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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Mari's smile faded. I'm going to do this to him a lot. Why would he stay with me? It's not worth it. Mari stared down at the ground. She couldn't apologize again, she couldn't say anything. Instead, she sighed, not daring to look him in the eye. She felt worthless under his gaze. He was a prince, she was just the dirt he had to walk in. How could he stay with her? @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane frowned when he saw her smile fade and look down. He frowned again before making her look at him and poke her forehead while a glare. "Hey, don't think about what happened okay? Or else I'll be getting mad a lot and that's too troublesome for me to do." He could get mad as much as he wanted to but it became too troublesome to do it everyday. "I'll could be your warden if your want." He said to her. @McMajestic
Jasmine nods to him. "Ok, I promise I'll keep it locked. It scares me too on what happened." Her phone buzzes and she looks down at the text. It was her mom saying she had a work emergency and had to leave earlier, so she wouldn't be at the dorm when they got home. "Alright well let's get in the dorm and fix a sandwich before I have to go off to class." Jasmine unlocks the door and walks in. First she stepped on something hard and uncomfortable- a piece of jewelry from her jewelry box. Then she looked up and her dorm was trashed. The couch was moved sideways and her bed was undone and a mess. Eggs from the fridge were on the floor and water was coming from the bathroom. "Oh my God!"

Mari shook her head, hugging him again. "I just want you to be my boyfriend," she kissed his cheek. "And I wanna go back to my dorm, too, but I can't do that. Will you walk me to class?" She asked, not wanting to leave his side just yet. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Brody's eyes widened in surprise. He quickly stepped in front of Jaz, looking around to make sure no one was in here. "Okay, I'm changing the locks today," he muttered, rushing into the bathroom first to turn off all the running water. "Don't, don't mess with anything. I'll clean it up," he added, looking over at Jaz. "Just uh... go in the common room, Babe. There's a bunch of people there. I'll come get you after I clean this up, okay?" He said, not wanting her to have to deal with it. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine nods and walks out into the commons. Her phone buzzes and she looks down, "Like the rearrangement?" She looks down at her phone and feels her cheeks go hot. "Leave me alone." To this, the mysterious number replies, "See you in class." From the start of their first message, Jasmine thought it was a harmless prank to make her paranoid. Now she knows it's more than just innocent. She felt bad for leaving Brody to clean it all up and even thought about going back inside the room to help, after all her classes started in an hour and she needed to get dressed.

Brody was glad Jaz had left without arguing. He'd hate for her to see how angry he was. He didn't even remember breaking the vase until it was shattered on the ground. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself as he finished cleaning everything up, including the mess he had made himself. "Something's wrong with me," he muttered, before chalking it all up to stress and making her bed. He walked over to the door, opening it just in time to see Jaz heading back towards the dorm. He grinned. "Hey, it's all fixed." He told her brightly, hiding his frustrations with ease. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine smiles slightly, "Thanks. I'm sorry for all of this I'll figure out who it is." She walks over to her bathroom and plugs in a curling iron. "I promise I'll make it end. You just worry about work and tonight I'll make sure I'm safe." Jaz smiles and wraps a section of black hair around the curling iron, dropping it fifteen seconds later. It had turned into a nice loose curl, making her happy. Around thirty minutes later she was finished and her black hair was now transformed from straight to curly. Jasmine then reached for her lipstick and applied it on her lips.

Shane grinned at her but nodded. "I am but you need to remember that you are mine." He said to her. It wasn't that he wanted to call her his property, not at all, he just wanted her to know that she was his girlfriend and that he would destroy anyone who touches her. "But yeah, I'll walk you to class." He said to her. @McMajestic
Brody watched her get ready. "Is it Andrew?" He asked quietly. It was the first thought he had, and the more he thought about it the more he became convinced. If only Jaz agreed then he'd have to show Andrew who he was messing with. Although Brody guessed there was a small chance it could be anyone else, and so he didn't act on his own thoughts just yet. "Do you think it's him?" @BasicallyMe
Mari grinned, "Well I like being yours," she kissed him, taking his hand in her own and walking with him towards her next class. She pressed herself against his side as they walked, glad to know that they would be okay. She had been so scared she had ruined everything, but she still had him, and that was all that mattered. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
"I don't know. When he spoke to me, it didn't sound familiar, but then again I don't know if I was in my right mind. I couldn't even move quickly and I wasn't alert. That's why I thought it was a dream." She applies some eyeliner and then steps back to make sure everything was on right and looked good. "It was weird. For a while I thought I was going crazy honestly." Jasmine turns to face Brody and hugs him. "Don't stress about it, I know it's silly of me to tell you not too, but atleast try not to. You need to be fully there at work."

Brody bit his lip. He wasn't even fully there his first night. He looked down for a moment, shuddering just at the thought of Clara and whatever she had done to him. "I'll try. Just, stay safe, okay? Stay around people. A lot of people. Don't get caught alone anywhere." He kissed her softly, not wanting to let her go but knowing he had to. "And call me if anything happens. I don't care what's going on," he added. @BasicallyMe
((I wanna know what Clara did ):lol ))

Jasmine smiles and makes her way into the commons. She continues walking until reaching the class room where her teacher stops her.

"You didn't show to the stage. The whole class was there. Andrew mentioned something about you having morning sickness, so I'll let you off the hook this time." The teacher looks down to her belly and then back up. "Do you need to talk about anything?"

Jasmine rolls her eyes. Andrew, it's always Andrew. "No I'm fine. I have everything under control." She walks past the teacher and sits in her desk now slightly annoyed. It got even worse when Andrew entered the room and sat in his desk right on the side of her.

1 Hour Later

The whole hour Jasmine had ignored Andrew and surprisingly he hadn't said a word to her yet. She felt better from when the class started and thought maybe he'd given up.

"Ok class, auditorium tonight again. No skipping." The teacher's eyes narrow to Jasmine then she smiles and exits the classroom.

Everyone had cleared out accept Jasmine, Andrew, and a blonde boy who sat across the classroom. Oddly, the boy had been staring at her the whole time, now finally deciding to come up to her.

"Like your new dorm rearrangement?" He grins and walks out of the class. Her eyes widen now thinking that this blonde kid had been her tormentor.

Andrew packed his stuff and gave Jasmine a glance before leaving the classroom.

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(I wanna know who's screwing with Jaz lol)

Brody went out while Jaz was gone, buying some new locks and calling to talk to a man about an alarm system. He was disheartened when the man told him he'd have to have the school approve the system first, and sighed, heading back to her dorm. He had just knocked the old door handles out and was squinting at the directions to install the new ones when Clara passed by, smirking brightly at Brody. She sat down across from him. "Go. Away," he snarled, not giving her the satisfaction of looking at her.

"Oh, but Brody, why would you want me to leave? We had so much... fun together." She grins, crawling towards him. Brody held his arm out, making sure she was an arms length away.

"Clara, I'm happy, and if you're not, then that's your problem. Stop trying to ruin my life." Brody snarled.

"Oh, but you ruined mine, Darling, and I plan on doing the same to you," she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he groaned, shoving her off him. She merely smirked, getting to her feet. "I'm glad you'll be spending your time in the girls' dorm, it gives us more opportunities," she winked, walking off towards the elevator. Brody felt wary. He needed to focus on Jaz, not himself. Why were they both being attacked at the same time? @BasicallyMe
Her feet were going too fast and Jasmine was practically tripping over herself. She had to tell Brody and maybe this would all end. Why would the kid just come out and say it to her? She makes it through the commons and then to her door where Brody was fixing the locks. "I think I know who he is! Some kid came up to after class and asked if I love my new dorm rearrangement. Why would he confess though?" Jaz was talking fast, barely able to understand herself and what she was even spitting out. Hopefully it came out making sense.

McMajestic said:
Mari grinned, "Well I like being yours," she kissed him, taking his hand in her own and walking with him towards her next class. She pressed herself against his side as they walked, glad to know that they would be okay. She had been so scared she had ruined everything, but she still had him, and that was all that mattered. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane smiled at her as they went to her class. He was still mad but it wasn't gonna let it bother him. "I really don't know if I should go to my class right now." He had forensic science, something that had always been an easy class for him and he had passed the last 3 test they had given him.
Brody stood up, hardly able to understand her. "Whoa, whoa, Baby. Calm down," he told her, resting his hands on her shoulders. "Take a deep breath," he commanded, brushing her hair out of her face. "Now who said that to you?" He asked, only catching a few of the words she said. He himself felt about ready to jump up and down from nerves. She had figured out who was doing it, and he was ready to cripple them so they couldn't do it again. @BasicallyMe

"Well of course you should," Mari squeezed his hand, reaching it up to her lips and kissing the back of it. "You're my smart and hot boyfriend, and I expect you to stay both smart and hot, so therefore you have to go to class." She smiled, stopping in front of her classroom. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
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Jasmine looks around frantically for an answer, and she found it. "Him." Her finger points directly to the blonde boy that had been in the hallway yesterday with Andrew when he was spreading rumors about Jasmine. "He is the one." Jasmine turns fully to stare at him. Her eyes scanned everything about the boy; was he someone capable of being a stalker?

Brody looked at the guy, remembering him enough. "I'll figure this out, just go inside and lock the door." He added, walking over to the boy and waiting for Jaz to be out of sight before grabbing him by his shirt collar and shoving him against a wall. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He snarled, fire in his eyes. He had half a mind to break the guy's neck, but he needed to know what he had done to Jaz first, and why he was doing it. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine nods worriedly, but knew not to stop him and decided for her own good to let Brody handle this part. She went inside the dorm and locked her door.

The blonde boy grabs onto Brody's wrist in shock and gives him cold eyes. "What the Hell is wrong with you? Let me go!" He pushes Brody back and straightens out the collar on his polo shirt. "What do you want now? If you're looking for Andrew he's getting laid in dorm 201."

Shane looked up at the ceiling when he though about it but shrugged. "I'm smart but not all smart, I'm only smart with math and Science are my best subject well except I'm the best when it comes to writing songs and dancing." He explained. @McMajestic
"Why would I be looking for him? You're the one who trashed Jaz's room, and did God knows what else when you tied her up," Brody spat. "What kind of sicko are you? Why the fuck would you go after Jasmine? She's never done a fucking thing to you," Brody was getting angrier by the second, his hands clenched into fists and he felt himself starting to lose it. He took a breath, trying to keep himself calm, waiting for an explanation before he gave the school a real reason to expel him. @BasicallyMe

"I'd call that extremely smart," Mari grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Check that out, that slut moves fast," A guy called, and Mari cringed, looking away from the halls.

"I guess I deserve that," she smiled up at Shane even though she felt like crying again, and kissed him before quickly pulling back. "I better go inside," @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
"I did not trash her room. I knew about it because it got spread around campus. I decided to mess with her bro, go find the real 'sicko' who did this and stop threatening me." The blonde rolled his eyes and began to walk away. He grinned knowing that this was getting to Brody also; a two for one special if you might say.

Jasmine paced around her room nervously. She looked at the digital clock by her bed and then to the door. It was nerve wracking when all you can picture is Brody getting himself in trouble or expelled this time.

"Absolutely fucking not," Brody snarled, yanking the guy back and pinning him to the wall. "You must know something. Your friends with Andrew. Is he doing it?" Brody growled, pressing his arm against the guy's neck so he couldn't escape. "Tell me something or you will suffocate." He added, pressing a little harder, not so much the guy couldn't talk, but enough to get the point across; Brody wasn't letting him go until he got some sort of information. "And you're not in a position to lie to me, so don't try that bullshit," @BasicallyMe
"Dude take a hint! Andrew isn't doing it I told you that whoever did it went and told people that her dorm got trashed. I don't know who started it or who did it because the person's obviously not stupid enough to say he did it! Now let go of me!" The boy swings at Brody's face and punches him in the nose.


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