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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

Shane pulled her more into the a hug. He was actually worried about what he was gonna talk with Crane about and that barely happened. They never got along but they never hated each other. "Come on, I'll go with you." As long actually he stayed close to her, Edward wouldn't come and talk to him. @McMajestic

Dustin smirked at that. He knew that he was allowed back in certain areas on Arizona but that still didn't mean it was his home. "I'll tell you what I know from where I grew up someday." He said to Kaya when she told him to tell her something about there. "Lead the way milady." He bowed to her so that she would lead the way. @redwood
Mari shook her head. "What, scared I can't buy a couple drinks?" She asked, although she felt slightly nervous that Shane was coming with her. Mari had originally planned on buying some beer for herself, knowing that one of the girl's who worked the stand was always working for a way to make an extra twenty bucks. She didn't want to buy it around Shane. It just made her feel... bad. She couldn't explain why, but just the thought of doing something wrong in front of him was both terrifying and disheartening. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
30 minutes later

Jasmine stood up and smiled to Liam. "Thanks for joining me. I had fun." She set down a tip and started digging in her wallet for some cash to pay for the breakfast.

"Oh, don't worry about that I paid for it a few minutes ago when I went to the bathroom." He smiles and wraps his arms around her for a friendly hug.

"Oh, well thanks for that too." Jaz hugs him back and says her good byes before disappearing from the restaurant. She knew a dormitory party would be starting soon, so she started her way back to the girl's dorms. Jasmine could only hope Clara would be there.

Jaz opened the door to the building and stepped in. Andrew had set up alcoholic drinks and snacks on the small table under the tv hanging from the wall. "Nice."

Brody barely made it back to his dorm in one piece. He'd never been surrounded by so many people who wanted to hurt him before. He rubbed a bruise that was forming on his jaw, from when the guy who spilled coffee on him punched him when he tried to get up. He locked the door behind him, sitting on his bed and pulling the flowers out of the bag, turning them into a trail that would lead to his bed before using what was left to pour on his bed. He'd already placed an order for the Chinese food and since John knew Brody was beat up he allowed the delivery. Brody pinned up some pictures he had that had been framed for months but resting under his bed, hoping it made his room look nicer. They were pictures he had taken in a forest, of birds and snakes and whatever other animals he had found. He looked around, hoping everything looked nice. he still had a few hours before Jaz would be coming around.

Clara sat on the couch in the common room, laughing as her and a large group of friends all chatted together, most of them drinking something.

Shane sighed before he rubbed her hair. "I need a drink and by that I mean a drink drink, kinda annoyed that he needs to talk to me but whatever." He told her without a care in the world. "Why did he had to come?" That was what he was thinking right now. "Come, I need some strong drink." He grabbed her hand. @McMajestic
Jasmine sat next to Clara and her friends, drinking water out of a red solo cup. "What's up Clar bear?" She kicks back and scans the area of everyone talking. "Anything new happenin'? Been sluttin around since last night?" Jasmine takes another huge gulp of water and then drops it on Clara's lap, spilling it everywhere. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" She jumps up, careful to avoid the water and walks away after patting Clara's shoulder.

Andrew watches and shakes his head to Jasmine disapprovingly. "Really?" He grabs a towel and tosses it to Clara. Andrew then decides to pour Clara a drink of soda, his back to her so she couldn't sneak a peek in case she happened to look over. He then slipped a tablet into it and let it dissolve before giving it to Clara.

Clara rolled her eyes, wiping the water up and getting to her feet. "You're so fucking immature, Jaz," she muttered, before glaring at the soda. "We're at a party and you're offering me soda? Is there Jack in it?" She demanded, handing it back to him, giving him a pointed look. @BasicallyMe

"Those I know how to get," Mari smirked, leading him over to a concession and getting in the short line. when they got to the front she slipped the girl working it some extra cash. "I need something strong," Mari said, and the girl smirking knowingly, handing them both a bottle of beer. She grinned, looking over at Shane. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Jasmine squinted her eyes to Clara and began thinking. Why would she drink jack? Is she trying to make her baby come out with as many problems as her? At this, Jasmine became angry, but didn't stop her.

Andrew's eyebrows raise and he looks to her a little confused. "I can put some in it if you want." He grins and walks back over to the table, pouring some alcohol in it before walking back to her and handing it back for the second time. "There you go, babe."

"Thanks," Clara sized Andrew up, grinning up at him. She gave him a once-over, smirking at what she saw. She definitely kept him in the back of her mind and she drank a good half of her cup. "So, what's your name, Hotshot?" She asked Andrew, hoping to spark up a conversation and then take him back to her dorm. @BasicallyMe
Shane stare at the alcohol in his hand then at her before sighing and opening the lid. He wasn't someone who liked to drink but he really needed it now, because he actually didn't feel in the mood to just drink something like a normal drink. "Thanks." He told her while passing a hand through his hair with his free hand and smiling at her. @McMajestic
Mari kissed his cheek, before opening her bottle and taking a long swig, downing a good portion of it. "You have no idea how long I've been dying to do that," she laughed, walking back towards the water before pausing. "I wanna finish this first," she said, sitting down in the sand and looking out at the waves. "Hopefully you'll get drunk. I bet that's a fun sight," Mari added jokingly. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII
Andrew watched Clara sip at her drink and smirked. She should be getting loopy soon. "Andrew. You should already know me by now, considering I'm hot." His fingers trail through the dirty blonde hair on top of his head and he flashes her a half smile. "You're not so bad yourself." Andrew sips at his beer and keeps his eyes on her. "So where's your dorm at sweetheart? Maybe I can come visit some time?"

(Literally, I might have to make a quick profile for Clara. I didn't realize how much she'd be in this lol)

"Third floor," Clara grinned, getting to her feet. A faint nauseous feeling clawed at her, and she leaned against Andrew, wrapping her arms around his neck in an attempt to make it seem purposeful. "C14. Maybe we should go there now," she giggled, stumbling even though she wasn't moving. She felt sick. She rested her head on his chest, closing her eyes. "Actually, can you help me get there," she mumbled. "I feel really woozy all the sudden," she held on to him tighter, not realizing she was practically squeezing his neck, trying to keep herself stable. @BasicallyMe
((Lol ikr plans just keep on going))

Andrew gives her an indefinite concerned look. "Sure," He picks Clara up off of her feet and carries her to the elevators so they can get into her dorm. Once the elevator reaches the third floor, he steps out and carries her to C14. Andrew wasn't an idiot, he put on a black ski mask before entering her room. "This is gonna be fun, babe." A.J. kicks the door open, tosses a loopy Clara on the bed, and inspects the dorm for cameras or a camera on her computer just for extra precaution. "I'd do anything for Jasmine, so let's get to work why don't we?" He pulls out some black duct tape and tapes her mouth shut, "Sorry, bosses' orders." A.J. shrugs and undresses her, "She wants you to get a taste of your own medicine. Not sure how good it'll work since I'm not exactly appalling, in fact, you'll probably enjoy this." Andrew continues talking to her like she'd remember the conversation, but in all reality she wouldn't.


Once he was finished, Andrew wrote a J on the duct tape with silver sharpie and left. He was never the type to stick around anyway.

Clara woke up a few hours later, groaning quietly at the small headache she had. She sat up weakly, noticing her clothes were off, and sighed to herself, or tried to anyways. All too soon she felt the duct tape on her mouth, and slowly pulled it off, noticing the J written on it. She looked down at it for a moment, before remembering Andrew, and she smirked, laughing quietly. Clara freshened up before putting on some clothes, walking back down to the party which was still going on. She looked around for Jasmine, eager to confront her. This is going to be good, she thought. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine sat on the sofa next to Andrew. They had just gotten done discussing what he'd done to Clara, and began laughing. She was happy, but knew there would be more Clara when she came to. These past few days it was hard to know if Andrew had been slowly changing. Last night he got angry and committed the same things he would do in the past, just not as bad, and now he was willing to risk hisself for her.

Clara sat down next to Jaz casually. "Was getting me laid supposed to... upset me?" She asked her casually, reaching for an unopened bottle of whiskey on the table and opening it, taking a small swig as she waited for an answer, curious as to what Jaz's reaction would be. @BasicallyMe
Shane took a swig of the bottle before placing his head on her shoulder. "I'm a heavyweight, I just said I didn't like drinking Evil Queen." He told her. He didn't hate alcohol nor did he like it, it just didn't feel good when it came to him drinking. "I just dislike the taste." @McMajestic
Jasmine looked over to Clara and shrugged. "I figured it wouldn't since you're such a whore," She balled her hand into a fist ready to punch her in the stomach, but decided not too. "So, Clar, are you even pregnant? I mean- who drinks jack when they're pregnant? Well- that question is a little invalid since the answer is an idiot." Jasmine looks to Clara and smile sweetly. "Brody will never want your pathetic little ass. Actually, right now this isn't even about Brody, I just want to make your life a living hell. This isn't the end, I promise. There's a ton more to offer." Jasmine looks her in the eyes innocently and checks the time. "Well if you'll excuse me, I have a date." She jumps up excitedly and sets her water down. "See ya later."

Mari sighed, shaking her head at him. "Then I guess we'll have to buy more bottles," she pushed him down on the sand, crawling over him and kissing him playfully, taking another sip of her beer before setting it down carefully in the sand. She nuzzled her nose against his, giggling to herself. "Maybe I can get all your secrets out when you're under the influence," she joked. In reality Mari would never interrogate a person, especially not after all the bad things she's done. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Clara watched as Jasmine left, looking over at Andrew. "Are you leaving too?" She asked, setting the drink down. She figured she'd better stop, having forgotten that pregnant people didn't drink until Jaz brought it to her attention. She hadn't even been thinking about it. She needed to set some rules for herself. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine knocks on Brody's door, not even bothering to go to her own dorm and change into her regularly girly attire. Her clothes matched her attitude for now. She straightened out the black hoodie and picked off any hairs from her black leggings while waiting for him to answer the door. Jaz was still totally unaware of the trouble she'd caused on Brody's side of the argument.

Andrew finishes his beer and looks at her. "Why would I leave such a pretty girl?" He squeezes the cup, "No hard feelings about earlier?" A grin spread across A.J.'s face without warning. He wasn't a good guy and didn't plan on caring if Clara was mad at him now too. "Just business."

A guy walking towards his own dorm noticed a girl standing outside Brody's. "I wouldn't go in there if I were you, that's not the type of guy you wanna hang out with. Google him if you don't believe me," he added, continuing on to his room. Brody opened the door not long after that, smiling at Jaz. "Hey, Beautiful," Brody smiled, opening the door so she could see the flower trails and the candles he had lit to provide their only lighting for the night. "Food's not here yet, but it will be soon." He added, hoping she'd like it. He knew how much stress she was under and he only hoped he could made it all go away.

Clara smiled, scooting closer to him. "I'm only upset you drugged me so I couldn't experience it all," she said honestly. She knew she was making it seem like she was hopelessly in love with Brody, but in reality she was trying to ruin his life, not put herself back into it. She definitely wasn't look at him as a permanent boyfriend. "You'll have to do it again, I guess," she smirked at him.

Jasmine watched as the guy walked away and marked a mental note to google Brody some time later. She was a bit confused and then looked straight to Brody when he opened the door. The second thing that caught her attention were all the flowers lying on a trail to his also flower-covered bed. "Wow," She walks in and looks around noticing the lit candles too. "This is pretty, Brody." She smiles slightly and sits down on his bed. Jaz knew she shouldn't bring up the whole Clara thing, so she decided to wait and see how tonight goes. "How've you been?"

Andrew raises his eyebrows and laughs. "Look, Claire," His words were a teeny bit slurred, just enough to notice he was getting slightly drunk. Andrew was of course still aware of his surroundings, he just really didn't know Clara's true name, nor did he care. "I'm not up for a round two if that's what you're suggesting. I make bitches work for what they want. Sorry." He taps a random by stander to go get him another beer, to which the guy nods yes and walks over to the table.

The first day. Fuck.

Well, first night...

Riley finally got all of her bags into her dorm room. Her purple waves were pinned up in a messy pony and she wore a baggy Nirvana t-shirt with black leggings and Nike tennis shoes. She had made her bed, purple comforter, pillows, curtains... It was a blueberry explosion. The seventeen year-old let out a heavy sigh. Her dorm room door was swung open, so girls passing by would see the neat, colorful room that smelt of vanilla and roses. She was a very neat teenager to say the least. White bulb lights lined her window frame and the mirror on her dresser. Riley loved lights and anything cute that she could find on Pintrest. A pastel goth people would call her, but she wasn't goth at all. She hated dark makeup and the stereotypical thought that all goths were depressed... Instead, she was a very happy girl who just liked the color purple and hated civilization.

She plopped onto her bed, scrolling through her phone at old pictured of her and her friends back from Arizona. Riley was very tan and she had a slim frame, but don't let that scrawniness fool you, she's quite strong, and could probably beat you in a long distance race.
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"Better," Brody admitted, moving to sit by her. "But tonight I just wanna make you feel good- in a platonic way, of course. So we don't have to worry about me," he smiled, kissing her cheek. "Totally innocent," he added, winking at her. "So, you pick the movie. I have an array of rom-coms if that interests you. And regular comedies over there," he pointed towards his dresser. The first two drawers were dedicated to movies. "There might also be some indi films. Those can be entertaining."

Clara smirked, straddling Andrew's waist. "First of all, it's Clara, and second of all, I'm willing to work for it." Clara takes the drink from the guy before Andrew can, taking a sip of it.


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