out to take her hand, then hesitating. He let his hand fall back to his side, knowing she wouldn't want his touch. "But I would never even look at another girl. You're it for me, Jaz. Clara's just a fucking parasite. You're my everything." @BasicallyMe

Mari rested curled up on Shane, her chest pressed against his and her head resting on the pillow just next to him. She had a lot of stamina from a lot of practice, but she liked feeling worn out. She smiled to herself, resting her hand on his bare chest. "I love you," she whispered, glad to hear the words out loud. Every time she said it she felt it grew more real. Them together, them in love, them as a couple. Her smile grew, and she nuzzled her face against his neck. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine looks at him with cold eyes, "Well your parasite answered the phone while I was in the hospital needing you." Her jaw clenches together trying to hold back the tears that she felt coming up. "Some kid I met named Liam brought me and stayed with me. I just wanted to let you know that there's something wrong with the baby, and it requires surgery, but I'm not sure I want it." Jasmine turns and walks over to the door. "Also this morning Clara and I finally got together in her dorm. It was lovely."

Brody's eyes widened, and he quickly blocked the door, not caring anymore if she didn't want him to hold her. He pulled her into a hug, running his fingers through her hair, needing something to feel, to know she was in front of him, okay for the moment. "I'm so sorry, Jaz, I'm so sorry." He whispered, over and over, unable to stop himself. It seemed it took forever before he finally calmed down. "What's wrong with Rose?" He asked quietly, then stopped. "Sorry, I did this stupid pre-name thing in my head. Ignore it. What's wrong with her? What kind of surgery?" He asked quickly, worried for Jaz and his child. @BasicallyMe
Shane slowly opened his eyes and saw everything blurry but he could see a figure. Please don't let it be like that time he was forced and blackmailed into saying he was sleeping with Dustin sister? Or the time he was knocked out and Dustin though he had slept with his girlfriend? Shane mentally groaned at himself, please don't let it be that. "I love you." That word made him rub his eyes and see Mari face. He worriness quickly went away and he smiled and hugged Mari close. It wasn't a dream at all, he was so happy he would had cried but he stopped himself from doing that. "I was worried that this was a dream." He whispered to her before kissing her. @McMajestic
Jasmine's eyes widened at being pulled into the hug, so she hugged him back just not as tight. "She isn't growing in the right spot. I am supposed to get clothes and go back tonight, but I don't know." She bends over for a second to relieve pain. "It hurts." Her eyes study the pattern of carpet on the ground for distraction. Jasmine wanted her to be ok, she wanted to feel normal with no pain. "This morning I choked the shit out of Clara but I was interrupted by this and she stepped on me. I just want to get my hands on her."

"Well I do ride like one," she joked, wanting to get up but unable to. She just wanted to rest in his arms for the rest of the day, or the week, or until the end of time. She smiled, pressing her forehead against his, moving her body slightly, just enough to feel their sweaty skin against one another's. She pressed her lips against his in a sweet kiss before resting her head on his chest, tightening the blanket around her shoulders as the air conditioner kicked on. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Brody felt the same anger he had earlier, the kind that had caused him to break glass. He rested an arm on her shoulders, trying to help her. "That bitch, I'm going to fucking slaughter her," he grumbled, before returning his focus to what really mattered to him. "Jaz, why wouldn't you want to do the surgery? Do you not want to have the baby anymore?" He asked quietly. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine shrugged, "I'm confused. I don't know." She looked down to her belly and began to feel immediate sadness at the thought of doing something like that to her own baby. "I guess I'll have the surgery." Jaz looks up at Brody, "Can we get out now? I need to pack." She walks around him and opens the door hoping he'd follow behind.

On their way to the girl's dormitory, Andrew stops them and looks to Jaz. "I heard, are you ok?"

Jasmine sighs, "Nothing is ever kept a secret. I'm fine- and busy." She continued walking until they reached her dorm.


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