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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Jasmine leaned back on her sofa, taking deep breaths for relaxation when her phone's ring tone interrupted. She sighed and answered quickly.

"Jasmine Lynn Parker! What the hell are you thinking! I send you there for an education and you get knocked up by some kid with bad manners? I swear I am so disappointed in you! I'm coming there tomorrow."

Jasmine's eyes widened at the yelling coming from the other side of her phone. Her cheeks immediately turned pink of embarrassment and feeling ashamed. "Mom, I'm sorry, I've got it under control. We are going to have money and tomorrow is a doctor's app-"

"You don't have it under control Jasmine, you're pregnant."

Brody closed the laptop, looking over at Jaz, obviously concerned. He could hear her mother yelling through the phone from where he sat, and that freaked him out. "This is your dad's fault," he mumbled, holding Jaz's hand for reassurance. Whatever was going to end up happening it didn't sound good. Brody was half-afraid that her mom was going to strangle him or something. @BasicallyMe
"You're going to give the baby up for adoption. You can't keep it." Her mother warned over the phone, and before Jaz could answer, her mother hung up.

"She just said I can't keep it. Who does she think she is to tell me that?" Jasmine slams her phone down on the mini coffee table. "This drama is never ending." She closes her eyes again and begins to do relaxation breath. "Atleast I get to look forward to seeing you at 3 a.m."

((I have a plan for when he leaves > :) ))

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(I'm terrified and intrigued)

Brody glared at the phone on the coffee table for a moment before looking up at her, smiling in assurance. "She can't make that decision. That's not going to happen. I promise to protect you and our baby from everyone and everything," Brody stood up, taking both her hands in his own, kissing both of them, before pressing his lips against hers in a tender kiss. "It's almost six, I need to go back to my dorm and get ready. Eat some dinner and get some sleep, Love," he spoke softly, before leaving. He didn't want to leave with everything going on, but he knew he needed to make a good impression, and getting to work early would help with that. He sighed as he closed the door before heading up towards his dorm. @BasicallyMe
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Jasmine nodded her head with a slight smile and watched as Brody left. She decided to get up and cook some mixed veggies with chicken, it would satisfy the cravings she's been having. Thirty minutes later she had a big plate full of dinner, which she ate down in twenty minutes while watching her favorite show. A text buzzed across her phone, but it was an unknown number. "I'll see you in a little while, congrats on Brody's new job." After reading this text, she was slightly scared on who might've sent it and who would've known Brody had a job now.

(I'm just plain scared now 0.o)

Once Brody got back to his dorm he took a quick shower and dressed himself in a nice pair of jeans a a black polo shirt, adding his beanie and sunglasses to the mix. He was about to leave, when he changed his mind, grabbing a backpack and storing some extra clothes, his laptop, and whatever else he thought me might need since he planned on staying at Jaz's dorm for most of his stay at Bouvardia now. He slung the backpack over his shoulder, heading towards the Chinese Restaurant. Once he got there, he met up with John in the Staff Only area.

"Oh, great, you're early," John said, smiling as he walked over to the lockers, knocking on one. "This one's yours. Your uniform is nice clothes and a waist apron. You don't have to start until seven so until then go to the kitchen and introduce yourself." Brody nodded, tying the black apron around his waist. He headed towards the kitchen. @BasicallyMe

Jasmine continued to watch tv for the next hour, going in and out of sleep. She woke back up at seven and smiled knowing that Brody would be getting ready to work. All she hoped for was that he would do a good job. A loud noise scared her from the entry way, and she hopped up feeling slightly paranoid. The door had swung open, causing Jaz to stand up and go investigate. There were plenty of girls and some boys still wondering around the dormitory talking and cutting up, but no one seemed to have touched her door. Once again, Jasmine lays on the sofa and watches tv until falling asleep fifteen minutes later.

A hand wrapped around her arm, grabbing onto her tightly which caused Jasmine to wince in pain. She felt vulnerable and couldn't move to get away. Everything was black, and she was scared because she hadn't turned the light off before falling asleep. That's when Jaz reaches for her eyes and realizes they are taped shut, but the hand latches onto her wrist and slams them down against the cushion. "It'll all be over before you know it."

Her eyes scan the area alert, she was now sitting up on the sofa dripping sweat, scared from what she had just seen. Jasmine hated bad dreams, she always had trouble going back to sleep after them. "I need water." She mentions this to herself, and walks over to the sink for a glass of water. Jaz's hand swipes some hair from getting in her eyes, but for a moment her finger was stuck to her eyelid. She runs into the bathroom and realizes pieces of glue residue from tape were stuck on her eyes.

(What just happened? No. No, this is not okay *Pretends I didn't see*)

Brody was working the left section of the restaurant. It was actually two sections combined into one but they were currently short on night shift staff. He sighed to himself, one hand in his pocket, feeling for a vibration from his phone. He wondered what Jaz was doing. Brody watched as a couple sat down in a booth and walked over to them, smiling brightly. "Hey, welcome to Yen Jing, may I start the lovely couple off with a drink?" he asked. The girl giggled and the guy smiled at her. They both ordered before Brody rushed to get them, wanting to deliver speedy service. He figured the quicker and nicer he was the better his tips would be. Just as he started walking away from the couple's table a group of girls walked in and sat down. One of them being Clara. He groaned to himself. Why my section? @BasicallyMe
((Hmmm idk?? ( :x )))

Jasmine picked up her phone and began to dial 9-1-1, but decided against it because then she'd look silly. Maybe they wouldn't even come because she's still dreaming and she'd wake up before they came? Her eyes glanced over to the clock, which read: 9:30. Droplets of sweat began to form in her hairline again, her armpits were already moist. Do I tell Brody, do I text him now? Jaz stands with her back against the wall next to her bed. She stares at her phone for a few minutes and then puts it away. Ruining Brody's first night wouldn't look good and all she could feel was pure fear and adrenaline.

(Why are you playing me like this?(TAT) lol)

Brody walked up to the table of girls, smiling. "Hello, beautiful ladies, what can I get you on this fine evening?" he asked, attempting to keep himself in a good mood. Clara caught eyes with him, and sent him a dark smile. He was almost afraid. He'd never seen that look on her face before. Why did I ever date that psycho? he thought. All seven girls went around the table and ordered. "Alright, I'll tell the chefs to work extra fast for you girls," he grinned, heading back to the kitchen and giving them the order. He grabbed a couple pitchers to refill drinks and was walking past the bathrooms to get to his section when he bumped into someone. Sweet Tea and water poured all over his clothes and he stumbled backwards against the wall.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Clara's voice squealed, and she grabbed a stray napkin, wiping his shirt frantically.

"It's fine," he growled, pushing her away from him.

"Oh don't be silly, let me help you out." She said, grabbing his wrist and practically yanking him into the girl's bathroom. No one was in there. She must have planned this.

"Clara I could get fired. Leave me the fuck alone," he started to leave, but she quickly blocked the door.

"Oh, but I'm not finished with you yet," she grinned the same way she had when she had first seen him. He felt his entire body tense up.


(Starts causing my own drama cause I don't know what else to do.)
((Because I'm a player where do you think Adam gets it from (@V@) Lol jk and oh my god no Clara, bad Clara, he's off limits!!))

Jasmine looks outside of the dorm again, but both boys and girls were still walking around chatting. She felt crazy, was she going crazy? The amount of kids still outside made her feel a little reassured, so she decided to shower quickly to pass a little time away. She unclothes herself and turns on water that was hot and began to steam. "This is all I need. And you." Jaz smiles and looks down to her belly.

A shampoo bottle falls from the little built in shelf, spooking her- and something else, which took off running from the other side of the curtain. Jasmine throws herself against the shower wall and begins to let out screams, not loud enough for others to hear though. She jumps out and wraps the towel around herself, dashing for the lobby. It was now curfew and no one was in the center area of the girl's dormitory, so Jasmine lays herself on the couch and falls asleep within the hour.

Brody scowled. "Clara, get out of the-" her hand moved so fast he didn't get to see what was in it. He felt a sharp pain at his temple and he crumpled to the ground, black dots forming across his vision until he was out entirely.


Brody woke up in a stall, his head throbbing and his wrists tied together with string used to open and close the blinds on the window. That wasn't the worse part though. He didn't realize at first, too busy untying the string with his teeth, and then as his vision focused completely and he looked down, he forgot how to breathe. Why are my jeans not on me? He bit his lip, rushing to pull them back on, about to sprint out of there, when he heard voices. He pressed himself against the back wall, not daring to breathe.

"Clara said she'll have him wanting to kill himself by morning. I don't know what she did, but it must be pretty drastic." He recognized the voice as one of the girl's who's order he'd taken at the table.

"That's what he gets for screwing with her." Another girl said. He heard the sinks turning on and off and then they left. After he was sure there was no more sound Brody sneaked out of the girl's bathroom, heading directly towards his section.

"Brody, where have you been?" John snarled. "You disappeared for an hour."

"S- sorry, I'm so sorry. I won't take a lunch break, or any other break for the rest of the night. I... have this thing with blood and I cut myself and passed out. It won't happen again." Brody lied, not wanting to speak the truth. Who would believe him, anyways?

"Well, I guess we'll let this slide since it's your first day, but you pull a stunt like that again and you're fired." Brody nodded, quickly getting back to work. @BasicallyMe
Brody dragged himself back to the girl's dorm, the backpack weighing him down, making him move slower. He wasn't used to staying up this late, and so he was exhausted. He was passing by the common room when he noticed something. He paused, glancing in. Jaz was sleeping on the couch, in a towel. He rose an eyebrow at the situation, but attempted to ignore it, walking over to her, Brody gently slid his arms under her legs and back, picking her up ever-so carefully, not wanting to wake her. He smiled at her sleeping form, walking back to her dorm and going inside, pushing the door closed quietly before laying her on her bed, kissing her forehead. He attempted to pull the wet towel away without waking her up, before pulling the blankets over her. @BasicallyMe

Jasmine opened her eyes and sat up quickly. She looked around frantically then down to Brody who was next to her. Her towel was missing and she didn't remember falling asleep in her dorm. Jaz jumped up and ran into the bathroom to throw up. She was stressed and it only made her nausea worse. "Brody get up and get dressed. We have to go to the doctors today." Jasmine threw on some black leggings and a jean jacket with a black tank top underneath, ignoring the events of last night. She was still undecided on telling Brody or not. "How was work?"

Brody felt his stomach recoil at the mention of it. "Great," he lied. This was not how he wanted to start out his relationship, but he also was afraid she wouldn't believe the truth. How often did a hundred power girl overpower a guy who worked out? He sighed, since he hadn't gotten much sleep, before looking over at her. "Why were you asleep in the common room?" He asked, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and getting to his feet. He stumbled, however, as a headache took over, and leaned against the bed for support. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine smiles slightly, "That's good. Glad it was a good night." She grabs her purse and slides some sandals on to match her black leggings and tank top. "Oh, I had a bad dream and I got scared." Jasmine thinks about the lie she just told, and there was nothing she could say to lie about why she went out there in just a towel. Her attention turns to Brody as he leans over the bed. "Are you ok? I have some pain meds in the cabinet." Jaz walks over to the cabinet and hands him one. "I don't want to rush you, but we really need to get going." She opens the dorm door and halts. "Mom?"

"I told you I was coming."

Brody noticed Jasmine's mom. "I need more than one pill," he muttered, swallowing that one dry. He walked over to Jasmine, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Hi, you must be Miss Parker," Brody grinned at the woman, holding his hand out for her to shake. "It's nice to meet you, but we have an appointment so we'll have to catch up after we get back," he said politely. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine looked over to Brody then back at her mom. "I really can't deal with this right now mom. I need to make it to the doctor on time." She hugs her anyway and steps aside for her mother to come into her dorm. "I would ask you to come but only one other person is allowed in the room so there is not point for you to be there because Brody is coming in."

Jasmine's mom nods to Brody not really interested in conversation with a boy who slept with her daughter. She shook Brody's hand anyway, and then stepped in. "I don't want to yell at you Jazz, I just can't believe this is happening. I didn't want you to have a big responsibility."

Jasmine kisses her mom's cheek and gives her a reassuring look. "I know, I love you mom." She let's her hand slide off of her mother's shoulder and leaves the room with Brody.

Brody sighed, keeping Jaz close as they walked off campus towards the doctor. He got a taxi for them since he didn't have a car. Everything was relatively close on the island so there wasn't much need for one. "So, what was your nightmare?" he asked during the Taxi ride, holding her hand. He did it more for himself. He wanted to be connected to her in some way, to feel some sort of comfort. After last night he was jumpy and afraid, but with Jaz he felt safe. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine shrugs and begins telling him what she thought was a dream. "Well I was laying on the couch and I couldn't see anything. I reached for my eyes and they were taped closed. I freaked out and some one grabbed my wrist then slammed them against the couch. It was a guy because he said something." She began to feel anxious and her breathing was getting harder, but Jaz swallowed it down and kept herself straight.

The taxi arrived to the doctor's office, to which she stepped out and walked in through the double doors. Jasmine signed herself in then waited until they called them back.

"I bet you both are excited to know the gender." The woman doctor smiles and squirts jelly on Jasmine's stomach. "Sorry, it's a little cold, but it's always worth it when you hear the heart beat." The woman searches around quietly for a few minutes making Jasmine nervous. There was always the thought of not getting a heart beat. Just then, her troublesome thoughts cleared and it was the most amazing sound she's ever heard.

"Awe, it's beating! It's beating!" She focuses on the computer.

Brody smiled, squeezing her hand. "That's so cool," he breathed out, looking at the screen. He couldn't believe it for a moment. There was a person inside of Jaz, and he had helped make it. It was the most amazing thing Brody had ever seen. He'd never felt happier than in that moment. "What is it?" He asked anxiously, rocking back and forth on his heels, holding Jasmine's hand even tighter. Part of him was worried he'd break her hand if he didn't calm down. He loosened his grip, looking up at the doctor expectantly. @BasicallyMe
"Well," The doctor searches around a bit more, "It's hard to tell right now, but it looks like she'll end up a girl." The lady prints out an ultrasound picture and hands it to them. "I'll call you to make another appointment for the gender confirmation another day. But she does seem to be a girl."

Jasmine smiles and stands up from the bed. "This is amazing." Her arms wrap around Brody and she snuggles her face into his neck for a few seconds before exiting the building. "Let's go to the store and pick out two outfits. You get one and I'll get one. I can pay for these so you don't have to spend your money." Jasmine gets in the taxi and stares at the picture for a while.

Brody grins, kissing her cheek as they ride in the taxi. "I hope she looks just like you," he whispers, smiling at the ultrasound picture. "And I'm paying. Don't argue with me." He added, kissing her quickly. He felt his entire body buzzing with excitement, completely forgetting about last night and all of its horrors. All he could think about was having a precious baby girl. It excited him to no end. @BasicallyMe
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Jasmine nods and exits the taxi when they reach the store. "Ok, split up? I am going to look around and you can look around." She smiles and enters the store excitedly. There were so many different colors and small booties everywhere. Even headbands with bows and flowers attached to them for little girls which made Jasmine happy. She snooped around for a good 15 minutes trying to decide between a few outfits that were cute. Her phone buzzed, giving her a bit of adrenaline. "Last night was fun. We should do it again." Jasmine begins to hyperventilate at the text. She knew it was real, and now she knows that someone is messing with her. Could it be Andrew? It has to be, but the voice sounded nothing like his. She recollects herself before marching over to Brody. "Is this cute? I like the pattern."

((Yessss now I have an excuse to look up cute baby clothes xD ))

(lol, the real reason she's pregnant)

"Adorable," Brody smiled, before really taking her in. "Hey, are you okay? You look a little pale," he acknowledged, resting the back of his hand against her forehead. "You don't feel hot. Did something happen?" He asked quietly, running his fingers through her hair to smooth it down. @BasicallyMe

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