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Realistic or Modern Bouvardia Academy

"What? Will she be okay? I'll pay for anything. Just please make sure my baby girl's okay," Brody spoke quickly, biting his lip as Rose lost her grip on his finger. He looked down at her still face. He didn't like the situation they were in at all, but he went over to Jaz to take care of her, wrapping an arm around her waist to support most of her weight, squeezing her hand in his own to comfort the both of them. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine laid her head into Brody's neck and let loose a few tears. She felt like all of this was her fault; Rose should have been safe in her stomach, but now she's laying in a cold hospital bed with wires attached to every spot. "I should have taken more care of myself." Jaz stares at Rose for a while longer until time was up. She pats Rose's head softly before exiting the NICU; her legs were worn out and she was exhausted from labor and stress. Everything had been too much.

"Sweetie, it's not your fault." Brody spoke quietly. "Sometimes these things happen, but she's going to be okay." Brody noticed how exhausted Jaz was, and felt his own guilt rise. He shouldn't even care about his problems with Jaz's being so much bigger, and Rose... he took a breath. "Do you want me to carry you? You look really tired," he offered, not wanting Jaz to move around so much if she couldn't. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine continued walking down the hallway towards her room, "No, I want to do it myself. If I let you do my work I'll take longer to get my energy back." She grabs his hand and opens the door to her room. "I think I'm going to try and go to sleep early." Jaz knew that it'd be hard though. All she would be able to think about is Rose and if she was breathing at that moment.

Jasmine got into her bed slowly and laid back. Her eyes locked onto the ceiling, thoughts streaming through her head every few seconds before the darkness embraced her, sending Jasmine into an uncomfortable sleep.

Brody sat by the bed, grabbing a spare pillow and resting his head on it, not able to sleep despite the long day. He just wanted both his girls to be okay, but neither of them were. He sighed deeply, taking Jaz's hand in his as she slept, humming gently in hopes it would calm her sleep. It was something his adopted mother did for him when he used to be plagued with nightmares. It always helped him. @BasicallyMe
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Next morning

Jasmine was awoken by the sound of her hospital room door opening. Her eyes were blurry at first, but after rubbing then a few times, Jaz came to her senses and noticed her doctor. In some alternate world she was praying he would tell them that Rose was fine and that they could all go home together as a family, but in reality she knew it wouldn't happen.

"Ok, we've got your discharge papers ready and you both are good to go." He shakes Jasmine's hand and then Brody's. "Congrats on your baby girl. No worries, she'll be safe here. You two are welcome to visit everyday around the visiting times."

Jasmine sits up all the way and frowns. She didn't want to leave her here, Jaz felt like she was abandoning her.

Brody watched Jaz closely, getting her things together for her, watching as the doctor exited. "You can stay if you want, Jaz, but I have to to my appointment," he said after a long moment. "But I could come back with lunch?" He threw the suggestion out there, not wanting her to have to leave Rose alone because of him. He stood, reaching for the comfort of a camera around his neck, only to grab onto air. "Oh my God! I don't have a camera! I need to get one," he muttered, wanting to take pictures of his beautiful daughter. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine shook her head and stood up slowly. She had regained some of the strength in her lower body; at least that made her feel a little happy. "I want to be there with you at your appointment, and if I stay locked in this hospital bed I'm never going to feel good." Jasmine knew she had to trust the doctors and let Rose heal, but the mother instincts wanted otherwise. "Let me get dressed." She grabbed her floral tank top from yesterday and the leggings to throw on so they wouldn't waste time.

Jaz opened the door to the room and headed straight for Rose to say goodbye. She would feel terrible if not.

Brody followed after her, going in and letting Rose squeeze his finger. "Bye, Baby Girl. We'll be back soon," he promised, letting Jaz say her goodbyes too before wrapping an arm around her shoulders and beginning to lead her out of the building to another one not too far away. The moment they stepped in the waiting room to the therapist the atmosphere got dark, and Brody felt terrified. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine walked with Brody to the therapist office and notices his mood change. She rubs his shoulder softly and reassures him that everything will be ok. "She's just going to ask you some questions, and you're going to answer. Nothing to be afraid about." Jaz knew she would be nervous too in Brody's position, but the best thing to do is try and convince him otherwise. "Just think of our pretty Rose and her beautiful little eyes. And imagine the first time she'll call you daddy." She smiles and kisses Brody's lips comfortingly.

Brody nodded, leaning into the kiss, taking the comfort for all it was worth before Brody heard his name called, and stood, walking into the therapist's room. He looked over at the woman, who was staring down at scribbled notes, and he took a seat on the couch across from her, beginning to jiggle his leg as if he was pressing down on a nerve. He hated the idea that he might be about to be diagnosed with some disease, or thrown into an asylum. He practically choked at the thought. Don't take me from my family, he pleaded silently.


(I'm gonna go to bed cause I'm super tired, night xD )
Jasmine's head snaps up at Brody's name being called. She figured the therapist wouldn't want her in there with them, so Jaz stayed seated and watched them disappear behind the closed door. If it was allowed, Jasmine would've been up to hold his hand in the seat next to him while he pours out all of his emotions, but clearly she could only be here for moral support in the waiting room. Her foot began to bob up and down nervously. It felt like forever since he went in there, but it'd only been a total of 2 minutes.


((Ok night, I'm tired too lol))
Brody sat nervously for a moment, until finally the therapist looked up at him, raising an eyebrow at the way he fidgeted. "Are you nervous?" She asked. Brody stopped moving.

"A little bit, " he admitted, sitting up a little straighter as the therapist looked him up and down. Something about her stare made him uncomfortable , and he began fidgeting again.

"So, tell me why you're here," she finally said. Brody didn't say anything for a minute, instead looking towards the window where sunshine peaked in through the half-drawn curtains.

"There's something wrong with me." He said simply.

"And what is that?" The woman asked. It occurred to Brody then he didn't know her name, and perhaps she didn't even know his.

"I don't know." The woman listened intently, as if his lack of knowledge was something to remember, and she jotted something down on her clipboard.

"So tell me why you think something's wrong with you," she said, and Brody began to explain how his anger had been affected ever since he met Jaz, how he blacked out and woke up in a destroyed mess of a room. She listened the whole time, making a few notes every now and then, and when he was finished she didn't speak. "Well?" He asked.

"Well, what?" The therapist looked at him quizzically.

"What's wrong with me?" He demanded.

"Tell me about your parents." She said instead, he groaned in frustration. He just wanted to know about his anger problems, not everything else wrong with him. @BasicallyMe
(Sorry... Fell asleep. @redwood )

Riley watched the boy as he explained his situation, nodding while understanding the situation. She gave a small smile, "It's no problem, here." she gestured for him to hand her the books and set them onto her dresser, "I'm Riley by the way." she responded before running a hand through her hair. She looked back over to the male with a bright smile on her face, "You can come in if you want... It's a bit... Colorful." she mentioned with a small giggle. She sat on the edge of her bed
Jasmine continued to wait impatiently in the uncomfortable, cold waiting chair. She was hoping that everything is going fine with Brody in there. The old woman sitting across from her continued on a rant about her late husband from world war 2, and the young blonde girl sitting next to her sucked on a red lollipop while practically staring into Jasmine's soul with chocolatey brown eyes. Somehow the little girl reminded her of Rose, and it began to make her feel anxious. Jaz wanted to call the nurse up and ask how she'd been doing, but then again Jasmine knew she needed to leave it be. Everything was ok.

"Nice to meet you, Riley," Brandon nodded. The name, to him, fit the purple girl exceedingly well. When she invited him in, he edged closer into the room, his light eyes took in the room. "Colorful? I'd describe it as..." He racked his mind, trying to find a purple item to compare it to. "Grape?" He winced jokingly, knowing his joke fell flat, and that it was a pitiful joke. Now that he got a good look at the space, he quite liked it. Nodding at the general space, he changed the subject. "Did you just enroll? Or did you just change rooms? I don't remember seeing you around."

@J I N X (it's fine, don't worry about it.)
Shane kissed her back before placing his chin on her forehead. "You're mine and mine alone." He kissed her again as a way of admitting that. "I love you too." He told her before he tickle her under the water. "You know you really have an interesting way to keep my attention all ti yourself." He joked with her but at the same time sound like it was the truth. @McMajestic

Dustin stare at her phone number before calling her and ending the call. "Just so that you know when I'm calling, don't want to be called a stranger when I call you." He joked with her as he drank from his cup. "I'm more of a tea type of guy but sometimes I just gotta have some coffee." He told her. @redwood
Kaya crinkled her nose. Her mother drank tea religiously, but she never was able to drink it. Iced tea, sure, but never hot tea. "Tea was never my thing," she said after a moment. "I was always a coffee drinker. It's been getting me through my day since I was thirteen." What ever a thirteen year old did that required coffee to keep them going, she didn't elaborate. Instead, she took her phone out of her waistband to add Dustin's number to her ever-short contact list. "There, you won't be a stranger because it'll clearly say Dustin."

"Well I gotta had to drink something the last 2 years ago, which came down to tea not coffee." He explained to her. He had been in juvie but that didn't mean he wasn't treated right sometimes. "Sounds good, so what exactly do you like to do?" He asked her. @redwood
Kaya looked up at the ceiling, before immediately responding with, "Drawing. Sketching. Doodling. Anything that keeps my hands busy and keeps my mind off of things." Since she had set her coffee cup down on a table they were standing next to, it was clear that she spoke with her hands. "Reading. Generally being a homebody." Kaya said the last bit with an air of humor. She'd always been on the more secluded side, but her shell cracked slightly more once she was adopted and put into the school. She nodded her chin at Dustin, before asking, "You?"

That kinda made Dustin think. He hummed as he started thinking about it before something came into his head. "Well I guess acting, writing and reading are the top things I like to do the most." He said to her. "I also Like to travel during my vacation, visiting my cousin and that's about it." He finished while grinning at her. @redwood
The girl nodded; they were all justifiable things to enjoy, and do. When he grinned at her, she adverted her eyes, her own grin appearing across her face. "My sister used to tell me stories about my grandmother and how weird our family was. Is," she chuckled. "That being said, visiting family was never high on my list of favorite activities. But I do enjoy traveling. My mom and I went on a roadtrip last summer, down to New Orleans to see her sister, and it was the best few days of my life."

Dustin dropped the grin but nodded at her. Kaya was correct when she said that family are weirds. "Well I usually travel to Australia or Italy when it's summer in order to visit my cousins or just to do whatever I want." He didn't like calling himself rich but he always did it on summer or when there was a special holiday. "My family are weird and intolerable." He said to her with a frown. "They try to run what I do but I never let them." @redwood
"Well as long as I have it I don't care how I get it," Mar smiled, kissing him back before detaching herself from him. "Because you're mine just as much as I'm yours," she started towards the sand. "I'll go get us some boards. Wait by the shoreline," she called, heading back to the beach and trailing in on the sand, her wet swimsuit sticking to her body tightly as she headed for the small rental shop to grab a couple surfboards. She knew Shane would need a lightweight one so she didn't mind carrying both. Just as she was walking past a large pole that held a flickering light, a guy appeared out of nowhere, pinning her to it. "Hey Mari, you busy?" He asked with a chuckle. Mari immediately recognized the kid as some stuck up football player.

"Get out of my way," she snarled, trying to push away from him.

"Oh come on, I was hoping for a little fun," he persisted. Mari kicked and shoved, trying to break his grip, but he was too close and the pole pressed against her back while he pressed against her chest, resting his hand on her bare stomach.

"I have a boyfriend, get off me, Douchebag," she snarled.

"Oh I'm not worried about him," he said, and Mari felt slight fear as she squirmed beneath the guy, not wanting to hurt Shane again.

"No! Stop," she demanded, kneeing him hard. The guy groaned, shoving her as hard as he could, and Mari tripped over the curb, falling to the ground and smacking her head against the concrete. She sat up weakly, noticing blood pouring over the pavement, and collapsed once more, everything going black. @IIIREXIIIARCHERIIIII

Brody didn't say anything for a long time as he stared at the therapist in disbelief. He just wanted to get a diagnostic and some medicine and move on. "My dad has a bit of a temper, but I have to do some serious shit to piss him off, like getting a girl pregnant, I guess. And my mom is perfectly sweet. Moving on-"

"No, not your adopted parents, your birth parents," the woman said, and Brody blinked.

"How do you know I'm adopted?" He asked quizzically. He had never mentioned that detail.

"I always look into my patients, Brody Wilson, and you lived in an orphanage and a group home before meeting your adopted parents. Do you know of your birth parents?" She asked once more.

"No. I've been trying to find them for the last year or so but I... I haven't had much luck." The therapist nodded and scribbled something down, tapping her pencil for a moment, as if debating whether or not to speak, before she finally let out a sigh deeper than the ocean and she sat up a little straighter, taking her glasses off.

"I looked into your birth parents, and I know exactly who they are. I believe they have something to do with your... Blackout Rage," she said, and Brody froze, unable to speak for the longest time, expecting her to fill the silence.

"Well who are they?" He practically yelled when she didn't explain any further. @BasicallyMe
Jasmine could hear Brody's yell from the waiting room and immediately became worried. What if he was having a fit and about to make a bad decision? She stood up, but stayed in the same spot as if her feet were glued to the ground. Jaz didn't want to interrupt his therapy session, so after a few seconds of thinking, she sat back down. Jasmine's eyes stayed on the door in hopes they would come walking out soon.


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