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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Shane closed the sink before walking toward her. He closed his eyes before pulling Mari into the bed with him. He smirked at her before kissing her. They already did it yesterday, but he still wanted to be with her. "I want us to at least do it once, remember the pancakes?" Well he was kidding but he still wanted to sleep with her. @McMajestic
Jasmine looks over to Brody as he comes in then rolls her eyes at his comment. "That's cool." Jaz passes her up and goes into the kitchen. It wasn't big news. After all her dad had already mentioned he fell in love with someone after her mom and him split. "We'll have lots of fun together." Jasmine grabs a cup and fills it with water while watching Brody with his eyes on the computer screen. "Did everything go ok?"

Brody sighed, shaking his head. "They're both a mess right now. I don't know what to fucking do. I tried telling them the truth and I know my mom believed me but my dad... he's so fucking angry at me for looking for my birth parents I think everything wrong I do is a big thing now." He glanced at his favorited tabs, where he had a few ring ideas saved, before going back to the paper he was working on. He wondered what Jaz's favorite would be. "By the way, welcome to our chaos," Brody added, looking up at Callie with a smile. @BasicallyMe

Mari smirked, kissing him deeply. "I thought you'd never ask," she said jokingly, trailing kisses down his neck. Fades to black @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Shane felt like he was in heaven. He had been with the one true girl who he felt a strong connection to and he loved every moment they were together. He hugged her back with a smile even though he didn't open his eyes. He actually didn't feel like getting up but he knew they could go to beach and surf, like she said, he could learn and wipe out a lot. @McMajestic
(And also Dustin could show up lol)

Mari grinned, kissing him softly, resting her hands on his chest as she caught her breath. "You're amazing, Prince Charming," she whispered in his ear, pressing her lips against his neck as she laid against him. "You make me wanna stay in bed all day with you," she admitted, wrapping her arms around his neck and draping her leg over his body. "But I still wanna see you wipe out." She giggled, running her fingers through his hair, tangling them together. Mari had never felt like she had a home. Sure she had an apartment where she was forced to dig through the trash for food, but laying there with Shane, she felt the sense of a real home. Something she'd never want to leave. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
“You’re so on!” Kaya shot back. Knowing full well she couldn’t decline the challenge, she said something about racing to the crosswalk, which was still a full block away. She had suggested this mainly to keep her pride intact, since he was already in front of her by a few good feet and she wouldn’t be able to catch up.

Shane rolled his eyes before giving her a kiss. He knew that she just wanted to spend some time with him and not be bore, that's why she wanted them both to go to the beach. He smirked before opening his eyes and looking at her with his blue eyes. "What time is it?" He asked her. @McMajestic

Dustin started to run but in a slow pace. He had challenged her because he had nothing else to do and maybe get to know her better. He wasn't one to have any friend here except acquaintances whom he could he use for whatever purpose he wanted. "Slow poke." He said to her, trying to make her run faster. @redwood
Mari reached over Shane for her phone on the nightstand, checking the time. "Nine." She answered, sliding on top of him and looking down at him with a smile on her face. "Perfect time to catch the morning waves." She pressed her weight against his, smirking at him. "Come on, it'll be fun."@IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
“I’m an art and writing major! I’m here on an art scholarship, not a track one!” Kaya complained jokingly when he called her a slow poke. She did mentally thank him for slowing slightly; when they came to the crosswalk, the ultimate goal, Kaya had lost, but not by that much. Kaya took a moment to catch her breath, groaning; looked like she’d be the breakfast buyer.

Shane gave her a look that literally said that he didn't want to move at all. Well he wanted to go but making her annoyed and give him the mock pout was funny. "I don't know hun, Im still sleepy." He said to her. @McMajestic

Dustin eyebrows were twitching as he won the race. Seriously, he had just wanted to lose it because he always won at things that he wasn't that good at. "I'm an acting and writing major, so I don't do track either." He told her before catching his breath. "You buy breakfast, I buy lunch?" He asked her with a small smile. @redwood
Mari shook her head. "No you're not, come on," she whined, getting to her feet and grabbing his arm dragging him off his own bed until he fell on the ground with a thud. "Get up!" She whined, continuing to tug on him. "Or I'll drag you as you are all the way to the beach." Mari smirked down at him, continuing to tug on him lightly. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
“Where were you freshman year when we had to write a play after reading Romeo and Juliet, then?” Kaya muttered under her breath, hearing he was a writing and acting major. She had absolutely failed that assignment, and she never got over it. After a moment of catching her breath, she nodded. “Sounds like a deal, man. Have any particular hotspots for breakfast?”

What the hell? That was something that Shane screamed out when he was pushed out of the bed. His eyebrow where twitching as he gave her a small glare, why couldn't she just let him get up on his own. "You know what you just did, kinda makes me not want to get up now." He said to her. @McMajestic

Dustin blinked when she asked about that. So she was upset about that huh? He actually wasn't sure how to answer that because he was on Juvie back then but no one besides those two knew. "I was on Arizona." He answered with a shrug. That was the one place where he was born and the place where they used to roam around until he did that. "Dunking donuts? Starbucks? Any place that sells coffee?" He said to her with his head tilted. @redwood
Mari rolled her eyes, shaking her head at him. "Don't glare at me. It's not like I hurt you." Mari sat on the ground though, not wanting him to get angry again. After she had seen how terrifying he was she never wanted to accidentally make him that angry again. She kissed the back of his hand in a taunting way, smirking at him, trying to keep the mood light. "And if I did hurt the poor prince I'll just kiss you to make up for it. " She added mockingly. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
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Shane sighed before pinning her down. "You know you are playing on dangerous ground." He whispered to her as he kissed her neck. He knew that he was pushing it but he liked playing with her like this, just as long as he didn't get angry. @McMajestic
Mari smirked, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I like dangerous, " She laughed, nuzzling her nose against his neck. She relaxed against the floor, feeling better about the situation. She kissed his cheek, before squirming to get out from underneath him. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine sighed and looked towards the dorm room. "They'll get over it. Life happens. Anyway, I'm going to my theater class. I'll see you guys later." Jasmine grabs her stuff and heads out the door towards the class building. Once there she steps into English and sits in her normal seat next to Andrew. He sat down next to her, but didn't say anything yet.

Callie looks to Brody, "Thanks.." She nods and watches as Jasmine leaves the room, to which she sits on Jaz's bed awkwardly and digs through her own suitcase for something to do.

Brody smirks at Callie reaching for his camera on the other end of the couch. "Hey," he called out, snapping a picture of her the moment she looked up. "Thanks for the picture, " he added, setting his camera back down and looking back to his laptop and pulling up some research he had done. He flipped between that and a paper he had to finish, glancing up at Callie. "So what should I know about you? " he asked although he was only half listening. @BasicallyMe
Callie stood up at the flash and ran over to him. "What the heck? Delete that!" She thought about reaching for his camera, but didn't. "You should know that I don't like off-guard pictures." Callie shakes her head in disapproval and sits next to him. "But seriously, I'll delete the picture myself if you don't." She glances over to his lap top and then down at her phone. "I don't know what you should really know about me. I'm obviously Jasmine's sister, just a blonde version, and I secretly hope that this school is better than my first impressions of it." Callie thinks back to what Clara said about Brody and becomes even more uneasy about her picture on his camera.

Brody wrapped the camera around his neck. "If you wanna delete it, you gotta come get," he winked at her before turning back to the screen, tapping out random letters before deleting. "You know, I took a film class thinking it would be fun. I didn't realize I'd have to write a ten page essay on symbolism in Cast Away." He rolled his eyes, slamming his laptop shut and turning to face Callie, smirking at her uneasiness. "I'm going to take more pictures of you instead." He snapped four pictures in a row, laughing at her. "This'll be fun. I'll add it to the project I'm doing with pictures of Jaz, make it a double feature." He chuckled, scrolling through the pictures he took of Callie and Jaz, noting how alike they seemed in his head. @BasicallyMe
Callie grinned and reached over to his camera. She grabbed it and didn't let go. "Let me see, I don't want you taking my pictures you creep." Callie winked and leaned her head over the camera to take a look, her blonde hair hanging over also, blocking Brody's line of sight. She presses the scroll buttons so she can scan all of his pictures, even ones that weren't her just out of interest.

(When you realize Brody legitimately flirts with everyone and doesn't understand what he's doing)

"Hey, leave it alone!" Brody pleaded, desperate to keep his camera in tact. He pinned Callie against the couch quickly, straddling her waist and taking the camera from her hands, holding both her wrists above her head before taking another picture. "That one's for me," he snickered, before getting to his feet, heading towards the kitchen area, cradling his camera in his arms to protect it as he got a drink. @BasicallyMe
((Ikr, Callie knows what she's doing though > :) ))

Callie blushes when Brody straddles her waist. "No!" She sits up quickly when Brody walks away and tries to reach her arm out for his shirt, but ends up missing. "Why are you so obsessed with pictures of me? I know I'm cute but damn babe chill." Cal stands and brushes off her shirt from being wrinkled. "So am I sharing a room with you also? God for all I know you'll be taking pictures of me in my sleep."

(Omg, another Clara!)

Brody chuckled, shaking his head. "That's classified. Hey, are you hungry? I have to leave in about an hour but I can make you something if you'd like. Jaz has a good array of food." He said, looking over at Callie and smiling at her. Despite his beginning reluctance he didn't mind her all that much. @BasicallyMe
((Lol these girls crazy))

Callie shakes her head. "No, I'm not hungry. Thanks though. I'm going to go find something to do and maybe find my classroom." She digs around in her suitcase and sprays a spritz of perfume on her neck then rubs it in. "Hope you don't have allergies." Callie drops the perfume back into the case then takes out some clothes. She walks over to the dresser and opens each drawer. "Uhm. No offense but I don't want my undies in the same drawer as yours or Jasmine's. I think I'll have to buy a dresser to shove in the closet."

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