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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

Fair point. Yet better people would generally as they do in real life, flock to famous schools.

And there is a difference between needing a drawback and just having one.

Yeah, but just like real life UA has finite space and even top tier people will have to go elsewhere. That's why I think it's perfectly reasonable to use UA students as a guideline. Starting out they're really no different than any other student. They haven't benefited from UA's teachings yet. So while I wouldn't use powerhouses like Icy-Hot as an example, I would use more background characters as an example.

And that's the key point I was making. Generally you should have some kind vulnerability, not even necessarily a drawback (although in this RP that seems to be a requirement). But SOMETHING so that you can be beaten, otherwise you're OP. But a lot of times people feel like they need more than they actually do. They don't get any roleplay benefit out of their excessive weaknesses, they only add it because they believe it's required. There's a line between having a weakness to make you fair, and just going overboard with that weakness. And it's often times difficult to know where that line is.
But a lot of times people feel like they need more than they actually do. They don't get any roleplay benefit out of their excessive weaknesses, they only add it because they believe it's required. There's a line between having a weakness to make you fair, and just going overboard with that weakness. And it's often times difficult to know where that line is.

I mean, you can't really argue that people don't get any roleplay benefit out of Idea's rules.
Especially since there's hardly 10 pages of IC.
I already have his costume.
View attachment 356568
Shammy I love him already.
I was thinking a she xD

Finger Gun: The user can fire bullet sized (5.56) energy projectiles from their fingers as long as two are connected. The projectiles have a range of 100ft, and move at approximately 300 feet per second, or 91.44 meters per second. (CQB Airsoft Gun speed.) They deal primarily kinetic damage, with a slight amount of thermal energy. The projectiles deal the damage of a good punch on average. There is a recoil to these projectiles for the user though, and as such they need to control that as they fire. Over time, this can start to be straining, though it does take a while for the basic mode.

The user has something of a built in HUD for aiming the 'gun', similar to most video game crosshairs. This may be attributed to a relatives quirk.

Special Move: Buck Wild: Connecting all of the fingers on a hand, the user gains the ability to fire a spread of projectiles that gradually expands as the distance increases, similar to buckshot in a shotgun. 9 projectiles are fired, and the force is enough to break bone when they impact close to one another. Mostly the ribs, not as much the tougher things like skulls. While the damage is high, the same goes for the wielder should they fire more than once from that same arm. It also adds strain, so there's less 'ammo' for the normal shots from that arm. Firing twice from the same arm has a 50% chance of breaking it. A 3rd time has 75%. 4th is guaranteed to break it.
B BlueClover

That's so cool! Can I use this if I decide to do the character :3
I mean, you can't really argue that people don't get any roleplay benefit out of Idea's rules.
Especially since there's hardly 10 pages of IC.

Has nothing to do with the rules. It has to do with the way people interpret them and make them more restrictive than they need to be. And it isn't about this RP specifically. It's about in general. I've been in countless roleplays where people give themselves excessive weaknesses that never provide any roleplay and are just entirely pointless.
Finger Gun: The user can fire bullet sized (5.56) energy projectiles from their fingers as long as two are connected. The projectiles have a range of 100ft, and move at approximately 300 feet per second, or 91.44 meters per second. (CQB Airsoft Gun speed.) They deal primarily kinetic damage, with a slight amount of thermal energy. The projectiles deal the damage of a good punch on average. There is a recoil to these projectiles for the user though, and as such they need to control that as they fire. Over time, this can start to be straining, though it does take a while for the basic mode.

The user has something of a built in HUD for aiming the 'gun', similar to most video game crosshairs. This may be attributed to a relatives quirk.

Special Move: Buck Wild: Connecting all of the fingers on a hand, the user gains the ability to fire a spread of projectiles that gradually expands as the distance increases, similar to buckshot in a shotgun. 9 projectiles are fired, and the force is enough to break bone when they impact close to one another. Mostly the ribs, not as much the tougher things like skulls. While the damage is high, the same goes for the wielder should they fire more than once from that same arm. It also adds strain, so there's less 'ammo' for the normal shots from that arm. Firing twice from the same arm has a 50% chance of breaking it. A 3rd time has 75%. 4th is guaranteed to break it.
B BlueClover
I was thinking a she xD


That's so cool! Can I use this if I decide to do the character :3
I was thinking about making a joke about the character being Jessie instead, but now I don't love them as much.
Oh i need to figure out something for a teacher-character, It's a quirk, a transformation based one.

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