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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

Twenty-Fifth Baam Twenty-Fifth Baam @Kuroko Sxorchem Sxorchem B BlueClover The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit InternalAssumpter InternalAssumpter Yahiro Entsuki Yahiro Entsuki Rage Rage St. Elsewhere St. Elsewhere Tanya Degurechaff Tanya Degurechaff Archtoddler Archtoddler WoodenZebra WoodenZebra The Mechanist The Mechanist Phineas Forge Phineas Forge Space_Kaiser Space_Kaiser Otakuyaki Otakuyaki Leovonis Leovonis National National Bum Bear Bum Bear simj26 simj26
Time for a repost! This is for those who either didn't answer the first question or didn't answer this thing entirely, please do post as we need this for dorms and ranking :3

-Why does your character/characters are in the PSA and want to be heroes?
- The strategy they took during the exam.
- How effective they think their quirk would be in the entrance exam and why? (this is of course including the problems of depreciation of sleep, starving and thirst that all characters have due to the exam conditions)
- Will winning or losing trigger anything in/about your character?
Twenty-Fifth Baam Twenty-Fifth Baam @Kuroko Sxorchem Sxorchem B BlueClover The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit InternalAssumpter InternalAssumpter Yahiro Entsuki Yahiro Entsuki Rage Rage St. Elsewhere St. Elsewhere Tanya Degurechaff Tanya Degurechaff Archtoddler Archtoddler WoodenZebra WoodenZebra The Mechanist The Mechanist Phineas Forge Phineas Forge Space_Kaiser Space_Kaiser Otakuyaki Otakuyaki Leovonis Leovonis National National Bum Bear Bum Bear simj26 simj26
Time for a repost! This is for those who either didn't answer the first question or didn't answer this thing entirely, please do post as we need this for dorms and ranking :3

-Why does your character/characters are in the PSA and want to be heroes?
- The strategy they took during the exam.
- How effective they think their quirk would be in the entrance exam and why? (this is of course including the problems of depreciation of sleep, starving and thirst that all characters have due to the exam conditions)
- Will winning or losing trigger anything in/about your character?
How the hell do I answer this?
Twenty-Fifth Baam Twenty-Fifth Baam @Kuroko Sxorchem Sxorchem B BlueClover The One Eyed Bandit The One Eyed Bandit InternalAssumpter InternalAssumpter Yahiro Entsuki Yahiro Entsuki Rage Rage St. Elsewhere St. Elsewhere Tanya Degurechaff Tanya Degurechaff Archtoddler Archtoddler WoodenZebra WoodenZebra The Mechanist The Mechanist Phineas Forge Phineas Forge Space_Kaiser Space_Kaiser Otakuyaki Otakuyaki Leovonis Leovonis National National Bum Bear Bum Bear simj26 simj26
Time for a repost! This is for those who either didn't answer the first question or didn't answer this thing entirely, please do post as we need this for dorms and ranking :3

-Why does your character/characters are in the PSA and want to be heroes?
- The strategy they took during the exam.
- How effective they think their quirk would be in the entrance exam and why? (this is of course including the problems of depreciation of sleep, starving and thirst that all characters have due to the exam conditions)
- Will winning or losing trigger anything in/about your character?

1-he wants to become a hero to earn money for his villages expenses

2-he helped a a girl carry mannequins, it was her plan, you want more detail you'll have to ask Archtoddler Archtoddler

3-he's a shark on land, a fish out of water, the only advantage he had was speed, strength, dexterity and claws on his hands

4-Maybe give him a bit of confidence and allow his to relax since he passed
Winning:a boost to his confidence in his abilities; if he wins due to a blood rage then depending on the injuries his opponent took it may or may not make him question himself as an alpha predator of the sea that was on land and whether or not he's too dangerous
Losing: probably make him wonder if things would be different if he were in water; or if his opponent bled, make him wonder if his blood rage needs to be stronger
-Setsuo want's to become a hero in order to support his mother, and give what he can to people who're growing up like he did. A Hero for the poor if you will.
-He'd likely use bone spears to pry up debris and get the mannequins out from underneath it. Other than that, nothing to special.
-Well, he would be able to store water away on his palms, as well as make small bone tools to help with survival and fighting (Small knifes, spears, pretty basic stuff)..
-Losing would likely drive his self-esteem even lower then it already is, and he'd likely just become sad for a while.
As for winning, he'd likely shout out in excitement and boast to his fellow students about his winning.
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-Setsuo want's to become a hero in order to support his mother, and give what he can to people who're growing up like he did. A Hero for the poor if you will.
-Bit confused as to what the exam is. If you could give me a page thread name and page number, I'll look it up and read on it.
-Well, he would be able to store water away on his palms, as well as make small bone tools to help with survival and fighting (Small knifes, spears, pretty basic stuff)..
-Losing would likely drive his self-esteem even lower then it already is, and he'd likely just become sad for a while.
As for winning, he'd likely shout out in excitement and boast to his fellow students about his winning.
The exam is this, every student had to take it:
(3rd Person Cinematic POV)
AUDITORIUM, 16h07, two weeks and four days prior
19 hours.The lights lit up in the auditorium at last, and the whispers among the overcrowded seats ended. 19 hours had passed since the majority of the occupants of said seats had taken anything into their stomachs. In the meantime, they had come to the academia grounds without being allowed to bring anything but the clothes on their body with them, they had slept, skipped breakfast «, taken the written test, skipped lunch and forced to do various exercises. Now, everyone just wanted to go home, so they stared closely to where the spotlights were aimed, until this child-like figure stepped on it.
"What´s a child doing in the stage?"
"Is that some teacher´s son?"
"No, no, that´s clearly some kind of robot, it just LOOKS like a child..."

The figure stopped before reaching the center of the stage. For a moment, there was only silence and confusion, before the columns exhasperated the simple words of tangible wrath:
"I´ll just pretend I didn´t hear that."

The figure proceeded to once again, heading towards the center of the stage. They turned to the audience.

"Firstly " that person began, their voice now much more calm and charming, and a way of speaking that was clearly far more polite "I would like to apologize for the lack of seats and space for some of you. We are a new institution, and I´m afraid we could not have accounted for this sudden flood of all you wonderful aspiring heroes."

If you were in the right spot, you might have heard some girls squeal a "gah" of adoration. In another, growls of empty stomachs.

"I would also like to apologize for one more thing. Although none of us at the PSA stated otherwise, I´m sure many of you were convinced those exercises we did earlier were supposed to be your pratical exam, as some instintutions do. However, this is false. Great heroes are pushed to their limits, and have to retain a reassuring smile, show their might rather than weakness or fear, inspire hope in people and fright in villains even in the most adverse conditions. And the training to be able to do that can be no less harsh. All of you here today have been driven to exhaustion on purpose. For this possible misinformation I apologize."

"EEEEEEEEEEEEH?!!!!!!!" A collective revolting shout echoed within the auditorium. Just as he had stated, the director retained a calm smile and his posture while he waited for the protests to die down. Then, he proceeded.

"Well, if you want to go home so badly, the door is back there. We won´t prevent you from resigning at any time. For the rest of you, though, I will now begin to explain the exercise. Oh, and I almost forgot, where are my manners? My name is Haka Shikikan, and I´ll be your school principal if you pass today´s exams."

Suddenly a large hologram screen appeared behind the small principal, as he smirked and pointed towards the series of photos of rubble on the screen, and another of a mannequin on the rubble that showed up as well.

"This is a simple, classic scenario. Villains have just attacked an area, with an unknown objective. They went into hiding as the heroes arrived, however. With the damage they caused, there are bound to be many victims and it´s your job to rescue them. In this exam, you will find mannequins scattered in every place you can think of in within the rubble set we produced. To gain points, you have to find these victims , and bring them to the entrance of the exam. The mannequins weight around half of what a regular person does on average, but don´t think it will be so easy to get them back: Villains will be waiting in the shadows. Some may come to meet you, others will stay hidden and protect a certain piles of victims. If you intend to fight the villains, however, please look at this."

The little man search for something in his fancy suit´s pockets, and remove this green blinking belt.

"This is a "damage measuring device". You will be wearing these, and everytime you would get hurt, these belts will loose a certain percentage of their total health, the green will become a bit red in other words. If they become full red, at 0%, you are not allowed to further participate in the exercise and will have to leave. You will not be the only ones wearing this device, however. The mannequins will also be wearing them, and theirs are set to be more sensitive. If you carry the victims carelessly, therefore, you risk "killing them" and that victim can no longer count points for you. Villains, on the other hand, will not have one of these devices on them. Heroes are not supposed to aim to kill, but capture the villain and break their will to fight. To defeat the "villains" you must use the rope you will be provided in the beggining of the exercise. Only the ropes tied around the villain will count as points. One last way of winning points is by using a healing quirk or similar form of support on a fellow aspiring hero. However, don´t think you can around hurting others to heal them later: Any action which are considered to be an intentional attempt to disrupt the exam of another aspiring hero or a form of harassment against them will earn a disqualification from the exam."

The principal took a deep breath, then bowed.
"That is all. Thank you for listening, and good luck out there."

At this point, he walked away, and headed towards the observation room. Coordenators came into the auditorium and began to guide away the students.

"We got an earnest bunch this year. Or maybe just a very ambitious group." the principal stated. "Pratically none left even though we starved and exhausted them."

"Let´s not be so hasty. You barely told them a thing about what they are going face. Landmines, hidden buttons that reduce your health and many other traps. Heck you didn´t even mention what happens if you try to cooperate with other applicants. Not to mention the collection of "villains"." Hakuku Shibo commented.

"Yeah, gotta hand it to you, chief, you contacts are a real asset. First you managed to get UA to back us, and now you found a great roster of volunteers to help out in the exam." Senzai Sishi added.

"They´re probably just looking for connections to the UA themselves, though." Hakuku retorted. The detergent hero pouted.

"You don´t have to be that mean, Hakuku-senpai."

"Why are you adressing me by my first name?" wrath was seething from the redhair. Kojo Nasu raised her plant-like hands and gave a warm smile to both of them."

"Now, now, we can calm down. We´re here to observe an exam, after all. And regardless of their motives, the principal did work hard to get them to volunteer, and he found some pretty impressive people too. Like mr. Slippery!"

Evasion Hero, Slippery
His "Slippery" quirk allows him to increase his slipperiness. He can squeeze out of the aplicant´s not yet fully tied ropes, pass through small cracks and although he swore not to do it on a applicant, he can even increase he slipperiness to the point of fully bipassing air, gaining a huge extra momentum in his moves due to the lack of air resistance.

"He´s gonna be a problem, yeah, but I think Eletric Post is gonna cause the most applicants to not pass. He may even be the main cause they don´t. Still, if they are stupid enough to be caught in THAT, I´m sure they didn´t deserve to pass anyway." Hakuku replied. "He´s just gonna stay still and guard that building with piles and piles of mannequins, anyone who get into that building will basically be a mannequin themselves until the exam is over.

Memory Hero, Eletric Post
Quirk, "Oblivion Field". His horns can generate an eletromagnetic field that interfieres with the sinapses in the brain, causing everyone in the field to forget the past two seconds, including their intentions, location, names, and every other consciously retained information plus one´s feelings from those past two seconds. These memories are not recoverable, so effectively however is caught in the field will be perfectly still and braindead until the field is dispersed or something pulls them out of it. The user himself is not affected, however the quirk can only be mantained if he moves at the maximum speed of a few inches per minute or stays perfectly still. Depending on how conductive the materials in one´s location are, the field can grow up to the size of a small skyscraper.

"Since we´re talking about our volunteers, Joan D'arc´s armor is lovely." Hikari Shibo mentioned.

"Oh, yeah, that armor looks awesome!" Her best friend Senzai agreed. "I bet she´ll give a hard time even to those strength-ehancing applicants when she steps foward. Her quirk is simple, but very effective against anyone who tries to fight her in a direct way."

Valiant Hero, Joan D'arc
Her quirk is "Blow Retort". It´s a shock absorbtion quirk that stores up up vibrations as tension in her arms. She can then release this tension by adding to the power of her blows. Due to her multilayer armor hero costume, she is quite resilient to even pro hero attacks, and quite capable of retaliating in a similar fashion. She only brought her party costume to the test today, and since it replaces some of the normal layer with frilly cloth, it seriously reduces the impact of her retorts. She won´t be blowing up a street anytime soon, therefore.

"But if you try to ignore fighting altogether, you´ll get caught in Bombardment´s bombardment. Now that I think about, she really has a pretty redundant name, like Slippery´s. No wonder they´re a couple." Subliminal said through his robotic hero costume. "At least they´re apart for this exam though. He´ll be ambushing applicants who get careless, and she´ll be bombarding the way to the entrance while flying above it."

Bombardment hero, Bombardment
Quirk, "draconic visage"! Her body has several properties of a dragon, including resistant scales, a tail, claws, a pair of usable wings, a maw with very sharp teeth, two horns and most importantly, she has a large pool of magma inside her stomach. This magma can be rapidly released from her palms, tail and mouth, effectively creating flaming meteor shower (however, the magma cools too fast outside her body to be actually flaming even, but it´s hot enough to cause some though burns).

"Speaking of redundant, are you gonna wear that thing even in here Subliminal?" Senzai asked.

"He´s got his own, personal reasons." The principal interviened before Subliminal could reply. "And since we´re already so far into the volunteers, there is one last one: Sentimental. She´s gonna be disguised as an applicant, increasing their hunger, thirst and exhaustion, in how much they feel them at least, and she´s also gonna use it to make the applicants feel hunger, thirst or exhaustion towards one another."

Valentine´s Hero, Sentimental
Quirk, "Emotion Impulsion"! She can release a pheromone in the air that has no smell, taste or feeling and is invisble, however, it can increase someone´s emotions. She can control by how much, to the point of being able to make someone´s emotions become uncontrollable or obsessive or even change their target of the emotions, if she touches the person. She won´t be doing the firts however. She won´t be wearing her hero costume either, but will instead be disguised as an applicant. She does have pretty young looks to her, after all.

"And we could have even had more, but then we´d have too many "villains". Though, seeing how many applicants we had in reality, I wish we had been a bit more bold in how many volunteers we accepted." Doro Bukimina concluded.

"One hour, four large areas of debris full of traps and mannequins to find, plus the makeshift building which also contain mannequins. Speed can allow one to bring mannequins back quickly, intelligence gathering can help one find more mannequins buried deeper and avoid traps. Mobility can reach mannequins dropped in holes, stuck in roofs or even underground or in the deep puddles. Reach and brute strength can fight off some of the traps and will most certainly be essential elements in defeating some of the "villains". Cooperation with your fellow applicants can give you an edge in the exercises you have trouble with, but then you share the points if you deliver things together, and you get a little bonus for cooperation itself. And all of this combined with the discipline and strength of will necessary to bear the starvation, thirst and exhaustion that they came into this exam with. We ended up getting more candidates than expected, but I´d say they still have quite a challenge. Besides, limited resources are part of the essentials of natural selection. The most suited to get the mannequins will have more ease and should collect more points." The principal sighed and laid back. "It´ll have to do anyway. Let´s sit back and watch this now, show´s about to start."

EXAM SET, 17h00. two weeks and four days prior

(Akacha´s POV)
I heard the alarm sound as the coordinators let us pass at last. Just as I was about to start running, two people with super speed quirks suddenly launched in front of me. Damm it! That was so cool, but I was also already left behind. Finding the mannequins first would probably be very important. Could my quirk be of use at all here? There didn´t seem to be any immediate advantage to merging with anything, and there were probably people with powerful combat quirks here, so getting into a fight with a "villain" and hoping that my healing could allow me to get close enough to use the rope was out of the question. Which meant, my only choices were either relying on luck or trying to find someone to cooperate with me.

I was not about to leave it all to chance though.

I looked around, trying to see if anyone else also seemed at a loss or seemed friendly enough to let me work with them.

17h02, two weeks and four days prior

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