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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Brody had meant to make it home anyways, but about halfway through he gave up, crumpling to the ground and leaning heavily against the wall of the school. He groaned weakly, afraid to assess the damage for fear he'd see blood and pass out. He knew for sure something wasn't right with his ankle. His wrist was bent at an awkward angle, every breath in felt like fire burning his lungs, his lip was split, and blood trickled into his eyes. He wiped it away, careful not to look at it. He knew it stained his clothes from top to bottom. Brody accidentally brushed his hand over his nose, which had to be broken, because the pain that followed suit was excruciating. He groaned loudly, squeezing his eyes shut and praying he would just die so everything would stop hurting so bad. @BasicallyMe
On her way to the Chinese restaurant, Jasmine locked eyes on what looked like a group of guys pounding down on an innocent kid. As she walked closer, Jaz realized that the innocent kid was Brody. Her eyes widened and could possibly be filled with flames, because she was angry. "Who the Hell do you guys think you are?" Jasmine ran up despite her small baby bump and jumped onto one of their backs, grabbing onto the guy's hair. "Leave him alone or you won't make it to see tomorrow, and I'm not talking about death. I'll rip out your eyes and feed them to Clara because I know those are her favorite."

"Stop!" Brody coughed weakly, blood pouring out of his mouth as he doubled over. Two of the guys sprinted off, and the third shook Jaz off before following. "Jaz, Jaz, don't..." Brody felt his arm buckle underneath him, and he laid flat on the concrete, feeling absolutely miserable. "Are you okay, Jaz?" He asked weakly, looking up at her and examining her for any scratches. @BasicallyMe
"Brody! You're asking me if I'm ok?" She grabs his arm and lifts him up quickly feeling a small amount of pain, but it was worth it. She couldn't just leave Brody on the ground to go get help. "You're going to the school nurse." Jasmine walks slowly across the campus until the reach the main building where the nurse resides. "We're almost there, ok? Don't try to run off because I will chase you down." Jasmine kicks the door open harshly and makes eye contact with the nurse who looked up from her magazine. "Help, please!"

Brody shook his head as the nurse took him from Jaz, setting him down on one of the beds in the infirmary. "What happened?" The nurse asked frantically.

"Car accident," Brody lied, giving Jaz a pointed look. He didn't want to rat the guys out, not yet. He laid back as the nurse began examining everything wrong with him. "I don't know if I can patch you up, Wilson. Three broken ribs, sprained ankle, shattered wrist, and that's just your bones. You have enough bruises and cuts on you to make it seem like you were in a bar fight or something." The nurse grabbed her antiseptic and gauze, quick to work on the scratches she could bandage herself. "He's probably going to have to go to the hospital. Might need some blood too with all he seems to have lost.

"No," Brody begged, shaking his head. "No, please. Just bandage me-" Brody turned suddenly, coughing up blood and losing the contents of his dinner. He groaned warily. "No hospital," he spoke weakly, and the nurse looked between Jaz and Brody, unsure of what to do.

"Wilson, I-"

"Miss Kinders I'm begging you," he pleaded, not wanting to deal with surgery or blood or needles. He reached for Jaz's hand, squeezing it weakly, before dropping his arm back onto the bed. "Check Jaz too, make sure she's okay," he added weakly, choking on air. The nurse shook her head at Brody incredulously.

"This kid has to be in some pretty bad pain, and he's worried about you?" The nurse gave Jaz a once-over. She looked fine. "You must be lucky," she said, before hurrying to get some more gauze so she could try her best to fix Brody up. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine rolls her eyes and walks up to Brody. "It's not luck when he's stubborn." Jasmine looked to Brody with pleading but aggravated eyes. She lowered her voice to a whisper as the nurse stepped away for something and squeezed his hand, "Brody what are you doing? You need to go to the hospital. You need to be ok for when," Jasmine hesitated, "For when Rose comes." She glanced over to the nurse and then locked eyes back on Brody. "Also you need to be ok so you can come back to the dorm with me and laugh at Callie's busted eyebrow." Jaz smiles softly and playfully.

Brody grinned weakly, but shook his head. "I'll be fine, I just... I can't stand hospitals. It's one thing when it's just a check up for you and... Rose." He smiled at the name, kissing her palm before coughing weakly. "Please, I'll be okay. So long as you're here I'm okay," he promised, not wanting to be stuck in a room, being operated on while he was out cold, or having them stab needles inside of him. Brody shivered just at the thought. He couldn't explain his utter fear of hospitals when it was a visit for him, but he didn't want to have to experience it all the same. @BasicallyMe
"Babe, I know you don't like it, but if I have to I will put you to sleep myself and bring you to the hospital. I'm serious Brody you need help. More help than the school nurse can gibe you." Jasmine lets a tear fall from her cheek. It wasn't real, even though she felt like crying, but decided to use that to her advantage for a guilt trip. "Please. I- I don't want to be by myself tonight with some girl that's apparently my sister. I'll stay with you. You're not going to bleed out in my bed."

Brody felt guilt rise up inside of him as he saw her begin to cry. "Oh no, no. Babe, don't cry," he pleaded, and sat up weakly, leaning forward on his knees and attempting to catch the breath he had magically lost with the struggle he had just to sit up. "I'll go, I'll go, just please don't cry. I love you, I'd do anything for you," he coughed, staggering to his feet and leaning heavily against the wall. The nurse let a faint sound fall out of her mouth.

"Sit back down, I'll call an ambulance!" She said quickly, dialing the number for one to come to the school. He sat, looking up at Jaz, making sure she cried no more tears. He squeezed her hand with his good one.

"I'm okay, I promise, I'm okay. Don't cry," he mumbled, not wanting to speak for fear he'd lose all his strength, but not wanting to stay quiet either with how upset he'd made Jaz. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine felt immediate relief wash over her and she smiled while wiping away her somewhat real and fake tears. "Thank you!" She decided not to tell him about the encounter she had while he was at work, it'd be the wrong time and he is in no shape to handle anymore news or stress. After all, Jasmine said she would handle this stalker herself. Jaz grabs his hand and sits beside him on the bed. In her mind, Jasmine already had a million ideas for revenge on Clara. She knew that Clara was behind this, she always was. "I'm going to get some clothes for you ok?" Jasmine stands and looks at Brody once more, "Any special requests?"

"Don't leave me, I'll wear this bloodstained mess. Don't you dare leave me," he pleaded, even as the paramedics walked in and took notice of Brody. "Please don't make me go alone." Brody allowed the paramedics to set him on a gurney, and he laid on it, groaning quietly. His heart rate spiked at the sight of the ambulance, and he squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to see. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine nodded, "Ok, ok. I'm not leaving." She follows Brody into the ambulance and sits on the side seat. She was provident to stay out of the paramedic's way, but still held onto Brody's hand. Jasmine sat there for a second quietly but decided to try and add light to the subject, "If you're this scared how are you going to see Rose being born?" She grins and waits for Brody's reaction. Jasmine thought childbirth was a nasty but beautiful thing, and knowing Brody she'd guess he would avoid looking at all costs.

Brody smiled weakly, shaking his head. "I'll be standing by you, and looking at you. I don't need to see any of it," he told her easily, wanting to laugh but knowing he'd up choking if he did. Instead Brody took a weak breath, and when they got to the hospital they first thing the paramedics needed to do was surgery on his wrist. His heat skipped a beat for all the wrong reasons, and he looked over at Jaz warily, knowing they'd give him an anesthetic and he wouldn't see her for a couple hours. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine squeezed his hand again and nodded to him reassuringly. "I'll be here. I'll be worried about you and hey, this is probably a horrible joke to make, but they probably won't even need to use anesthetics on you, you'll be out like a light once you go through those double doors." She shrugs and pokes his arm playfully. "Just kidding, you'll do fine. Ask them for silly juice so you can see double and laugh about it." Jaz bends over and kisses his forehead whilst following them inside. She contemplated wether or not to head over and give Clara a piece of her mind while he was in surgery, but decided against it in case Brody got out early and she wasn't there.

Brody bit his lip and nodded, squeezing his eyes shut. He knew he blacked out, even before he could ask for the juice.


Brody woke up hours later in a room, bandaged together with a cast on his arm. He groaned weakly, trying to sit up but the soreness in his body hardly allowed him to do much more than lay back down. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. I can't do anything to Clara. I have to comply, he thought, clenching his hands into fists. If he didn't he was afraid she'd go after Jaz next. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine was woken and directed to Brody's recovery room. She walks up to him and smiles. "You made it! You're alive!" She jokes and plops down in the chair next to his bed. "I've been awake the whole-," Jaz yawns uncontrollably for a few seconds then snaps back to a smile, "The whole time." Her eyes stayed innocent and began to wonder around the room. "Oooh there's a tv in here. Let's watch some horrible reality tv. What about Teen Mom? Let's get a glimpse into our future." Jasmine switches on the tv and leans back into the uncomfortable ICU chair.

Brody sat up weakly despite the pain in his body, and shook his head turning the TV off. "We need to talk, Jazz," he said quietly, looking over at her small frame. He didn't understand how in such a short amount of time she was supposed to grow so much. He patted the empty space next to him, wanting Jaz close when they had this discussion. "Come here, Babe, " he said, adjusting some pillows with his uncasted hand so he could sit up better against the pain. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine sat up when he said he needed to talk. Her heart rate increased rapidly and she immediately became nervous. Anytime the two ever need to talk it always ends up in bad circumstances. They fight for long periods of time then make up. "What is it?" Jaz stood and sat on the bed where he invited her. Her hands began to build up sweat. She wanted to ask him if it was anything bad, but decided not to. It was better if he just came out and said whatever it was instead of answering irrelevant questions first.

Brody wrapped an arm around her shoulders, nuzzling his nose against her neck. "I love you, " he whispered, holding her closer to him, ignoring the pain it brought to have any weight at all pressed against him. "And I want you to be safe. I'll do whatever I have to to make sure you're okay. " He told her honestly, looking her in the eye with a small frown. "I don't want Clara to hurt you, and if she's capable of doing this to me... " his voice trailed off for a moment. "Maybe we should take a break, until I can figure out what to do with Clara." He finally said it, the thought that had been edging around in his mind. He took her hand in his, squeezing gently, hoping she could understand that this was out of love, that he was just trying to come up with the best option. "Just temporarily, " He emphasized. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine looked down as if she were thinking. Yep, bad. She bobbed her head up and down then looked back at him. "Ok. I understand. I don't want you bandaged and bruised anymore." She smiled slightly then yawned once again. "Are you going to be in your other kid's life? We've never brought that up." She leans beside him carefully and stares at the ceiling. It was almost sunrise and she hadn't gotten much sleep. The chair in the waiting room was horrendous and the guy sitting next to her kept passing gas like she wasn't even there. The woman on her left even kept leaning over to flirt with the gassy guy. It was a mess.

Brody held her close, kissing her softly. "We don't have to start the breakup yet, " he said, unsure of how to answer her question. "I wanna be, " he admitted, running his fingers through her soft hair. He looked down at Jaz, smiling at her. He didn't understand why she would ever want to be with him. He had so many horrible things in his past, his present, and in his future. He was a timeline of bad, and yet she was still sitting next to him. "But I don't wanna be around Clara. So I'm going to try and get full custody." He added. "And I have this beautiful girl who's stuck around for some unknown reason who I know will help me win." He added, winking as Jaz. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine was happy that Brody would be in his kid's life, but didn't think it all the way through the Clara and the custody. Her stomach dropped a smidge when he mentioned full custody, and not in a good way. She wanted nothing to do with the kid from Clara, but knew it would be wrong to make Brody lose the battle purposely. "That's good. You'd take care of it more than she would." Jasmine closes her eyes and brings her arms behind her head. "I think I'm going to sleep now. I'm going to need it for class and that crap later."

After Brody finishes talking, Jasmine lays there silently. She falls asleep within a short 20 minutes of stress thoughts and a bad mood.

Brody sighed, laying next to her and holding her close to him. "Sweetheart, please don't be mad at me, " he whispered, knowing she was already asleep and in no way able to respond. He kissed her forehead, resting his hand on her waist. He closed his eyes, exhausted and sore. I hope you're still here when I wake up, He thought, beginning to drift off with the comfort of Jaz next to him.


(I gotta go to bed lol night)
Jasmine's eyes fluttered open that morning. She looked over to Brody who had been sleeping and decides to stand up. Jaz wasn't going to leave until he woke up, so she went into the bathroom and freshened up while time passed by. She could smell a fresh brew of coffee in the hallway, to which it lured her out for a cup. The sweet smell filled her nostrils as she poured the scorching hot coffee into a styrofoam cup. Jasmine took her first sip and immediately felt a bit better. She entered back into Brody's room and sat on the chair until he woke up.


((Ok night lol.))
Brody groaned quietly, turning in his half asleep state to wrap his arms around Jaz. When he felt nothing he opened his eyes slowly, looking around the room in a daze before finding Jasmine sitting in a chair. He smiled softly, laying back down in content. "Hey, thanks for staying." He said, frowning slightly as he began to remember their conversation from last night and everything that led up to it. "I'm sorry, " he whispered. @BasicallyMe

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