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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Brody nodded, keeping his arm around Jaz's shoulder. "That sounds good," he said, walking with her. "If you want me to lay off just let me know," he whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek. He didn't want to smother her, but he didn't want her father to think he had any claim. After all, he had just waltzed into her life. He didn't have a right, yet. @BasicallyMe
"You're fine." She follows her father out and down to the outside of their building. "I don't exactly have any money to be paying for expensive meals, by the way. So I suggest not too fancy of a place."

"Oh I'm paying for it all, don't worry about that Jazz. I hope you're ok with me calling you that. I called you that when I first held you in my arms." Her father smiles thinking of the memory and hops in his car. Once everyone was in, he took off down the road and soon stopped at a small place. It looked comfortable and cozy- like a place that sells grilled cheese sandwiches and amazing warm soup. "I didn't want to go somewhere big, after all I'm not one to blow money on things like that when there are just as good places like this. If you're mother never told you, my name is Henry." He helps Jasmine out of the car and holds the door open for Brody.

Brody got out. "So, why did you leave Jaz and her mother alone?" He asked a little harshly. It might have been overstepping his boundaries, but he didn't care at that point. For someone who wanted to make things right, he shouldn't have made them wrong in the first place. @BasicallyMe
"I went into the military. I left to go to the states and from there we took off to Afghanistan. Her mother decided it would be better if Jasmine didn't have a dad to worry about all the time, so we split up. I think her mom was mostly referring to herself though, I don't think she could handle the worry anymore." He seated at a table and continued talking, "Of course her mother meant no harm into sending me off, and I meant no harm into leaving, but it happened and I met someone new in the states. Which doesn't mean I didn't think about coming back to see you and visit you everyday, Jazz. It's no excuse that I didn't especially since I've moved back here to Hawaii last year. I was just worried that you wouldn't want to see me so I kept waiting. I retired from the military when you were 7 years old, old enough to be confused on why some guy is showing up to your house calling you his daughter." Jasmine's dad gently and briefly touched her hand. "I never meant for it to really happen that way, I just let the fear get to me."

Brody felt himself grow angry at the response. He thought about his birth parents, the one's he had been looking so hard for lately. What if they gave me some bullshit answer like this? What if I hate them and regret seeing them? He huffed, his anger for his own parents driving his response. "Don't touch her," he growled. "You don't get to spout BS like that and act all comforting. If you wanted her in her life you should have made it work when she was seven." he snarled. My parents should have made it work- but they still don't want me. He thought weakly, frowning to himself. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine looks to Brody and puts her hand on his shoulder. "It's ok Brody." She rubs his back then orders a veggie soup to be healthy for the baby. "I'm going to be honest, Henry. I really am appreciative that you are here now, but it's true that you could've came anyway instead of being scared. I would've loved to play ball with my dad or have my dad teach me how to surf." As she is spitting out words, her eyes begin to tear just a little knowing that maybe deep down she's a little hurt. "Let's not make this a negative dinner though, let's focus on what's now." She kisses Brody's cheek and points at the menu for him to order.

"I know, I am not trying to make you like me. Well maybe a little because wouldn't you try too if something like this happened? But the point is that I am just trying to be me and get to know you." He ignores Brody's words and orders a salad with chicken in it.

"Well I know I'm not abandoning my kid," Brody muttered to himself, not paying attention to what he said as he glared down at the menu, trying to decide on what he wanted to eat. It wasn't until a couple moments later that what he said clicked in his head. "Oh shit," he mumbled, looking up at Jaz and her father, slightly terrified. @BasicallyMe
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Jasmine's father looked to Brody with a shocked expression. "Your kid? Is that some referral to the future or something?" He looks to Jasmine's stomach, which had only a small bump. "Are you pregnant, Jazz?" He frowns slightly, but decides to stay calm.

Jasmine looks to Brody with wide eyes then back to her father when he asks her the question, "Yes." He voice trails off.

"I, I am going to have to tell your mother. Does she know about this?"

"No, I haven't called her since." She looks down at the table and fiddles with her fingers nervously. "She would probably take me out of this school and I can't get out of this school."

Jasmine's father lets out a long breath and rubbed his temples. "I have no say in this, but you need to call your mother. Soon."

Brody looked down at Jaz. "She can't make you leave. Can she? No. That'd be dumb. You love it here, right? And you can't leave me now." he added, momentarily forgetting about her father's existence. "You can't." he breathed out, worried. The last thing he wanted was to be away from Jaz and his child, but he didn't want to leave Bouvardia either. He had just fought to stay. Another thought hit him. "Is your mom gonna hate me?" He asked. "Oh my God, she's going to hate me." He groaned, resting his face in his hands. @BasicallyMe
"I'm only a minor right now, she can take me out if she chooses, but I do love it here Brody and I won't let that happen. The last thing I need is to be somewhere other than with you and our child." She smiles and grabs his hand, squeezing it tight. "We're going to be strong through anything. I don't exactly think she'll be pleased with you impregnating her little girl." She kisses his lips in front of her father and digs into the soup that was just placed in front of her. "I will call mom and tell her, but I'm not leaving school to raise a kid that can't be raised by their father also." She swallows the soup down and looks at her father.


((I'ma go to sleep.))
Brody took a deep breath. "Okay." He took a bite of his own food, glancing up at her father, who hadn't spoken much. Brody wondered what he thought about all this. He certainly couldn't have a positive opinion but at the same time he probably felt like his input was worthless, which is was to Brody. He didn't care what her father had to say. Nothing was going to stop him from taking care of Jaz and his baby. And no matter who disapproved he wouldn't be upset about it. Although the thought of Jasmine's parents not liking him did bother Brody a little. If he was going to be in a relationship he did want to do it right. @BasicallyMe

(Alright, night xD )
Shane was sitting down on the stairs. He had just finished his test for the class and was given permission to leave the class so that he wouldn't distract the others. He looked at his phone and decided to text Mari. "Hey Mari love, how's class so far?" Shane smiled before sending her the text. @McMajestic
Mari was caught up in a drawing when she got the text, but didn't bother looking at it for the longest time. She finished off the sketch first before finally checking her messages, and smiled at it. Great, now that you're texting me, she sent the message and found herself not even bothering to go back to her art, instead wanting to talk to Shane. How's your class going?
Shane smiled at the text. It was always comforting for him to at least talk to her one way or another. He stood up and headed to his next class, dancing, something he enjoyed more than anything. "It was fine, we had a test but I passed it easily." He responded to her. The test were always easy for him, kinda too easy. @McMajestic
(no!!! They changed the online thing again. I liked the dot better)

Smart and hot? I got the total package, didn't I? Mari sent back, smirking at her phone. "Miss White, have you finished your project?" The teacher asked, and Mari abruptly looked up, quickly locking her phone.

"Uh, no Ma'am, just looking up references," Mari said quickly.

"Uh-huh, well don't spend too much time on 'references' or I'll have to take your phone up." Mari nodded in response, sighing as she went back to her art. For once, she wasn't excited about it. She'd much rather be talking to Shane. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine finished up her food and pushed it to the side. "Ok well, I'm going to get to the dorm and call mom. I appreciate the visit, Henry." She pushes her chair back and nods at her father while waiting for Brody to come also.

Brody ate his food a little slower. "I'll be there in a minute," he said, waiting for her to move out of earshot before turning to her father. "Look, I don't like you, but I do know parents are pretty nice to have. So if you really wanna be in Jaz's life, I suggest you work hard for it. You have ten years to make up for. Do it wisely." He said, finishing off his drink and standing up to leave. @BasicallyMe
Jaz nods to Brody and steps outside in the fresh air. She felt good to finally fill this void that had always consisted of question marks. What does he look like? How tall is he? Jaz grabs Brody's hand once he comes outside too, and they both walk together towards the dorms.

Mr. Henry's eyes widened at the unpolite tone if Brody's voice. He was concerned that maybe the boy wasn't ready to be a father, and if the kid had manners. He'd definitely have to mention that to Jaz's mother.

(Jaz's dad is going to ruin everything lol)

Brody smiled, kissing her cheek. "So what should we-" his cell phone ringing interrupted him. Brody paused at the dorm, glancing down at an unknown number and answering it. "Hello?" He asked.

"Is this Brody?" A voice asked.

"Yeah, who's this?"

"It's John, the manager of the Chinese restaurant? Yeah, you're hired. We're kinda desperate so can you start tonight, around 7? You'll work the night shift. You'll get off around three in the morning. Is that okay?"

"Oh yeah! That's great," Brody smiled. "I'll see you at seven," He hung up the phone before turning to Jaz. "Guess who's officially employed?" @BasicallyMe
((Yeppers lol))

Jasmine smiles at his kiss and begins to answer when Brody's phone cut them off. She listened in on the conversation curiously, but didn't hear too much. When Brody hung up, Jaz smiled and wrapped him in a huge bear hug. "That's amazing! Too bad I'll have to sleep by myself tonight." She puts on a fake pouty face, "You'll do so good."

"We'll make up for loss time, I promise," he smirks, hugging her close and kissing her forehead. Brody picks her up, carrying her into her dorm and spinning around playfully, dropping her on her bed and crawling over her, kissing her deeply. "You better be ready to wake up when I drag myself in here around three. I'm going to want to see you," he winked, resting his forehead against hers. @BasicallyMe
((I guess I'll just stay on xD . I got bored.))

"I will be waiting." She smiles and walks into her dorm with him. "Tomorrow can we pick out baby cake's first outfit? It can be gender neutral." She looks at Brody with pleading eyes. "I've been so excited for it. We can do it after the doctor's appointment." Jasmine goes over to her closet and changes into a tank top and pajama pants. A small bump was beginning to form at the bottom of her tummy; only noticeable if you knew she was expecting.

"Sure," Brody grinned, laying back on her bed. "It sounds amazing." He looked up at the ceiling, thinking to himself. He began making a mental checklist. Everything they'd need. He got up, walking back over to her laptop and taking a seat on the couch, looking up houses on the island that were for sale. He figured a four bedroom home would be nice, and begia searching, laying on his stomach as he scrolled through different options. "I think we should paint the baby's room mint green. It's a nice color. It's supposed to be comforting too," he spoke conversationally. @BasicallyMe

(Basically me lol)
"I love that color. We could also tie it into a girly theme or a boy theme depending on what the baby is." She smiles thinking about it. "Babe you should bring back some noodles at three with you, ok? No noodles, no noodling." Her eyes were serious, but you could hear it in her voice that she was joking.

Brody looked over at her, laughing at the dumb joke. "You couldn't stop me if you wanted to at this point, Babe," he smirked, turning back to the laptop and looking through the houses. He was mostly looking at two-stories. He hoped Jaz wouldn't mind, but he didn't want to ask her input. This would be one of the many surprises he was planning out for her. He only hoped his parents didn't pay too much attention to his bank accounts. @BasicallyMe

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