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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Shane nodded then watched as she went inside the class. He looked back toward the guy with his emotionless face. He didn't even wait for him to say something as he grabbed him by his necktie and dragging him to the bathroom. He didn't wait for him to anything before plunging his into the bathroom before knocking him out. He came out of the bathroom cleaning his hand with hand sanitizer and heading to his next class. @McMajestic
Brody stumbled for a moment as blood poured out of his nose. "Remember when I said you weren't in a position to lie to me? You're not in one to punch me either," he growled, punching the guy in the face and knocking him down. "Fucking rat," he grumbled, walking back toward Jaz's dorm. He went inside, swiping some of the blood away from his face only for more to pour out. "Well, it's not him or Andrew." Brody muttered. @BasicallyMe

Mari tapped her pencil against her desk, hardly paying attention to much of anything as she propped her feet up on an empty chair next to her. Roy sat on the other side of class, but when the teacher stopped teaching and let the kids loose, he walked over to Mari, taking an empty seat next to her. "So, I'm guessing you guys broke up, huh? That's good for me because I don't think we finished up last time." Mari rolled her eyes.

"Roy, back off. Shane would probably kill you if he knew how close you were right now."

"But he's not here, is he? Come on, Babe-"

"We didn't break up. And I'm pledging monogamy from this point on." She said. Roy snorted.

"I'll believe it when I see it," he grumbled, though he stayed next to her for the rest of class. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine looked up from the couch that she had finally decided to sit on. "Are you ok?" She jumps up and goes to the sink for a wet rag to put ice in. "Here squeeze it tight or just let it flow in the bathtub or something." Jasmine hands him the rag incase he decided to use it and rubs the back of his head. "This is ridiculous. I wish kids weren't so stupid. Does it hurt really bad?" All that she wanted was the childish antics to stop.

"No. I've had the shit beaten out of me. I don't even feel this," he shrugged her off, holding his nose closed with the rag. "Besides, I knocked the guy out. He'll wake up in worse shape," Brody sat down on her bed. "I don't know how to figure out who's doing this to you. It scares me that I don't know, that I can't do anything," he mumbled, laying back and staring up at the ceiling so he wouldn't have to hold his head back. @BasicallyMe
"I know it scares you, but I am going to take care of it. I'll have the door locked tonight. I'll actually be in the auditorium for a while so I won't be alone and there will be a teacher there." She lays next to him and wraps her arm around Brody's stomach. "I don't want you to get punched in the nose anymore. I should've just taken care of him myself when he said that to me, I can handle myself I don't know what I was thinking." Jasmine moves her head over to his chest then closes her eyes for a brief minute.

Shane was sitting down on class with his arm crossed. Even if he didn't pay attention in class he would still pass, so he was coming with different plans to use on the guy he saw with Mari. He could just hack and blackmail but that would be too easy, he was gonna make sure that his brother helped out on here. He wasn't gonna go easy, the guy had declared war on his and Shane was gonna win the hard way or the dirty way. @McMajestic
Brody relaxed with Jaz by his side, taking the rag away from his face. For the most part the bleeding had stopped. "Hey, I want you to promise me you aren't going to try and take care of this on your own, Jaz. I wanna know who this guy is and I wanna take a couple swings, then you can finish him off," he said jokingly, smiling and kissing her forehead. @BasicallyMe

When the bell finally rang Mari got held back by Roy, who grabbed her backpack and set it on the table, leaning against it heavily. "Roy, stop. If Shane catches you he'll break your neck." She muttered, tugging at her backpack.

"What, I'm not allowed to talk a friend?" he asked mockingly.

"I told you no and you just kept persisting," she muttered.

"I mean, you took your own clothes off, Babe, it's your own fault." Roy shrugged. "We should make some more mistakes together. In less public places," Roy added.

"No. It's not happening again," Mari yanked her backpack away, heading for Shane's class. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine giggled at his joke and nodded. "Ok, but duck next time so you don't stain my dorm with any more blood." She pats his chest and stands up. "How long until you have to go to work? I forgot your starting time. I have to go to the auditorium at 8. It's going to be so cold outside. Now I have a good excuse to change into a second outfit of the day." Jasmine walks over to her closet and digs through it for warmer clothes.

Shane was down the hallway, heading toward Mari class. He hid behind the wall when he saw the guy talking to Mari before a frown came into his face. He was gonna be eating out of the dirt once this was over and that wasn't a saying, it was a promise. He turned to go walk toward Mari and when seeing her, he gave her a hug while giving Roy an evil glare. @McMajestic
"Seven," Brody answered, though a whole hour of her being alone made him wary. He sat up, feeling a slight headache. "You'll be okay alone for a bit, right?" Brody glanced at the door, at the new lock. He had a key to it and so did Jaz, but unless somebody busted the door down he was sure there was no other way to unlock it. "Text me, a lot, okay? I'd feel better if you did." He said, glancing down at the clock. It was almost time for him to go. he sighed, reaching for the backpack he had brought over and looking over to her dresser. "Can I have a drawer?" He asked, not wanting to haul everything in a backpack all the time. @BasicallyMe

"Hey," Mari smiled, hugging him back. She glanced behind her to see Roy rushing off in the opposite direction, and kissed Shane on the cheek. Don't worry about him. I got it under control now," she assured, resting her head on his chest and breathing in deeply as she held him tight. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
"I'll be fine Brody. I promise. I'm a tough girl just lately I haven't been able to show you that." She kisses his cheek then nods to his request, "Yeah, sure. I'll text you as much as possible but don't get in trouble at work and when you get home I want to know all about it! Well, maybe not at three in the morning but more like when we wake up." Jasmine smiles and goes over to her drawer. "Yeah, you can have this drawer. I just put extra t-shirts in there but I can throw them in with my others."

Brody threw most of his junk in it, before changing into some nicer clothes he had brought. He hadn't even realized he slept in the same thing he wore yesterday until he was changing. He sighed to himself, sliding on a nice button down before walking over to Jaz picking her up and kissing her deeply. "Love you, Babe. Stay safe," he kissed her again for good measure, before heading out the door and towards his job. @BasicallyMe
Shane gave her a look that said he wasn't gonna stop even if she had under control. "You see, I may be a prince charming but like everyone, I got my own dark self." He told her with a small smile before giving her a kiss. "You can tell me you have it under control but I'm gonna make him grovel under my feet." He knew he shouldn't tell her that but she should know that he had his limits. "But don't worry, it will happen soon." He whispered to her. @McMajestic
Mari frowned, shaking her head. "No, Shane. Roy's my friend. Granted he's a horny douchebag, but he's still my friend. Leave him alone." Mari demanded, looking up at him in hopes he would listen. She doubted he would. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine smiles and watches him leave then locks the door. She grabs a black V-neck t-shirt and throws it on with some jeans. As Jasmine begins to slide on her high boots, the cell phone buzzes in her pocket. At that point she knew it was the number texting her. "Ready to have some more fun?" Jasmine growls and slides the phone back in her pocket. Not this time. Thirty minutes had already passed since Brody left, so she decided to head out.

Jasmine grabs the door knob to leave and the power goes out. She can hear shrieks outside the door and in the common's area from girls who aren't really scared of the dark. She takes out her phone and turns the flashlight on then steps out the dorm.

"Girls, girls calm down." The voice of a female teacher could be heard a little further down the hall, "The power seems to only be out here in the girl's dormitory, hopefully it will be back on shortly." Jasmine shakes her head in disapproval wondering if this guy found the breaker and decided to play in the dark.

(translating Shakespeare into ghetto trash is literally why I'm alive lol)

Brody was on a roll his second night. Customers were leaving him pretty big tips, and he was moving at lightning speed. Everything was going pretty good. Until she showed up. It wasn't Clara, but it was the girl who had taken pictures of him last time he was in Clara's dorm. She smirked, taking a seat in his section, and he walked up to her with a scowl on his face.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Is that any way to treat a customer?" She chided. He rolled his eyes.

"What do you-"

"Here. This is for you. Now go get me a drink. Something fizzy," the girl handed him a yellow envelope, and he gulped. There wasn't just paper inside it. He walked away, nudging one of the friend's he had made in the short time he worked there.

"Hey, get the girl a Coke, I'll be right back." He went into the Staff Only room, setting the envelope on a table. He went to open it. Stopped, paced a bit, and tried again. But something kept him from doing so. He was too afraid of what would be inside. @BasicallyMe
That right there forced Shane smile to drop and the emotionless expression to come back. How could she say that to him? He was still hurting inside by what she did and she wanted him to do nothing? What the hell was wrong with what he wanted to do. "I see." He said without emotion sounding on his voice. He turned back and started to walk toward his next class. @McMajestic
((Lol and wooowwww thanks for ending the post like that now my heart rate is up xD ))

Jasmine continues to find her way through the dark dorm with her phone's flashlight. She occasionally would run into someone or step on someone's toes and get an angry grunt. Finally when she made it outside it was a big relief to be able to see. Of course it was dark, but the campus lights were bright making it less hazardous for students. Jasmine turned off the phone flash light and began walking quickly towards the auditorium. There weren't many people outside to save her if someone were to grab her, which made her paranoid.

Within a few minutes she was safely inside the auditorium where her teacher and some peers were working on stage. Half the class stood on stage and did acting exercises while others checked the inventory such as costumes and other supplies. She figured this would be a good time to text Brody, "Hey. Lights went out in girl's dorm. I made it to the auditorium, though."

Mari bit her lip. "Wait, Shane, I don't know how to handle this, I'm sorry. Didn't you already humiliate him though?" She pleaded, not wanting to go through this again. It terrified her to think she had started the fight up all over again. She didn't realize how easy it could be. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

(I don't know who's harassing Jaz, you don't know what's in the envelope Mwuahahaha)

Brody read the text and smiled, though he couldn't bring himself to reply. This isn't happening. He thought, looking down at the contents of the envelope. His smile faded. He felt his entire career dripping down the drain, his entire life being whisked away. He had no possible way to turn it in either without the principal probably expelling him too, in the process. He couldn't touch Clara, or she'd make him wish he had never been born, but as if the contents of the envelope wasn't bad enough, there came a threat with it, a promise not to expose him so long as he did one small thing.

Break up with her, or else.

((OH MY GAWD. You're smart.))

Jasmine jumps as she feels a hand grab her arm. She hadn't yet walked to the front of the auditorium where everyone could see her, she was still in the dark. "Let me go! Let me go!" Jasmine digs her elbow into the person's side and turns around. "What the hell Andrew? Are you serious!" A tear swells up in her eyes, but quickly gets wiped away.

"Calm down!" He rubs the eventual bruise on his stomach and sighs, "He's going to try and get you. The kid is crazy. It was my fault and I was-"

"Andrew! Jasmine! What are you two doing in the corner? Get over here or you're going to be counted absent." The teacher waves her hands towards her indicating for them to get to work.

Andrew quickly jogs over to his station and starts checking costumes. Now Jasmine's mind was spinning and even more confused to what was happening. Andrew wasn't the guy.

Tilting his head and Staring at Mari with eyes of a predator on the hunt, Shane continue to stare at her in a way that could freeze even the strongest person in the world. He had used this stare to get what he wanted or to make a statement that even D had nightmare once when he used it with the voice. "Oh no my dear Evil Maiden, that was just a warning, I gave him a chance by just doing that looks like it didn't get through." The voice sounded so ice cold and sinister, that he could feel the students watching the talk between him and Mari run away in fear. "I wasn't even trying." That statement was the one thing that even D feared heck even he himself had trouble sleeping when he saw a video of him doing this. @McMajestic

(0.0 I think I'm going too far with Shane Vindictive personality but it just feel so right in this talk between them)
(I don't know what makes me sadder, that I STILL don't know who it is, or that Andrew is going to be the one that saves her instead of Brody)

Brody piled the contents of the envelope back inside and stuffed it in his locker, unsure of what to do. He could throw away everything, and stay with Jasmine, but wouldn't she get rid of him if all that information got exposed? Or he could break up with her, and ruin his happiness, never see his own baby girl? He bit his lip, feeling tears of frustration that he blinked back. He went on waiting tables, forcing a smile onto his face although he wasn't completely paying attention anymore. He was too busy thinking of Jaz, of what would happen if she knew about everything in that envelope. He took a deep breath, trying to focus.

(I just figured out the entire contents of the envelope > :) I only had half of it before)

Mari looked up over at him. She was afraid. He wondered if she could see the fear in her eyes. It wasn't because of the threat though, it was because of the way he looked at her when he said it, the way he sounded. What's he capable of? She looked away after a long moment, staring at the tiles on the floor instead. "You're scaring me, Shane. Stop." She whispered, feeling her entire body shake. She'd seen looks like that before, usually before she got beaten. Mari looked down the open hall, wanting to run away, but she was afraid to move, afraid she'd crumple to the ground if she dared to move an inch. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane demeanor quickly before he went and pulled her into a hug. He always wanted to find a way to get of that personality but he never could. It was a coping mechanism he did whenever he was upset or beyond mad. He had tried even speaking with a doctor once yet the doctor had run away before he had time to say something. "I love you Mari." He whispered in her ears. "I gave him a chance twice but please don't make it a third time." This time his voice sounded hurt and it felt like he was gonna break down into tears, yet he held it in. He didn't want to lose Mari but he knew if he saw the guy next to her, he would lose it. "Promise you will only be mine?" He asked but that was barely a whisper, he just felt lost. He had felt like this ever since Dustin(name reveal) backstabbed him, it hurt him acting like this. @McMajestic
((Lol the guy that did it has been introduced also into this role play, but not like you'll exactly know him bc he's not named. Maybe I just gave too much away. I am steady debating when to give up my guy for the envelope xD ))

Jasmine steps onto the stage and is handed a script. It was only one page long and consisted of a romance scene. The teacher had obviously picked her as the girl part and was now scouting around for the guy. Don't be Andrew. Don't be Andrew. Her palms began to get sweaty as her teacher stopped next to him, but handed the script to a guy he was associating with.

"Alright, class. Jasmine and Liam are going to act out a scene to an old play we did back in '04. I'd appreciate it if you all take a seat in the two front rows and watch." After the class was seated, the teacher gave a cue.

"Wait. Mrs. King, I can't do this right now. I don't have my glasses and can barely read the words." Liam avoids eye contact with Jasmine and hops off stage.

"Oh come on. Bring you glasses next time if you want an A. That just earned you a 50 out of 100." Mrs. King glances around and hands the sheet to Andrew.


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