The Pun Tyrant
Tanya, you're forgetting the setting again. Hero's are a profession about show. And I've had a very extensive discussion with you on this before, and I reeaaaaaaalllly hate repeating myself as I think should be pretty clear with my outburst with Xel earlier today.Then that's not a true hero...
That's a cartoon character.
And frankly, a dead hero is no hero at all. If they'd be more successful in their attempts by ignoring the special move, then why would they ever decide to use something that puts them at such a high risk for so little? Think from a person with this quirk's standpoint. They have a quirk devoted to hurting things for the most part. Now if they hurt things more efficiently with the normal mode, why would they use a move that puts so much hope into that one shot, especially if it isn't gonna do some amazing amount of burst damage, and puts them at risk of breaking an entire arm?