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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

((Pretty much))

Jasmine looks down and frowns. "I don't think it was a dream. I woke up to get some water and there was glue residue on my eyes." She rubs her wrist as if the pain of someone grabbing her were happening all over again. "I decided to take a shower because I was sweaty from being nervous and I dropped a bottle of shampoo then something ran from the other side of the curtain." Jasmine begins to feel like throwing up. "I got so scared so I ran into the lobby of the dorm and laid on the couch in my towel which was stupid, but I didn't want to be in the dorm.

Brody's eyes widened. This is my fault. I wasn't there to protect her. I wasn't there to take care of her. He felt an unspeakable amount of anger inside of him, but he took a deep breath, wanting to keep his cool. He'd hate for Jasmine to see how angry he could get, what he was capable of. "Babe, I need you to tell me what happened. What did that person do to you last night?" Brody kept his voice calm. "You need to be a hundred percent honest with me, okay?" He added, not wanting her to suppress anything. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine shakes her head quickly. "I don't know what he did, I couldn't see and I couldn't move I thought it was a dream. I only remember the part I told you." She rests her head on his chest when tears line in her eyes. She didn't want him to see her cry because she hated crying. The only thing she decided to leave out were the texts. Jasmine knew if he found out that someone was texting her and threatening to come back, he'd quit his job and they couldn't afford that.

Brody held her close, kissing the top of her head. His biggest fear was that someone had raped her, and he had an idea of who that would be, but he didn't voice it out loud. "Sh, Sweetie, I'm gonna keep you safe. I promise. I won't fail you again. I'm... I'm going to fix this," he whispered, holding her a little tighter, not wanting to let go. He tilted her chin up so she had to look at him. "I love you, Jaz. I don't know how that's possible so soon but I do. That won't happen again. I won't let it." He promised. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine listens to him and kisses his lips. "I love you too. Can we go home?" She grabbed his hand and went to the register to buy the outfit she had in her hands. "I don't want you to quit your job or anything." They pay for the outfit and leave the store to get into a taxi. The ride home she felt worried and anxious now that Brody knew. She didn't want to bring him into it. The taxi stops infront of the school, so Jasmine gets out and makes her way back to her dorm. "I have class later. Wait. I forgot to meet my class at the auditorium last night!" She puts her hand to her forehead and shrugs. "Whatever it doesn't matter right now anyway."


((I'm going to bed!))

Brody stopped her outside of her dorm, knowing her mother was inside. "Jaz, I have money. I don't want to leave you alone if some creep's coming after you," he spoke quietly, resting his hand on her cheek, rubbing his thumb over her cheekbone. "It scares the hell out of me to think he could have done anything to you and I wasn't here to stop it." He took a deep breath. "I have to have the job this month, but I'm buying an alarm system, and I'm changing the lock on your door, and you will lock it if I'm not here. This shit isn't going to happen. Not to you. Let them pick some other girl to victimize," he growled, holding Jasmine against him. He had to. He needed to feel that she was really there in front of him, really okay, really safe. @BasicallyMe
Shane stood on the school rooftop staring at the school surrounding. A frown was on his face, he knew that D was coming but it seemed that was too soon for this. He scowled as he remember what D to him and how much trouble he had gotten because of him. He stare at the phone text message that Mari sent him and smiled a little bit. He should do something about D but he wasn't sure what he could do. @McMajestic
The bell rang and Mari started towards Shane's class, wanting to see him before she had to get to her next one. She was just about to turn down the hallway when a hand grabbed her wrist and yanked her back. A door closed and darkness fell over her world. She should have been scared, but she wasn't. She knew who it was. "What do you want, Roy?" She asked, rolling her eyes as he flicked on the light to the closet. They had turned it into their own little space a long time ago.

"The same thing I always want."

"No. I have a boyfriend now. We can't fuck in closets anymore." Mari muttered, reaching for the handle. Roy blocked it.

"Oh and how long is that going to last? Your past, present, and future are all doomed. Why waste your breath on one guy?" Mari bit her lip, setting her backpack on the ground.

"This is why people break up," she told him weakly.

"It was bound to happen sometime," he shrugged, before pulling her into a kiss. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane continue to stare at his before scowling at the video being shown. He knew that D would had gotten someone to work for him and now seeing someone pulling Mari into the closet made him blink but he didn't get angry nor did he felt hurt. He started walking downstairs, his face remaining into a calm composure as he headed toward the closet where they were at. The steps were slow and heavy, he knew that it was coming and he wasn't gonna let it get to his head. His calm composure actually caused others to step away from him, his blue eyes were emotionless, something that wouldn't ever be seen on him ubless around The Fliers, his former gang. @McMajestic
Mari took a deep breath, leaning heavily against the wall. Twenty minutes had gone by and she was ready to get out. "We have class," she mumbled. That didn't stop Roy. It never did.

"It started twenty minutes ago. They don't miss us anymore." He smirked, kissing her neck. She sighed, closing her eyes for a moment, relaxing completely, until she heard the footsteps. Normally she wouldn't notice anything in the condition she was in, but there was something about them. "Someone's coming," she mumbled, reaching for her clothes, struggling to pull them on against her sweaty skin. Roy didn't believe her until the shadow crept under the door. He rushed to pull his clothes on too. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane opened the door and stare at the guy and Mari with his emotionless eyes. He didn't say anything, what could he say? His girlfriend cheated on him without caring about his feeling so why should he say anything? It seemed that all she cared about was sleeping some other guy and earning money than being with him. He grinned a little bit before grabbing Roy and throwing him into the hallway where the teachers and students were seeing him in his birthday suit. He had pressed the fire alarm before coming to closet and seeing the students laugh at the guy made him smirk. He closed the closet but not before giving Mari the emotionless look. He walked away not even waiting for whatever may happen, he was gonna let the guy remember the feeling of being embarrass in front of the school and this was just the beginning. He wasn't gonna stop until the guy left school and became a shut in. @McMajestic
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Mari bit her lip, frozen for a moment. She wasn't exactly sure what to do. She pulled her shirt back on, walking out of the closet just as Roy bolted back inside. "Okay, I did not realize your boyfriend was a psychopath. That would have been good to mention," he snapped.

"He's not," Mari sighed. "I guess I am though," people stared, but nobody said anything. This was who Mari was, and most of them knew that. She walked towards where she'd last seen Shane disappear, turning a corner to find a relatively empty hallway. "Hey, Shane, wait a minute," she pleaded, rushing over to him. She grabbed his hand to stop him, although she had no idea what she was going to say. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
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Shane stopped walking when she grabbed his hand but didn't say anything at all. He had put his trust into her yet she had gone and done it with some other guy. He knew they only been together for 3 days but he had trusted her enough to give her his heart. This all incident reminded him of D yet it was his fault from the start now. He pulled his hand away from her before starting to walk away from her. He didn't know what to say to her at all. @McMajestic
"Hey wait!" Mari rushed to stand in front of him. "Shane, please, say something," she pleaded. "Anything," she didn't know how he'd found out, but since he had she had to figure out how she could fix this. You can't fix it. Past, present, and future. All doomed. Just like Roy said. She felt tears in her eyes, but she wouldn't cry. She couldn't. Most guys just thought tears were manipulative, and she didn't want Shane to think she was trying to make him feel sorry for her or something. She took a shaky breath, praying he'd say something. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane stopped walking and turned to look at her. No words could come out, it was hard for him to at least one thing. You could see the pain and betrayal on his emotionless eyes yet he didn't want to see. Shane had put his trust yet she didn't return it. "Why?" That was the only word coming out of his mouth. He just couldn't say anything at all. @McMajestic
Mari went quiet for a long time. She wasn't quite sure how to respond at first. What could she say? "I didn't want to. I knew it was wrong," she began quietly. "But I guess he convinced me. I was going to ruin this anyways. I guess it's better that it happened now than later," she whispered, her voice cracking. Mari wasn't sure how to hold in her tears anymore. "I don't know why I'm so upset. This is my fault." she said quickly, turning away from him to wipe away her tears. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane didn't know what to say at all. So the guy convinced her? What kind of answer was that? How could she say that as an answer? Did he look like someone stupid or something? "He convinced you yet you didn't think about me." He knew that sounded mean but he had to say it at least. @McMajestic
"No, I..." Mari trailed off, trying to think of what she could say. "Shane, I know this doesn't mean much, but I am sorry," she said, looking up at him. "I just don't say no. I never have. I figure I can't start now." After hearing what she said out loud she groaned. That didn't sound any better. She didn't know what to say. Everything was coming out wrong. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane gave her a raised eyebrow. She could never say never? That was a petticoat excuse when he though about it but he didn't know what to say. "I gave you trust yet you crushed that trust I gave you." He told her. He didn't want to say that but she needed to know how he felt. @McMajestic
Mari took a deep breath. "I know. I'm sorry." She said, looking down at the floor. She didn't want to ask her next question, but it was already on the tip of her tongue, and she knew she couldn't avoid it. "Does that mean we're breaking up?" She asked. Of course it means were breaking up. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane stare at her with his arm crossed. He knew that she messed up but he wasn't gonna let her cried about it. He took a few steps forward and stare at her eyes. He raised one hand and poked her forehead. "I'll give you another chance." He said to her. "But from now on, you better wait for me to come pick you up? I'm not taking a no for an answer." He was gonna make sure no one besides himself came to class or a friend that actually wanted to talk to her for being friend, not sex. He was gonna find everything about Ron and make his life a living hell until he quit. @McMajestic
Mari smiled weakly, hugging him tight. "I won't ever do it again, I promise." She held him closer, burying her face in his chest to stop crying. She didn't want to let him ago. "I'm sorry. Never again," she mumbled, hoping she wasn't lying. She knew how the guys at this school were, she just had to think more about Shane then them, which was something she could easily do. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane hugged her back while sighing. He knew it was pathetic for him to not be mad at her but he hated being too mad. "Ya better keep that promise dearie." Oops, he had let out his accent out by mistake. Hey, he hadn't gotten this mad before so it was kinda new for him to use it. @McMajestic
Mari scrunched up her nose. "Ew. Your southern accent's showing." She quickly pulled away, shaking her head at him. "Haven't we already had this discussion? Princes don't have southern accents. Don't make me demote you, " She threatened, smirking at him. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane laughed at her reaction. He hated the accent but you could see that it became a thing when he got mad, fucking annoying accent, why couldn't he get rid of it? That was a pathetic thing to do say bit he hated it more than anything and it annoyed the hell out of him also when he used it. "Oi oi, this here is your fault, I always use the fucking accent when I get more mad than ever." He told her. @McMajestic

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