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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

Spoilers for The Next two fanfics!
So I'm going to give you a hint to possibly what the fanfiction of All Might and Yuckeroni will go with two words
Baby Smash
Also for The Next God I'll Cover
The journey through the land of demons by The Goddess of Youth
The Story of The Goddess of Cats, God of War, and God of Fire when they decide to take a few days off
Oh, my~! :lenny:

They should call you butter cause you're on a roll, Shamrock! XD
I'd say ;D


Well, isn't that just adorable :3
Well, she is the Goddess of Youth, everything she does is adorable xD

I'm excited to get my drunk jenga/other games and the God story done! I might just do it tonight after my phone is fully charged :D

Remember if you have any ideas or request for the next story, let me now :3
Well, she is the Goddess of Youth, everything she does is adorable xD

I'm excited to get my drunk jenga/other games and the God story done! I might just do it tonight after my phone is fully charged :D

Remember if you have any ideas or request for the next story, let me now :3
That's very true! XD

Cool! I'm sure Yuckeroni will thoroughly enjoy it :3

I'm typically not the most creative person, but if an idea hits me, I'll be sure to let you know! :33:
"Come on! Come on! You can't stop now! Do it Toshinori~"
"I must do this! I must go beyond! Plus ultra!" And so, the jenga tower fell, the bricks all landing on the coffee table with a surprising thus. The sound of yelling from the two came, Yuckeroni pumping her fist into the air while All Might spewed blood and fell to the ground in anguish. "Take a swig!" At this point, All Might was kinda drunk but Yuckeroni was completely. Her mind had went on vacation along with the worries of her date.

"How about we stop for a bit. Watch some tv,"
All Might took a swig before grabbing the remote and going to the news.
"And so, the three villains were defeated by a mysterious girl and the well known hero, All Might. All have severe damage but none killed-" Yuckeroni threw her cup at the screen "TAKE THAT VILLAINY!" She leaned to the side and right onto All Might who, in surprise was forced down onto the couch.

The two were face to face, Toshinori blushing as he tried to say something, anything. However, Yuckeroni was acting on impulse and sealed his lips, with a kiss. A simple peck but a kiss none the less. "I really like you, Toshinori. I haven't had the guts to say it until now, when I'm hammered and feel sick. What is wrong with me?" Yuckeroni stood up and began to sob in her drunken state "I'm just a quirkless nobody though, I'm sorry." Her face became red and hot while she cried until the buff hand of a familiar individual rested on her shoulder. "Quirk doesn't matter in the face of love! However, as a hero, I can't put you in harms way, I can-" Blood spewed from his mouth as he reverted. He let out a sigh "I like you too. I really do. But you've seen what can happen to people when they date heroes. Would you really take that chance? I think I should go." All Might looked like he was about to get up and leave until Yuckeroni swung around and sat on top of him, her face smeared with tears and red from all the drinking. "I'd do it All Again for All Might." She stopped the talking with another kiss, this time holding it for what seemed like hours and all through the night.
I feel kinda dirty xD
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"Come on! Come on! You can't stop now! Do it Toshinori~"
"I must do this! I must go beyond! Plus ultra!" And so, the jenga tower fell, the bricks all landing on the coffee table with a surprising thus. The sound of yelling from the two came, Yuckeroni pumping her fist into the air while All Might spewed blood and fell to the ground in anguish. "Take a swig!" At this point, All Might was kinda drunk but Yuckeroni was completely. Her mind had went on vacation along with the worries of her date.

"How about we stop for a bit. Watch some tv,"
All Might took a swig before grabbing the remote and going to the news.
"And so, the three villains were defeated by a mysterious girl and the well known hero, All Might. All have severe damage but none killed-" Yuckeroni threw her cup at the screen "TAKE THAT VILLAINY!" She leaned to the side and right onto All Might who, in surprise was forced down onto the couch.

The two were face to face, Toshinori blushing as he tried to say something, anything. However, Yuckeroni was acting on impulse and sealed his lips, with a kiss. A simple peck but a kiss none the less. "I really like you, Toshinori. I haven't had the guts to say it until now, when I'm hammered and feel sick. What is wrong with me?" Yuckeroni stood up and began to sob in her drunken state "I'm just a quirkless nobody though, I'm sorry." Her face became red and hot while she cried until the buff hand of a familiar individual rested on her shoulder. "Quirk doesn't matter in the face of love! However, as a hero, I can't put you in harms way, I can-" Blood spewed from his mouth as he reverted. He let out a sigh "I like you too. I really do. But you've seen what can happen to people when they date heroes. Would you really take that chance? I think I should go." All Might looked like he was about to get up and leave until Yuckeroni swung around and sat on top of him, her face smeared with tears and red from all the drinking. "I'd do it All Again for All Might." She stopped the talking with another kiss, this time holding it for what seemed like hours and all through the night.

I feel kinda dirty xD

It's not mature in my eyes, but a good update nonetheless :3 Ms. Yuckeroni will be pleased XD
The Goddess of Youth is said to live on a cloud and sleeps most of the day. She watches over the of the young and blesses their dreams at night. However, the nightmares had soon grown out of hand and The Goddess of Youth would not let the children suffer anymore.

One day, the little goddess decided to travel to The Land of Nightmares by closing her eyes and going to sleep. The land was filled with darkness, a strong mist covered the ground as the young goddess could hear the cries of her people. She ran deeper into the darkness until the first trial came to her in the form of Kabura: Demon of Darkness. "My, my, such a young child? No fear in your eyes? Then I shall make sure that changes!" The Demon's body expanded in an attempt to engulf the goddess. It wrapped and warped, The Young Goddess still showed no fear, pulling out her scepter and shining her light. The creature expanded before exploding into light, the demon rebuilt itself into a white bunny. It hopped away further into the darkness. The Goddess walked further, going into a cave to reach the next monster.

The next trial was Nomet: Demon of The Unknown. The creature came in the form of a giant spider, its legs digging into the ground like trees. "Ahh~ The Goddess of Youth, how humble I am to see you. Care for a drink? Sadly we don't have milk here." While talking, other insects started to move around the feet of the girl. They crawled up her body, attempting to poison the girl however, she rattled her scepter and they all turned white. The insects and spiders turned to butterflies, floating out of the cave and into the sky above. Soon, the cloud started to part to reveal a sun but was soon covered again. That meant the last trial had to be done.

Finally, she faced a god. God of Nightmares, a being who could take on any form. She met him at the edge of the forest in the form of a young boy. "So you finally came? Ha! This is my world and you aren't welcome!" The girl shook her head and pointed the scepter "You're hurting the children, it's my job to make sure you can't harm them anymore!" The Goddess jumped forward, The God sprouted his own scepter created from what looked like rotted tree wood. The weapons clashed, a flurry of black and white covered the battlefield. The two battled for quite some time, one side never overcoming the other. That is until the butterflies from before came and covered the gods vision. Then, the bunny pounced, bitting his hand, forcing him to drop his scepter. That's when the girl took her chance and aimed the scepter to his chest. The God snarled, ready for his punishment. However, it never came.

When The God opened his eyes, he saw The Goddess a lot closer than before. She kissed his nose and grinned. "The nightmares aren't so scary when you meet them face to face." The clouds finally parted and the sun shined on the God to reveal a small child much like the other. "You're cute when you don't stay in the dark all the time."

And so, the two talked and played the rest of the day. The Nightmare God became The Dream God and The Goddes of Youth promised to visit and play every day. The nightmares of the children becoming less and less scary to them for the nightmares became merely faded dreams that The Youthful Goddess always took care of.
Ta da! :3
Archtoddler Archtoddler
The Goddess of Youth is said to live on a cloud and sleeps most of the day. She watches over the of the young and blesses their dreams at night. However, the nightmares had soon grown out of hand and The Goddess of Youth would not let the children suffer anymore.

One day, the little goddess decided to travel to The Land of Nightmares by closing her eyes and going to sleep. The land was filled with darkness, a strong mist covered the ground as the young goddess could hear the cries of her people. She ran deeper into the darkness until the first trial came to her in the form of Kabura: Demon of Darkness. "My, my, such a young child? No fear in your eyes? Then I shall make sure that changes!" The Demon's body expanded in an attempt to engulf the goddess. It wrapped and warped, The Young Goddess still showed no fear, pulling out her scepter and shining her light. The creature expanded before exploding into light, the demon rebuilt itself into a white bunny. It hopped away further into the darkness. The Goddess walked further, going into a cave to reach the next monster.

The next trial was Nomet: Demon of The Unknown. The creature came in the form of a giant spider, its legs digging into the ground like trees. "Ahh~ The Goddess of Youth, how humble I am to see you. Care for a drink? Sadly we don't have milk here." While talking, other insects started to move around the feet of the girl. They crawled up her body, attempting to poison the girl however, she rattled her scepter and they all turned white. The insects and spiders turned to butterflies, floating out of the cave and into the sky above. Soon, the cloud started to part to reveal a sun but was soon covered again. That meant the last trial had to be done.

Finally, she faced a god. God of Nightmares, a being who could take on any form. She met him at the edge of the forest in the form of a young boy. "So you finally came? Ha! This is my world and you aren't welcome!" The girl shook her head and pointed the scepter "You're hurting the children, it's my job to make sure you can't harm them anymore!" The Goddess jumped forward, The God sprouted his own scepter created from what looked like rotted tree wood. The weapons clashed, a flurry of black and white covered the battlefield. The two battled for quite some time, one side never overcoming the other. That is until the butterflies from before came and covered the gods vision. Then, the bunny pounced, bitting his hand, forcing him to drop his scepter. That's when the girl took her chance and aimed the scepter to his chest. The God snarled, ready for his punishment. However, it never came.

When The God opened his eyes, he saw The Goddess a lot closer than before. She kissed his nose and grinned. "The nightmares aren't so scary when you meet them face to face." The clouds finally parted and the sun shined on the God to reveal a small child much like the other. "You're cute when you don't stay in the dark all the time."

And so, the two talked and played the rest of the day. The Nightmare God became The Dream God and The Goddes of Youth promised to visit and play every day. The nightmares of the children becoming less and less scary to them for the nightmares became merely faded dreams that The Youthful Goddess always took care of.
Ta da! :3
Archtoddler Archtoddler
That's super cute :3
~And now, more Teacher Riba~
Riba: And that's Heroes theory, any questions?
Random Student: Do you know The Steampunk hero?
Riba: SHE'S A-

And now, any real questions?
Entire Class: *Ears are still ringing*
Random Student: Can we go home now?
Oh my god XD That'd be hilarious
Cat Goddess: For the cats!
Fire God: The fire!
War God: And the war!
I'm actually thinking that they get human disguises and in the span of three days, become legendary heroes, maybe this one will be in parts :3

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