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Fandom *~*Blue Exorcist: Gehenna's Vengeance*~* (Open!)


~Be true to yourself.~

***Remember to state your Location, Company, and Action in each reply. Check rules for more information.***

Opening Scene

Rin O., Kuro

It was morning.

Rin lie in bed sleeping late, as usual. The sun practically screamed at him to get up. But he wouldn't budge.


Kuro strolled into Rin's room, nudging the door open with his furry face. He paused to see that Rin hadn't woken up yet. Kuro scowled.

Of course, Yukio's going to kill him. I better get him up...

The cat Demon leapt up onto Rin's bed and crawled over his body to his face. He touched his wet nose to Rin's face, but Rin still didn't budge. Kuro did it again, this time harder and once more. Rin's face merely twitched. Kuro growled. He backed up, then leapt onto Rin's face, as he has had to do many times.

Rin exclaimed and jumped with surprise, falling out of his bed with a wail as he did.

The ground trembled as it caught his fall.

"Ugh... Ow... What the hell, Kuro!?" Rin barked at his Familiar, sitting up on the wood floor and rubbing his now throbbing head. He wore merely a plain white T-shirt and black basketball shorts as his pajamas.

Kuro narrowed his eyes and sneered at the lazy Demon child.
'Do you know what time it is, Rin? You should've been up an hour ago!'

Rin's jaw dropped and he paled. "Oh, damn! Yukio's gonna be so pissed at me!" he cried, then scrambled to his feet and whipped about to get ready. His black furry Demon's tail knocked things over as he rushed about.

Kuro grunted and laid down with his front paws crossed until Rin finished acting a fool.
He's going to get himself into a lot of trouble one of these days..

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In the empty dorm, Yukio sat once again with a newspaper in hand and was reading it. His glasses seemed to reflect the light of the dorm, cafeteria lights as he waited on Rin to show. His fave was expressionless, but hisnposture was as proper as ever, with a slight slouch to it tonshow he was angered. His leg were crossed as he moved his foot. The grip on the newspaper was also tight. His glasses were slowly falling as usual but he would promptly push them up when they reached a certain point on his nose.
Rin O., Kuro

Location: Rin and Yukio's kitchen

Company: Yukio

Action: Rushing, eating, talking to Yukio

Rin, as soon as he had dressed, rushed to the kitchen to eat in his and Yukio's private dorm. He ended up thundering past Yukio's dorm, unaware that he was in there. His only goal right now was to scarf down breakfast (he hoped the little Demon cook had saved it for him, he took to calling the Demon cook Cookie) and get to class.

Kuro followed Rin up until Yukio's room, stopping after he realized what Rin hadn't.

'Yukio?' Kuro called to him. He wasn't expecting to see him here, since it was an hour into class and Yukio should be teaching the students. 'What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with the X Wires?'
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Yukio then looked to Kuro. "I suppose I should, Rin should be there also." He then looked up at his older brother. "Maybe you should get going You wouldn't want to miss the rest of your classes now, would you?"

He then closed the newspaper and stood to straighten out his shirt before grabbing his coat. Looping his arms through the arms of the coat before looking to Rin. "Well? Let's hurry then. You wouldn't want to miss your first class of the day.
Rin O., Kuro

Location: Rin and Yukio's kitchen

Company: Yukio

Action: Talking to Yukio, heading to class

Rin was stuffing his face when he finally let down his bowl- his face was a mess- and acknowledged his younger brother. "You shouldn't be saying much, since you're the TEACHER and you're not there..." he grumped, then set his tray on the counter for Cookie to gather and clean. "Thank you," he thanked the cook. Then he wiped his face with the back of his arm, wiped the back of his arm on his clothes (causing Kuro to scoff and make a face), then joined Yukio. "Besides, I don't need you looking after me, Yukio. I'M the older brother. You forget that, you know."
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"I know that. But you still forget that Im more experienced in the field than you are. Now. Lets get going, Im sure the others are wondering where both of us are." Yukio told as he started for the entrance of the dorm. His coat bellowed behind him as he walked. "I do hope that you have done the homework I assigned."
Rin O.

Location: Rin and Yukio's dorm hall

Company: Yukio, Kuro

Action: Responding to Yukio nervously

Rin ignored most of what his brother said, merely leaning his head back with his hands jammed in his pockets, until Yukio mentioned the homework.

He exclaimed, his composure shattering. He had to freeze to process what Yukio just said.

Shit! I forgot about that!

He decided to just nervously laugh it off. "Heh heh heh! Yeah, of course I did it!" He grinned sheepishly, his tone not assuring, as he rubbed the back of his neck.

I am SO not graduating X Wire level...

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Mizuki A.

Accompanied by: no one.

location: her dorm, transitioning to outside.

Mizuki felt the sun shine down on her face from the window in her dorm's bedroom. She shared her dorm with no one else, as her previous roommate had complained about being bunked with her. So she always claimed she shared a dorm with 'me, myself, and I.' She sat up and stretched before looking to her clock beside her bed. Mizuki's eyes widened when she saw the time. "Oh crap!" she exclaimed as she jumped out of bed, grabbed her uniform, quickly pulled everything on, and combed out her hair, she quickly ran to her kitchen, poured a bowl of cereal and scarfed it down in the most mannerable way possible (manners can be very important to her). After Mizuki ran to rinse her bowl out and put it in the sink, she grabbed her bag and ran out her dorm. "Ugh! I'm late! I'm late! I'm very, very late!" She exclaimed to her self as she continued to run.


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Rin O., Kuro

Location: Rin and Yukio's dorm hall

Company: Yukio, Mizuki

Action: Noticing Mizuki, arguing with Kuro, reassuring Yukio

Rin, as he, Kuro, and Yukio walked to class, saw Mizuki rushing to class as well and smirked.

"Ha! See? I'm not the only student who's late to class! Besides, you can't say much anyway, since YOU'RE a teacher and YOU'RE late too." He felt more relaxed now.

Kuro grunted and swatted at Rin's tail.

Rin exclaimed and jerked his tail away. He glared back at Kuro. "Hey! Watch it!" he snapped.

'No, YOU watch it! You should show Yukio more respect! After all, he's your teacher, and he has to deal with YOUR irresponsibility! At this rate, you'll never become an Exorcist, much less the Paladin, Rin!' Kuro snapped back.

Rin growled and rolled his eyes, facing forward again. "Whatever..." he muttered. But he knew deep down, Kuro was right. his focus has lacked even more since he and Yukio destroyed the Gate to Gehenna. He needed to step up his game.

@Nyxianforeigner, @I am Shadow
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Mizuki A.

Accompanied by: Yukio, Rin, and Kuro.

location: Outside.

Mizuki noticed Rin and Yukio, she skid in her tracks. "Rin! Yukio-sensei!" She exclaimed as she scrambled to the two of them, gasping for air from running so much. Once she calmed her self, she bowed to her sensei and smiled at her classmate. Then she gently patted Kuro's head upon seeing the Cat Sidhe. "Good morning!" She exclaimed, adrenaline coursing through her veins from this morning's fiasco. "Are you two heading to your morning classes?" She asked.


Rin O., Kuro

Location: Outside on the bridge connecting Yukio's and Rin's dorm to the main building

Company: Yukio, Mizuki

Action: Responding to Mizuki

Kuro purred as Mizuki patted his head, then he rubbed himself up against her leg affectionately.

Rin smiled to Mizuki and tilted his head slightly.

"Hey, Mizuki. Yeah, we're headed to class. I'm an hour late, but so is Yukio and now you so I'm not as worried about it now. I'm sure Ban will give me crap, though. He still can't stand how I don't take this whole thing seriously." He watched Kuro and smiled wider.

@Nyxianforeigner, @I am Shadow

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/e2280b3fa1b32ad13cea87b98fb1e327.jpg.85d764b99871a3650710cf0fd940d209.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124430" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/e2280b3fa1b32ad13cea87b98fb1e327.jpg.85d764b99871a3650710cf0fd940d209.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ester Fujimoto

Location: Leaving dorm

Company: None

Action: Walking/Drinking soda

Ester was late, and this rarely happens. But, it had gotten so hot in her room, she couldn't sleep, but didn't want to wake her roommate up by turning on the fan. That stupid fan sounded like a really angry....something. It made alot of noise. So she had laid in her bed practical melting, even had to change clothes once. But that was last night, and today she was feeling rather happy, just walking along drinking some lemon-lime soda. She was actually kinda happy that she was late, this way there wasn't a chance of her running into to anyone she didn't like, or who didn't like her. Well, that's what she hoped anyway.



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Hotaru Amori

Location: Walking outside

Accompanied By: No one

"Oh God, this isn't what I thought it'd be..." She thought to herself. "I'm 19 and everyone here is high school age, no wonder they put me in a deserted dorm. Everyone here is still attending this academy." Her face was so red as she was walking along outside among the younger kids. She was trying to find some breakfast food around here since she didn't have time to go shopping yet. "Ah, chocolate croissants! Yum!" She hustled up to the counter and ordered her breakfast along with a triple shot hazelnut latte, her staple. "!!!" Her mouth being full of buttery crispy goodness she almost choked when she saw the help wanted sign. "That's it!" She thought, "I'll work here while everyone else is attending the academy and then I'll go to cram school at night, it's perfect!" Her eyes were glimmering as she checked out their espresso machines with more depth. One of the ladies working there commented on her dreamy look, "You like what you see eh? Yeah she's a beaut." As she tapped the shiny red metal with her palm. "Say you wouldn't want to take her for a test run, would you?"

"!!!" Again almost spitting out croissant crumbs everywhere, she nodded vigorously and met the woman by the back door to the shop. She flung it open and stepped inside as the woman threw her a coffee bean colored apron with the words Le Grain De Cafe on it. She caught it and stepped up to the magnificent espresso machine, and listened to her purr. Inside she was all butterflies like a little girl, but on the outside calm and collected, about to make the best cappuccino of her career. First she grinded the beans, then tamped them, finally hooking it up to the machine and letting the hot water pull through it she counted in her head as the golden brown delicious nectar of the bean we call espresso filled the bottom of the cup. She grabbed the milk and poured it into her steamer, twisted the knob, "HISSS" it was hot and ready to steam up the milk, she made it extra frothy and she poured it into the espresso that was in the cup. She was a maniac it looked as if she was going 90 miles per hour, and when she finally stopped she presented the cappuccino to the woman saying, "Voila! A Cat-puccino!"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/coffee-art-7-FIX.jpg.4c3948c2ae9f982e2a8d94307d861e1b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124455" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/coffee-art-7-FIX.jpg.4c3948c2ae9f982e2a8d94307d861e1b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Upon seeing Hotaru's masterpiece and without hesitation the woman exclaimed, "You're hired!" Everyone working in the cafe cheered and applauded and Hotaru was so happy she could burst. As she left Le Grain De Cafe with her apron in hand beaming as she looked down upon it. She wasn't watching where she was going at all and happened to step right on KURO'S TAIL!!



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Current Location: Outside

Status: Starving

Somewhere outside of the Academy, a portal opens and releases a tall, dark humanoid like creature holding a large umbrella over it's head in order to block the sun's rays. Overjoyed to see that he was in the mortal realm, the Demon known as Sargon begins to laugh maniacally to himslef. Hehehahaha! Finally! I'm back in the Mortal realm! And just in time, too! Since I'm absolutely famished!" After his little outburst, the Demon begins to walk down the sidewalk as tries to decide which human to devour first.
FireMaiden said:

View attachment 278162

Ester Fujimoto

Location: Leaving dorm

Company: None

Action: Walking/Drinking soda

Ester was late, and this rarely happens. But, it had gotten so hot in her room, she couldn't sleep, but didn't want to wake her roommate up by turning on the fan. That stupid fan sounded like a really angry....something. It made alot of noise. So she had laid in her bed practical melting, even had to change clothes once. But that was last night, and today she was feeling rather happy, just walking along drinking some lemon-lime soda. She was actually kinda happy that she was late, this way there wasn't a chance of her running into to anyone she didn't like, or who didn't like her. Well, that's what she hoped anyway.

Location: Outside of the girl's dorm vicinity

Company: Ester

Action: Greeting her, quite amused

"Well, well, well- what do we have here?" an intrigued Mephisto remarked with a sort of amused and curious slur in his tone. "A late student? I assume you're in the Exwire class? You know it started an hour ago, correct?" the Headmaster of True Cross Academy told her, but not so much as with scolding than as with amusement. "Now, what could have been so important to have caused you to miss class?" The Demon tilted his head and smiled with a sort of creepiness, though it was unintended. That was just part of his extremely flamboyant personality, as everyone at the Academy knew.


DopeJackalope said:

Hotaru Amori

Location: Walking outside

Accompanied By: No one

"Oh God, this isn't what I thought it'd be..." She thought to herself. "I'm 19 and everyone here is high school age, no wonder they put me in a deserted dorm. Everyone here is still attending this academy." Her face was so red as she was walking along outside among the younger kids. She was trying to find some breakfast food around here since she didn't have time to go shopping yet. "Ah, chocolate croissants! Yum!" She hustled up to the counter and ordered her breakfast along with a triple shot hazelnut latte, her staple. "!!!" Her mouth being full of buttery crispy goodness she almost choked when she saw the help wanted sign. "That's it!" She thought, "I'll work here while everyone else is attending the academy and then I'll go to cram school at night, it's perfect!" Her eyes were glimmering as she checked out their espresso machines with more depth. One of the ladies working there commented on her dreamy look, "You like what you see eh? Yeah she's a beaut." As she tapped the shiny red metal with her palm. "Say you wouldn't want to take her for a test run, would you?"

"!!!" Again almost spitting out croissant crumbs everywhere, she nodded vigorously and met the woman by the back door to the shop. She flung it open and stepped inside as the woman threw her a coffee bean colored apron with the words Le Grain De Cafe on it. She caught it and stepped up to the magnificent espresso machine, and listened to her purr. Inside she was all butterflies like a little girl, but on the outside calm and collected, about to make the best cappuccino of her career. First she grinded the beans, then tamped them, finally hooking it up to the machine and letting the hot water pull through it she counted in her head as the golden brown delicious nectar of the bean we call espresso filled the bottom of the cup. She grabbed the milk and poured it into her steamer, twisted the knob, "HISSS" it was hot and ready to steam up the milk, she made it extra frothy and she poured it into the espresso that was in the cup. She was a maniac it looked as if she was going 90 miles per hour, and when she finally stopped she presented the cappuccino to the woman saying, "Voila! A Cat-puccino!"

View attachment 278204

Upon seeing Hotaru's masterpiece and without hesitation the woman exclaimed, "You're hired!" Everyone working in the cafe cheered and applauded and Hotaru was so happy she could burst. As she left Le Grain De Cafe with her apron in hand beaming as she looked down upon it. She wasn't watching where she was going at all and happened to step right on KURO'S TAIL!!
Rin O., Kuro

Location: Outside of Yukio's and Rin's dorm vicinity

Company: Yukio, Mizuki, Hotaru

Action: Kuro is pissed, but Rin handles it with sincerity

Kuro's eyes nearly burst from their sockets when Hotaru stepped on his tails. He screeched, his fur shooting up on end, and he leapt up onto Rin's shoulder, snagging his claws into Rin's flesh.

Rin yelped.

"OUCH! Damn it, Kuro-" He droned away the "o" at the end of his statement when he saw Hotaru and froze.


His eyes widened at the beautiful girl behind him and he stiffened.

"... Who are you...?" he asked with a murmur, entranced by her.

@Nyxianforeigner, @I am Shadow, @DopeJackalope
Wolfrose said:
Location: Outside of the girl's dorm vicinity

Company: Ester

Action: Greeting her, quite amused

"Well, well, well- what do we have here?" an intrigued Mephisto remarked with a sort of amused and curious slur in his tone. "A late student? I assume you're in the Exwire class? You know it started an hour ago, correct?" the Headmaster of True Cross Academy told her, but not so much as with scolding than as with amusement. "Now, what could have been so important to have caused you to miss class?" The Demon tilted his head and smiled with a sort of creepiness, though it was unintended. That was just part of his extremely flamboyant personality, as everyone at the Academy knew.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/e2280b3fa1b32ad13cea87b98fb1e327.jpg.89550e32220ccea098f61c2a56236624.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124560" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/e2280b3fa1b32ad13cea87b98fb1e327.jpg.89550e32220ccea098f61c2a56236624.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ester Fujimoto

Location: Outside Girls Dorm

Company: Mephisto

Action: Talking to him

Ester rolled her eyes, "Good morning Headmaster. Nothing important, I just overslept," She said wih a sigh. She looked at him, and smiled, "What are you doing all the way out here? Surely you aren't out here blowing off your job," She wiggled a finger at him. "I'm actually headed to class now, and I'd prefer to not be any later than I already am."



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Wolfrose said:
Rin O., Kuro

Location: Outside of Yukio's and Rin's dorm vicinity

Company: Yukio, Mizuki, Hotaru

Action: Kuro is pissed, but Rin handles it with sincerity

Kuro's eyes nearly burst from their sockets when Hotaru stepped on his tails. He screeched, his fur shooting up on end, and he leapt up onto Rin's shoulder, snagging his claws into Rin's flesh.

Rin yelped.

"OUCH! Damn it, Kuro-" He droned away the "o" at the end of his statement when he saw Hotaru and froze.


His eyes widened at the beautiful girl behind him and he stiffened.

"... Who are you...?" he asked with a murmur, entranced by her.

@Nyxianforeigner, @I am Shadow, @DopeJackalope
Location: Outside the dorms

Company: Yukio, Mizuki, Rin

Action: Apologizing/rambling to Rin and Kuro

"Oh no! Ohnoohno!" She exclaimed as she realized what she had done. "I-I'm Hotaru, and I'm so so sorry about your cat." She said her face turning bright red. "I wasn't watching where I was going and I really didn't mean to..." She was rambling at a loss for what the right words to say were.

Location:Near the cafe

Status: Hungry and confused

While wandering around the area in search of a proper meal, Sargon suddenly senses the presence multiple Demons ahead of him. Surprised by this, the Boogeyman stops in his tracks and begins to carefully look around his surroundings before stopping when he spotted a kid with a tail and a Cat Sidhe talking with two human children. Sensing that they pose a threat to his existence, Sargon decides to simply stay where he's at while carefully observing the small group.
FireMaiden said:

View attachment 278425

Ester Fujimoto

Location: Outside Girls Dorm

Company: Mephisto

Action: Talking to him

Ester rolled her eyes, "Good morning Headmaster. Nothing important, I just overslept," She said wih a sigh. She looked at him, and smiled, "What are you doing all the way out here? Surely you aren't out here blowing off your job," She wiggled a finger at him. "I'm actually headed to class now, and I'd prefer to not be any later than I already am."

Location: Outside the girl's dorm vicinity

Company: Ester

Action: Responding and revealing significant info to her

Mephisto smirked. "Oh, why, of course. I didn't mean to hold you back," he apologized with true sincerity to the young lady and bowed politely. "But... I knew you would be here. Our meeting currently was not a coincidence. I actually needed to speak with you about... Shiro Fujimoto, your Uncle. There are some things I must tell you about him that I know. After all, he and I were close back in the day."


DopeJackalope said:
Location: Outside the dorms
Company: Yukio, Mizuki, Rin

Action: Apologizing/rambling to Rin and Kuro

"Oh no! Ohnoohno!" She exclaimed as she realized what she had done. "I-I'm Hotaru, and I'm so so sorry about your cat." She said her face turning bright red. "I wasn't watching where I was going and I really didn't mean to..." She was rambling at a loss for what the right words to say were.
Rin O., Kuro

Location: Outside Yukio's and Rin's dorm vicinity

Company: Yukio, Mizuki, Hotaru

Action: Trying to comfort (and flirt) with Hotaru, Kuro is pissed at Hotaru

Kuro flattened his ears and growled at Hotaru, crouching down on Rin's shoulder.

Rin laughed sheepishly and rubbed his neck.

"It's alright! It happens, I've actually been guilty of the act all the same, don't worry about it! I'm sure Kuro will get over it." He grinned brightly and closed his eyes, a light blush dusted on his cheeks.

All year Rin had tried to make a move on a girl, but he was never good at it. Flirting just wasn't his thing. But being friendly proved worthy for him always. That was how he began growing on Izumo and etched his way into Shiemi's heart, after all.


Barbas said:

Location:Near the cafe

Status: Hungry and confused

While wandering around the area in search of a proper meal, Sargon suddenly senses the presence multiple Demons ahead of him. Surprised by this, the Boogeyman stops in his tracks and begins to carefully look around his surroundings before stopping when he spotted a kid with a tail and a Cat Sidhe talking with two human children. Sensing that they pose a threat to his existence, Sargon decides to simply stay where he's at while carefully observing the small group.

Location: On Rin's shoulder

Company: Yukio, Rin, Mizuki, Hotaru, and now Sargon

Action: Curious about Sargon

While Rin attempted his horrible flirting with Hotaru, Kuro sensed another Demon's presence nearby. This one was dangerous, he knew right off the bat. He flicked an ear in the direction of where he detected the Demon, gasped, and looked to the creature. As he gazed upon the dark figure, seemingly trying to keep the light off of him, Kuro perked his ears and tilted his head curiously.

Was he REALLY a threat? He seemed okay... For now.

Wolfrose said:
Rin O., Kuro

Location: Outside Yukio's and Rin's dorm vicinity

Company: Yukio, Mizuki, Hotaru

Action: Trying to comfort (and flirt) with Hotaru, Kuro is pissed at Hotaru

Kuro flattened his ears and growled at Hotaru, crouching down on Rin's shoulder.

Rin laughed sheepishly and rubbed his neck.

"It's alright! It happens, I've actually been guilty of the act all the same, don't worry about it! I'm sure Kuro will get over it." He grinned brightly and closed his eyes, a light blush dusted on his cheeks.

All year Rin had tried to make a move on a girl, but he was never good at it. Flirting just wasn't his thing. But being friendly proved worthy for him always. That was how he began growing on Izumo and etched his way into Shiemi's heart, after all.

Location: Outside the dorms

Company: Rin, Yukio, and Mizuki

Action: Conversing with Rin

Hotaru giggled. "Well alright then... Thanks. Oh! Um you wouldn't happen to know where this class is? I've been looking but none of the students around here seem to know where it is." She holds out a piece of paper with the same class that Rin and others are headed to now. "All I know is that I'm super late to it..."
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Wolfrose said:
Location: Outside the girl's dorm vicinity

Company: Ester

Action: Responding and revealing significant info to her

Mephisto smirked. "Oh, why, of course. I didn't mean to hold you back," he apologized with true sincerity to the young lady and bowed politely. "But... I knew you would be here. Our meeting currently was not a coincidence. I actually needed to speak with you about... Shiro Fujimoto, your Uncle. There are some things I must tell you about him that I know. After all, he and I were close back in the day."


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/e2280b3fa1b32ad13cea87b98fb1e327.jpg.96a0897800e7e0897ffe1ddf1d6fc831.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124583" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/e2280b3fa1b32ad13cea87b98fb1e327.jpg.96a0897800e7e0897ffe1ddf1d6fc831.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ester Fujimoto

Location: Outside the girl's dorm

Company: Mephisto

Action: Responding to Mephisto

Ester's smile dropped and she looked away from him. "What about him?" She asked, crossing her arms. He was sensitive topic, she's wasn't very close to him, but was still close enough that his death hurt. "What could you possibly tell me about him that I would need to know?" She asked, looking back up, but sill avoiding his eyes.



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Location:Near the cafe

Status: Hungry and confused

While thinking about which of the kid's to stalk after the Demon boy left, Sargon notices the Cat Sidhe staring at him. Unable to decide whether to hide or to simply stay still, the Boogeyman begins to loudly talk to himself."Well it seems I got myself into quite a pickle. If I try to hide, than Tail boy's little pet will probably alert him. And if I just stay here than they'll probably notice me. Hmm, what to do?"


Yukio watched the two silently. He hadnt had anything to say yet so he let Rin and the others speak as he then turmed to start off for the Cram School building, he needednto check in, otherwise Mephisto would have a word with him. "Rin, once your done with your little chat fest, I suggest you report for class."
DopeJackalope said:
Location: Outside the dorms
Company: Rin, Yukio, and Mizuki

Action: Conversing with Rin

Hotaru giggled. "Well alright then... Thanks. Oh! Um you wouldn't happen to know where this class is? I've been looking but none of the students around here seem to know where it is." She holds out a piece of paper with the same class that Rin and others are headed to now. "All I know is that I'm super late to it..."
Rin O.

Location: Outside his and Yukio's dorm vicinity, about to head to class with Hotaru

Company: Yukio, Mizuki, Kuro, Hotaru

Action: Answering and responding to Hotaru

Rin took the paper from her and examined it, then widened his eyes and grinned, looking back up at her. "Hey! That's my class! You're an Exwire?" She looked too old to be one. But he simply brushed that off and gestured for her to follow as they talked. "I'll take you there. I just can't believe you're an Exwire..."


FireMaiden said:

View attachment 278482

Ester Fujimoto

Location: Outside the girl's dorm

Company: Mephisto

Action: Responding to Mephisto

Ester's smile dropped and she looked away from him. "What about him?" She asked, crossing her arms. He was sensitive topic, she's wasn't very close to him, but was still close enough that his death hurt. "What could you possibly tell me about him that I would need to know?" She asked, looking back up, but sill avoiding his eyes.


Location: Outside the girl's dorm vicinity

Company: Ester

Action: Sympathizing with Ester and ending the conversation

Mephisto sympathized with Ester. He knew Shiro was a good man and had many loved ones. He was well beloved. He was one of the reasons Mephisto decided to join Assiah in the first place. That, and to observe the Spawn of Satan.

"I understand it is a rather pressing topic to ask you about, but I would not bring it up if it wasn't important. Meet me in my office at your lunch time. If you don't know where it is, ask a Senior student or a teacher. I'm sure Yukio Okumura could guide you in the right direction." He smirked, knowing she would most likely be surprised that he knew what class she was supposed to be in. But, of course, he knew all. He was the Headmaster of True Cross Academy after all. He tipped his hat to Ester and winked to her. "Auf Wiedersehen!" he dismissed her before spinning and poofing in a cloud of pink.


Barbas said:

Location:Near the cafe

Status: Hungry and confused

While thinking about which of the kid's to stalk after the Demon boy left, Sargon notices the Cat Sidhe staring at him. Unable to decide whether to hide or to simply stay still, the Boogeyman begins to loudly talk to himself."Well it seems I got myself into quite a pickle. If I try to hide, than Tail boy's little pet will probably alert him. And if I just stay here than they'll probably notice me. Hmm, what to do?"


Location: On Rin's shoulder, about to hop off and approach Sargon quietly

Company: Rin, Yukio, Mizuki, Hotaru, Sargon

Action: Going to approach Sargon

Kuro furrowed his brow at the Demon and leapt off of Rin's shoulder before he and Hotaru walked off, then he cautiously approached Sargon.

'Who are you...?' he asked Sargon, stopping quite a distance away from him, just to be safe.


Nyxianforeigner said:
Yukio watched the two silently. He hadnt had anything to say yet so he let Rin and the others speak as he then turmed to start off for the Cram School building, he needednto check in, otherwise Mephisto would have a word with him. "Rin, once your done with your little chat fest, I suggest you report for class."
Rin O.

Location: Bridge connection the main building to his and Yukio's dorm vicinity

Company: Hotaru (and Mizuki if she is unpaused)

Action: Heading to class.

Rin acknowledged Yukio and narrowed his eyes with annoyance, waving him off. "Yeah yeah, whatever, Yukio," he dismissed his younger brother carelessly. He continued walking and talking with Hotaru, waiting for her response to his previous question.

@Nyxianforeigner, @DopeJackalope

Location:Near the cafe

Status: Hungry and intrigued

Staring down at the Cat Sidhe as he was approaching him, Sargon waits until Kuro questioned him before speaking." Why, I'm the Boogeyman, course! You know, the one who dwells under your bed! The one who hides in your closet! The one who devours children! Who else would I be?!"


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