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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Mari pushed him away. "Yeah, whatever." She muttered, not wanting him to touch her. She started to walk away, but stopped herself. She was afraid to ask the question she wanted to. She didn't want to make him angry again, not like he had been. "You'd never... hit me, would you?" She asked quietly, suddenly very afraid. For all she knew the question would trigger World War Three. She looked back down at the ground, not wanting to wince. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

(Is it the other guy that was with Andrew? The one who made the 'kinky' comment?)

Brody was waiting tables like nobody's business. Girls tended to tip him better than guys, but he was still making bank. He grinned at all the extra cash, trying to ignore the heavy decision that lay on his shoulders. How could he give up the first girl he actually loved? He shook himself out of it, taking a quick break seeing as all his tables were occupied and eating. Hey, Love, how's everything going? He texted her, since he hadn't heard anything in a bit. He went back to working tables, asking if there was anything anybody needed. The girl who handed him the envelope was still there, and she ordered slowly, watching every move Brody made. It made him nervous. He smiled anyways. @BasicallyMe
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"What kind of idiotic question is that? Of course I wouldn't hurt the girl I fell for." Shane said. He knew he had scare when he did that to Mari but he couldn't stop himself. It was a part of him he had wanted to buried yet it always came out. He had even done to Dustin who got sent to the hospital for it. He was afraid of himself and it frightened when he though about it hurting her. His eyes widened and he fell on his knees, holding his ear shut with both his hand. He would never let that happen to her, he wouldn't let it happen to her. She was someone he treasured more than anything. He shakily stood up breathing heavily as he started walking toward his dorm. He knew that missing his medication was bad but he was so caught up with Mari, that he had forgotten.

Dustin had waited on a corner before he had found his target. Roy, the guy who he had recorded going to the closet with the girl Crow aka Shane was going out with. They were friends but he knew that it was bad when Shane forgot his meds, even he feared him when that happened and he never feared anyone. He stopped Roy before he went to the next class and tossing him inside the male gym locker room. He had made sure that no one but him entered, even paid for the janitor to watch outside. "So you're the guy messing with Crow and his little missy?" He asked while tilting his head and giving out a predatory grin. "I'm gonna warn you to stop going toward the little missy and tell every boy that they should do so too, or else I will make you swim with the fishes." He smiled at him while the grin stayed. "Am I clear?" He asked. @McMajestic
((You can't ask me questions! lol))

Jasmine's stomach sank at Andrew coming up on the stage. He was about to play her romantic interest, which put her in an awkward position. What if he had to touch her and she flinches? All he ever did was lay his hands on her and now he had to play a boyfriend- a regular, loving boyfriend.


"I can't believe you. All you ever do is lie." Jasmine spoke with hesitation.

"Jasmine look at him and speak louder and clearer!" Mrs. King yells from her seat.

"You know I never meant to hurt you. I've lied, but I've lied to protect you." Andrew reaches out his hand and touches her cheek.

Jasmine follows Mrs. King's orders and looks up to A.J. He resumes the line and when he reaches out for her, she stays still; tense. Memories came flowing back and she felt guilty for wondering what their relationship would have been like if he were stable.

"I- uhm." Jasmine looks through the lines and finally finds her spot again, "There you go again! Another lie. You don't care about protecting me." She backs away from her spot and rejects the caress.

"Stop stop stop. You're supposed to believe him Jasmine. Why are you not believing him? We're not free styling here."

"I'm not doing it, Mrs. King. Sorry." Jasmine steps down from the stage and hands over the script.

"Ok well that's a 70 out of 100. Atleast you did better than Liam."

Mari grabbed his hand, noticing how affected he was and pulled him close, hugging him tight. "Shane, I'm sorry I asked that, you just scared me, you are scaring me, please tell me what's wrong. I know it's not just Roy," she whispered, running her fingers through his hair as she held him, resting her head on his chest. With her free hand, she grabbed his, holding it tight. "I wanna help you, just like you help me."


Roy gulped, nodding once before rushing off. Too much intimidation in one day. He was terrified for his own life, and Mari's.


"Oh Brody, could you refill my drink?" The girl asked, and Brody groaned, walking over to her with a pitcher full of coke and refilling her glass. "Be broken up with your little toy by tomorrow night at the start of your shift, or we have plenty of copies of that envelope at home. I personally love watching the video," the girl snickered, and Brody scowled.

"You're sick," he snarled, not daring to look at her.

"And you're hot," she winked at him. Brody scrunched up his nose in disgust, heading for his manager. "I'm taking my lunch break," He said.

"Okay," John waved as Brody threw off his apron and stormed off towards the girl's dorm. @BasicallyMe
After the class watched the script, Mrs. King sent everyone back to their dorms. Jasmine exited the auditorium and began walking down the sidewalk towards the dormitories. She was shaken up by the touch of Andrew and the way he portrayed an actual loving boyfriend. Part of her felt angry on why he couldn't have been like that for her. She would've never had to go through the things she did and she wouldn't have scars in certain places that she shouldn't. Tonight felt like an alternate universe, like some kind of world where she was still dating Andrew and he wasn't some psychotic freak.

Brody barged into Clara's dorm. He never knocked. She didn't deserve the luxury of a warning. "I love her!" He exclaimed. Clara looked up at him from a magazine she was reading, a bored expression on her face

"You'll have to be bit a more specific,"

"Jasmine! I fucking love Jasmine. Don't take that away from me," he yelled, not caring who heard him anymore. He knew it was past curfew and he knew he was waking up half the building, but he didn't care.

"I'm not the one who cheated-"

"I didn't cheat! You knocked me out, drugged me so I'd go along with it, and made a sex tape. That's rape, Clara!" Brody snarled, snatching the magazine out of her hand. She rolled her eyes.

"You liked it. Stop being so melodramatic." She stood up, walking over to her drawers.

"I don't want you! Let me be with Jasmine in peace," He demanded. Clara huffed, turning to him suddenly, a pocket knife in her hand. He took a step back. "You're fucking insane," he grumbled.

Clara stepped over to him, smirking brightly.

"If you're so afraid now, imagine what it will be like when that, and all the other things in the envelope go public. It'll be worse than me with this knife," she winked, closing the blade and sitting back on her bed. "Remember I have this, next time you wanna barge in unannounced," she waved it precariously. "Now get out." She snarled. And maybe out of fear, or maybe out of pure shock, Brody listened.

(That's not even the worst thing lol) @BasicallyMe

Jasmine entered the girl's dormitory and sat down on the sofa in the commons. She wasn't ready to go to her dorm and for a second she thought about finding Andrew to get the answer out of him. Andrew obviously knew who it was, and he seemed scared. If Andrew was acting scared, then it made her scared.


Jasmine looked up from her phone. She had noticed Brody sent a text, so she decided to finally text back, "Hey, sorry was busy doing some acting exercises. I'm back at the girl's dormitory now." When Jasmine looked up, she noticed Liam from earlier. "Oh, hey."

"I just wanted to let you know I didn't not do the sheet because you were the girl part. I didn't want you to think I'm rude." He smiles and sits next to her.

(I don't know what you're about to do, but I'm scared.)

Brody stood in the hallway of the third floor, unsure of what to do. The hallways were empty. He sighed, heading towards the stairs, not wanting to make a ruckus with the elevator. Once he got down the first flight he got Jaz's text and smiled, figuring he could surprise her. He only had about thirty minutes left of his lunch break, but if he could spend it with her he'd knew it'd calm him down. He took the steps a little slower, thinking of how he could surprise her. @BasicallyMe
((Just introducing Liam (>>) He's not going to have a character sheet though lol bc he's not a main character to me))

Jasmine smiled to him reassuringly. "Oh it's ok. My feelings weren't hurt." She looks down to her phone to check it and then back up to Liam.

"Ok, well that's good. Just making sure. I don't like when pretty girls hate me." He smiles once more and stands up. "I've gotta get to my dorm, have a good night Jasmine." Liam disappears around the corner and leaves Jasmine by herself. She looks around at the barren hallways and frowns, flopping backwards on the couch. Jasmine had a feeling that going to sleep tonight would be hard.

(Are you serious? I have to go to bed soon and you're just 'introducing' him? Ack! *Ignores sleep*)

Brody had the intention of walking into Jasmine's room with some coffee from the common room and calling it a date. Once he got downstairs he walked into the room, only to notice Jasmine in it. "Hey Babe, surprise," he said weakly, sitting down next to her. He figured he could ignore the events that had just happened, and as he sat with her he was already beginning to feel better. @BasicallyMe
((Lol you can look forward to it all day at schoolxD))

Jasmine jumps and looks at Brody. "You scared me." She smiles and cuddles up next to him. "Lunch break?" Jasmine thinks for a second and scrunches her eyebrows, "I don't remember you having lunch last night." She turns to him and tilts her head slightly being curious. If he had lunch, he must've just ate there, but she still had a nagging little voice in her head that wanted to know where he went.

"I um, didn't have one last night. I was too busy," he lied, wrapping his arms around her waist, smirking brightly. "So, I've got thirty minutes. What could we do in that time, hmm?" He laid her down on the couch, crawling over her and kissing her neck. He reached for the hem of her shirt, but the sound of a loud yawn stopped him.

"Does anybody know what that yelling was... oh, Brody. It was you," a girl spoke, half asleep as she looked at him. Brody sat up quickly.

"What? No it wasn't," he lied.

"Um yeah, you were yelling some shit about loving Jasmine. I was on the third floor. I heard it," she grumbled. "Shouldn't you be in the boys' dorm? Ugh, I don't even care. Just stop yelling at Clara at eleven at night. Some of us have tests tomorrow," the girl grumbled, before stumbling out of sight. Brody didn't dare look at Jasmine. He was too afraid of her reaction. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine grinned and laid down with him, kissing his lips. She stopped when the girl walked in and claimed of hearing Brody in Clara's room. Her attention turned to Brody, who avoided looking at her, which made it even more puzzling. Jaz sat up and gave him a confused look again, "Why were you declaring your love for me to Clara? When did you get off for lunch?" She was worried that there were things he wasn't telling her. "Am I.. missing something?"

"I got off thirty minutes ago," he mumbled. "And I needed to talk to Clara because she... she wants me to break up with you. And normally I wouldn't even think about it, but... she has some stuff on me." Brody spoke quietly, looking down at the pillow on the couch, hugging it in his lap. He wasn't sure what to tell her and what not to. Maybe he could get by just mentioning the tape if she pried. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine stares at him for a second and nods with an obviously fake smile on her face. "Really Brody? What does she have on you?" Jasmine's voice remained calm and she waited for an answer, but obviously was impatient. "What is going on?" Her heart began pounding and she was afraid he could hear possibly hear it. A lump formed in her throat that made it seem hard to breath. "Do I need to go talk to her and ask her?"

Brody shook his head. He knew if Jaz asked Clara she'd find out everything, but he also knew Jaz would go to Clara if he didn't give her something. "I didn't get a lunch break last night," he began, taking a deep breath. "Because Clara showed up." He paused, wondering where to start. "I was taking drinks to some tables and she knocked them over onto me to distract me I guess, and then she yanked me into the girl's bathroom and," Brody bit his lip. "She knocked me out, and I don't remember anything until I woke up about an hour later. But tonight, her friend gave me an envelope that had a DVD in it. She didn't just knock me out," he stood up, taking a few steps away from Jaz. "She drugged me too, so when I woke up I didn't know it, and then she... fucked me... on camera." Brody looked almost completely away from Jaz, terrified of her reaction. He stared at the flat screen mounted to the wall, before turning to her quickly. "Does this count as cheating? Did I cheat on you?" He started freaking out suddenly. "I wouldn't have done it if I knew what was happening. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Jaz. I really don't remember a thing," he dropped to his knees in front of her, pleading for her not to hate him. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine listens to his story and immediately becomes angry. "She dragged you into the bathroom? You are bigger than her!" She stands up and looks him in the eye. "Where is Clara's dorm. I know it's on the third floor, and if you don't tell me I'm going to find it." Jaz bit the inside of her cheek out of anger and wished she hadn't. The metallic taste was disgusting, but anything to keep her from spazzing out. Without standing there to listen, Jasmine stormed over to the elevator and pushed the button several times until it opened.

"Thanks for adding to the embarrassment," he muttered before chasing after her, grabbing her around the waist and holding her in place until the elevator closed again. "Jaz, look at me for a second. I really need you right now," he whispered, turning her to face him. "Are you mad at me?" He asked, wanting to get that question out of the way first. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine removed his hands off of her and avoided eye contact, "I'm upset." She looks down at her feet, studying the plain boots she was wearing. "I'm upset, and I want to talk to Clara." Jasmine reaches behind her and punches in the button several more times, finally making eye contact with Brody. "This is going to stop. If I wasn't carrying a child, I'd do a lot worse than talk. Now anything else you want to tell me before I go up to her dorm?" She swallows hard and begins to feel a headache.


((Btw If I interfere with your plans you can tell me to change my post lol or not to do something.))
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((No, it's okay. She can find out now. What better time than when he's on his lunch break at almost midnight?))

Brody gulped. "We should sit down," he spoke, leading her back to the couch. He sat down and pulled her into his lap, sighing deeply. "You won't wanna be around me anymore after this, but I'd rather you hear it from me," he took a deep breath. "I'll start with the least-bad thing and work my way up." Brody paused for a moment, trying to put each thing in order. "I sexted Clara when we were dating. A lot." To some, that was extremely offensive, but that was only brushing the surface for him. He could practically hear Jasmine's disgust already, and he wasn't even started yet. @BasicallyMe
((You're breaking my heart so bad))

Jasmine scooted off of him and looked down at her fingers. "I don't want to sit on your lap." Each thing he said and every minute that passed made the lump in her throat even bigger. She wanted to so badly slap him across the face, but after her relationship with Andrew, Jasmine couldn't bring herself to that. "You yelled at me for not believing you and talked to me like an idiot when your ex's filed complaints, but you really were an asshole."

(If this is her first reaction, I can't wait to see the rest)

"No! I wasn't like harassing her! She did it back!" He said quickly. "She usually asked for them in the first place and I didn't really care because we like swore we'd delete them all," he said. "I actually kept my side of deal. I guess, she didn't though," he muttered. He didn't want to justify it, but he didn't want Jaz to think of him as some horrible person who lived to make girls uncomfortable either. @BasicallyMe
"No I was just giving you an example of how you were mad at me for not believing you but there really was no way I should've believed you. And the things you just stated are no better! Wow, swore you'd delete them all. How immature. I thought you were serious about being a dad since you knocked me up, but I was hoping that her father would be more mature." Jasmine still avoids making eye contact. She was beginning to fume and wouldn't be surprised if actual steam came out of her ears.

"Jaz, this was almost two years ago. I was sixteen. Of course I was immature. Puberty makes guys extremely immature." He took a deep breath. "Maybe we should just end this now. You already think I'm a horrible person. I'm sure you don't wanna be around me anymore. I don't wanna make this worse." His voice cracked, and he pulled a knee to his chest, running his hands down his face. He felt tears in his eyes again because he knew he was ruining everything. He loved Jasmine, but she wasn't going to love him back anymore. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine sits back and looks at him. "I thought you meant recently." She frowns and shakes it off, still upset about what happened at his work. "Keep going. Just tell me everything, ok? You're making it harder to sit here and listen when I could be in Clara's room." Jaz rubs her belly feeling a little embarrassed by the way she freaked out, but it wasn't anything she could take back right now.


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