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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

(Blame it on those hormones lol. It don't matter, the next one's extremely bad so,)

"Okay, well," Brody tried to calm himself down, but he knew at this point he was even more of a wreck than her. "Last year, I got hired to do a photo shoot for a website supposedly, and I was sleeping on the floor of my dorm because I had to sell my furniture for a couple extra bucks. I was desperate." He glanced over at Jaz, looking at how upset she was. This is all my fault. He turned away from her. "There were about twelve girls, and the location was a warehouse. I knew something was up when I noticed the way the girls stumbled. They were drugged. All of them. And the pictures weren't for websites, they were for... potential owners." He didn't know how else to put it. He didn't even know how Clara had found out about it. "I did it anyways." Looking back, Brody hated himself for letting those poor girls get sold off, for just allowing something like that to happen. What if one of them had been Jaz? The thought made a chill run down his spine. @BasicallyMe
"You participated in human trafficking? Is that what you're telling me?" She stood up and rubbed her head with her hands. "Brody I don't even know what to say. This is a lot to process." Jasmine was now wary of letting him around their daughter. She didn't want to admit it out loud because she felt a little scared. A million emotions were running through her. "Is there anything else?" She stood a few feet away from him now, staring at him for an answer. Deep down Jasmine still wanted to go to Clara's dorm and snatch the envelope. She wanted to confront her about what she did at his work.

Brody looked up at Jasmine. He could see it. The entire change in her demeanor. "There was one last thing. A pregnancy test. It was positive," he breathed out, getting to his feet. "I'll go get my stuff out of your dorm, and then I'll get out of your life if that's what you want." He said quietly. He didn't want Jasmine to be afraid of him, just like she was afraid of Andrew. Maybe she even thought Brody was worse. The thought petrified him. He almost couldn't move. @BasicallyMe
((I KNEW IT!))

Jasmine closed her eyes and tears broke loose from her closed lids. "I just need to sleep by myself tonight. I think it's time for you to go back to work." She glanced back up at the clock and then to Brody before disappearing down the hall into her dorm. She was furious at him and couldn't not be. Jasmine couldn't picture Clara being able to do that to him unless it was something he agreed to. She laid in bed without changing and began to cry.

(I bet you were waiting for it the whole time lol)

Brody bit his lip, watching Jaz disappear into her dorm. "So this was what they referring to when they said I'd want to kill myself," he muttered, standing up and walking towards the exit. He went back to the restaurant, about ten minutes late, unsure of what to do. He worked the rest of his shift before going back to his dorm, looking down at the envelope he had thrown on the floor. He laid on his bed, staring at it. "She hates me," he whispered. He remembered that he left his laptop over there, which had all the browsers up still for houses and rings he planned on buying. Things that represented his happiness. Things he'd never be able to get at this point. He sighed, closing his eyes to keep himself for crying. His father had always told him tears were for girls. Brody took a shaky breath, drifting off to whispers of all the ways he could off himself. Is this how my birth parents felt when I was born? Did they know I'd grow up to be some horrible person? Is that why they left me to die? @BasicallyMe
((I was xD lol ok i'ma go to bed))

Jasmine wipes across her face with her hand, but continues to cry. Not only was Brody going to have another baby, but satan's spawn would be her baby's sibling. She couldn't stand the thought of him being a dad to another kid, now his attention would be split. Now their kid wouldn't get all the attention she deserves in the first place because it's going to be rough. Around 4 a.m. Jasmine began to feel pain in her stomach. She knew that her stress was even worse on the baby, so falling asleep was the best option, to which she did.

Brody woke up the next morning, if he could really call it waking up considering he hadn't slept properly. He grabbed for his phone, considering texting Jaz. He knew she probably didn't want to hear from him, but he was worried. Hey, are you okay? He sent, hoping the guy hadn't tried to get in last night. He sat up, going to get ready for school out of instinct before remembering he was suspended. Brody sighed, Picking up one of the many cameras he had strewn across his dorm. He slid the strap around his neck, heading out to try and find something interesting to take a picture of. @BasicallyMe
Shane looked at her before shaking his head. He gave her a weak smile, one that he barely used now a days. "Kinda forgot to take my meds since 3 days ago, guess just being around made me forget about it but it came back because of what I did." He admitted. He really didn't feel like telling her that but it just didn't feel right keeping it from her. It just made him feel worse if he at least didn't tell her that he took medication. @McMajestic

Dustin had gone back to his dorm and stare at the computers surrounding his closet. No one knew he had them inside, it was what made him dangerous. He was good at hacking, better than others, so the school camera were on the monitors he had set out on the closet. It made him a stalker or something but it was okay for him, he already had certain students and administrator's within his control, he didn't even had to blackmail them, he was just able to manipulate them easily. "Should I save little Prince in shining armor or do I just stay out?" He asked himself that with a grin, a grin that was always used on a villain.
Jasmine sat up in bed. Her hair was tangled together and her pillow consisted of black spots from her mascara. Her phone buzzed, making her nervous for a second. The last thing she wanted to deal with was this crazy mystery guy, but surprisingly it was Brody. "Not really, but it's ok." Jasmine sets her phone down and prepares for class. All she decided to do was throw her hair in a messy bun and wear leggings with an old t-shirt. Jaz still felt like laying down and crying, but she hated feeling sorry for herself. Her hand reaches for the door but stops immidiently when she doubles over. The pain she felt last night hadn't gone away.

"Well, I'll walk you to your dorm," Mari smiled, squeezing his hand and walking with him. "And you can tell me what.... problem, you have?" She said simply, falling back into her casual routine where she didn't care what she said. Of course, she still had a guard up, but it was only to filter out the stupid things she'd normally say around other people, things she'd never say around Shane. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Brody was at the beach when he got the text. He hadn't meant to go there of all places, but he thought it'd be nice to get some fresh air, and it was the best place to get that. There weren't very many people on the beach, since school was about to start. He sighed, leaning against a stone wall that separated the parking lot from the white sand. He glanced at it, wondering if he should respond or not. He didn't want to be clingy, but she was carrying his child. I know I'm the last person you wanna see right now, but if you need anything, I'll still be here for you. He hesitated before sending the message, before heading closer to the section of restaurants, looking at the world through his camera as he took a few pictures.
Shane wasn't really sure what to do now, he didn't really wanted to tell her at all but should he really trust her on that. He stayed quiet because he was contemplating in his head if he should say something. "It's something that I need medication for." Was Dustin the cause of it? Nope it was something else that he really didn't like remembering at all. @McMajestic
Mari rose an eyebrow at Shane. "Well obviously. Come on, you can tr..." Mari's voice trailed off and she looked away from him. He can't trust me. There's no point in saying he can. She bit the inside of her cheek, loosening her grip on his hand. She didn't realize how much it would mess with her, or she never would have cheated on him in the first place.
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Jasmine read his answer and put the phone in her back pocket. Before class she was going to make a detour- to Clara's dorm. She definitely wasn't feeling in her right mind, and all the stress was making her feel crazy. Jaz stormed out of her room and walked to the elevator. She got in and stared at the numbers until ot stopped at three. Jasmine was ready to spaz out, she couldn't hold all this in anymore, and the best thing to do was to take it out on Clara. She stops and talks around until directed to Clara's dorm, to which she knocks loud and clear.

Shane gripped her hand and gave her a simpl stare that said not to let go. "Lets just go to my dorm and you will see the medication, that will tell you what it is." He told her. He hated the name so much that he always hated to use the name of it. It was such a pathetic name, that he sometimes had trouble saying it. @McMajestic
"Oh Brody, you finally learned your manners. Glad I don't have to cut that pretty face of..." Clara trailed off as she opened the door, noticing Jasmine standing in her midst, not looking too happy. "Oh, it's just the slut," she grumbled, walking back over to her bed and sitting on it, grabbing for a new magazine. She had a few subscriptions, and figured she might as well start catching up on them if some dumb girl was going to start yelling at her. @BasicallyMe

Mari nodded, intertwining their fingers together as they walked into the boys' dorm. She looked around, pushing herself a little closer to Shane. Mari normally didn't shy away from attention, but she didn't like the looks she was getting from everybody. It made her feel small, and she hated that feeling more than anything. She sighed, not wanting to use Shane as a shield but not knowing what else to do. Most guys were too afraid of him at that point to say anything around him. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine walks in and shuts the door. Her gaze follows Clara until the girl sits down. "I'm not the slut. You're so desperate to have to rape a guy and get pregnant from it when really you're ruining your own life." She grins then jumps onto Clara and grabs her neck. "I'm going to tell you this one time. I love Brody and you won't ruin it. Not even by knocking yourself up with his baby. He doesn't care about you and i won't be surprised if he has to try extra hard to even look at that ugly child you're going to hatch in 9 months."

Clara kicked out at Jasmine's touch, kneeing her in the stomach, snickering quietly. "I can't believe you. Even after all the dirt I have on him you're willing to say you love him? Will you still love him when it's all over the public and he can't show his face? Or when he's in jail? Or how about when he comes to spend time with his real baby? Not that disgusting trash in your stomach. It'll probably be dead soon anyways, especially if you keep coming around my dorm." Clara frowned in mock-fear. "I feel threatened by you, I'd hate to have to use... self-defense against my own classmate." @BasicallyMe
Jasmine wrings her hands around Clara's neck and pushes down hard. She had no idea what was happening and why she couldn't control herself; she was broken. "I'd hate to have to hurt you too, Clara." Jaz lets go of Clara's neck after a long 40 seconds, then noticed she left marks. Some how it made her happy to see the marks. "You're such an idiot to think I'm scared of you." Jasmine grabs Clara's hair and pulls her off the bed. She slams her up against the wall face first. "You're lucky I don't suffocate you right here, right now." Jasmine's stomach began to have pain again. She doubled over, not able to take it.


((Picturing two pregnant woman fighting over a man reminds me of some Jerry Springer xD ))
Clara laughed as Jasmine doubled over, turning to face her with a smirk. "Oh, naive little Jasmine. I'm sure you're not afraid of me," she shoved her onto the ground, pressing her foot against her neck and pushing her weight onto it. "But you should be. Because where you won't follow through, I will. And I promise you, if I don't make it, Brody won't either. You haven't had the luxury of seeing him feel as guilty as he really is, have you? It's like staring at death," Clara chuckled. "But I'll be there to stop him, don't you worry." Clara pressed down harder, knowing Jasmine was running out of air. "And you'll stay out of my way." Clara finally let up, walking out of her dorm and leaving Jasmine there on the ground. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine laid on the floor in pain while Clara marched out of the room. If anything, Jasmine regretted not killing her just then. She rolled over on the floor and held onto her stomach, pain was becoming intense.

"Jasmine?" Liam runs into the room and helps her up. "Are you ok? What should I do?"

Jasmine closes her eye tight as if she could escape to some imaginary land. "Take me to the hospital. Now."

Liam nods and quickly helps her up. "I'll get you there fast, no worries." He escorts her down to the first floor and then outside to where his car was. Liam sat her in his front seat and took off to the e.r.

Shane wrapped his arm around her waist sighing while a smile tugged his lip, before he leaned in and gave her a kiss on the lips. "I love you Mari, I won't leave you for anything okay?" He commented as he gave her another kiss. He opened the door to his dorm and went under the drawers, pulling out a box. He opened it and took out his meds, opening it and taking out a pill before closing the lid and tossing the meds to her. "Read it." He said to her before going over to get a water bottle and drinking it some of it with the pill. @McMajestic
(If she doesn't say anything to Brody I'm going to cry)

Brody had gone back to his dorm, and was too busy scrolling through photos he had taken to pay attention to his surroundings. He sighed to himself, looking at a frame of all the wild decorations at the Mexican restaurant, almost hidden by the people walking by. All smiled, all laughed. He checked his phone, feeling his stomach knot when he noticed he had no messages. "Just take a breather, I'm sure she's okay," he muttered, sitting up quietly. He looked at a few more pictures before setting his camera down, heading into his bathroom and grabbing some Nyquil and a few pain pills. He had a headache that he wanted so desperately to go away. He popped a couple pills down and washed them back with the Nyquil, before laying down on his bed. "Are you trying to OD?" He was too tired to look up, and so he just stared at the ceiling.

"No. I wouldn't leave Jaz," he mumbled.

"Well, what about me?" Clara asked quietly.

"I wish you'd get out of my life."

"But I'm pregn-"

"I don't want it." He growled. "I don't want kids. Not with you." He mumbled, closing his eyes.

"It's not like I planned this,"

"Did you plan to rape me?" Silence. Brody took a shaky breath. "Just leave me alone, Clara. Maybe if you stop being psychotic I won't hate you."

"I'll try," and then she was gone, and any memory of her visit left Brody as he fell asleep. @BasicallyMe

Mari caught the bottle, looking down at the label. An anti-depressant? She thought, sitting down on the bed. She thought for a moment. No, this is for something worse. It hit Mari hard once she realized it, that Shane's problems were a lot deeper than she could understand. She bit her lip, a habit she'd always had and seemed to be doing a lot lately, reading through the description. "Oh my God," she mumbled, trying to wrap her head around it. She knew people who had PTSD, but she didn't know people who got angry. They cried for hours, they tried to kill themselves, they felt worthless when an episode hit them. She turned to Shane, not knowing what to say at first. "Why?" she asked quietly, wanting to know what had caused him to have to take the meds in the first place. What was so traumatic he was scarred forever by it? @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Jasmine reaches the hospital and is brought to the back immediately. The nurses hook her up with all kinds of monitoring machines for her and the baby, making her anxiety sky rocket.

"Jasmine can you list your symptoms for me?" The doctor comes in and shuts the door behind him for privacy.

"It hurts. My stomach hurts," she begins to cry silently, "and I had bleeding.."

The doctor writes it down on his chart and nods. "We're going to run a few tests and do an ultrasound."

Jasmine reaches for her phone and calls Brody.


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