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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

I wasn't referring to that discussion specifically but to our discussions such as the ones of the past day and a half/two days and others. I want to be able to adress your concerns as best as I can but you seem to be contradicting every other thing I say and that has been really getting on my nerves. It's not fair to you though that I lash out against you. So let's both avoid it, ok?

To contradict what you say, it's actually the reverse. I'll make a statement to someone else and you'll come in and say I'm wrong. You've done this on several occasions. Now I don't mind you doing that since I enjoy a nice debate. But you can't come in and do that and then complain to me about our discussions. Even this most recent discussion. I'm talking about OOC nonsense that will never actually happen in IC and you come in and contradict my statement. If this is annoying you then stop doing it.
To contradict what you say, it's actually the reverse. I'll make a statement to someone else and you'll come in and say I'm wrong. You've done this on several occasions. Now I don't mind you doing that since I enjoy a nice debate. But you can't come in and do that and then complain to me about our discussions. Even this most recent discussion. I'm talking about OOC nonsense that will never actually happen in IC and you come in and contradict my statement. If this is annoying you then stop doing it.
I come to say you are wrong because it's about things I already stated before which your statements are in opposition to
I come to say you are wrong because it's about things I already stated before which your statements are in opposition to
still that might be the solution. Depending on whether I end up finding it more efficient to just have to clear the misunderstanding with everyone else
I come to say you are wrong because it's about things I already stated before which your statements are in opposition to

And most of them are entirely irrelevant. Pick your battles if you get annoyed by fighting every one. I'm the type that doesn't mind. I'm always up for a discussion. So if you challenge me I'll reply. If you're not in the mood then just ignore it unless it actually effects the roleplay. My views on the anime or the rooming situation for NPCs are not relevant or important, so if it bothers you to get into these discussions just ignore it.

Something I've learned in my history of RP is to only address things as they're relevant to IC. Maybe, one day, the rooming situation for NPCs will actually be relevant. But that is not this day so if you aint in the mood don't bother. Address it when it's actually relevant. Otherwise you end up spending your time getting into pointless debates with a retard like me on the internet over things that never actually end up mattering in the end.
And most of them are entirely irrelevant. Pick your battles if you get annoyed by fighting every one. I'm the type that doesn't mind. I'm always up for a discussion. So if you challenge me I'll reply. If you're not in the mood then just ignore it unless it actually effects the roleplay. My views on the anime or the rooming situation for NPCs are not relevant or important, so if it bothers you to get into these discussions just ignore it.

Something I've learned in my history of RP is to only address things as they're relevant to IC. Maybe, one day, the rooming situation for NPCs will actually be relevant. But that is not this day so if you aint in the mood don't bother. Address it when it's actually relevant. Otherwise you end up spending your time getting into pointless debates with a retard like me on the internet over things that never actually end up mattering in the end.
None of the things I called you on were irrelevant. Maybe you didn't intend to do anything with the supposition, but there are other people, including people you were adressing who might have.
None of the things I called you on were irrelevant. Maybe you didn't intend to do anything with the supposition, but there are other people, including people you were adressing who might have.

Might being the key word. So like I said, pick your battles if doing every one of them gets on your nerves. If you just don't want to mess with it, then don't. Doing something you don't want to do because of what MIGHT happen is silly. If my wrong information ever actually mattered then address it then, why spend time doing something that annoys you in order to prevent something that may very well never have happened to begin with? This is why I said to only address things as they become relevant to IC. When you try to cover all angles from the get-go you just get bogged down with inanity. So until these things ACTUALLY happen, they are irrelevant.
Might being the key word. So like I said, pick your battles if doing every one of them gets on your nerves. If you just don't want to mess with it, then don't. Doing something you don't want to do because of what MIGHT happen is silly. If my wrong information ever actually mattered then address it then, why spend time doing something that annoys you in order to prevent something that may very well never have happened to begin with? This is why I said to only address things as they become relevant to IC. When you try to cover all angles from the get-go you just get bogged down with inanity. So until these things ACTUALLY happen, they are irrelevant.

What in the actual hell is going on now? I've only skimmed over these and all that you bring up are trivial issues or ones that can be solved at a later and don't affect the progression of this RP. I i'm not trying to defend Idea here, I'm just wondering why you keep egging him on and what your issues are. How bout you list them all and we'll deal with them accordingly and solve them if need be, otherwise I'd suggest you stop.
What in the actual hell is going on now? I've only skimmed over these and all that you bring up are trivial issues or ones that can be solved at a later and don't affect the progression of this RP. I i'm not trying to defend Idea here, I'm just wondering why you keep egging him on and what your issues are. How bout you list them all and we'll deal with them accordingly and solve them if need be, otherwise I'd suggest you stop.

That's the point. I'm not the one with issues. I'm not lodging complaints. I'm not saying anything. Idea keeps taking exception with what I say (half the time to other people) and it spins up a discussion on it. The very fact that you think I have any issues to list is a bit troubling to me. I mean hell, this most recent discussion started because I was joking around with Bandit about his character and Idea felt it critical to mention the rooming situation for NPCs.
Might being the key word. So like I said, pick your battles if doing every one of them gets on your nerves. If you just don't want to mess with it, then don't. Doing something you don't want to do because of what MIGHT happen is silly. If my wrong information ever actually mattered then address it then, why spend time doing something that annoys you in order to prevent something that may very well never have happened to begin with? This is why I said to only address things as they become relevant to IC. When you try to cover all angles from the get-go you just get bogged down with inanity. So until these things ACTUALLY happen, they are irrelevant.
"Better safe than sorry" are very important words for me. I don't care if you think it's foolish or whatnot, but I for one prefer that problems are adressed before they become too big to deal with or fix. I deal with things that might happen before they do because I am responsible.

But you are right about one thing, it is impossible for me to cover all angles from the getgo. I am only human. All the more reason why it is so annoying to have someone going around proposing things to people that are against what I already explained was not permitted.

You know what though? I think I may actually take you up on your offer and just stop adressing you. Self-improvement is clearly below you.
That's the point. I'm not the one with issues. I'm not lodging complaints. I'm not saying anything. Idea keeps taking exception with what I say (half the time to other people) and it spins up a discussion on it. The very fact that you think I have any issues to list is a bit troubling to me. I mean hell, this most recent discussion started because I was joking around with Bandit about his character and Idea felt it critical to mention the rooming situation for NPCs.

Well like I said, I skimmed through all this and didn't read into it much. I did read the rooming thing and if that was a joke and when Idea came in and you kept going on about it, then that is your fault. It is also his fault for taking a joke out of context. I am just saying the way your replying to him and the way he's replying to you make it seem like to me you have issues to list is all. I just want to know what THIS particular conversation is about cause I'm not about to go through it all again.
"Better safe than sorry" are very important words for me. I don't care if you think it's foolish or whatnot, but I for one prefer that problems are adressed before they become too big to deal with or fix. I deal with things that might happen before they do because I am responsible.

But you are right about one thing, it is impossible for me to cover all angles from the getgo. I am only human. All the more reason why it is so annoying to have someone going around proposing things to people that are against what I already explained was not permitted.

You know what though? I think I may actually take you up on your offer and just stop adressing you. Self-improvement is clearly below you.

Except there isn't even one instance where I proposed anything to anyone that wasn't permitted. Mostly because I haven't said hardly anything about the roleplay itself. You pick fights you don't need to and then complain about being annoyed about the fights you pointless picked. You take things too literally and you take things too seriously. The very fact that you think I proposed an idea you had already said no to proves that since you're directly referencing the armor situation. And in THAT discussion I explicitly stated, multiple times, you can do whatever you want with the roleplay and I was talking about the anime. So how did I propose something you said no to when I outright said you have the right to say no to whatever you want? Now it's my turn to have things get on my nerves because you senselessly pick fights and then turn around to make me seem like the bad guy.

My views on the anime are irrelevant. My views on the rooming situation are irrelevant. My views on weaknesses are irrelevant. None of these things suggested to players to go against your wishes. They had nothing to do with the roleplay at all, really. Yet you chose to start arguments over them. Don't blame me for your actions man. This isn't about covering all angles or preventing problems before they arise, it's you NEEDLESSLY nitpicking and taking things out of context. Stop taking everything so literally. Stop taking everything as if it directly references the roleplay. OOC is OOC dude. Anime is anime. Not everything I say is about IC. In actual fact, literally nothing you've contested me on has anything to do with IC at all. Which is why it's even more mind boggling why you'd argue with me over it and then complain about arguing with me over it.
Well like I said, I skimmed through all this and didn't read into it much. I did read the rooming thing and if that was a joke and when Idea came in and you kept going on about it, then that is your fault. It is also his fault for taking a joke out of context. I am just saying the way your replying to him and the way he's replying to you make it seem like to me you have issues to list is all. I just want to know what THIS particular conversation is about cause I'm not about to go through it all again.

This current discussion is the one time I do have an issue. Idea has repeatedly come in and started an argument with me over literally nothing. And that parts fine, I like discussing things. But now he's complaining about doing it. He's insulting me. He's making me the bad guy. All because HE started pointless arguments with me. So THIS actually does get on my nerves. THIS is an actual issue I now have. I most assuredly do not enjoy someone nitpicking my OOC posts and then complaining to me because they nitpicked my posts. The solution is really quite simple, don't nitpick my posts if doing so annoys you. Jeez.
Y'know what, me and Idea are clearly on different wavelengths so I'm just going to remove myself from the situation. He feels compelled to respond to anything he views wrong and I feel compelled to respond in kind, in that way we're quite similar. And that similarity is horrible, as I know from past experience. So I'm just gonna remove myself from OOC since I know I don't have the self control not to engage back. And these past pages of OOC have far too much drama from me.
Too heavy for hero stuff?
View attachment 356300
no those seem ok

edit: it's really pushing it though it's basically a light mechanical armor, the same I gave Akacha
There's nothing wrong with armor. Even full on power armor would be fine. At the end of the day the only person deciding your hero outfit is you. If you want a big suit of armor and have the means to make it, there's nothing in BNHA that'd prevent you from doing it. Hell, the Support Course's entire purpose is making gadgets for hero work. You'd basically just be the Tony Stark of heroes.


Your statement, regardless of intent, came in direct sequence to someone asking if their character was ok using a particular set of armor. To which you went to say not just that there was no problem but to actually suggest the idea. Maybe you were talking about the anime only and not the roleplay, but given when this was posted and that you did not make that specification at the time, people could have been fooled into believing this was actually ok.

The other time, about the weaknesses, came after someone spoke about a quirk they might use, that person being B BlueClover . At the time you used a comparison to the heroes of the anime as the point of comparison to say the ability was excessively weak. To which I replied that they were a bad point of comparison.

The thing about the dorms was not in the sequence of anything but it was information that could easily have led to misunderstandings. So I corrected it, I wasn't even trying to say you're wrong, just making sure the facts were stated. It would have been as easy as you nodding and saying your situation was hypothetical or just saying you understood, any of it would have been good enough. But you made a fuss about it instead, despite later saying you find it irrelevant.
"Better safe than sorry" are very important words for me. I don't care if you think it's foolish or whatnot, but I for one prefer that problems are adressed before they become too big to deal with or fix. I deal with things that might happen before they do because I am responsible.

But you are right about one thing, it is impossible for me to cover all angles from the getgo. I am only human. All the more reason why it is so annoying to have someone going around proposing things to people that are against what I already explained was not permitted.

You know what though? I think I may actually take you up on your offer and just stop adressing you. Self-improvement is clearly below you.
This current discussion is the one time I do have an issue. Idea has repeatedly come in and started an argument with me over literally nothing. And that parts fine, I like discussing things. But now he's complaining about doing it. He's insulting me. He's making me the bad guy. All because HE started pointless arguments with me. So THIS actually does get on my nerves. THIS is an actual issue I now have. I most assuredly do not enjoy someone nitpicking my OOC posts and then complaining to me because they nitpicked my posts. The solution is really quite simple, don't nitpick my posts if doing so annoys you. Jeez.

Okay then simple solution is this: Idea, since Xel is normally interacting with other's OOC and is talking about in RP situations as a joke, then leave him be since I'm not seeing anything wrong here. I don't know of any of the previous conversations you two had (cause I'm not about to go through 30+ pages to find out) but the last two seem to show that Xel is not in the wrong and that this is all a misunderstanding. I'd like to keep this RP less toxic cause I genuinely enjoy this RP and if this is what f-king ruins it then that is a shameful and horrid way to go. So Idea Idea Xel hasn't done anything wrong except for joking about the in RP situations and that it was taken out of context. Now maybe Xel Xel could have worded his posts about that in a better way to make it seem like a joke, idk trying to find middleground here cause mediator JROTC training, but from what I'm seeing this should just be dropped all together and stop putting your heads in each others assess and just interact normally.
Member this?
I need to stand in the sun for a moment after looking through all this shade.

Also, good morning y'all! How is everyone on this fine day? :3

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